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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Sky signed, "oh no, not again!" She ran outside and saw silver golems falling from the sky. Great, just when I thought there were no more of these things, sky thought to herself and use her magic to lift herself in the air, ready to do whatever she can to stop the golems. Now where are all the people?! She looked around as she hovered in the air.

' this is bad.... no one the weakness of these golems except me!!' " shit...." as she ran lara re-equiped her dual guns. When she the first golem. 4 magic circles appeared and she shoot 4 shot simultaneously at the golem's joints which stopped it and destroyed it.
Kaito stood up from the chair and prepared to attack 'more golems? he thought. Kaito awaited fr one of the golems to attack him in the mean time he placed his cards in a circle around his body to charge up his lightning magic to extreme levels "my true power" he said grinning.
( * )- Vitia was soon standing infront of the Sabertooth Guildhall with his umbrella above his head in his right hand and a relaxed look on his face. It was about noon and the guildhall looked to be better than his. .All the while he pretty much had no idea what was going on around here. He just knew that it was a water dragon slayer in the area and he wanted to find the mage. It took him a while to get here but the Water Dragon Slayer Mage's scent was last felt at this location. .As Vitia was about to take another step to the entrance he heard the wind change as his ear twitched ever so slightly.

The male grunted abit as he heard the sound of something large hit the ground causing it to vibrate under his feet. .Vitia stood there for a second before sighing and turning around. .He really didn't feel like being dragged into a fight but it was unavoidable from the looks of it. . .He noticed that these large mechanical beings were dropping from the sky like " Angels " from the havens. .taking a closer look he noticed that they were more metal Golems. . .

Vitia does not know what is going on but He does not want anything to do with it!

Vitia spoke with a " Girlly " like Italian Accent. It was his first language right after English. Which he still wasn't very good at. .he only learned it because he really like the people of the Raven Tail guild he was in and he would do anything for them. .even if it meant learning a new language. After he finished speaking a mage on the back of one of the Golems shot a lightening spell at his Umbrella and fried it. .Vitia didn't move or flinch because he didn't think they were stupid enough to attack him. .He looked at his Umbrella and then back at the Mage who fried it. .He tossed his Umbrella down on the ground as he stepped foward.

Vitia's mother gave him that Umbrella before he joined the Raven Tail guild!. .

Vitia was obviously angry as the man on the back of the Golem Laughed. .Vitia's rage surround his body as his dark colored Water God slayer Magic. The Ground started to shake as Vitia grunted abit. As he planted his feet on the ground his expression changed to a more darker demeanor as he jumped into the air. Vitia pointed his left index finger like a gun at the golem as he stopped in mid-air. It was a slight smirk on his lips as he said " Water God Slayer Magic: God's Cannon". It was the crackling sound of his shot destroying the Sound barrier as it instantly flew right through the Golem also through the mage and into the Ground leaving a burnt mark as the Golem Fell to it's feet. Vitia Started to extended his right index finger and started firing off at 10 other golems all of which fell the exact same way. As Vitia landed on the Ground,both his hands were covered in his water god slayer magic. The dark purple tint color of them and the angry look on his face as he noticed more Golems were coming. Vitia's Raven Tail Mark on his neck glared it's dark purple tint as a sign that he was fully prepared for the next wave of them. -( * )

" For the Raven Tail! "

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: City Streets

*Whoosh! Splat!* A ball of sand whizzed by Carrie's head, slamming into the wall beside her, breaking apart into a million-grain spray of minuscule crystals. Crystals that happened to fall all over Carrie's face. Irritated and slightly confused, she whizzed around, trying to pinpoint where the darn thing came from. It was the one covered in dust..laughing with a big grin, a grin like he enjoyed torturing little children. What a jerk. He did it on purpose! Afterwards, he had the audacity to ask how Ryos was. "He'll be fine. He just needs to rest. But you can be sure once he wakes up, I'm going to tell him what you just did." Dust-man just grunted and left without a word, joining a nearby table full of SaberTooth mages. How rude can one person be?

