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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Sky puts the food and alcohol in font of him and smiled, "eat up." She sit next to him and open her food, "Bon appetite."

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Before she can finish speaking, Dusty had started to devour the food. His teeth rip through the meat, like a knife through butter. He eats half of what is there in about half a minute, then takes a huge chug of the alcohol. He sighs in relief, smiling. Strands of meat are stuck to his teeth, but he doesn't notice it. He offers some to Sky. "Want some?"
"The alcohol? Nope I don't drink, and I got my own," she start eating her own food. I should've brought more, she thought to herself.

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Dusty shrugs, devouring the rest of the food and chugging the alcohol completely. He smiles, licking his canines. "Man, that was great! Refreshing." He laughs, knowing he was semi-intoxicated. He looks at Sky again. "So. Where did you learn God Slayer Magic? Isn't it super rare and difficult to learn and use?"
Sky laughed, "well I found a book about it, and it looks interesting, so I guess I just learn it." She finished her food and continue, "it was at first, but when you learn the first spell, it's easier afterward." She looked at Dusty, "what about you? Where did you learn Dragon Slayer Magic?"

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Dusty looks down at the floor, smiling. "My adopted father Boulder taught me. He was a master at teaching me. He even showed me some forbidden spells! But he said to only use those in an emergency. Like my 'Fissure of the Earth Dragon'. Only meant for emergencies." He smiles wider, recalling all the hidden spells.
"That wasn't an emergency!" Sky chuckled, "but that's good that you know them. Where is he now?" His adoptive father must be really good at magic to know those forbidden spells.

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Dusty stops smiling as wide. "Actually...I don't know. One day, he just flew off. He didn't say where. Just stood up, said I was a great son, and flew off southwards. I haven't seen him since."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Sky told him, regretting that she asked him, "wait, you said he flew off. I thought he's a man, or is he a air mage?"

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Dusty laughs, smiling wide again. "Don't apologize! Wasn't your fault. And of course he flew off. He's a dragon! Who else would teach their kid Dragon Slayer Magic?" He laughs, remembering the day Boulder found him.
"You've met a dragon before!? That's awesome!" Sky grinned, "are they really big? What colour scale did he have? How old was he? What's—" She put her hands over her mouth, "sorry I asked too many questions. I just like dragons that's all."

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He laughed more, shaking his head. "Don't worry about it. Ask all you want! Think about this inn. He was almost three times it! He had brown and gray scales, like rock, so he could camouflage. He said he was born in the time of the gods, so really old. Anything else?" Dusty enjoyed talking about Boulder.

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