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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

“Oh, I didn’t know you just returned. Do you need rest? I’m glad that you made it back safe.” Hel looked down as she listened and thought about what Aeri was telling her. So she wasn’t the only one who got a weird vibe from Ethan, that’s a relief. At least she knows that it isn’t her distrust of strangers. Plus, Aeri is more than capable of watching Ethan. “Just don’t work yourself too hard, please.”

Hel’s eyes shot up in surprise and slight worry when Aeri mentioned the proposal, she couldn’t help herself. “What?! You just met him and he proposed? I guess he must have been captivated by your beauty and couldn’t wait.” She said with a small laugh. “Seriously though, you must have made his nerves go crazy with your presence. What’d you say? Did you like it?” She said as she smiled lightly, knowing it must have been nice enough that it’s still on her mind.
"I'll be alright." Aeri said when Hel asked if she needed rest. She already had enough rest during her trip back. The mafia life demands a person to be always on the move, at least for her. She smiled and appreciated the worry. And just like the others, she had also managed to tease her about the proposal. "Hmph! Yeah right. It's just.. It was just a first so it's hard to forget." she muttered, once again trying to hide her blush. She had blushed upon remembering that instance but she also blushed at the compliment. She was not really good at taking compliments. That Ethan was more than Rosa's trouble, it was also hers. She'll be more eager now to find evidences about him. "How about you? Obviously you're suspicious about him too. I must say, everyone's so worked up about him. Were you guys like this too when I joined?" she asked the inevitable question that has been gnawing on her mind the moment this conversation started. Whatever the answer is, it still won't change her loyalty to the family.
“I’m sure you’ll be alright, but still.” Hel just smiled and laughed again when Aeri tried to hide her face and blushing. “Awwwww look at you! I won’t keep teasing but don’t let him see how much you really liked the proposal. He may be hopeful for an answer still.” She ended with a joking wink. Then she took a minute to stop laughing, it was nice to have a normal conversation for a change. “Me? Well I just came down for a late breakfast and saw him and Elona talking. I didn’t recognize him but the fact that he had to promise to ‘not act suspicious’ made me suspicious of him rather than just wary. He’s a stranger, and I don’t trust strangers easily. We all are just looking out for each other, it’s what family does.”

She looked Aeri in the eye to answer the last question, putting her hand lightly on Aeri’s shoulder to emphasize her words. “Don’t worry, Aeri. We weren’t suspicious of you when you joined. Your father was here and we had gotten to know you a bit beforehand. It’s not like you came out of thin air. You’re just as much family and we all care about you.” Hel took her hand off of Aeri’s shoulder and turned to look at the garden and sighed. “Sorry… just, please don’t worry yourself like that.” Hel can’t help but think about how Elona still wants nothing to do with her. She only hopes that can somehow change over time.
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"I said I don't like him!" Aeri retorted in defense. Having anything to do with him was the last thing she currently wanted. After the conversation had taken a bit more serious tone, she listened closely to Hel. Others' opinions were a big help to her mission. She nodded her head as she listened. She then answered her last question while comfortingly placing her hand on her shoulder. Aeri just smiled. She didn't know what to say but actions may speak louder than words. Hearing about her talking about family, she remembered her relationship with Elona. They didn't seem to get along well. "Hey, about Elona, I'd be happy to help you get along with her." Aeri said without a second thought. Siblings should get along well, at least for Aeri even though she never had one.
Hel smiled at Aeri's emphasis at her dislike of Ethan, "Understood." She was thankful that Aeri was willing to deal with her. Seeing the smile brought a sense of comfort to her that made her relax a bit, and then more when Aeri offered to help. Hel hesitated to reply, it was somewhat embarrassing to have to admit. "I'd be so greatful. I'm really at a loss and have no idea what to do about it. I love her and just want to get along. Thank you, for everything."
(Ready for the timeskip?)

(I shall do the timeskip now :D )

Going to the bar to get information requires little preparation. Dante has never really felt the need to dress himself up differently and looks different than before just because he's about to enter somewhere with people of different identities. He prefers to stay as himself, and finds a solution to whatever problems that occurs. Besides, not many people know him as the spy of Rosa. They may know him without realizing who he really is, for Dante never truly exposed his identity or who he really is.