"OKAY! THAT'S ENOUGH! WE ARE GOING TO START THE MEETING!" "Sergio is too busy crying in his room, so as the only other Guildmaster here, I will start and handle things for now."

Sara. was speaking now. Sara Iskar; the Guildmaster of Mermaid Heel. It was she who had visited Carrie's favorite spot on the beach so many times, trying to recruit her as a member to Mermaid Heel. It was a place where I would be protected, a place where girls could go and finally feel safe. But by that time Lamia Scale had already grown on the Water dragon-Slayer, so leaving was never a thought that cross her mind. Sara seemed like she would be a good master though. Even if she was a bit mean sometimes..there was a caring heart in there somewhere.

Carrie stood there and listened, as a small animal began talking to Sara about an orb "Lara" received, after she was accidentally sent inside the Echidna's floating base.
Huh? So this person just gave her the Lacrima and let her go? For free? That just doesn't make sense! But it seemed to be the truth. No one had any other choice but to believe it. Kero, she thinks its name was, continued on suggesting a plna to take care of the cannon and the enemies inside, but it was suddenly interrupted by a mass of loud crashes, coming from outside the Guild Hall. No, no, no! Not when we just started figuring out what to do! Twenty seconds later, Carrie was outside, eyes scanning the alleyways to confirm whether her suspicions were correct or not. They were. Way up high into the sky, were hundreds of golems plunging towards the earth, with what looked like people dressed in black, sitting on their backs. "It's like they declared war on us," Carrie breathed. "We have to do something!"

It was then that she heard something utterly incomprehensible: " Water God Slayer Magic: God's Cannon". WHAT! That was water magic! But nothing that I know of or can do myself...what is going on? Down the street she saw it, another mage, shooting out jets of water from his finger, blowing apart golems and sending them flying. She sniffed in deep through her nose, trying to catch exactly what this guy was. He smells like me but...a little different..Carrie stood out in the open, dumb-founded and confused at the new arrival, but had to switch attention back to the metal monsters falling from above. I'll have to find out about him later. For now I need to concentrate. Maybe he's a friend? Ah. Focus, focus. Okay, I can't kill these things, but at least I can knock them back faaaar away from here.

"Sea Dragon's Spit!" Sapphire magic circles appeared in front of her mouth, as she spat high-speed bullets of water, aimed towards the golems in the air. *Tink, Zing, Tink, Tink, Zing*. The Water Dragon-Slayer was furious a few targets were missed, but a majority of the bullets hit their mark, keeping away the invaders from making it anywhere near Sabertooth. The watery assault continued to proceed, but one eye of course, we always kept on the nearby water user; trying to see exactly what he could do.


Lara ducked from the an attack the golem sent at her. Another one appeared behund her and tried to stab her. She jumped up in the air and the golem behind ended up stabbing the golem in front of her. ' that was close!!' Another one appearedbin front of her and punched her into the ground. She rolled out of the way when it tried to stab her ' how the hell am I taking on two?!?!"


As soon as she heard the rumbles, kero transformed in her leopard form and used speed magic to dash of to lara.

Arch ran up to a golem and slashed diagonally on its chest but even with his powerful sword and immense strength he only just scratched it. It's swung it's fist towards Arch but arch was quicker than the silver creature and he dodged the blow. Arch saw water magic as he heard "Sea Dragon's spit!" And the golem he was fighting was hit and it staggered giving him an opening to strike it again. As he slashed it again it yielded the same results as last time. So he backed up and yelled "Flame Spears!" And four Spears of pure fire floated above him as he hurled them into the golem and they did damaged it a little. 'How the hell are we suppose to destroy these things when we don't even know their weakness!' He thought to himself as he was getting more frustrated by each failed attack.


