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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Echidna and Meta

The Fortress, The Echidna Guild hide out had cloaked itself with in between two spaces once again. It sat in the sky prepping for the next attack. Inside the throne room all of Echidna's children gathered with her. They circled each other waiting for her finale to speak. She smiled and with her sweet voice full of kindness told them her horrible and evil plan. "Greetings my beaudiful Children...I am close to my plans, We are close to our plans. We shall rule this land and live happily ever after. To complete this I must cause a massive exodus of life." She pointed to her son Meta. "Charge the Lacrima cannon, Fire it at fairy tail with a blast strong enough to cause a explosion to damage the surrounding areas." She ordered.

Meta smiled and did as he was told. As he walked to the panel and place his hand on the orb.
"What color Mother?"

"Black. A infinite black." She said taking a seat.

"A symbol of death to all! I'm sure Kayer will like to see that explosion." Meta charged his mana into the orb and select the color of the beam. He stepped back and felt the Fortress charge the Cannon. It reviled it self from the clouds as it exited a special hiding spot and once it reached 24%. It targeted Fairy Tail and fired.

A black beam, Somewhat Like a Void rain down on Fairy Tail that day. When then blast connected after ripping through sky, it blew away everything in its way. The Explosion was the largest one yet causing a mushroom cloud. The explosion was terrible, Only pure chaos it was unleashing.

As the blast ended and humans ran around in terror. Then Echidna appeared in the sky as a hologram giant.

"Hello Fiore, I sure you seen our recent devastation cause by our cannon. Did you know the power use for that? 24%, Imagine Fiore, Imagine 100%, The Power! I can just see it now. Please, I beg you to defy use so I can use it. I have defeated your top guilds and now you only have the royal guards. Maybe they should be next? So resist me Fiore and be destroyed or Obey me and give me your lives. He will return no matter what." She then vanished from the sky as the Fortress faded back into a dimensional inter space to hide.



@Infinities Lover



@Liir Ko





@Angel Evans

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As Yami walked into the the Pub, tired of all the madness, she saw Her favorite person in the world. She took a seat and stared at the waitress down, she panicked and immediately brought a tray of beers. "All on the house!" She yelped and left. She smiled and nodded. "Like always.." She looked at Michael. "Don't you wanna run away from the madness? Michael, cheer up. We can do something about it." She gave him a smile and put a hand on his shoulder.
Michael had finished his glass of wine. He rested his head on his arm over the counter from the bar. The fatigue was taking the best of him. He heard someone talking and placing the hand on his shoulder. The voice was familiar. He turned his head. It was Yami. He didn't knew her for long, but she was the first mage that he met when he joined Sabertooth. She was very nice to him, unlike the other mages he met after her, except for the mages from the "league". Michael smiled back to her. "Yeah, I guess. I just wonder what are we going to do. Even the master was sad, you know?", the smile from Michael declined a little bit. "He ran to the remains of the hall, saying he was going to fix, but I know that even when he does, he won't be quite alright...". As soon as Michael finished talking, a man ran inside the bar, looking desperate. "They blew up Fairy Tail!".

Great. That's just great.
Kayer watched from the Echidna Fortress as the black beam shot out of Echidna's powerful Lacrima Cannon. Kayer laughed as he witnessed the massive explosion, wiping out Fiore's famed Fairy Tail guild. With two of Fiore's top guilds wiped off the map, Echidna would take over Fiore in literally no time. Unfortunately for him, this left no one to challenge him, as the rest of Fiore's guilds would definitely not live up to Fairy Tail.

"Maybe I'll take a visit to Sabertooth or Lamia Scale, perhaps I can at least get some blood on my hands before Fiore is ours," Kayer said, a wide, devilish grin taking form on his face. He would have to have some fun before Echidna ruled over Fiore. As great as it was seeing wide-scale devastation and death, nothing beat the thrill of killing someone with your own hands.
"Jesus Christ." She said flicking the guy away with her magic and she sighed. "Trying to get happy and suddenly a f*cker comes in." She shook her head and passed him a beer. "Master... Aye, he won't be the same." She sounded like when she was little, she saw the old man as her friend. "Any f*cker messes with Sabertooth, they mess with me." She said with pride.
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"Enough is enough. I'll be all over that bastards. I never even did any missions, for the gods sake!", Michael said, unsettled. He took his beer and drank it in a gulp. So, Fairy Tail is gone as well. What now? Michael began to doubt if the goal of the dark guilds was actually to take the city. Raven Tail, Sabertooth and Fairy Tail were all very profitable guilds, the ones that had the greatest accomplished missions rate. They didn't cared for money, it just looks like they liked violence. I bet that if they do take the town, they won't even know what to do. Michael turned back at Yami. "Screw it, we should go home. Maybe master Sergei actually fixed the guild. Also, I need to change my bandages", he said, unwrapping a little bit of the bandages on his arms.
With all the madness that was going on, one would assume that a person would be too distracted to go about their daily life. Ryos, however, is no ordinary person. Ever since he had been told by the master that various guild masters of Fiore were putting together a team of wizards to take down Echidna, Ryos had been training as hard as ever. With Raven Tail gone, Ryos was feeling nervous that the next attack could be on Lamia Scale, and he would die before allowing someone to destroy his guild and hurt his friends. He was asked to take a break by more than just one guild mate, as they believed he was pushing himself too far. Eventaully, he did stop, taking a break to take a ice cold bath and cool his body.

