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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Kaito was still a lightning bolt travelling very fast until he force of his ribs was starting to dig into his heart he fell to the floor coughing up blood his nose and face was all bloody and so was his clothes 'i can't do... his vision started to become very blurry "this can't be good" he said as he lay face towards the sky. He heard his master shouting and he smiled as blood trickled down his cheek from his face "my magic is so low" he said to himself if i can just reach the cards in my... he closed his eyes and passed out due to blood loss...
Sergei turned towards Sara upon hearing her voice. "What can you do with the teleportation? Could you by any chance teleport around his eyes level to distract him, something like that? That would be useful for us right now. Whatever this thing is, I feel organic parts instead of pure magic like the golems were, so I can't take it down with nullification, although it might weaken him, but that would risk losing the magic from all of the mages around. If someone can remove his helmet, I could send thousands of orbs to hit him, and that would at least make him feel a pinch".

Michael got up from the ground. His head was spinning after getting stomped by the giant knight. He felt some of his bones inside cracking, but ignored the pain as he raised from the floor. Sergei told him to join Kaito and use their static to lift the beast. Michael started to run towards Kaito, who looked like he was severely harmed. The sword of the knight was falling down upon Michael while he ran, and he kept dodging from the impacts the best he could. "A healer! We need a healer!". He started to make the transition of his magic to golden lightning, but all the running was making him too tired to make it properly. Maybe if I can hide somewhere, I could make the transition and heal Kaito. He ran towards the houses and entered one of them that was empty. The sword of the knight got down again with violence, breaking the house apart. Under the house remains, Michael was feeling so much pain that he started to hallucinate. He saw Sergei and Yami, both crying and walking away from him. He saw his family, forever disappointed with him. His conscience slowly vanished from him. Alone, he mumbled:

"Don't go away... Master, I... No... Yami..."


  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: City Streets

Carrie woke abruptly with a jumping start. "Is it over!? Please tell me it is!" The energy spell Arch used on the Dragon-Slayer seemed to have given her quite a bit of energy back. Full power? No, but it was good enough. As Carrie looked up at the creature, she noticed, indeed, the plan had worked. The sword was now broken and shattered in pieces, sitting on, the ground its metal shards glinting in the harsh sunlight. Okay, that is at least one thing out of the way. Now we just need to take care of his body.

Carrie heard the Saber-tooth Guild-master yelling to his students to combine their powers to take it. Make it fall? That seems like a pretty good idea. But it isn't electricity we need..we need Dusty! "Dusty!, Dusty! where are you," Carrie yelled in urgency. She took another quick glance around to see if she could spot him but to no avail. Well, he has to be somewhere around here! I'll try heading over to the Guild Hall then. Maybe he met up with the other there. With that, Carrie rushed towards the familiar building looking over her shoulder every now and then, hoping to see the scarred face of the Earth Dragon Slayer.

Dusty slid down the wall of the building he had been leaning on. He took a bite out of the rock he had grabbed after the monster had whacked him pretty good. He swallowed and started to take deep breathes. His magic was returning to him gradually, so he sat there and devoured another rock before standing back up and walking out of the alley. When he walked out into the street, he faintly heard someone calling his name. He sniffed the air, and caught the scent of something familiar. Water magic. As the voice grew louder, he recognized Cassie running towards his location. He turned and looked at her, his eyelids drooped. He wanted to get back to the monster, but she seemed to be in a rush to find him. He probably looked horrid, his clothes tattered and covered in dirt, blood, and sweat. He had let his scales down, but his arms were still stone, ready in case someone tried to jump him. He waved to her. "Oy, over here! Cassie!" It wasn't a needed gesture, since she was already running in his direction.
Lara ducks from a swing of the creature's sword and blocks a punch from the creature with her sheild, which ended up getting her get thrown into a building. " gah!" She gotbup and looked at the creature and it dashed at her and tried to stab her. Luka movedbher out of the way in time. " how strongbis that thing?!" Luka sajd out loud.
Kaito lay n near enough a pool of his own blood, eh wanted to carry on fighting but his injuries were pretty bad. Unless a healer healed him he was going to be stuck on the floor for a long time. Unfortunately Kaito had lost a lot of blood and he passed out. He woke up in a sort of dream world, he saw a dragon standing above him majestically "father? he asked, the dragon grinned "son, remember you've got the power of the lightning dragon, nothing can beat you unless you let it" he said before he flew off "wait! he shouted putting his arm out. Kaito fell to the floor and smiled "he's right"...
Ryos Delmora

Location: Sabertooth Guild Hall, Second Story Bedroom

14 Years Ago

"I can't do it,"
a young boy muttered. His eyes were shut in fear of his current situation. The boy had jet-black, messy hair that came down to the top of his neck. He was wearing nothing but underwear. In front of him was a large tub of light green liquid. What was more interesting, however, was what was behind the child.