Dusty watched four golems and mages land in front of him. He growled. He wasn't in the mood to fight anybody. His arms turned into stone, and he jumped at the nearest golem and mage pair. He first kicked the mage off the golem, sending him rocketing into a nearby building. He landed on the head of the golem and quickly slammed the creatures skull, if it had one, in. He turned and clapped his hands together, sand whirling around his arms. "Sand Cannon!" A burst of high speed sand shot at the remaining mages, throwing them a ways off, and then he turned his attention back to the golems. One charged at him, throwing its fist. He held up his hand and caught the attack, then flipping it onto its head, smashing it. He turned to the other two golems and jumped, clotheslining the mages and tripping the golems. He crushed their heads with his foot and then turned to watch water fly out from the front of Sabertooth, hitting multiple golems that were descending from the sky. He groaned, then started to sprint off to the Guild Hall.

He hadn't noticed the golem in the alleyway, and it slammed its fist into his side, sending him propelling into a nearby wall. He felt his back slam into the wall, then fall and slam his face on the ground. He was dazed for a moment, bu shook himself out of it and ran forwards, staying low. He ducked between the creature's legs, making a clean getaway down the alley. He burst out into the other street and ran to the Guild Hall. Sure enough, it was Cassie, the girl who he had tossed sand at before. He groaned. If she had meant that she would tattle to Ryos about it, he would have to apologize. He saw another mage a little ways away, shooting water as well. He sniffed, and scowled. '
God Slayer'. Dusty just waved it off and ran towards Cassie. "Listen. Sorry for what I did. I meant to be funny. I do that to a lot of people in Blue Pegasus. Just wanted to straighten that out." He shrugged, then turned and clapped his hands together. "Sand Spear!" He threw it at an Echidna mage, hitting him and sending him flying off the golem. He smiled. "Bullseye."

He saw the golems land farther away, and decided he should probably take care of them. He turned and smiled wickedly. "
If you're gonna knock those guys away from the Guild, aim for where most of them are landing, which would be over there." He pointed to where a cluster of golems landed, behind a couple buildings. " I need to get a little more training in before we face Echidna." He ran off, not waiting for a response from Cassie. His blood was boiling, itching for a fight. He found where most of the mages and golems had landed, and stepped confidently out towards them, cracking his knuckles, smiling like a madman. "You all are gonna have a really bad day now. Hope you understand that." He started to run at them, his fists swinging.
( * ) - The male's eyes looked to the right as a mage on the back of one of the golems shot a fire spell in his direction. He calmly leaned his head to the right as the fire spell shot right past the left side of his head. Vitia then aimed at the mage's forehead with his right index finger and shot a lighter shot in the center of his head as he fell to the ground knocked out. He wasn't dead just knock-out. .Infact, all the mage's riding the golems that he destroyed were laying on the ground unconscious. Vitia wasn't a killer unless it was completely necessary. the male was sense shocked when he smelt the Water Dragon Slayer Magic again. Then he looked in it's direction and noticed. . .It was a female. . . He then looked over and noticed two other Mages in the area. .They were fighting the Golems aswell so they must be friendly. But it looked as if they couldn't break through their armor like him. . .It's metal. .Vitia Figured if he hit it hard enough it'll break through. .So far it's been working.

Vitia ducked down as one of the Golems swung an armored fist at him and as he was down he aimed his right index finger at the thing's head. He saw the Machine look back at him before he shot it's head off and rolled out the way to his left. Vitia then dashed forward heading toward the Water Dragon slayer user as he glanced in time to see a mage on the back of a Golem fire a shot of wind magic at him causing him to fly through a brick wall with a crash of rubble falling on his lap. Vitia was inside of someone's home laying in the wreckage of a wooden table before he looked up noticing the mage was about to fire again. .luckly no one was in the home. -( * )

" Water God Slayer Magic: Water God's Shield! "

