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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Arch saw that the giant was distracted and mustering whatever strength he had left he channeled a powerful Fire spell "Raging Inferno!" His entire body lit up in flames as he channeled the spell. 'Please be powerful enough to knock him down!' He thought to himself as he channeled the powerful spell.
More mages were gathering around the monster...and they were doing a good job of handling it! "Good Job! Keep it up!" Sara yelled out. Just then, a girl appeared from the shadows and stood behind the Giant's neck. "My, my, my. What a lovely power you have little girl. If I wasn't so busy stabbing this thing, I would have grabbed a small taste of your blood," she said smiling. "There is no weak point from when I checked. But I was in a hurry when I looked, maybe you can find something. But excuse me, I'm going to turn things up a bit. I can't let you people do all the work and think I'm a weakling. I'm Guild-Master for a reason you know."

She stuck both daggers into one of its eyes and activated a new spell. "Teleporation Magic: Warping" The Knight's eye dissapeared from its face, and reappeared in the air, 30 feet away, dropping down and crushing a few building below. "Disgusting."

About 10 seconds before it crashed Skiá jumped off the giant(what she calls it) and landed on the ground like a cat, feet first. She looked at the giant then to the women.

"Thanks but I like my blood" she said not really care ing who it was just that she sounds like a vampire. Skiá jumped up onto the third level of a building then jumped to the top of the nearest building.

Skiá then looked at the giant that a big dust cloud covered it now.

"Great..." Skiá whispered to herself.

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: City Streets

As Arch launched the spell towards the towering Knight, two things happened, the monster's hands immediately flew to its face, as one of its eyes flew out of its socket and somehow ended up at another location, falling on the ground. What the...heck is going? The next thing to happen was the crack widening, from the black cat master's elemental attack. YES! This should be just enough! As Arch's fire hit, the thing began to teeter backwards on the heels of its feet. "Dusty! Go get em," Carrie shouted in his direction. It's up to you. Once that thing was down, Carrie was sure they could finish it off. "Sea Dragon's ROAR!" She aimed the blast at the crack forming in the knight's stomach, trying to push it over as far she could. Come on, we are almost there!



Arch saw that his magic spell was enough "Finish it...." And he passed out because he used all his energy on that last spell. He fell to the ground. Maybe someone will help him. @MythsAreRealLoveGem
Ryos jumped up onto a rooftop to get a better vantage point. He didn't exactly need one, since the creature towered over town. He felt small on the ground though, so he began jumping from roof to roof, inching closer to the creature. Taking a large leap, Ryos found himself hanging on to the monster's knee. He began to climb up, acting as if the monster was some sort of rock climbing contraption. The monster didn't seem to notice Ryos, since Ryos was puny in comparison to it. Ryos propelled himself upward, wanting to get up to face level quicker. Flying through the air, Ryos took in a deep breath once he reached the height of the creature's face.

"Poison Dragon's Roar!"

A black and red wave of poison gas energy blasted from Ryos' mouth, hitting the knight monster straight in the face. Since he was in the air, Ryos had no where to land, and began free falling. An explosion had occurred as a result of his magic hitting the monster, and the monster even stumbled, but it regained footing and shook its head to rid itself of the dust clouds from the blast. Ryos turned to face the ground, preparing to soften the impact of his fall.

"Dragon Slayer Art: Poison Dragon's Guard!"

A large half shield of poison gas was formed on both of Ryos' arms. He brought them together to form a full shield, twice the width of his body. He slammed into the ground hard, with a large dust cloud forming from the impact. However, Ryos simply stood up and brushed himself off, clearly unharmed. It was then that he realized everyone else was fighting as well, looking around to see all of his fellow mages, his eyes widening when he saw Carrie.

"Carrie! Are you alright!" He said running over to her. He had to remind himself that there was a giant creature in front of him and that any meeting would have to be short.

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Dusty clapped his hands together, and he felt himself start to relax. His physical strength started to decrease as magic flooded back into him. He teetered on his feet, trying to keep his balance. The switching of magic to physical strength was easy, but the transfer back was like being drunk for a few seconds. Once he regained his foothold, he saw Ryos attack the monster. He smiled, glad he was okay. They needed strong mages, and Ryos was one of them. Dusty clapped his hands together, and then closed his eyes. "Earth Dragon's Mighty Claw!" Rocks formed around Dusty's hand, forming a four fingered claw. He jumped at the monster, his Claw behind him. He roared in effort, bringing the claw straight at the monster with full force and impact, making the thing crash into the ground with a ginormous thud.
Skiá saw someone pass out from corner of her eye, she frowned and quickly used her magic to hurry up and get over there. When she got over to the person that fell or passed out she took human form again to see who it was. She didn't really recognize him but decided to hurry up and try to help. She put a arm over her shoulders and walked over to the guilds infirmary. When she got there she put him on the bed and looked out the window not really knowing what she was suppose to do she choose to stay till they woke up.