At the time of the firing of Echidna's Lacrima Cannon, Ryos had just returned to the guild hall, ready to talk to the master about what the plans were to take on the mysterious dark guild that managed to destroy Raven Tail with just two members. It was as he was about to open the doors to the guild when he sensed a large concentration of magic power. At that moment, he turned to see a black beam of light shoot out of the sky. Ryos couldn't see where it directly lead to, but he knew the general direction, Magnolia. A deafening boom resounded throughout what seemed like all of Fiore, followed by the rise of a dark mushroom cloud. Ryos' eyes widened at the realization of what had just occurred.

"Fairy Tail, they attacked F-Fairy Tail," Ryos stuttered, unable to speak. Fiore's top guild was likely gone, demolished by a single blow. It was then when a hologram of a blonde woman appeared in the sky. She went on a speech which ended in the declaration of Echidna taking Fiore. Ryos slowly clenched his fist. He had never felt fear before, but this was the closest he'd ever come. The power of that cannon was unimaginable, devastating Magnolia with only 24% power.

Ryos looked up to face the hologram directly. "You'll pay...you'll all pay," he mumbled, "I'll take you down, even if I have to go about it myself!" he exclaimed, suddenly raising his voice into a full-on yell. Normally, he would not care about the problems of another guild. But this had gone far beyond guilds now. Echidna launched a war on all of Fiore, and as proud as Ryos was to be a member of Lamia Scale, he was just as proud to be a wizard residing in Fiore. No one was about to take his home from him.
A sudden earthquake hit, Kaito's eyes widened "not again" he said before turning and running out of the door. He clenched his fists tightly 'if we don't do anything, everything and everyone will be destroyed' he thought angrily. He thought for a minute before he got a idea.... He looked for the highest building.... He finally spotted one 'good'...

After running up several flights of stairs he finally made it to the top, he chose a great spot because it was close to all the guilds so if he saw the fortress he could attack.. He pulled his deck of cards out of his pocket and placed it into a circle around him he stood in the middle and began to charge his million volt lightening cannon at 23% power. '2 hours to charge' he thought and he began charging up a ball of electricity in his hands....
Yami nodded and got up. She walked at the guy she threw to the ground without touching her. "It's not your job to tell the news. F*cker." She threw the man out of the window and turned to Michael. "I hope master is all right.." Her tone changed from cold and heartless to soothing and loving.
Lara sighed and looked at arturo " yeah lets go spider hunting..." she began to walk to the cave when she saw a black beam come down from come down from the sky. She can tell where is hit and her eyes widen ' damn it!!.... they got fairytail...!!!!'

@Orion @Tj Pomroy
Rashid turns quickly with a loud curse, grabs both Arturo and lara onto the light platform, shooting back into the town "Where are we going?" The platform swings and sways through the streets. He thinks to himself smirking eternally 'we're winning big time, and they have me on the inside' his inner voice chuckles

@Orion @Evergreen98
Gerrant watched as they flew off. "Right on time. They did seem to blow it up." he said to himself he decided to go to the Fairy tail guild as well. If only too see what Rashid's true intentions were.

Arturo was on platform with Rashid and lara.

@Evergreen98 @Tj Pomroy

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Lamia Scale Guild Hall

*BOOOOOM*. The ground shook, sending Carrie sloshing in the Jacuzzi from side to side. What the heck was that?? She jumped out of the tub, trapping a handful of its water, and transforming it into her usual blue bathing suit. Immediately afterwards, she melted into a puddle of crystal blue liquid, snaking her way to the outside of the Hall. "They got Fairy Tail! They got Fairy Tail," was all that she could hear. I don't know much about fairy tail but...i know one thing is for sure...they are no joke. Rolling back towards the Guild Hall, but this time into the cafeteria, she reformed into her normal self and looked around.

"What's going on," she asked.

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Lara felt a chill up her spine when rashid grabbed her and started ti head towards fairytail. ' this feeling......it isn't safe....' she looked at rashid or at least she tried to. She sighed didn't like the feeling he was giving off...it felt like he had won a prize or something...

@Tj Pomroy @Orion
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As he heard the ending of the speech from the hologram in the sky, Michael drank the rest of his beer and stood up. They were threatening the whole Fiore. That was way beyond the line. The guards from the whole country would be over them, and also the remaining guilds. They needed a bigger league of mages to fight this. Michael turned to Yami and said in a soft and calm way, smiling. "Master will be okay. Let's find some friends". He left the bar and looked towards the end of the street. Smoke was rising from where used to be Fairy Tail. Lamia Scale was nearby, and he thought it would be good to stop by. But first, he had to see the rest of his group. Where was Sky and Dusty? He turned back to Yami.