He has spent the rest of the day strolling around within the mansion and outside the mansion, hanging out alone because he can't think much of anything else to do. He watched as the time go by, ate lunch and dinner, and as the night approached, he headed towards the bar's direction. Well, from the street he's on right now, it would take a while to reach the bar Danielle want him to go to.


"...Pretty sure there's nothing special I need to do now..." Renatta has long fallen asleep on her bed before waking up and checked her watch. She made sure her guns are ready and her dagger prepared, then neatened her hair lazily with her hand. Standing up, she yawned. The sky has already darkened, the moon glowing its usual eerie light. She opened her bedroom door and exited it, wearing her favorite boots.


After the short conversation Rozando had with Vittoria, the rest of the day was spent as usual--works, conversations, Vittoria's sarcastic comments once in a while and the constant distractions he had due to the kitty. Meals were taken and Rozando finally took some time to relax himself as the moon hung itself high above the darkened sky. The time caught his attention then, and he glanced at it.

The time is now 10 P.M.

Changing into a more comfortable set of clothes, I grabbed my wallet and made my way outside. Tonight would be a good night to drink I mused. Looking around I remembered the information bar. Of course, it wasn't called that, but it was a good place to gather information on the underground world. It's name lost to me for tonight, I figured that I would recognize it with my eyes.

Within 5 minutes I arrived at the bar, a bit confused. I thought it was farther than this...Oh well..

Grabbing a stool at the counter, I waved the bartender over. The last time I was here, the working bartender had messed up my order and I did not leave happy. Staring the current bartender down, I voiced my order.

"Gin and Tonic, ratio of 1 to 2, garnish with a slice of lime -squeeze lightly twice into the drink-, and use a highball glass. Did you get all that?"

I let a glare flash across my face for a split second before returning with a light smile. This one better not mess it up. Can't believe the other bartender put an banana in my drink. Where did he even get the banana?

Setting aside that minor memory, I turned to my neighbor and made light conversation. Later I would question him about his family's -a mafia family- activities in depth.
Dante reached the information bar surprisingly fast. Perhaps it's because he didn't stop around to look at the little shops that lined up on the streets, each different with its own products and tastes. Although there are a lot of stores to start with, the closer he reached the bar, the lesser there are. However, the streets are still filled with loud chatters and energetic people, many to whom entered the bar he was about to go into. How ironic, that the supposedly silent and gloomy night sky is actually echoed with people's laughs and cheers.

Compared to the outside, the inside of the bar is much quieter, although not necessarily peaceful. Dante scanned across the bar, where much people have gathered. He wondered if they have gathered to find information too.

Sitting himself at the counter next to a man he has not met before, but spreads quite the mysterious aura, Dante listened as he ordered the bartender for his drink.

"Gin and Tonic, ratio of 1 to 2, garnish with a slice of lime -squeeze lightly twice into the drink-, and use a highball glass. Did you get all that?"

What a bossy voice, Dante thought, although he said none of it. When the bartender's eyes landed on him, he simply put on his usual light, soft smile. "The cheapest wine in one simple glass is enough," he said. "I did not bring much money."

After making sure the bartender got his order, Dante resumed to his usual silent composure, listening to the conversations going on around him, deciding that perhaps he could get something out of their conversations first before going up to them and ask them himself.
Danielle sat up straight and looked around groggily. He took notice of the paperwork that was on his desk, and assumed that he must have fallen asleep while taking a short break from his job. From the looks of it, it was around nighttime already...

Wait... Nighttime?

The boss shot up and looked up at the antique clock next to him. Indeed, the clock read ten o'clock. Danielle almost wanted slap himself for sleeping for... What, eight hours? Eight hours that he could have spent doing his endless stacks of paperwork! He let out a short sigh and decided not to sleep tonight and instead do paperwork, even though his mind was still blank and groggy. But right now... He needs some food.

Danielle walked out of his office and headed to the dining room. He doubted that there was still anyone eating dinner at this hour, or that there were still any food left, but he wants to go see anyway. Besides, even if there weren't any food left, he can always tell the chefs to make more.

When it comes to food, it is one of the few times that Danielle takes advantage of being the boss. Though, there seems to be no need, since there were still a few people having a late-night snack in the room. After he sat down, he was immediately tended to, and he ordered a simple spaghetti with meat sauce.

