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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Arturo puts his feet on the ground still sitting on the bed. "Not if I'm that pathetic. Getting trapped onto the ground like that." he said to him bluntly but their wasn't much strength in his voice.

@Tj Pomroy
  • ιѕαηηα ¢αℓωуη | ι¢є gσ∂ ѕℓαуєя

    тнє ι¢є мαι∂єη σƒ ƒαιяу тαιℓ

    Sora, the Windrunner | Sky Dragon Slayer

    Current Alias: "Eagle"

    Location: City Streets, Sabertooth Guild Hall

    Collaboration between InfinitiesLover and Lexielai

"I agree." Isanna said. "I tried helping as many people as a I could while you finished the last one off, but there wasn't much I could besides keep more damage from happening." she explained.

Sighing she looked over at the older girl she was helping. "Oh," she said, realizing she hadn't given her her name. "I'm Isanna, or Isa if you want." she introduced herself.

"Hn," Eagle grunted in acknowledgement, a little tired and too lazy to give a proper response. "Good work then; some of the mages I know wouldn't even bother."

It might not have been lost on her than the green-haired wizard didn't deign it worthy to give the other her name.

Smiling, Isanna nodded. "Thanks," she said before glancing around the area. "Yeah, some people just don't care about the people." she sighed. "They just want the money that comes with finishing a job."

Sighing again, she shook her head slightly, before forcing the sad thoughts away. "So, am I going to learn your name?" she asked, her tone teasing. "Or should I just refer to you as 'the green haired girl'? Or instead of girl, 'the green haired wizard'?"

Eagle looked away from Isanna to disguise her expression, a small, but quickly surpressed, smile. "Just call me Eagle," she said, trying her best to sound as indifferent as possible. On the inside she snickered a little.

'Green-haired girl eh,' she reflected, imagining all the people that had called her just that, 'Suppose it's an apt description after all.'

Chuckling slightly, Isanna nodded, her smile a bit wider. "Alright then Eagle." she agreed. "Though I'm going to take a wild guess and say that that isn't your real name." she commented, thinking about how she phrased her introduction, for lack of a better word.

"Of course you don't have to tell me anything. I was just making an observation." she added, not wanting to make Eagle feel like she had to explain or deny anything. "Sometimes I can be a bit curious."

To her credit, Eagle didn't make a snarky comment while the younger girl rambled on. "No, it's not my name," she begrudingly admitted. The woman wouldn't have said that in normal circumstances, but today her ego had taken a significant bruising-- it wasn't in the mood for a further beating right now. "I don't mind curiosity; I'm curious about the world myself.

"But, there's some things you just don't want to know."

By this point Eagle wasn't really talking to the other girl anymore. Instead, she was simply voicing her thoughts out loud...whether the wizard was supposed to or not.

Isanna nodded, already knowing what she was talking about. "Yeah, sometimes there are things that you just shouldn't bother with." she muttered, a harsh chuckle escaping her.

"My curiosity is what got me here." she said, just wanting to talk. Though she wasn't entirely sure why she was starting to bring this up, she continued. "No one in my family has magic. They hated magic actually." she explained. "But for some reason there were a few old books about magic in the library.

"I'm a God-Slayer, we don't really have teachers to explain to us how everything works." she muttered. "Found a book, learned some magic, and end up getting kicked out onto the streets." she laughed, though it wasn't a pleasant sound.

"Sometimes curiosity bites."

In this instance, Eagle's morbid curiosity got the best of her. She listened to Isanna's story, frowning almost unnoticably at some moments. "These parents of yours...why would they do that?"

The older girl was genuinely confused. 'What sort of parent would throw out their own child?'

"It's one thing to hate magic, but another to abandon your kid," she growled, quite unimpressed. "Whoever these people are...I wouldn't call them parents."

Eagle suddenly stopped in the middle of the road. She surprised herself with how much she was sharing with this stranger, somehow expressing deep feelings with someone she just met.

The green-haired woman shook it off, returning into a steady pace with the young teen. 'God knows what I'd do to have parents,' she mentally confessed, '...and that man doesn't count.'

Isanna shrugged, not sure what exactly she should say. Yes, her parents had been a bit messed up, but for the most part they were fine. She sighed, scratching the back of her head.

"I'm not really sure exactly of the details," she started. "But I know that anyone that practiced or supported magic were cast out."

"My family was part of the upper class, though low on the scale of importance. The Calwyn's were pretty well-known, if anything for their hatred in magic. I never really understood why, but I just went with it." she shrugged. "When I was five I was wandering the library and found some old books."

"I couldn't read them yet, even if I was a bit smarter than other kids my age, so I took them and hid them in my room. I ended up forgetting about them until I was ten years old." she sighed. "I'm assuming that one of my grandparents or someone had an incident with magic, and as the Head of the Family, declared anything to do with magic would be destroyed, but that's just an assumption."

