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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Geis calmly flicked off the blood from Silver Linings. He was calmly walking from a Dark Guild he had just exterminated. Suddenly he heard Echidna's message. "Hn...It's starting." He snapped his fingers and with a loud 'boom' the building imploded and collapsed. He then pulled out a Lacrima and opened a portal to their fortress, he stepped in. "I'm back."

@Kyd Jhesus
Rashid feels Geis presence at the fortress, and he turns towards dusty micheal and sky, he walks right towards them, talking before they had the chance. "I know you wont believe this but I didn't try to burn down the forest I was possessed by who I can only assume was that echidna lady, and I am truly sorry for what happened. And im here to help in anyway possible."

Michael thought about the question of Dusty. Is it hopeless? Maybe. They weren't immortal, but nobody was going to give up. It was the human nature. "In my country, we have a saying. 'Dictators fall, it's the natural order of things'. Even if these guys can overcome the giant army of mages we have down here, they won't last. The time will come when we will kick their butts". He started to think about the cannon again, while looking at the sky. 24% of energy... He turned back at Dusty. "Do you have any idea if that cannon of theirs is lacrima-based?". Before Dusty could answer his question, Sky appeared, running towards them. "Somebody just blew up Fairy Tail using a giant cannon. It came from the fortress". Michael remembered about Yami. She was behind him, at the bar. He felt a little ashamed for for not introducing her before when Dusty came around. He walked towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "By the way, this is Yami. She's a friend from Sabertooth". Seconds after Michael introduced Yami, Rashid appeared. He apologized for everything he had done. Michael didn't bought it even for a second. "Give me a good reason as to why we shouldn't kick you out of here right now".

@Tj Pomroy
Meta watched as fairy tail was in ruin along with the surrounding area. "This is power you weak scum! How does it feel to stepped on and spit on like you are trash, scum! Now you pay world for your cruel assault, Now you know what is to know terror!" He said as he laughed with a demented tone.

Meta then saw Geis come in and laid his insane grey eyes on his with a evil smile. "Geis...You should have been her for the personal she. I was so much better. Did you hear there screams? Tell me how they sounded!"
Rashid shakes his head look around, gesturing to all the destruction."If this is not reason enough, ill give you a thousand. I will work as hard as possible to stop them with you. Beside that I almost killed myself saving lara and Arturo, id do it again and again. im only here to make whats wrong right. not convince you to worship me" @gilwaybetternow
"They were loud." He replied as he cleaned his ear. "I prefer if you'd have tortured them for useful information, then kill them, slowly, it's more satisfying to watch the life drain from their eyes before using their corpses as ammunition against their friends." He said, crafting and uncrafting a cannon as emphasis.
Gerrant walked up to see the Lara, Arturo and Rashid again. "You guys..." he wasn't sure what was happening around here but it didn't seem like a good situation.

Arturo looked at Rashid. "You saved our lives...falsely...but did. However, I'm positive you were not possessed."

@gilwaybetternow @Tj Pomroy
Rashid turns to Arturo "do you see the power they possess, the fact theyre throwing this much magic around makes me think that this isn't their leader using her magic, and if this is someone whos under the leader than see has magic strong enough to fool your senses child." He turns back to Michael and bows deeply open to a good punch.

"Yeah...but if that's true you could fool us and be pretending to be on our side will secretly waiting to strike for their side." Arturo said scratching his chin. "So, that makes me think of a lot worse things."

"Oh, I'm sorry, should that be a reason for us to believe in you? How could we? As far as I know, you could have saved Lara and Arturo just to gain our trust and act as an undercover agent for Echidna". Echidna probably wasn't the kind to have undercover agents, Michael thought, but it was better to prevent than to correct. What's all this possession thing about? The false magic council agent looked like he was very interested in Rashid, so it was very likely that he was indeed working for Echidna. If they just wanted him to possess, why wouldn't they do it from a distance? Their magic was powerful, they could do this. "So, you're a God Slayer, with a crazy ammount of magic to defend yourself, and you got yourself possessed? Not only that, but they had to capture you in order to possess you?"