Delia took a short glace at her watch and saw that it was ten. Humming a soft tune, she quickly strode to the meet-up location and waited for Renatta to show up. Hopefully, this mission won't be a screw-up.
Hel was one of the people grabbing food from the kitchen so late at night. She started the day late, so her timing was thrown off regarding when she was hungry. She sat up and forward in her chair when Danielle came over and got his food. She could see the small bags under his eyes, he was obviously very tired and of course she worried. "Did you miss dinner because of working Da-.. Boss?"
Danielle looked up upon hearing Hel's voice and smiled at his adopted sister fondly. The two of them met a while ago. Back then, Hel was facing some difficult times, and Danielle had helped her back onto her feet. In return, Hel would always help out whenever he had a lot of work to handle, or simply talk to him when he has a lot on his chest. Hel has been extremely sweet and kind, and after some time, he came to see and love Hel as a little sister. It wasn't a tough decision for Danielle to set his mind on adopting her as a sibling.

"Well... I was doing work, then I fell asleep," he responded to Hel sheepishly. "I woke up just a little while ago."
"Well that inevitably means that you have a lot of work." She said with eyes full of concern. That was mostly a guess, but he wouldn't have fallen asleep while doing it otherwise. Hel doesn't think she will ever be able to fully repay Danielle for everything that he has done for her, but she wants to help him however she can. They are family now, after all, and she hates seeing how stressed out he gets from his work and responsibilities. She then returned his smile, "Can I help you with it at all? I'll even work on it while you sleep. You're going to end up messing up your sleeping schedule."
Hearing Hel's offer, Danielle shook his head as a rejection. "I can't ask you to do something like that. Besides, if I can't handle something like paperwork, how would I be able to handle..."

He stopped himself short, realizing what he was about to say to his sister. How would I be able to handle the fighting, the deaths, and the hatred...

The boss held back a groan of pain when he felt the headache coming back again. This happens much too often for his liking. His mind would constantly drift off to the war and all the bloodshed that would happen, even when he's eating, sleeping, or simply having a conversation. It seems as if his brain was constantly trying to bring his focus to the war with Spinal.

Not wanting to worry Hel by keeping his silence for too long, Danielle forced a smile and asked. "Well, enough talking about me. How is it going between you and Elona?'

Other than the war, this is also another concern that has been plaguing Danielle. For some reason that he never really knew, Elona keeps her distance from Hel. He had adopted Hel not only because he loves her, but also because he wanted to give Elona some company if he wasn't around, since she didn't have much friends other than Aeri and maybe a few of the other members. Yet, from the looks of it, Elona wanted nothing to do with Hel.
Silvia sneaked another peek at the blue and white ship bobbling up and down on the water. The words Catarina were spelled in gold letters on its side. So far, there was no sign of the man Vittoria had mentioned. Worse comes to worse, they might have to go onto the ship and risk meddling within the crew. The dark served as a weak cover because of all the streetlights surrounding the area.

Couldn't they have picked a better spot? This is like they're asking to be ambushed.

She turned to look at the butler standing in a dark corner. They had been using this abandoned building to keep an eye on the ship. But not a single soul had passed the ship since they arrived a while ago. "We've been waiting here for an hour. Should we head on after all?"
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It had gotten chillier since the sky had fallen dark and the moon had taken its throne amongst the clouds, barely shining it's moonlight at the time. A light breeze past thought his ears, making them have a hint of redness as Pedr felt the coldness taking effect around him.

Winter was on its way. The tree had barely changed the color of their leaves!

He glanced at the young maiden in front of him she turned around, waiting for an answer.

Pedr nodded. He wanted to get this mission over with before it got any colder.
In the dim light, Silvia caught the short nod. "Ok then," she turned around to look back at the ship, "let's go."

She was about to quietly step out of the shadows when her instincts suddenly flashed a warning.

"Wait!" Silvia threw out her arm to stop the butler from following her. "Someone's here."

She slowly sunk back into the shadows, her heart pounding. Something told her whoever it was, it was definitely not the captain of the ship.