"It took me two years to learn what was in the books, and even then I was still having some trouble. But it was on my twelfth birthday that my mother found out. She forced me to show her what I could do, and as part of the Head Family, I was promptly tossed out. Didn't offer an explanation and I didn't ask." she said, before thinking of something. "Honestly though, I doubt I'd have stayed even if they didn't kick me out.

"Having every detail of your life planned out isn't very fun."

"Yes," Eagle concurred, reminiscing how that statement eerily applied to herself just a few years beforehand, "I suppose it isn't."

By now they had reached the guild hall's gates, standing just outside the metal and wood door. Isanna and Eagle stood there in an awkward lull, unsure of how to proceed. Ultimately, it was the green-haired girl that broke the silence.

"This is your stop," Eagle said, beginning to turn away. "While it was nice to meet you...it's probably best if we never met again."

They stared at each other there, facing off in front of Sabertooth. The wind rustled their hair as orange light bathed the front gates in a magnificent glow. The two remained there for a few moments, ice blue orbs silently understanding emerald green.

Frowning slightly, Isanna away from Eagle's eyes and up at the building looming above them. Remaining that way for a few moments, she finally sighed before glancing back at her companion. "Where are you going then?" she asked. "If not inside?"

It seemed a bit weird to the younger girl that she would be helping out but not staying. "And what does that mean? 'It's probably best if we never met again?'" she quoted.

The older woman glanced off to the setting sky, trying to form an adequate response. "I'll find a place to stay," she explained, eyes examining some of the trees and alleys around. One them would do. "And as for my meaning..." she drawled out, once again looking towards the appearing stars. She smiled.

"Well, Some things you just don't wanna know."

  • "Orange" = Sora

    "Teal" = Isanna

@Kinesthetics @MythsAreRealLoveGem @Infinities Lover @Bills352 @OverlyIntricateLove @igneel @RebelliousTeddyBear
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Archdemon heard some noise outside and he wanted to hear the speech he went out to make sure it wasn't anything bad. When he got outside he saw a girl who he didn't know so he decided to speak to her. Arch walked up to the girl and spoke "Um hello are you here for the meeting?" He asked her.

"Um, hello, are you here for the meeting?"

Eagle took a glance at the sudden outburst from nearby. A man approached, his violet, gravity-defying air swaying in the wind. He didn't seem like a threat, considering his hesitant language.

"No," she snapped, flat out denying the other. Normally the girl wouldn't have been so curt, or rude, but she just experienced some of the most tiring two days of her life-- neither of which she had time to sleep, mind you. On second thought, she'd probably have been like that anyways just to keep people away.

Either way, the stern glare she leveled at the intruder screamed 'If you keep talking, I'll kill you.' The same type of glare that signified an irate, grumpy female that no man would dare slight.

With a humph, Eagle turned and left the man behind with a rude (but well-meaning!) rejection. She really wanted to sleep, damnit!


ιѕαηηα ¢αℓωуη | ι¢є gσ∂ ѕℓαуєя

тнє ι¢є мαι∂єη σƒ ƒαιяу тαιℓ

Location - Sabertooth Guild Hall

Frowning at Eagle's town, she tried not to laugh slightly at her glare. It was quite impressive. Very impressive actually. She sighed, before looking over at the newcomer. While she was slightly annoyed that her and Eagle's conversation had been interrupted, she knew he meant well, and most likely didn't deserve to be threatened or glared at like that.

She smiled slightly at the man in apology. "Sorry about her," she said. "She's just a bit tired, been very busy." she explained.

As she turned to go after Eagle, she paused. "Ahh, about that meeting...Hopefully I'll be back?" she said, tossing up the option in the air. At this point, she wasn't quite sure. While the meeting was important, surely someone could fill her in later....Since she really wanted to go after Eagle. Tossing another smile to the man, she decided. "I'm Isanna Calwyn of Fairy Tail." she told him. "It should be fairly easy to find me if needed." she called as she ran after the other girl who was walking away.

"Eagle!" she called out. "Wait up!"

@Archdemon @Lexielai
Arch nodded and he just stood against the wall so they he may wait for the girl and listen to the meeting as well.

@Infinities Lover
Dusty sniffed the air, and tensed. He smelled magic, and a very familiar kind, if not the exact magic. He breathed deep through his nose, trying to make sure his nose wasn't fooling him. He probably looked like a dog, but he didn't care. He stood up, turning to Rae and nodding. "Thanks for the healing. Sorry, but when I use too much magic ability, it takes a lot out of my physical health." He turned to Sky after addressing Rae, shrugging. "I'll be right back. Sorry." He walked briskly towards the entrance to the Guild Hall, where a man he hadn't noticed before was addressing two girls standing there. The first girl, which he noticed was Eagle, yelled at the man and stalked off. The one who he could only assume was the God Slayer he sniffed out turned and called after her. He groaned and walked past the man, following the pair. He was suspicious of Eagle. He feared she was a spy, since she had been sneaking around in the ceiling of Sabertooth, and that this other girl was someone who knew her. Maybe following them would put him at ease, so he followed them the quietest and best he could, sticking a little ways away so he wouldn't be noticed, and following them by scent.

