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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

“We need to talk about us. The state of our relationship is upsetting Danielle and I know you don’t want that just as much, if not more than I do.”

Elona's heart jumped, she wasn't ready for this type of conversation. She stared at her feet and quickly thought what to say next. But each time she come up with a reply, Elona didn't want to say it. What if I end up hurting Helena even more? The more she reasoned it out, the more she want to avoid the conversation.

“I don’t know what I ever did… Whatever it was..I’m sor-“

The boss's young sister looks up and saw Helena about to emotionally break down.


Elona panics at the sight of her older sister with few teardrops down her cheek. She never saw Hel like this before and Elona had to do something fast to calm this down.

"AHHH! WHAT SHOULD I DO?! " , she bit her lips.

"Ok, calm down Elona...if you panic it's going to make this situation even worst."

She scanned the hallway. If anybody saw them like this, it would cause a lot more commotion. Elona didn't want people to see this.

"Especially big brother."

Elona decided that for now she should calm down Helena and fast. But how...? The only idea that she could think of was....the worst case scenario ever.

Abandoning her dignity, she said "U-uh...H..Helena I think it's alot more better if we sort this out privately. U-um...why don't you go inside my room? I'llbrewyousometea."

She advert her eyes from Helena and twiddled her fingers. Now what she have done? Helena going to see her major obsession with teddy bears! She'll be the second person to ever step inside her bedroom. Was this a better choice?

"I hope so..."

Right now dealing with Helena and their relationship is more important than her dignity at stake.


It was common knowledge that the Rosa Family was actually like a family...Did the members themselves not know? Shaking that off for now, I replied, "Isn't it common knowledge? I mean, if you just see the boss, he doesn't look like a mafia head at all. No offense. Boss Dani is just...the older brother type as to say? Also, the name Rosa sounds nice." I stared at the girl invading my personal space, wondering what she was doing. However, I refused to step back, childish as it was, and stepped closer to her instead.
Really? It was common knowledge? Maybe she spent too much time getting her father's attention that she did not pay much heed to Rosa's nature. He also commented on Danielle's personality. As much as she wants to say he was right, she also felt annoyed. She was not sure of the reason but it was just the emotion surfacing at the moment.

Ethan had stepped closer to her. So he wasn't intimidated by proximity. In fact, it seemed the opposite. He had stepped closer and she had to raise her eyebrow. She gave out a chuckle and shook her head.

"I see, I see." she simply said, refusing to step back. Now it's just her stubbornness keeping her there. "What else do you plan on doing tonight, hmm?" she asked out of curiosity. She had no real ulterior motives to it. She plans to have a midnight snack. Maybe Boss will still be there in the kitchen.
Trying to not attract anyone’s attention, Hel was trying to keep her composure in the hallway. It was embarrassing enough that she started breaking down in front of her little sister, letting her see how weak she could be, but she had good reason. Being embarrassed was well worth it since their relationship is much more important. She would do anything if it meant fixing things between them.

Needless to say, Hel was incredibly surprised when Elona not only invited Hel into her room, but also offered to make her tea. Did I hear her correctly? There’s no way. This had never happened before, Elona had never said or done anything like this for Hel and it caught her off guard. Elona was obviously nervous about those offers but this was an opening, a chance that they had to take together and she couldn’t risk letting it go to waste. “I… Sure...Thank you.” She initially wanted to question if it was really okay, but decided against it because she didn’t want Elona to rescind the offers. She waited for Elona to open the door enough to step inside. No one had ever been in Elona’s room before, besides Danielle of course, and the mystery had always been on Hel’s mind. Upon first entering the room, she noticed the plethora of teddy bears scattered around the room and on the bed. She couldn’t help but smile at the sight of it, Hel would have never expected such a collection and she was admittedly jealous of a panda teddy bear that she spotted next to the bed. Not wanting to invade Elona’s space too much, she turned to her little sister and waited for some sort of instruction of where to go. Eyeing the panda bear again, Hel couldn’t help but quietly comment with a smile, “That one’s the coolest.”