@Kain @SilverBlack @Dawnsx
Hel’s heart sank when Danielle cut himself off mid-sentence. She knew he was trying to keep her from worrying and it made her worry more. She needed to help, it hurt her to see him like this. She then pleaded with him, “Please? You aren’t asking me, I’m offering. It’s what I’m here for and you need rest to be at your best so you can handle everything…” She went silent when he mentioned Elona. Hel feels like she did something wrong to be pushed away by Elona constantly. Hel sat back in her chair and starting playing with her fingers before she answered. She would never lie, especially to Danielle, “It’s going the same as always… I don’t know what I did but she wants nothing to do with me. I don’t know what to do. Earlier Aeri said she would help me so hopefully it works. They get along so well.” She stayed focused on her hands. Hel didn’t want to look Danielle in the eye because she knew she would get upset if she did.
As the mysterious man seemingly engaged himself into a conversation to the person on the other side of him, Dante listened to them, particularly because he didn't hear any interesting things out of other people. The way the man talked to the person, Dante recognized, is as if he is sooner or later going to ask some information out of him. Dante almost smiled to himself as he placed the glass of wine on the counter. As a spy, he has long known the different ways people sneak information out of the other.

He has started to immerse himself into his thoughts when a drunkard from aside threw a wine bottle towards him as he engaged himself into an angry conversation with a man. A bit out of surprise Dante caught the bottle with one hand while the other arm's elbow bumped into his glass of wine, knocking it down. The man, who noticed, immediately apologized and dragged the drunkard away to somewhere else. Although displeased, wondering why the man hit him with the bottle instead of the one he's talking to, Dante's attention immediately switched to the wine that has spilled out the glass, the liquid slowly spreading out on the counter, to the mysterious man's direction.

"Ah, I apologize," Dante said to the man, then looked toward the bartender. "Excuse me, please clean it away..."

Renatta walked down the hallway, each step of hers making a light sound against the floor. At first thinking of going there alone, she remembered Felix. The sudden thought that he might not go to the mission cause he would have to deal with two women popped up, and with a turn of her heel she aimed back from the entrance to find out where Felix is.

When she did, she grabbed him by his arm. "You look ready, so let's go the mission." She said shortly then dragged him along with her, bringing him to the location of where the mission supposed to be before finally freeing him completely.

When she saw Delia, Renatta is confirmed that she is at the right place. She walked towards her then, her expression blank but greeted with a light nod. It's when she's in front of the other did she suddenly feel something wrong.

"Looks like someone else's here," she said scratching the back of her head as she looked around. "If I sense it right..."

I turned to face the man on my other side, having noticed the fight and the spilled wine. The man seemed like a high ranker, I decided to chat him up instead of my other neighbor. The man I was previously talking to had drank too much too make any sense. He was spewing out random pieces of information that I already knew, but others probably didn't. He'll probably be dead at the end of this night.

"So, are you gonna get another glass or are you going to drink from the bottle?" I playfully asked him, motioning to the wine bottle that he had caught.
Although he has planned to stay quiet after the apology, the man seemed to turn his interest to him instead.

Dante blinked a bit when the mysterious man started talking to him, asking him playfully if he's going to get another glass or another bottle. He watched as the bartender came to clean the counter, and responded with a light, polite laugh. "Another small glass is enough," he said shortly, nodded toward the bartender to make sure he has heard him as well. He placed the wine bottle gently on the counter aside then.

The man no longer seemed interest in the original person he was talking to, mostly because he was already drunk. Probably no longer useful in seeking information then, although this made Dante wonder. He likes it when the other is drunk, it is easier for him or her to spill out all kinds of information under drunk situation.

"You look like you're here to get information," Dante said then, resting his cheek on the back of his hand as he looked towards the man. "What information might you want? I have plenty," he grinned softly.

"What information might you want? I have plenty" The man grinned softly.

Smiling back at him, I responded, "Although your information sounds like it'll be interesting, my main reason for coming here today is to have fun. What do you say to a round of darts?"

Keeping a friendly smile as a mask on my face, I begun wondering how my dear family members were doing.

Did Felix begin overcoming his dislike of women? How was Renatta, did she run into any problems? Well, Delia is there to back them up so there shouldn't be any problems. The ship probably hasn't arrived yet.

Ending my thoughts, I took a sip from my glass, then looked at him for his reply.
Pedr took a rushed step back as the girl nearly slapped her outstretched arm into his chest and kept in a sigh that would've been rather exasperated.

That's when he realized his step back had....sounded a bit too...loud.


The woman's voice, from the other side of where they were standing, didn't sound like she had clogged ears either.

Pedr refrained himself from dropping his head into his open palms as he waited for Siliva to turn around and scold him in some kind of way.