( * )- As the wind shot toward him a dark purple magic symbol appeared infront of Vitia blocking the attack as it shatter dust everywhere. .when his shield died down,Vitia quickly dashed through the hole he made with the smoke as cover and ran toward the Golem before the mage or the golem even knew he survived it. He then jumped on the Golem and sucker punched the Mage off. the Golem tired to reach for it's back but couldn't. .this was it's blind spot from the looks of it. Vitia's dark liquid cover hands saw an opening in it's head where the armor didn't quite connect. He then sliced through it with his hand as if it was a blade cutting its head off. Vitia then jumped off the thing landing on the Mage's stomach, knocking him out, as the Golem blew into bits. Vitia was standing on the dark mage as he stepped off and brushed his clothing down. it was covered in dust. Vitia looked over at the water dragon slayer and smiled as he turned his attention to the Golems. It was so many of them. -( * )


Lara used wind magic to get some distance. She then used her guns and aimed the joints again and fired which destroyed and immobilized the I. The golem that was next to came running at her. She quickly aimed and fired at it's joints as well. Another one appeared behind her with a sword and brought it down on her. She was planning on blocking it with her sheild but instead kero moved her out of the way.
Arch then said "Flame spray!" And he heated up the golem to extreme temperatures and he used his Dogin magic to mimic a water spell. He yelled "Dogin Mimic Water spray!" And he cooled the golem and saw that it's armor cracked a lot he then slashed the golem and it broke apart with the slash. The Mage on top fell and was unconscious and arch devised a new strategy as he did the same thing over and over but he didn't see a golem behind him as it hit him across the battlefield the blow would have been fatal if it wasn't for his aura shield. He landed next to a girl who was using water magic. His sword was still in his hand but he was on the ground.

Rae smirked laughing a magical laugh as he ran outside. Before attacking he studied the others, sand water and smoke everywhere. He noticed a girl Lara he thinks her name was attack the golem's joints effectively destroying it,while another make was slashing and having No luck. "So their weakness is there joints eh?" Rae smirked "Zeus" he said his transformation ensuing, once it finished he raised his hands "Wrath of The thundergod " he said in a hushed tone as clouds gathered in the sky thunder rumbling. A moment layer lightning sprayed from the sky taking down a platoon of Golem's and their mages "Attack the joints, the joints " he yelled as loudly as he cpuld
"Kero!" Lara yelled as she got back on her feet. The two split up and dodged an attack from then golem. "The joints aim for the joints!" She said to her. 4 light circles appeared and lasers shotnout of them and hit the joints on the golem. Lara ducked from a swing, while she kept this one busy kero shot the joints to destroy it
After several minutes of charging his power, a golden aura appeared around his body, he slowly walked outside and a golem jumped in front of him and hit him in the stomach, he took it without moving an inch he punched it in the head, it fell to the floor without fighting back. Kaito smiled "I'm Back" he said.
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  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: City Streets

"Yes!," Carrie yelled with fervor. One of the water bullets had just hit a golem, giving a wizard dressed in black and using fire a chance to get in a hit. "You're welcome." she yelled at him with thumbs-up. Even though the attack came out of nowhere, things were starting to look good. Mages from different guilds were working together, and it looked like they were finally getting the upper hand in the battle against Echidna's soldiers. Tap-tap-tap. Someone was running towards her...someone heavy by the sounds it...and someone dusty from the smell of it. Not to any surprise, it was Dusty, the Blue Pegasus wizard.

"Listen. Sorry for what I did. I meant to be funny. I do that to a lot of people in Blue Pegasus. Just wanted to straighten that out." After taking out an enemy he continued, "If you're gonna knock those guys away from the Guild, aim for where most of them are landing, which would be over there. I need to get a little more training in before we face Echidna." As he was running off, she bellowed, "Aye Captain," with a salute, as he faded away into the distance. She turned herself and starting aiming for where most of the golems were landing. "Sea Dragon's Spit!" Once again, the air rang with booms and twings, as Carrie continued to knock as many as she could out of the sky; and even hit some already on the ground if it was possible. Anything to give Dusty-man a little cover.