I shrugged, boredom covered my face. "I'm just wandering around, don't have much to do. Or rather, I don't have anything to do." The thought that I would have replied something flirty if this was a regular mission crossed my mind. However, this was a long term mission. An inside operation in our main rival's house. One mistake will cost everything. Keeping a lover would be too much work. Appearances would be hard to keep and then...there was that possibility...no, I won't think about it. As those thoughts flitted though my mind, I heard myself speaking up again. "What do you plan on doing tonight?"
"I want to eat." Aeri simply said, finally stepping away from him and walking towards the entrance. "I also saw Boss and Hel there earlier. We could get a few more company there." Aeri mentally slapped herself for her behavior earlier. She currently didn't want to be alone with him. She should be focusing on her mission. She shouldn't be careless. This stubborn attitude of hers was something she wish she didn't have. She looked back, hoping Ethan would follow her. If boss was in the kitchen, maybe he could help her with talking to Ethan. If he won't follow, she's still going to have her late night snack. A small chat with boss wouldn't hurt either.
A young man's voice resounded in the night, and his tone and words were anything but genuine or kind. Despite this, Delia smiled inwardly. It showed that they were on guard against them, which would naturally mean that they were part of Spinal.

"Where are you from, big sis' and... is that a big bro over there too?"

Another person, a girl, asked.

Without hesitation, Delia replied, "We're from another town. When we arrived here it was already dark, and it seems that we wandered here by accident."
Pedr's smirk faded into a small scowl as soon as he heard the tone of the woman's voice.

Drat, she didn't buy it...which means she knows what we're up to.


Wait, if she knows what we're up to then....?!

He cursed at himself as he made a mental note not to be so careless and to remember this for future reference- if he will have any after this one.

"Another town? Where are you from?"

Pedr blinked and he shook his head, "Ah, whatever I don't think you will answer such a question." He took a step back before turning around, "Follow us then, we'll show you the exit."

"While I'm at it..." He slipped his hand inside his tuxedo jacket, silently but quickly pulling out a handgun as he turned back around, facing them sideways and outstretched his arm that held the gun. "I might as well get rid of you quickly."

A bullet fired straight towards the figures as he pulled the trigger.

"As you can see, I'm not so fond of outsiders." The mischievous glint remained in his eyes, waiting for the thrill of a possible fight.

Let's see if I live through this one.

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"Ah, whatever I don't think you will answer such a question. Follow us then, we'll show you the exit."

Delia's eyes narrowed slightly and she didn't move an inch. That first sentence set her alertness to a peak. It could mean too many things, and she wasn't about to take a chance. Her hand slowly moved back to her dagger. She was about to take a cautious step towards the two strangers, when a loud bang sounded.

Her hand shot out and she pushed Renatta onto the ground. She pressed herself against the ground, and at the same time pulled out two small daggers. Delia's heart leaped to her throat when she felt the bullet whiz past her head. Quickly recovering her posture, she stood back up and searched for the silhouette of the enemies. When she spotted them, she flicked her wrists and the daggers shot out at a speed that was comparable to that of a bullet. At the same time, Delia shot out as well, running towards the enemies with two larger daggers.
Pedr's eyes widened and a grin settled on his face.

So this is how it starts.

His hand quickly followed his eyes when he saw a glint of silver flying straight at his direction. In an attempt to grab the dagger, he quickly took a step to the side and reached out his free hand.

Pedr slightly furrowed his eyes and clenched his teeth at the weapon that slit his palm as it slipped out from his grasp and clanged down onto the pebble ground.

He bit his bottom lip as he let his feet fall onto the weapon's handle with an amount of force that sent it flying back into the air and caught it successfully this time, his blood smearing all over the dagger.

Remembering his position, he quickly stepped in front of Silvia as a dagger barely cut past her. He was now facing someone running towards them at an incredible speed.

The young man fired his gun once again, his eyes alert for the counter attacks while he got into a defensive stance.
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Delia huffed in slight annoyance when she saw the glint of her daggers missing their target. Another bang sounded again, but Delia maintained her composure this time. Her eyes spotted the bullet that was speeding towards her, and she shifted her head to the side. The bullet narrowly missed her head, but grazed her ear instead. She hissed at the pain, but didn't stop her steps towards the two.

When the two were finally visible to her, she seemed to speed up even more. Delia's arm shot upwards, and the dagger's deadly point threatened to cut the male open.
Pedr's breath hitched as he nearly missed his chance to get his skin sliced open. His arms were crossed in front of him, managing to block the attack's attempt to kill him, and a longer dagger from the counter person had its point piercing its sharp tip against his throat.

He let out a forced laugh, "Mi'lady, this person reminds me of..." His words seemed to trail away when he really saw who he was fighting, "..you.."