"Let's go. There's this... sort of "League" of strong mages that we're making to defend ourselves against Echidna. Maybe you should join, I'm going to see some of them now. What you think?"

Gerrant was getting ever closer to the Fairy guild it was a simple yet very dull experience. Although, he was wondering if he should go back and get the poison sac he wanted.

Arturo looked down and then at Rashid. He didn't like the feeling off of him. "The game has just begun." he said to him looking away but grinning to himself.


@Tj Pomroy
Rashids platform slows and stops in front of Lamia Scale, as he lays them both down spotting Michael and a new girl down the road waving at them "Lara you need to explain to everyone that im working with you" Rashid looks around debris and smoke still slightly falling

@Orion @Evergreen98
Dusty walks out of the bar, looking into the sky. There was an overpowering stench of dark magic, and it made his nose itch. He growled and sprinted down the street, looking for Michael or Lara. In the distance, he saw a huge column of smoke rising from... "Fairy Tail..." Dusty almost tripped. They destroyed Fairy Tail? That was the supposed most powerful guild. He ran through the streets, checking every alley. He notices Michael standing in front of a bar, so he turns and runs towards him. When he gets there, he grabs Michael's shoulder. "Michael! Did they do what I think they did?!"
Lara looked at rashid " yeah...I should... or...you could go and tell them and ill back you up" she said with a smile. She really wasnt sure on what do, so shebwas stalling.

@Tj Pomroy @Orion.
Nixis was in his apartment room treating his remaining injuries. It had been a day since the blast in Raven Tail but too his disbelief they pulled another attack on Sabertooth. Now it was a new day, He was tired. He stayed up thinking about them. "What are they planning?"

This question was answered by a beam of black light striking down some where east of his apartment. It was like watching some dark god cast his divine judgment. He knew it was fairytale, Only logical place it could hit. The explosion was massive, he heard people scream from far away as other watch shocked.

"No...We need to stop this." Nixis said punching a wall.

Now a Image appeared in the sky. Echidna...The destroyer of Raven Tail. He almost exploded as he heard he speak. He wanted to slayer her himself.
Kaito stopped charging his cannon, beads of sweat trickled down his face as he collapsed to his knees in fatigue " I haven't used this much magic in a long time" he said to himself. He picked up one of his card "regenerate" he said as a lightening bolt flew out the sky and hit him instantaneously giving him power "god, this is torture" he said to himself.....

Kaito sat in the circle of his cards high up on top of a tall building waiting for a sign that the fortress was going to return.... He sighed " I only got to 7% before I became fatigued! that's what I get for helping out the newbies at our guild" he said. 'It was fun though' he thought smiling slightly....
Michael heard the voice from behind him, along with the touch on his shoulder. It was Dusty, shocked with the destruction of Fairy Tail as well. "Yep, they did. They were taking out the stronger guilds, I guess". He led his fingers towards his mouth and chewed his nails for a while. The 24% thing was knocking his thoughts, over and over again. From what kind of magic were they charging that thing? Perhaps... If the source would be taken out, they could let them helpless without their giant cannon. Would be good, but aparently there aren't any stealthy mages on Magnolia and Fiore. Michael sighed. "They're not going to stop until the whole town surrenders to them. I don't really know what to do now. What's to hope now?"
Ryos stormed into the Lamia Scale guild hall. "If it's a war they want, it's a war they'll get."

Ryos was going to go get the master and discuss the events that had just unfolded, but then he heard Carrie Ulstream question what was happening. Although Ryos considered all his guild mates friends, he had always had a particular soft spot for Carrie, due to her use of Dragon-Slayer magic. They were in the same boat, and Ryos couldn't help but drop his anger.

"A dark guild just declared war on all of Fiore. It's the same one that took out Raven Tail with just two members. Now they just unleashed a cannon that decimated Fairy Tail," Ryos turned so he could get a good look at all of his guild mates, "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not going to sit back while a bunch of dark mages try to take over our home, and I sure as hell won't let Lamia Scale's fate be the same as that of Fairy Tail and Raven Tail. It's time to strike back." Ryos said coolly, obviously much calmer as he had been a few seconds ago. At that very moment the guild master had come out of her room, clapping. Ryos looked at her and understood, he had gotten his approval. It was time to take the fight to Echidna.

Dusty clenched his fist. "They've gone too far. Next, they could target Blue Pegausus!" He grits his teeth. He was done playing games. They needed a way to stop Enchidna. But how? He shook his head. "Is it hopeless...?" He couldn't give up. But they leveled Fairy Tail in a matter of seconds. What if it was truly hopeless...?
"Dusty! Michael!" Sky called out as she ran towards them. She had a feeling that something got blown up. Was it another guild? Or is it just her imagination? "What just happened?" She asked as she reached them.


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