I wonder how the....Carrie just look already! She could not lie to herself, she was very interested in this other magic water user. He was doing well on his own, taking out opposing mages without killing them and dissembling the golems they came on. Wow, he doesn't kill them? Even if they're not our friends? I respect that. I don't want to kill either. It seems we have a few things in common...OH! He was hit and sent flying through a wall. I should go help!..But it wasn't needed. " Water God Slayer Magic: Water God's Shield! " What looked like a bluish-purple shield sprang up and blocked a fatal blow heading towards the mysterious mage. Woah. That is some weird magic. It just doesn't look right..Moments later, she caught his eye and he smiled, before turning back to his quarries, looking for more action. Focus! Focus! Now is not the time to be getting caught staring at somebody!

@Mmmischief Banished

*Boom* Somebody landed just an inch away. Hard too. It was the fire mage she had saved a few minutes earlier; the one struggling to cut through the metal golems. Carrie offered a hand to help him up. "Hey there. I don't think we've met but...hello! I wish we could sit and talk for a bit, but you understand the situation right? We have no time to lollygag. Keep using that big sword of yours! I'll try to keep an eye on you wherever you go, and spit some bullets in that area that will hopefully help you out a bit. By the way, my name is Carrie, the Blue Pearl of Lamia Scale."


"Attack the joints! Aim for the joints!" The voices would have been barely audible to a normal person, but to a Dragon-Slayer, they were loud and clear. The joints huh? So that's the weak spot then! *KRAKOWW!* She couldn't beleive what just happened. Lightning bolts from the sky crashed down and wiped out a whole platoon of soldiers running around the city. Oh my God! That is some extravagant magic! Powerful too! It's source was one of the wizards yelling to attack the joints, a mage she glimpsed i the Guild Hall before but never got to know. I definitely have to tell Ryos about that when he wakes up..that was just unbelievable. Carrie froze for a moment as she fell into deep thought. So many powerful wizards around gathered in one place. It feels like this is some kind of Fairy Tail. Echidna has noo idea what they got themselves into..

@Angel Evans

Off in the distance there was a girl with a gun, shooting at golems in the joints, blowing them apart into pieces. Huh? I've never seen her before? But something familiar was running around her heels giving her assistance. It was the cute little animal Kero she's seen around the hall. But..it was a leopard now. It transforms... Oh my goodness! So cool! And I think its master was the other person yelling, giving us information on their weakness. So its that girl that has the lacrima that can get us into the Echidna base then! She has been such a big help! I should give her something as a thank you! But that will have to wait until we finish this. All I can do for now, is just spit at some golems in her area too and hope I get lucky and hit one.


As Carrie was breathing hard and getting tired from using up so much of her magic in such a short time, a magician wrapped in lightning walked out of the Guild Hall, seemingly ready to enter into the fight. She turned and yelled at him saying: "It's about time you bum! While you were busy playing with your little cards, these things were kicking our butts. You better be as good as I hope. We need some serious fire-power here!"

Arch accepted her hand and was pulled up "Thanks! My name is Lance but I mostly go by the name Archdemon or Arch and I'm just a wonderer!"He told her as he summoned another aura Shield on himself and had placed one on Carrie "Here this shall protect you from any blow fatal or not but once your hit it's gone." He summoned more fire spears and shot them at different golems piercing their joints and destroying them. He thought that he should stay a distance away from the golems and he thought it was more effective to shot the joints rather than slash them. One of the mages riding a golem shot some type of magic at Carrie and Arch yelled "Flame wall!" Which deflected the attack.

