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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Sky start walking but stopped when he called her name. She turned around and look at him, "Yeah Dust?"

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Dusty smiles slowly, keeping his eyes on the ceiling. "Let's make a deal. No matter what, we will never let the other person's true fear come true. Sound good?"
"It's a deal!" Sky smiled and start walking again. She stopped at the door with her hand on the door knob and turn around, "I'm gonna get something to eat, do you want anything?"

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Dusty thinks. "Any meat you can find! That and bit of alcohol would be nice." He smiled. He was starved, and the alcohol would help him rest once he fell asleep.
Gerrant walked out of the cave and looked at the sky. Then, sat down near the entrance.

Arturo woke up rubbing his eyes.
Arturo looked at the cuff. "Oh, yeah forgot about this..." he said barely awake. "I'm thinking of getting to the forest early..or was...forgot about the handcuffs."

"Roger!" Sky walked out of the door and close it behind her. She walk out of the inn, looking for some kind of a bar and her smile appeared on her face when she spotted one, not far from the inn. One problem...she doesn't even drink, let alone going into a bar full of drunk people. She sighed and walked in and went to order some food and alcohol. Hopefully no one ask about my age, she thought.

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Dusty closes his eyes, thinking about the food. His attention then snaps to that he asked Sky to get him some alcohol. He shook his head. Hopefully she would be okay. He doubted she would have any trouble anyways...
Arturo slipped his hand out of the handcuff. "Oh, ...well that was fast." he said moving his now free hand around.
Her order arrive not long afterward with alcohol and she smiled and pay for them. She walked out of the bar towards the inn, carrying the food. She entered the inn and start walking towards the room. Sky knocked on the door twice before opening it. "Your order have arrive!" She smiled.

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Dusty opened his eyes. He smiles when he sees the meat. "Awesome!" He slowly sits up, then throws his legs over the bed.
Rashid smiles as his pointer finger on his left hand glows birght white and he cuts the loop on the cuffs letting them fall, "Easy" grabs Arturo by the waist running out of the inn holding him high

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