"Ryos, you are no ordinary boy. If you wish to become the powerful wizard you are meant to be, if you wish to eventually master the magic I have been teaching you, this must be done. You can do it, my boy," said a dragon. The dragon was covered in scales of purple, with a lavender underbelly. As well as the underbelly, the underside of the dragon's wings were lavender. It had two small lavender horns on the front of its head. The dragon was gargantuan in size, towering over the young child. This dragon was none other than Ventalia, the strongest of all Poison Dragons.

The boy opened his eyes, revealing a set of bright purple orbs. For a second, the fear in his eyes could be seen. Yet, in almost an instant, fear turned into determination. Nodding, Ryos walked up to the tub and climbed in. He bathed in the liquid, which was very acidic in nature, burning him immediately upon touch. Ryos cringed, but continued dipping into the pool of poison until he was completely under the liquid. Bubbles were rapidly coming up to the surface of the poison, and bursting just as quickly. This was due to the screams of the boy as he attempted to endure the pain. After a minute of this, the poison started to go down, as if the were some drain at the bottom of the tub. In fact, there was a drain, but not the typical drain one would use to get rid of a liquid. The drain was none other than Ryos himself, drinking the poison from beneath it. He continued to suck up all of the poison until he was the only thing remaining in the tub. Upon completion of his task, the boy fell to his hands and knees, gasping for air. It was blatantly obvious that he was in immense pain, yet he had no burn marks anywhere on his body from the acidic poison. If he had not been training well enough, the poison would take it's effect and kill him in a few minutes. However, he had done everything his mother Ventalia had ever asked of him, and he was likely to only start feeling very sick for the next day or two. After that, he could begin calling himself a real Poison Dragon Slayer, as Ventalia said this was the ultimate exercise for control of his element. After this, poison should taste like nothing more than water to him. Smiling, Ryos passed out.

Present Time

Ryos looked straight into the eyes of his mother, the Poison Dragon Ventalia. He had had this nightmare numerous times before, yet he was unable to ever wake himself up or even convince himself it was only a dream. The dragon roared in his face, threatening to eat him whole where he stood.

"Ventalia, it's me! It's Ryos! Why are you acting like this!" He pleaded, but to no avail. The dragon's expression hadn't changed in the slightest, it seemed to be completely antagonistic in nature. A black and red gas was forming in it's mouth, until the dragon unleashed it's powerful blast of poison energy, it's target being Ryos. Tears formed in Ryos' eyes as he unleashed his own Poison Dragon's Roar. The two blasts clashed, though it took a mere second for Ventalia's to completely overpower Ryos'. Ryos stood defiantly as the blast headed straight toward him. "So this is how it ends..."


Suddenly, everything disappeared. Whatever that sound was, it had changed Ryos' dream. Instead of standing in front of Ventalia, he was instead surrounded by all the mages he had encountered over the course of this whole trouble with Echidna. They were standing in a perfect circle, with Ryos himself in the center. He looked around. They all had determined expressions on their faces. One of them walked up to him. It was none other than Carrie Ulstream, his guild mate from Lamia Scale, his closest friend.

"Blue...what is this?" Ryos asked.

"Come back Ryos," she replied. With that, the rest of the mages in the circle began repeating "Come back Ryos."

"Come back? What do you mean?"

But it was of no use. They all vanished into thin air. Soon, Ryos was standing alone in a white void. He was alone. He had felt this exact way the day Ventalia disappeared and he was on his own. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know where to go. He was stuck. Everyone told him to come back, but they didn't tell him how, or even where "back" was. He was confused, and he was about to reach resignation when he heard a familiar voice echo throughout the void.

"Ryos, you are no ordinary boy. If you wish to become the powerful wizard you are meant to be, if you wish to eventually master the magic I have been teaching you, this must be done. You can do it, my boy,"

Ryos' eyes lit up. He looked around, desperately searching for the source of the voice, but he knew better than to think he would find it. Until this point, Ryos memories and his thoughts had been foggy. Hearing Ventalia's voice brought it all back. He knew where "back" was now. Screaming at the top of his lungs, Ryos unleashed his Poison Dragon Roar with all his magic power imbued within it.