Lara shot the golem down again and another one appeared behind her ' they just keep coming!' She blocks the sword with a sheild and luka shot the joints from behind. Another golem appeared in front of her and tried to hit her. But kero moved her out of the way. " I feel like they are targeting me...." lara said to kero. " no they cant be..." kero said " ot is possible.... that they know..."
Dusty took out another mage, knocking him unconscious and tossing him to the side. He was covered in dirt and sweat, but was having the time of his life. More golems and mages landed around him, charging at him, launching spells and the like at him. 'The golems aren't affected by magic, but the mages are. So...' He sucked in air. "Roar of the Earth Dragon!" His mouth opened, and his Roar was aimed at a cluster of mages closeby. They tried to dodge it, but he managed to hit a majority of the group. He smiled, then felt something cold creeping up his leg. He looked down to see ice forming on his left leg. He growled, then saw a few mages on the rooftops of the surrounding buildings. He narrowed his eyes. 'What are they...?' His eyes opened wide. They all had spell aimed at him. He tried to pull his leg free, but it was frozen stuck. He growled. This was powerful magic. He clapped his hands together. 'Too late to go down now.'

The magic power in the surrounding area intensified. Rocks started to gravitate towards Dusty. "
Forbidden Dragon Slayer Art..." Rocks started to merge around his body. The mages launched their magic straight at him. "Hide of the Earth Dragon!" As the magic approached, the rocks chipped away into his human-dragon looking armor. He couldn't see, but he felt the attacks smash and slam into his Hide. He jostled around inside, his teeth chattering. When it stopped shaking, he opened his eyes. Through the small slit in his armor for his eyes, he saw dust and smoke surrounding him.

The armor fell apart around him, and he waved away the smoke in front of him. He lazily looked up at the stunned faces of the Echidna members. He laughed. "
My turn." He clapped his hands together. Sand started to mix and spin around his hands and arms. He started to spin, his arms stretched out to his sides. "Sand Twister!" As the sand stretched out, crashing into the Echidna members, twisting them into a tornado of sand. He gradually stopped spinning, the members falling around him, noticeably knocked out. He smiled at his work, then turned to the golems that remained. He picked up a rock from nearby, chewing on it, replenishing his energy. "You guys won't be a problem." He ran at them, taking them out with more ease than before. His heart was racing, and he laughed, arms outstretched. "I feel alive!" He smiled as more troops landed around him. "You don't know when to give up, Echidna mages. You're facing the Monster of the Earth!" He jumped at the first group, his arm raised to take them all out.
  • ιѕαηηα ¢αℓωуη | ι¢є gσ∂ ѕℓαуєя

    тнє ι¢є мαι∂єη σƒ ƒαιяу тαιℓ

    Sora, the Windrunner | Sky Dragon Slayer

    Current Alias: "Eagle"

    Location - Sabertooth Guild Hall, Rooftop

    Collaboration between Infinities Lover and Lexielai

The night before the fight...

As she turned to go after Eagle, she paused. "Ahh, about that meeting...Hopefully I'll be back?" she said, tossing up the option in the air. At this point, she wasn't quite sure. While the meeting was important, surely someone could fill her in later....Since she really wanted to go after Eagle. Tossing another smile to the man, she decided. "I'm Isanna Calwyn of Fairy Tail." she told him. "It should be fairly easy to find me if needed." she called as she ran after the other girl who was walking away.

"Eagle!" she called out. "Wait up!"

Limping down the street, the aforementioned Eagle sent an annoyed look towards her new acquaintance.

"What are you doing?" she hissed, looking none to pleased. "I thought I gave you this whole speech about 'never meeting again,' yeah?"

From the way she threw her hands up in the air, Eagle's frustration with Isanna was pretty clear. She told people to stay away, not to keep coming!

Hiding her small smile was hard, but Isanna couldn't help it. She thought it was funny how Eagle had just expected her to just up and forget about her. That, obviously, wasn't going to happen.

"What am I doing?" she asked, a teasing tone in her voice. "Well, right now, I'm following you!" she announced, clapping her hands once. Her partner sweatdropped at that. Isanna then pursed her lips, thinking about Eagle's second 'question'.