Archdemon saw the kid and notice him following the two girls and he grabbed the kid "Hey why're you following them?" Arch was kind and that is why he stopped him from following them.

Dusty felt the hand on his shoulder and looked back at the man. He looked forwards again as he could smell the scent getting fainter. He growled and turned to the man, arms crossed. "I have no idea who you are in the slightest, so I shouldn't trust you." He narrowed his eyes. "But that girl with the green hair was found before sneaking around on some of the beams in the Guild Hall. I want to find out if she works as a spy for Echidna, and if the girl she brought with her is an accomplice with her. I know it's pretty paranoid of me, but I can't shake the feeling as we already had so much happen already. So, if you'll excuse me." He turned and started to walk down the street again. Before the man would have a chance to stop him again, he ducked into an alleyway and ran, weaving his way through streets until he was sure he wasn't followed by him. He looked around and and sniffed the air, once again trying to track down where the pair had left to.

Sara sighed, looking around the Guild hall. The one they call "Dusty" just ran out , while other wizards were sprinkled around tables, having their own conversation. Some didn't even show up..
"No wonder Sergei didn't show up..There is no way we'd be able to do anything when we are this dis-organized. We are doomed." She was thinking why she even came here in the first place, but quickly, the reason popped up into her mind. The Dark Guild Echidna.

"Okay, seeing as nobody has anything to say, I'll start off. We have a few problems we are facing right now if I understand correctly. One. Echidna has a huge cannon capable of destroying an entire Guild with 1 shot. Two. Their base is flying high up in the air. I doubt any of us could reach it by ourselves. We need some sort of special way to get inside, but I really have no clue how we can get that. Three. There will be people in their base, and we have no idea exactly what their skills or powers are. That could mean life or death for any one of us. Hearing this, does anybody know anything that could possibly help us out?"

Sara crossed her arms and looked at everybody in the room. She wasn't sure whether they would respect her or not, but with Sergei out of the picture for now, they had no choice.
"Look, I know you don't know me, but I am a good woman. I have my very own guild that I watch over, so I know what I am doing. If any one of you are in trouble, I will be the first one there to protect you. That I promise. So tell me, how can we pull together and take down Echidna? We need a plan."
Kero sat at a table and listened to sara talk and when she heard that they needed away to get to get to echidna kero said out loud " actually there is a way to get there..." she said looking at sara.

" I dont know the whole story.... but while my friend lara was fighting the golem and geis the person who sent them she got sucked into the portal that he used to escape.... and then a few minutes later she came out and said that he gave a larcrima that opens up a portal to echidna.... the orb can be used three times... she used it once to escape. The other two times we can use to get in to attack and get out after we're done with the place..."


Sara clapped her hands and gave the little animal a huge smile. "That is wonderful news! So, at least now we have a way to get inside and then back out. Tell your master I'm going to give her a BIG hug when we meet. But I am still confused...why would someone give her a Lacrima to help us?...No matter, I bet we will find out soon enough. Thank you little guy."

She wanted so bad to hug and pet the little monster, but no, now was the time to be serious.
"Okay, now that we have a way of getting inside, what are we going to do about that cannon and the Echidna members hiding inside?"

" why dont we just go in and take them out? We can break up into teams. One team can break up into pair and take ou the members and other can go to the area and take ou the control to the cannon" kero suggested.

Arch was paying close attention to whoever was talking and thought 'Interesting an orb that can summon a portal to Echidna huh.' He decided to walk inside after a bit now curious to whoever was talking and was listening to every detail, he wish to contribute but he didn't know anything about a cannon so he didn't say anything about that and he will talk but he rather not interrupt anything so he let them talk. 'Once their done talking I shall speak about the orb, I must learn how it works!' He thought to himself. He was excited about the orb more than anything.
Geis signaled Echidna's forces forward. They saluted and started to climb onto the golems, all of which were silver. The golems marched onto the portal and startefd to drop out from the sky.

Wow. This furry little thing was smart! Sara laughed and nodded at what it said. "Yes. that would be a good idea if --" Suddenly the ground shook and she knew something was wrong. Something felt really wrong. "Everybody, prepare yourselves!"


(Off to bed<---)
Archdemon felt the ground shook and he instantly knew it was trouble, once he heard the words "Prepare yourself!" He unsheathed his giant sword Burning steel and he went outside and saw golems falling from the sky with people on them "This must be the dark guild Echidna" he told himself he used his magic to cast a shield aura around his body, the aura shield was purple but it could deflect any blow magical or physical but once hit the shield is gone.
Lara was about to head back since two hours have passed when she felt the ground shake. She looked at the sky and cursed under her breath " are you kidding me?!?!" She coated her feet in wind magic and dashed over back to the city.

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