The young man fell silent as his eyes met with the purple eyes of a fairly beautiful young woman. He pressed his lips together as he tried to get his mind together and grabbed the woman's wrist in a swift movement, letting the dagger he held fall to the ground once more.
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I nodded at her words. Speaking of the boss.. Where was I going to stay today? Here or do I have to find some hotel? I glanced down at my stomach. Well, it wasn't like I wasn't hungry either. "What would you suggest for a midnight snack?" Inside I quietly relaxed, relieved she left my personal space. I wondered when the boss was going to test me...
Rapid footsteps could be heard in the entire Spinal HQ as a young man ran towards the office of the Boss, Rozando. It wasn't hard for the members of Spinal to guess that it was the ever so enthusiastic member, Cleto. When he arrived, he was barely able to stop himself from slamming into the door. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door firmly and loudly as if he was afraid that the man inside wouldn't be able to hear him. Without waiting for permission to enter, he pushed open the door and yelled, "Boss, I'm back from the mission!"

For a week, Cleto was away on a mission to make sure the shipment of weapons arrives safely to the port. Now that the shipment was here, he had raced back to HQ in order to report back to Rizando.

He hopped to the table where the man was sitting, and with bright, expectant eyes, waited for the cold-faced Boss to praise him.


Emilio's mouth opened widely as he let out a yawn. It was ten o'clock, and nothing eventful has happened today. Then again, he spent nearly the entire day in his room, so even if something eventful did happen, he probably miss it.

With casual strides, he wandered about the mansion, looking for someone to talk to. Though, most members quickly walked away as soon as they lay eyes on him. It didn't bother him though, because he simply didn't give a simple damn about what others think of him. After several minutes of wandering aimlessly, he arrived at the dining hall, where he saw Danielle eating away at his spaghetti with a rare relaxed face.

Emilio walked up to him and sat down without a word. With a smirk, he said in a lazy tone, "Fancy seeing you here, Danielle."
As Danielle was about to take another bite out of his spaghetti, someone pulled up a chair and sat at his table. He looked up and saw Emilio, and a smile immediately found its way to his lips. He met Emilio when he was around eighteen years old. At that time, Emilio was afraid and extremely... empty. It wasn't long before he heard about what had happened to him. Like he does to everyone, Danielle showered Emilio with kindness and care and treated him like family.

Over the years, he found that Emilio was pretty humorous in the way he talks and behave. Though, most members seemed to find his mannerisms to be infuriating, and it was something he didn't quite understand.

"Fancy seeing you here, Danielle."

Danielle laughed softly and nodded his head in agreement. "I spent almost the whole day doing some paperwork, and I thought I might grab some food before continuing."

The male gripped Delia's wrist, and her heart skipped a beat. Not because her movements were restricted, but because this young man... Looked akin to her dead lover. She bit her lips as the overwhelming emotions flooded her. Sadness, pain, despair, anger... And perhaps slight happiness.

Delia shook her head to clear her head from these thoughts. With a swift movement, her leg swept across the ground at the male's feet.
Pedr blinked as he saw the woman shake her head one second and felt a sudden force slam against his legs, making him lose balance and stumble forward, dropping the gun as his hands held the woman's shoulders for support.

The whole world just suddenly sped by in a blow of wind as Pedr rushed by her. Silvia had been motionless this entire time, staring into space.

"Mi'lady, this person reminds me of.. you.."

That snapped her back to reality. She shook her head and glanced around for the butler, chiding herself for dazing off. Silvia Spinal! How could you have dazed off in a fight?

She gasped as she saw him fighting with a beautiful woman in her twenties. In a brief instant, the two seemed to have paused but immediately afterwards, the woman's legs swept under the butler.

"Oui!" She rushed forward, fumbling to unsheathe her daggers. He better not die! He better not-

Silvia abruptly stopped as she stared at the scene before her. The butler had managed to pull the woman down with him and now they both laid there on top of each other. Wait... this position...

"I-I didn't know you guys were so close to each other..." She could feel her cheeks heating up at an alarming speed. "I'll just, uh, go over there and um... leave you two to your thing."

Moving like a robot, she turned and slowly walked away.
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At the moment that the male fell, he grabbed Delia's shoulder and both of them lost their balance and toppled to the ground. She let out a pained yelp as her head hit the concrete. Stars flashed in front of her eyes, and she almost couldn't keep her grasp on consciousness. She blinked rapidly and the sharp pain slowly ceased. It was only then when she realized that the two of them were in... Quite a compromising position. Their limbs were tangled together, and the male was pretty much laying on top of her.