In real life, Ryos shot up gasping. He looked around to see that he was in bed. Yup, he was back. He stood up, and though he felt a little pain, he felt much better than before. Oh yeah, he was in a good enough condition to get back in the fight. Someone must have healed him somewhat. He grabbed a roll of bandages from an open drawer next to the bed and began to wrap bandages around all of his cuts. His lower torso and arms were pretty much covered in bandages by the time he was done. Smirking, Ryos clenched his fists and headed out of the room. Looking down at the first floor of the Sabertooth guild hall, Ryos saw... no one. Not a single person was in the guild hall.

"They better not have left without me," he said aloud. He walked downstairs and headed straight towards the door. He opened the door to the outside world, only to see a giant creature towering over the town, and his fellow mages battling it. "Oh for me? You guys shouldn't have!" Ryos said to himself, as he began running towards the giant.
The fortress started to move. 'Good.' Geis thought. 'It has almost come to an end.' The fortress reappeared in the area the Knight was in.
Kaito slowly opened hi eyes, rolled over onto his front coughing out some more blood he dragged himself slowly out of the crater the knight had made, he made his way back to the gild hall. There was blood everywhere "Ca.. Can someone help me please? he called out as his held his stomach some of his ribs were broken...
Skiá was on top of a building nearby watching everything, calculating everything not sure what was going on she thought if she tried to do anything she may get in someone's way and slow everyone down. She frowned sadly and tried think of a plan. Looking around she saw some people were stil at the guild hall and Skiá jumped down from the building and ran over to see anyway she could help...

(I actually have time so I'm trying to get back in the roleplay)
Arch was breathing heavily, sweat started to form on his face. The spell worked as Carrie was up but Arch was tired after just giving her his energy. He kneeled on the ground exhausted but he had enough energy for a few more spells. He stood up and saw Carrie run away. 'I hope she isn't deserting the battle.' He thought to himself.

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: City Streets

Carrie's ears picked up Dusty's voice and she felt a wave of relief wash over her. Following the sound as it got louder, the Dragon-Slayer came into view. "Dusty! I'm so glad to see you. Okay, we really need your help. The Sabertooth Guildmaster is trying to to trip the monster..but he's going about it the wrong way. We need you. You! Can you do something to make it trip? I can help if you need."

Dusty ran a hand through his hair, thinking. Trying to trip that massive thing? That was near impossible. It would take someone with an insane amount of strength. He smiled. Just his job. His Temper should give him the boost he needed. "I can try. There's no guarantee, though. And I can't promise that the whole city could be destroyed in the process." If he lost control during his Temper, it would take a lot of the other mages power to stop him. It only happened once before, and he didn't want to relive that memory. He patted Carrie's head and laughed, the dirt and sweat on his face mixing at the stretch of his smile. "Trust me. This guy is a joke for me. Someday Echidna needs to give me an actual challenge." He started walking in the direction of the monster, whistling lowly.
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"Gotcha Sergei. Then away I go. Maybe we can have a little drink after this is all over..? Just teasing! You're way too old for me. Ta-ta!" Sara looked at the creature's shoulder and moments later, was there. Taking out her daggers, she stuck them both in to Knight's face. As it groaned, she took them out and stabbed them into it's cheek. "C'mon big guy. Eyes on me." The knight swiped at Sara, but it was no match for her teleportation. She easily dodged the oncoming blows and prepared to stab the thing again.

While in the air, she noticed a person covered in rubble, laying in a pool of blood. Seconds later she sent herself there, looking upon the face of the boy. 'Cute', she thought. 'But almost dead as well.' She picked him up by the arms and transported over to a nearby rooftop. She then looked at the Guild Hall, and transported over there, landing near Sergei and dropping the body by his feet. "I think he's one of yours. You should tell your members to be more careful. One of MY girls would have never been that savagely beaten."

A few seconds later, she was on the Knight's shoulder once again. Stabbing it in the cheek, nose, eyes, wherever her daggers could reach.

@The Gil


  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: City Streets

Good. Dusty was going off to fight the Knight. Good, good, good. We need him for sure. Okay Carrie, what's next? We need more power. "Sea Dragon's Surface!" Carrie was propelled high into the air by a stream of water below her. She looked around to see who she could find. There were a few people she noticed sitting around, but none that she recognized. WHAT! How can you sit around at a time like this! It was against her nature, but things were desperate, they had to do anything they could to get an upper-hand. "Sea Dragon's ROAR!" Carrie blasted a high-pressure torrent of water, at the girl sitting on the roof of a nearby building. I hope it hits you.

Just then, she caught a whiff of something she hadn't smell in over a week. Poison.