@Orion @Tj Pomroy

"Hi Yami!" She smiled at Yami who was behind the bar. Then Sky look at the guy cautionaly. Can they trust him? What if he's just saying that to get on our good side? What if this just an act? She choose to kept quiet and listen to them. Fairy Tail guild got blew up? Was there any injuries? She was asking herself all these questions but the one she actually said out loud was, "Was it the same people who blew up our guild?"

@gilwaybetternow @Verhiron @Tj Pomroy @Sandra

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Lara looked at gerrant and sighed " sorry we wont be able to do your spider hunting thing..." she looked aback at arturo and rashid. She kept her mouth shut and watched arturo taunt rashid. ' come show us your true colors....'

@Orion @Tj Pomroy
Rashid turns his back on them growling "Fine don't accept my help, but they aren't up exploding my mouatin. I came down here in danger to offer my help, I will return and never be seen again. its not like they have a huge cannon or very strong mages" He begins walking down the road praying they ask him to come back, he turns to lara as he walks past "Thanks for the help backing me up!"

@gilwaybetternow @Orion
Arturo looked at Rashid. "You're acting like a baby....where is that easily angered aggressive guy who kicked my butt? I trust you slightly ...but you did easily escape from that guy so its kinda fishy in a way." Arturo was embarrassed to admit he lost but it didn't matter right now.

Gerrant looked at lara."It's fine." he responded

@Evergreen98 @Tj Pomroy
Why aren't we killing this guy right now? Well, there was still time... He hadn't climbed up a mountain or anything yet. He was just there, turning his back to them. He could just kill him right now, and everyone would support him. But you're not a coward like him. "Something fishy? This guy is betrayal in person, we saw it when the phony council guy came around. Why aren't we casting a ton of magic attacks on him right now?! ". He then proceeded to turn towards Sky. "It was the same guys that destroyed our guild and also Raven's Tail. The same guys THAT guy works for", he shouted, pointing towards Rashid. "We should be capturing him to questioning right now!"

"Geis you are one creative man. I can not stand to touch there dirty flesh at times. When I would walked into a bar in the land of Sin women drunk out of there minds would call me handsome and think it was alright to rub on me." Meta smiled. "I in returned thought it was fine to start dislocating there shoulder bone. Turned out it's not but didn't stop me from to snapping a few necks." Meta then walked pass Geis. "I'm going out for some lunch, Care you join me? I know you just returned but are you not hungry. Seeing all that carnage get me starving." Meta suggested.
Rashid flicks his finger burning a small R into her arm "A little token of my thanks, bitch" He growls as he walks away "I welcome you to try and capture me."

@gilwaybetternow @Orion
Gerrant just watched at them carefully. 'Only 10% of my power usable...huh...' He watched him walk away and looked at the girl lara. "Interesting character."

Arturo ran in front of Rashid. "H-hold it!" he wasn't sure what to do now but he had to keep Rashid from leaving.

" lara!!" Kero yelled and glared at rashid. Lara was gripping the area where he bruned the R on her " ah...that stings...." the area was burned badly and it started to bleed. She used her light magic to heal the wound. While she was doing that.

@Orion @Tj Pomroy
"I'm full, and besides, any food I need I can make." He replied. "But sure, eat, and bring another mossy boulder on the way back." He waved at him and proceeded to walk away. "Don't forget to cause destruction!"
Sky clenched her fists, "so it's the same guys." She stared at Radish, Michael had said that he was a god slayer, was he the one who Michael fought with before? Capturing him would be hard, knowing that he's a god slayer, but at this state, Sky couldn't trust anyone so easily. If he's telling the truth, then he could help us. But if he's lying, then we're going to run into a trap.

@gilwaybetternow @Tj Pomroy

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Rashid growls at Arturo "I thought you trusted me. good thing you're easy to beat." He smiles than turns back to lara, "That'll scar unless a light god heals it." He turns back to sky "You're the sky god slayer right? I can feel the power. id love to fight you"

@gilwaybetternow @RebelliousTeddyBear @Evergreen98 @Orion
Arturo looked at him. "I do trust you. Yeah, I may have gave up to fast but I'm sure that new guy could beat you." He said grabbing his arm. arturo wasn't sure what was going to happen to him.

@Evergreen98 @Tj Pomroy
Rashid looks down "you want me to protect you?" he looks around at all the angry faces, that were too stupid to realize he is trying to help.

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