How dare this guy...! Not even him... Not even he has done such a thing to me before...!

Delia may be a trained and experienced member of the mafia, but in the end, she was still a woman. Her faced heated up and she stuttered out, "G-get off of me!"
Pedr let out a faint groan as he lifted his head from the woman's neck and heard Silvia's voice. He sat up as he rubbed his forehead, not realizing he used his hand that had been slit from the dagger and let blood paint his face.

One of his eyebrows twitched as he heard her shuffle away from the scene that he was in and quickly scanned the ground to immediately pick up his handgun when he spotted it and pointed it at the woman's forehead right after she had finished stuttering.

He called out to the young girl, his voice in a fairly rough tone as he barked at her, "Idiot! Don't just stand there, go kill the rest of them, NOW."

Butler or not, he wasn't going to risk losing in this fight. He couldn't believe she was part of what they call this Spinal mafia. They are in the middle of fighting yet she is-what? ''Leaving the two of them do their thing''?!

But of course, what could he expect from a young girl.

Pedr narrowed his eyes and raised his fingers to the trigger of his gun, "Farewell, pretty maiden."
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Delia gritted her teeth when the male moved the gun to her forehead. She had let her guard down in her moment of flustering! His fingers moved to the trigger and said, "Farewell, pretty maiden."

Without thinking, Delia reached up a gripped his wrist and pulled with the intention of moving the gun away from her head, even if it's just a little so that she wouldn't break her skull with what she was about to do.

Her head shot up and headbutted the guy.

Knowing that it probably won't do much damage, Delia lifted her leg and pulled it up to knee him in the crotch.
I never knew that they were like that... Wait, what? Why am I even bothering to think about the position... I-I-I-I'm still a member of the Spinal family! But that position...

Silvia staggered a bit, holding her palm to her forehead. This mission was getting more and more awkward. If this happened at every single mission, she would need to prepare herself.

She whipped her head around when she heard Pedr's order. "EXCUSE ME? Are you ordering me around? I'll have you know that I-" Her eyes widened as she accidentally glanced at the woman's eyes, seeing her intention.

Quick as lightning, she rushed in as the butler fell in pain. Lightly but swiftly, she pushed the man aside before he could get hit again. Grabbing her dagger from her sheath, she swooped in and in a flash, replaced the gun's place with her dagger's point.

Her eyes had turn cold. "Miss, it's rude to kick a gentleman's most privileged place."
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Pedr staggered to the ground as the young girl pushed him aside while his head was slightly dizzy and his lower region was in pain.

This woman..!

He felt his ears turned a tint of red as he heard what Silivia had said next to the woman and couldn't tell whether she was being threatening or making fun of him.

He glared her as he gripped his gun, "I told you to kill the rest of- oh forget it!" He let out an exasperated groan as he shakily stood up while picking up the dagger he had caught before and darted towards the rest of the figures, trying to numb and distract his body from the pain.

His finger pulled the trigger right before he ran.
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The male fell over, and Delia was about to get up when he was immediately replaced by the young girl. She pointed a dagger at her, and Delia couldn't help but sigh internally. Frankly, she found this girl to be less threatening than her companion.

Not wanting to hurt a girl as young as her,Delia decided to take advantage of her innocence to escape her. She smiled angelically, and pushed the girl's dagger away rather forcefully. Then, without pausing, Delia pushed herself up and kissed the girl on the lips.
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"I wanted a sandwich. Been craving for something as such lately." she said almost immediately. So he decided to follow her? She didn't mind but she made sure to keep a certain distance from him. Not soon after, she found herself by the door to the kitchen. She could hear Dani's voice but the instead of hearing Hel's, she heard another male's voice. She peeked through the frame to see who it was. It was Emilio. She hadn't seen him in a long time that she already forgot his voice. She then continued her way into the kitchen.
She just got kissed. But so what?

Silvia smiled coldly and tilted her head a little to make herself seem innocent. "My, that was quite a greeting. Is this how you greet everyone who tries to kill you? By seducing them? Well that won't work on me!"

Making use of her small size and swift reflexes, she twisted her hand and swung right in an arc, aimed straight at the neck of this insolent woman.

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