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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

"Well glad to hear arch, I'm Skiá D. Amatari, I'm a Mage of Sabertooth" Skiá smiled to lance.

"If your wondering the giant monster is still alive, it's gone" Skiá said and looked back out the window

"But it looks like we have a new enemy...sense that was...I'm gunna take a wild Guess and say it was to weaken or get rid of us before we could get them" she frowned

Yami was wandering around Sabertooth looking for Michael. "Michael?! Where are you?!" She yelled. She was drained out from the magic she used..
"It's nice to meet you miss Skia!" He then sighed "I could be a great help but I wasted most of my energy using my magic....." Arch wanted to be out there helping the others. ((Going to bed)) @MythsAreRealLoveGem
Michael opened his eyes. He was over the rooftops of Sabertooth, still crushed by the fight and the house that fell upon him. He was hardly managing to stand up, but Sergei gave him a helping hand and let him sitting on the ground. He was tired, he just wanted the fighting to stop for a second so that he could take a rest. At least he was still alive. He heard Yami calling out for him, yelling his name. "Yami! I'm here!"

Yami turned and saw him she ra to him and hugged him. "Are you alright?" She didn't even wait for a answer, she gave him a long kiss and touched his forehead with her forehead,
Skiá turned to lance

"It's ok, I couldn't help much because I didn't know what to do..and Im pretty sure any help is a great help....so don't worry" She then smiled and hoped to help arch's confidence or help at all. Skiá walked over to the bed beside him and sat down.

(Night,I'm going to bed soon to so bye everyone!)
After kissing her, he replied. "I'm fine". He took her by her waist, keeping her a bit away from him so that she wouldn't get herself dirty on all the blood that was covering him. He gently brought her back down with him, making her seat next to him. He looked at the sky fortress and wondered what they would send now. At least Yami was next to him this time. He kissed her multiple times on her cheek. "I'm glad you're here now. I don't know what's gonna happen, but whatever it is, I know we're going to make it through". He touched his bleeding forehead and then smiled to Yami. "I'm just glad you're okay".
"Tsk.." She looked at his forehead and his body, "Bleeding.." She wiped his forehead slightly. "I wish I had healing magic." She would blush at all the kisses and she would give kisses to him as well.
Michael laid his hand on Yami's leg while looking at the sky once again. He was a little scared, but the presence of her made him feel a little bit better. "We should really go inside. It's starting to get cold out here, and who else knows what they'll be sending anytime soon". Before getting up, he hugged Yami and kissed her again, enjoying the sweetness of her lips to forget the paib. He then started to limp inside the guild, going towards one of the rooms.
She got down, helped him go to his room, finally when he laid down on his bed, she laid down, her head on his chest and she loved the warmth of the,. Their body heat mingled.
The touch of her head on his chest made him feel more relaxed. The pain was still too much to bear if didn't get some rest. He was already having delirium caused by his fatigue, and since Yami was there with him, he felt there was no more reason to stay awake because he was worried with somebody. He earned that rest. He placed his hand on her hair and started to play it, and then proceeded to kiss her. His eyes weren't being able to remain open anymore. "Goodnight Sweetheart".

(night night Sandy, I'm leavin', see ya tomorrow)
Kaito was finally seen he sighed happily 'finally i can get back into this fight' he thought as he was dropped onto the floor by Sergei's feet he closed his eyes and breathed deeply "i really need to ix my ribs, they don't feel too good" he said out loud as he awaited someone to help him 'for an ace of one of the strongest guilds... i feel so puny right now' he thought sadly 'i will bounce back...

@The Gil
"No problem" Skiá looked at fielding to for a second then went to the window again.

"I think I should go try get everyone hurt, back here" she pondered about it and decided she would she just needed to locate everyone that needed help.

" I'll be right back.." Skiá ran to top of the building and looked over the city for anyone who may be hurt.

Arch nodded and got up from the bed. His sword was next to the bed so he sheathed it on his back as he waited for Skia. @MythsAreRealLoveGem
Skiá saw a couple of people passed out laying on the ground and jumped off the guild building. She ran over to the people, it was a couple of innocent citizens. She helped them up and took them to the hospital that wasn't destroyed. She kept doing that till the citizens were taking care of. Skiá looked around once more and didn't see anyone. But she kept looking.

(I remember someone needed help, they aren't online right now so :/ )
(Me either no one is answering the role..I'll just make her go back to infirmary well that's what I think it's called)

Skiá couldn't find anyone so she went back to the infirmary to see lance had gotten his sword she decided it was nothing and shook her head.

"I'm back, are you feeling better yet?" She was genuinely worried sense some people never recover but that seemed be out of question already.

Arch nodded "Yes I'm feeling a lot better but I'm still not fully energized yet so I'll have to be careful with my spells." He told her.

(Sorry was eating)

Skiá smiled

"Good, I wonder where everyone else is" she smiled then went over to window again

(Seriously where are they tho XP)
Arch shook his head "They're probably still out there!" He told her as he sat down on his bed "I just hope we're done for awhile!"

Kaito closed his eyes awaiting for someone to come help him with his wounds, at the rate he was going he was going to lose too much blood and die which would be a very big problem for him. He thought about the fight he had with that giant knight 'it could absorb my attacks' he thought to himself 'next time i'm gonna go all out' he finally concluded...
"...I just went out there I could find some people but it looked like they were fine so I came back" Skiá frowned thinking she may have made a mistake. She sat down on a bed

"I'll go on another search soon..." She said and slightly smiled thinking about the monsters the guild and everyone had to fight.

"I got all the citizens that got hurt, in a hospital though" she whispered to herself

(Sorry my grandpa just had to go to the hospital and it got really bad so I was gone for a long time)

Arch nodded. He felt sorry for all the people who lost those who were important to them and arch stared at the ceiling a little sad "Once I'm feeling a little better I'll help you with your search." He told her. @MythsAreRealLoveGem
"Thanks, i saw master and Yami were ok....they were limping inside the guild awhile ago so their ok" Skiá said trying to think of the people she didn't see so it be easier to track them down.

"I didn't see carrie..." Skiá worried a bit. And while she thought she realized she didn't see a couple people.... And frowned.


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