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Dusty approached the monster knight, looking up at the Guild Master attacking it's face. He yawned, then yelled up at her. "You're not doing anything to it aside from distracting it. Allow me." He clapped his hands together, feeling his magic flow through him. He closed his eyes. "Secret Dragon Slayer Art: Temper of the Earth Dragon!" He felt his magic drain suddenly, replaced with an overwhelming power. His physical energy and strength skyrocketed, and every emotion left him, like all the other times he's used this technique. All there was that stayed with him was his desire to fight and his anger. He opened his eyes, and he zeroed in on the monster. He seethed with fury, then he ran and jumped at the monster, raising his fist and slamming it into the armored stomach of the creature. The thing stumbled a little, but didn't fall.
Skiá dodged easily using the shadows and looked at the girl in the air

"Hey!!!!! That almost hit me!" She said angrily, Skiá didn't know what to do scared to get in someone's way she used her magic to turn into a shadow and travel to the building near the girl.

'I have a feeling she is mad I'm not doing anything...well I don't blame her'

I don't know what to do...." Skiá said honestly hoping this girl wouldn't attack her again...then she recognized her

"Carrie?" Skiá said surprised, she thought Carrie was out fighting.


  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: City Streets

"Yes! Yes! Carrie! Nice to meet you! But we don't have time now! Would you be able to help Dusty? He's down there trying to make the monster fall but...I think he needs a little bit more help. Is there anything you can do?" She looked at the girl and thought: She must be something that deals with shadows..the way she dodged my water...it was like she dissapeared. "You have a power that lets you use shadows right? Hmm. Ah! I don't know! Why don't you go ask Dusty what he needs? But be careful; that knight looks extremely upset!" Carrie turned to see who else she could find. Yet there was still a smell lingering in her nose. Poison. GAH. Where is it coming from!?

"Sea Dragon's Surface!" While floating in the air again, Carrie noticed another magician, with what looked like a cat, trying to take on the Knight by herself. Ah, I need to get her attention somehow. Please forgive me! "Sea Dragon's ROAR!" Another blast of water came from the Water Dragon Slayer's mouth, and raced towards the girl with the black cat companion.

Kero saw the saw the water coming and and moved lara out of the wave. She looked around and saw the person that shot the water. Lara looked in the direction that kero was looking " girl you better have a really good explanation for doing that"


  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: City Streets

Uh oh. This girl was mad. Carrie had to pick the right words to say. "I...No...We...No...Dusty needs your help! He is all alone trying to trip the Huge Knight. Sorry for trying to knock you out, but I had to get your attention. Is there anything you can do to help him out?"

"Uh, ok..." Skiá looked over to the giant and blinked a couple times not sure if she believed the situation. She then looked to dusty, a bit scared he may attack her

'I hope I actually can do something...'

Skiá smiled to her self and disappeared only to appear 5 seconds later about 5 feet from dusty

"Hey any way I can help?" She asked.

Lara sighed " I was about to do that!!" She ran back to where she was and started chanting as she sees dusty punch the creature with great force. Her arm was coated in wind, fire, lightening and light magic and 4 huge circles appeared in front of her. One of each of the elements she knew. Red for fire, 2 yellow circles one for light and the other for lightening and a green one for wind. As she was chanting kero yelled " dusty move out of the way!!!" Lara finished chanting and punched the circle. Fire, light, wind and lightenning magic came shooting out in a spiral atrsck and hit the creat where dusty punched it. It created a huged crackbon the creature. Lara stumble back and sat down down. She cursed under her breath at how tired she is now.

@Kinesthetics @MythsAreRealLoveGem
Dusty looked at her, his teeth bared and his fists clenched. They had hardened into stone again, and his fists were clenched tight. He was about to say something when he noticed the knight swing it's fist at him. He put up both hands and grabbed onto it before it hit him. He held it up and gritted his teeth. He then threw it's fist to the side, and it kicked up dust all around him. He stood still, feeling the dust settle on his body. He laughed, it sounding gravelly and deep. He then watched the attack slam into the monster, creating a crack. He smiled widely, his canines shining. "Try and think of a way to defeat this stupid thing." His voice didn't even sound like his own, it was so drastically different.
Arch started using his fire magic but he didn't have the strength to cast it. He fell to his knees panting and he got up but he couldn't cast magic cause he felt so tired "Damn!" And he needed some energy bad. ((Sorry for it being so short I have no idea what to do at all.))
"Umm ok..." Skiá turned back into a shadow and back of far away and took a look at it. Not seeing anyway to just knock it down she though maybe it was hiding a weak point.

"It may have a weak point I need to get closer" she smiled and disappeared only to appear behind the giant on it's neck. The giant began trying to get Skiá off of it so I guess you can say she distracted it.

(It's ok, I am having the same problem)

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