"Weeellllll," the raven-haired girl drawled out. "You did say something about forgetting you, but I think I stopped listening," she said, pretending to think about it.

"Yup!" she announced after a moment. "I stopped listening," she chirped with a bright smile.

Eagle slowly shut her unhinged jaw back into place, her eye twitching at Isanna's antics. She sighed, slapping her face straight into her open palm. "You...are impossible."

Deliberately looking up at the younger girl with a snail-like pace, she frowned when their eyes met. Miffed, Eagle asked, "And how long are you going to be following me?"

Smirking slightly, Isanna couldn't help but enjoy what was going on. She was just having so much fun, seeing Eagle's reactions! "Well, I'm not sure really." she responded honestly. "There's just something...." she trailed off, trying to think of a way to phrase what she felt.

Sighing she shrugged. "There's just something about you. You seem different from many people I've met," she tried to explain. "It might just be my curiosity, but I just don't want to forget the person standing in front of me."

Twitching her eye more fervently this time, Eagle resigned herself at this point. It wasn't like she had enough strength to run away, so it looked like she'd have to deal with Isanna for the night. "Fine," she spat.

Arriving near the entrance to the town's market, Eagle took a sudden turn into one of the alleyways by the side. Examining the dirty, soggy, and trash-littered backstreet, she easily found what she was looking for: a weathered and rusty fire escape placed alongside the hotel next door.

Smiling as the older girl gave in to her demands, Isanna followed her, continuously glancing around the area. As Eagle turned into the alley, Isanna blinked, slightly confused. Though she followed, starting to understand a bit when her companion started climbing up the fire escape.

Once Eagle was up far enough, giving her enough room, she quickly started climbing up after her.

Rising up past the few stories of the hotel, the pair soon reached the top. It was a typical roof for the most part, with the slanted tiles characteristic of its counterparts; however, what made this roof different was the space they were currently in. A flat square, surrounded by wooden walls, furnished with a couple benches and a variety of plants that made it into a garden of sorts.

Jumping onto the flat concrete, Eagle checked that the door leading to this haven was locked for the night. Then, once everything looked clear, she unceremoniously plopped down on a bench.

Lying on her back, the older wizard noticed Isanna following her example, though sitting and admiring the array of plants.

As Eagle settled down onto her bench, Isanna let her gaze wander from her perch on a second bench. Looking at the different plants, she shot the other girl a glance before continuing her inspection.

"This place is pretty amazing." she said. "How did you find it?" she asked, her gaze finally settling back on the tired girl.

Eagle shrugged, her hands held behind her head. "I just saw a glimpse of it while I was running around."

"Well, it's amazing," she commented, shooting her a grin.

Sighing slightly, she let herself settle back against the wood behind her. "Well it works." she said with a small laugh. "You know, I'd probably be throwing question after question at you if you didn't look so tired." she smiled.

"You should probably get some sleep. You did most of that fighting earlier right?"

Eyes already half-closed, Eagle quirked an eyebrow at the girl. 'Well, well, seems like she has common sense after all.'

The woman didn't feel particularly threatened to let her guard down around this girl; she seemed harmless for the most part, and if Isanna wanted to kill her she already had dozens of chances to do so.

Turning back to gaze at the now starry night, Eagle felt a small sense of peace come over here as she blissfully drifted off to the lands of ponies and unicorns.

As she watched Eagle start to drift off, Isanna smiled, shifting slightly once again before letting her own eyes close, feeling a bit of tiredness take hold of her. Letting out a deep breath, the raven-haired mage felt herself start to fall into a light sleep.

Throughout the night and into the next day, two teens rested comfortably under the cover of green leaves and the wooden patio's roof, sleeping their exhaustion off to prepare for the next day.

They never knew how much they'd need it.