Wait. Why should he wait for such an action? It was the girl that suddenly stretched out her arm that nearly sent him a whack on his chest which he didn't want to receive. But of course he was at fault, he was just a mere butler to was to do everything he was commanded. But why should he wait to get scolded- and possibly get hurt while doing so?!

He was supposed to act as a bodyguard, wasn't he? What kind of bodyguard needs to protect himself from the person he is supposed to protect? This was a mission- probably serious since that Mafia Boss had said to try and return alive. Which meant it was probably his last.

Hold on. Why was he giving his life away to a random mafia that he didn't even want to get involved with?! Wait....he probably did ever since he saw a glimpse of them whenever they walked out of the mansion during the night..-no! He didn't even know they were part of a mafia that time!

Great. He was getting off track. He had no time to act- I mean, think like this!

Pedr shook his head and ran his hand through his hair as he tried to re collect his thoughts. He needed a plan to stay alive and the way he was thinking was no where near such thoughts.

His eyes dropped down to the floor as his hand flattened his now slightly messed up hair.

Pedr thought about the current mess- mission. When he was in The Berceuse, he had come across a similar situation but he was merely the one who followed others. He thought about Silvia for a second. Following other people wasn't a reliable option at this time. Then..

What would Ralec do in such a situation?

Right at that moment, Pedr's eyes flashed a flared glint as he looked from the ground.

He had it. He had a plan.

The young man crouched down and plopped his bottom onto the ground as he leaned back on his hands for support.

He let out a sigh as he looked up at the young girl who had her back towards him, "You really have to cut out that habit of trying to hurt me."

A small smirk started to make its way onto his face as the flare in his eyes turned what one would call...mischievous.

Mafia or no mafia. He wasn't going to get tossed around like a rag doll this time.
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So there wasn't just one...

Silvia had glimpsed three figures before she had ducked back. Two women and a man. They all looked around 18-20 years old. Her instincts were right after all. Giving a quick glare to Pedr for making a noise, she was about to turn back around and start thinking of a plan when something caught her eye. She blinked twice and rubbed her eyes to clarify.

What? No way. Ped- the butler was actually mentally panicking. She watched him ruffle his hair and struggled to withhold a chuckle.

And he is suppose to be my bodyguard. In this form, he looks like he's the one who needs to be protected.

She reached over to lightly pinch him to calm him down. Then he suddenly looked up and she turned back around in a hurry. She smiled at his remark, seeing his smirk in her mind.

"Excuse me for my behavior then, sir. I was just trying to save my bodyguard." She emphasized on the last word. Silvia knew he was up to something. Anyone with that voice and attitude would.
Upon hearing the young girl speak, Pedr slowly cast his eyes downwards.

The girl didn't even sound as if she was taken aback by his sudden turn of actions. She practically already seemed to know what he was up to. Pedr scoffed at himself, what did he expect from a young girl like her anyway. He probably seemed ridiculous right now.

He shook his head. He had decided on his plan and he would stick to it.

With the mischievous glint still in his eyes, Pedr leaned forward as he crisscrossed his legs and waited for the strangers on the other side to find them.

He looked at Silvia, "Why don't you keep doing that? Saving me. I prefer it over you trying to abuse me." He didn't even bother to lower his voice as he waited for a reply.

His idea of a peaceful life had been washed away. All because of his foolish actions he ended up joining a mafia. His mind had risked getting melted several times just in a day as he tried to figure out what he had gotten himself into. He had even almost gotten his neck sliced open!

No more of that.

This whole cycle of himself getting tossed around like no big deal was ridiculous.

He wanted to crush this mission into pieces and get it over with. Then he would figure out where to go from there.
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"Why don't you keep doing that? Saving me. I prefer it over you trying to abuse me."

Silvia's eye twitched. It was bad enough that they were found out. It was bad enough that this butler had to stab her with guilt for accidentally trying to hurt him. It was bad enough that she had to lose her mother, her father, her brother, and even her uncle. She was NOT going to go through this pain again.

"Abuse you?" She slowly stood up and turned, looking down at Pedr with a cold look, emitting a dark aura around her. Her voice was deathly quiet. "If that's your wish, then so be it. But I won't be the one to do that."

She turned back to look at the three figures getting closer and closer. If she died, she died.


And she shot out of the darkness toward the figures, dagger in one hand and throwing knives in the other.

At least now, he can escape if I fail.

@Kain @SilverBlack @Dawnsx
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