  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: City Streets

He did it! Dusty did it! Carrie turned to her left and saw Ryos. Ryos. The one she's been thinking about for days on end. He was finally back. "RYOOSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Carrie wrapped her arms around him and hugged hard. "I knew you'd come back." She opened her mouth to say more but it would all have to wait. She would sit down and tell him stories of what happened once this was all over. Letting go, she turned to everyone in the area and bellowed, "Give it all you've got! It has one eye! It's in pain! It's on its back! Its armor is cracked! Let's show Echidna why you don't mess with Fiore! All at once everyone! Let's kill this thing for good! Aim right for the Stomach!"



Arch energy regained a little energy and woke up in a bed but his head hurt and his eyesight was blurry and he spoke "Where..... Am I?" He said out loud not realizing Skia was there. @MythsAreRealLoveGem
Dusty jumped back and stood a little ways away from Carrie and Ryos. He sucked in air. All they had to do was aim at the stomach to destroy it. They could defeat this thing. He sucked in more air, trying to mix it with his magic. His jaw unhinged. "EARTH DRAGON'S ROAR!" A blast of dirt, stone, sand, and dust shot out of Dusty's mouth, aiming straight at the center of the monster's exposed stomach.
Skiá looked to the noise to see the person had woke up.

"In the guilds infirmary" she smiled and looked back out the window

Skiá heard carrie and smiled Skiá then used her magic get on top of the guild so she had a good shot

"Shadow dragons roar"

She used her magic and shot all her magic into a concentrated blast at it's stomach.
"Infirmary?" Arch was confused but when he looked around nobody was there "Am I going insane? I thought I heard someone?" He laid back down and sighed. @MythsAreRealLoveGem
The Knight roared as it toppled over and fell. It remained motionless as particles of light flew away from it. "Congratulations, you managed to take down the Knight." Geis announced.
Lara was sitting down and leaning on kero as she heard geis congratulate them for tskong down the giant. She yawned a little and teied to stay away. Keros secretly gave her some of her magic energy. To keep her awake at least.
Sara watched as the Knight flew away into particles of glowing light. "So it's finally over.." She sat down, with her hands on the ground, a breathed a sigh of relief. "Sergei you lazy bum. I hope you were watching."

@The Gil
Skiá smiled happily and tiredly walked back into the infirmary and sat on one of the beds

"Hey looks like you woke up" she smiled to the person and passed out on the bed from using to much magic.

In her sleep she laughed

"One step closer to revenge..." She whispered.
Arch looked at the girl and sighed as he tried to get up but failed. He wondered if the knight was dead but he'll have to wait until the others come to celebrate or something. @MythsAreRealLoveGem
Ryos raised a brow, but smiled all the same. "Was there ever any doubt? I wouldn't be done in by a golem," he said to Carrie. She was busy doing something else, however.

"Give it all you've got! It has one eye! It's in pain! It's on its back! Its armor is cracked! Let's show Echidna why you don't mess with Fiore! All at once everyone! Let's kill this thing for good! Aim right for the Stomach!"

Ryos closed his eyes and smirked, thinking back to when Carrie had just joined Lamia Scale. She wasn't even comfortable being on land, yet now she was leading a battle against a gargantuan monster of demon-like power. She had come a very long way. "I get it now master. This is why you wanted me to bring her. She is ready for the world, I see that now."

Before Ryos was even able to unleash his own power, a new character showed up to announce that the monster had been defeated.

A few people began celebrating, but Ryos questioned the appearance of this man. Where did he come from, and why did he announce the Knight had been beaten? He had to have had some part in the battle, no uninvolved party would need to announce that.

"Who are you?" Ryos asked, looking directly at the mysterious man.

@Kinesthetics @Mintsong
Sergei watched as the fight happened. He looked at Michael and helped him to stand up, since he was so severely harmed. The guild master didn't planned to use his arc of time magic against the knight, for he feared that if the giant absorbed, he would be able to fight them with a power that would be just too much for them to handle, so he had to trust that they would be able to defeat that thing for themselves. And they did. He got out of his position and walked towards Sara, who was sitting at the ground. Hearing the voice of guys again, he frowned. He turned back at the Mermaid's heel guild master. "This was just the start. Now the real revenge begins".

(sorry for the short post, I was in a bit of a hurry)

Two minutes later Skiá woke up and looked around the room not knowing what had happen. She looked out the window to see the monster was gone but the buildings were proof that mages had fought it. She then saw there was a new person.

"Please don't tell me another enemy...." She said to herself she then turned around and saw the man was still there

"Feel better yet?" She asked the man, not knowing there name

Arch nodded "I'm feeling better also by the way I'm Lance Pyro but I like to be called arch or Archdemon and I'm a wondering Mage! " he told the mysterious girl. @MythsAreRealLoveGem
"Oh great," Sara sighed. "I just hope they give us a break. We are pretty banged up. Sergei how did we end up in this mess?" Sara fell on her back and closed her eyes. If this was going to be a long night, she was going to get as much rest as she could. (Don't have to answer now xD )

@The Gil
"I don't have a single clue. They asked for the town to surrender and didn't even gave us time for replying, they just started to attack. I'm starting to think that they give a shit to whether they get the town of not, they just care for what they do in the process. I just really hopes this ends now". Sergei sat on the ground, looking at the flying fortress, thinking about what would happen. The only thing he knew was that as soon as he would have a chance, he would kill Echidna guild master.

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