  • "Orange" = Sora

    "Teal" = Isanna

Arch left the area to see if people were in trouble, he kept destroying golems wherever he can. He arrived in the area where Eagle and her friend where but he did not see them nor does he know they're there. He saw more golems and he summoned more spears of fire destroying their joints by hurling the spears into them. The noise of the battle was loud though which battle isn't loud? Arch wished he could have some backup but when he looked around nobody was there so he was on his own 'Damn golems!' He thought to himself as he blocked magic spears with his flame wall.

@Infinities Lover
"Monster of the Earth indeed," Sky mumbled to herself and laughed quietly, "there's still some golems left huh..." She look around, to see how many was left over, but she couldn't count. "Oi Dusty!" She shouted as she hovers in the air near him, "what's their weak spot?" She grinned, golems are I effected by magic, so that still means that it can still be destroy...physically.


(Sorry >~< been busy lately)
Dusty looks up from the remains of one of the golems he had smashed to bits. He shook his head rapidly, sending dust and dirt flying from his hair. He smiled up at Sky. "Well, I primarily crush their head into pieces, but the joints seem to be a good spot to aim for." He turned around and slammed his foot brutally into the face of an approaching golem. His foot went clean through, the creature crumbling to bits. He wiped sweat from his forehead, examining the remaining foes. More were dropping, keeping him busy. Echidna had a lot of members, and it was getting annoying. And the golems weren't helping his exhaustion either. He sucked it up and kicked a golem in the knee. It fell down so it was eye-level with Dusty, him easily ripping its head off. He dropped it as it crumbled into pieces. He looked down at his hands, still stone and slightly chipped, which meant there would be some raw marks later. He sighed. He had torn the sleeves off of his T-shirt, allowing him to have a little more freedom with his movements. He rubbed his shoulders, feeling the rocky skin. He turned to two mages trying to sneak up on him. He punched both in the gut, letting them fall in a daze in front of him. He huffed air, then looked back up at Sky. "These guys are annoying. I'm fine here, so if you want, you can check to see if anybody wants or needs help. Or..." He felt ice crawl up his leg again. He sighed, breaking free easier than before, and Roaring at the nearby caster. "You can stay here and watch the show." He picked up a rock and quickly swallowed it, his energy returning.

"Well, I'll have to make sure you won't get beat up like last time you fought," Sky flew towards the building near them and landed on the roof, "don't over do it Dusty." She told him. She wasn't sure if he was asp tubal going to listen, if his adoptive father was here, he'll probably listen. "You know sometimes healer don't arrive quickly," she told him then noticed a golem on her left. "Air mpMagic: Aerial shot!" The rocks from near by were shot straight at then golem's joints, destroying it. Sky was a little annoyed that magic won't work on them, she hates thses golems even more now than before.

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Dusty ducked a jab from a golem, ducking backwards and under its fist. He leaned forward quickly, smashing its skull with a sickening headbutt. He rubbed his sore head and looked up at here destroy a golem herself. "I'm not gonna..." He yelped as a golem hit him in the back, sending him flying towards the wall of a building nearby. He hit it face-first, falling to his knees. He quickly turned around, growling. "Dirty trick, you stupid pile of stone!" He jumped and landed on the things shoulders. With one swift motion, he brought his fist down onto the top of the things head, smashing it and jumping away before it fell to pieces. He rubbed his back and growled deeper. "I hate these guys, so much." He clapped his hands together, summoning sand to him. "Sand Penta-Arrow!" He shot five shots at the nearest golem, hitting it in the two elbows, kneecaps, and neck, destroying it. He rubbed the back of his neck, groaning. "Yeesh. Do these things end at all?" He kicked a golem in the stomach, sending it sprawling back. He walked over to its head and crushed it with his foot. He looked back up at Sky, who seemed to be watching him and fighting golems at the same time. He didn't want her to worry about him. He could handle himself. But it felt good to have someone watch him in case he got into a bind. He smiled wickedly and turned back to a few lumbering golems.


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