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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

"You don't have to force yourself, if you don't want to."

Ha! Was the old man trying to play around with her? Silvia straightened up and looked the boss in the eye. Yes, he was toying with her. He was treating her like an amusing play thing.

There's no use playing around with the likes of him.

He knew of her past and had done nothing but pity her. Everyone looked at her with those sad smile. It was sickening. She didn't need anyone's pity. Silvia Spinal had no heart to share with those to spent their idle times looking at someone sadly and yet doesn't even move a finger to help.

They're all the same. Everyone.

Silvia answered with a cold tone. "I have heard of them and the ... tactics they use to keep themselves hidden from discovery. I also know that their existence has some sort of connection to the war."

For now I should just focus on the mission... If the boss starts getting annoying, I always have that...
A sleek, black car with fully tinted windows pulled up to the front steps of the Spinal family mansion. Vittoria had spent the past three weeks in Las Vegas, persuading a grimy, vile, multi-billionaire casino and hotel owner to buy a few foreign prostitutes from the Spinal family. Business had gone over relatively well, despite the few times when Vittoria's buyer would throw fits when things didn't go his way. Vittoria sat in the passenger seat of the car, re-applying her crimson red lipstick in the mirror for what seemed like the hundredth time.

She thanked the family's chauffeur before exiting the vehicle and grabbing two heavy metal suitcases from the back seat. The blue-eyed woman rolled her eyes at the sight of the suitcases, which were filled to the brim with stacks of thousands of dollars. Vittoria had insisted that the money be transferred into a private Swiss bank account, but the buyer she had worked with refused to do so, screaming about conspiracy theories and banks stealing money and how they were evil, or something along those lines.

Upon entering the large estate, Vittoria was surprised to see that practically nobody was present, besides the hired help. "That's odd." The slender woman headed up the spiral staircase, feeling relaxed to finally arrive at home. Her heels click-clacked against the marble flooring as she headed towards the boss's office. Vittoria barged in without knocking. "Ciao! I am back." She was greeted by the sight of two unfamiliar faces, a male standing by the door, and a female sitting down in a chair. "Ah! What is this?" The brunette looked to Rozando with a questioning glance.
Silvia stared at the woman that just barged in unannounced. She was the first person in the whole entire province that acted in a way that wasn't polite as heck.

But... Who is she?

A quick scan of the woman seemed like she was a beauty sought by greedy suitors. She wore a wore a rosy red dress that uncomfortable showed her sexual appeal. How does one dress so ... openly? Silvia didn't get how the adults' minds think. Although she was still a child (yes she admits it), she doesn't have times where she acts adult-like. But this. This was something Silvia had never encountered before.

Silvia stood and walked toward the woman with the face of curiosity, the seriousness of the conversation forgotten. "I beg your pardon but who are you? You must be a high ranking member if you are able to enter the boss' room in this way."
Danielle noticed that as Dante opened the door and laid eyes on him, a small frown fell on his face. He sighed internally. He could simply tell what a wreck he must look like just by the look on Dante's face. Despite this, he smiled at his two family members.

"You guys arrived sooner than I expected." He said, then frowned slightly. "I didn't make you rush through breakfast, did I?"

@SilverBlack @Aeri Rosevier
He took a quick trip to a restaurant outside, sneaking in with a sandwich in his mouth. He headed to a large room cluttered with various things, in one of the dark corners of the vast head quarters: His room. Of course, It was littered with books and papers; The only thing that was properly arranged was his weapons in a stainless steel footlocker that was rather small for his liking. Opening the lock with a twist of the hand, he took out his weapons: A long sharpened machete and multiple knives within his shirt. As he wrapped them on his hips, his eyes glanced over his guns and decidedly took a silencer and a gun.

About to leave, he grabbed a ammo pouch. Felix remembered that once he had forgot to do so, and he almost ran out of bullets when he was surrounded by enemies. It was a dreadful experience.

Now, what was he going to do now?

He sighed angrily, still seething, and munched on the rest of his lunch. "Merde." He uttered to himself.

After that moment of frustration, he tried to find one of the erring cats residing in this place, to make the most of his boredom.
Well, now that they have looked into each other eye to eye, Rozando could feel the utter dislike Silvia has for him.

It's not the first time a newly joined member or simply a member hates or dislike him, but Rozando still let out a sigh, although he didn't say anything more about it.

He has known about Silvia's past--has known about it even before he becomes the boss. His father, having the habit of sharing all mafia businesses matters to him, has told Rozando about Silvia. Rozando, at that time, didn't care. He, who just wanted to have some family bonding moments with his parents, who just want to be an innocent child with cats and cakes despite all the mocking and dislike towards him at the time, just thought Silvia's situation as quite pitiful, but perhaps a little bit jealous of her too. She has her uncle who would take care of her, she would still have happy moments with her family members.

However, now, looking at her, grown up and standing in front of him with that coldness in her eyes, Rozando couldn't exactly feel any sympathy, but his jealousy has faded as well. He is now the Spinal boss, who decided to not think about any past stuffs anymore, doesn't matter who's.

"Hmph," upon hearing how much Silvia knows about Appassito, Rozando nodded lightly, seemingly approving. "You have known quite much, although there is still much to learn. Recently, the Appassito members seemed to be messing around our Spinal grounds lately." He paused, then looked up, wearing his usual smile. "I want you to--"

Before he could finish, his office door opened, and a familiar figure walked in, followed by a recognizable voice. He stopped from what he's about to say and looked toward the door, surprised.

"Ciao! I am back."

Vittoria stepped into the room, wearing quite the pretty dress, her strong presence never failed to amuse the Spinal boss. Rozando, who has his attention switched away from Silvia to Vittoria, let out a tiny sigh at the sudden interruption halfway when he's giving out a mission. Her greeting was soon followed by her curious question about the two that's also in his office, to whom she did not know yet. He couldn't help but have his eyebrows twitched when Silvia bluntly asked her who she is with...well, some sharpness in her voice. Vittoria is quite the sassy woman, Rozando did not want some women commotion to go off in his office.

"Welcome back, Vittoria. Your return is out of my expectation, I didn't know you'll be back today." Rozando said calmly, smiling pleasantly at his secretary. "These two are newly joined members. Or rather, one joined as a butler, Pedr. This lady over here, although is a new member..." He ignored the fact that she has already talked to her..."am in fact related to the family already. If you may introduce yourself, Lady Silvia."

Rozando leaned back into his seat, hoping to end this introduction fast.

Renatta went back into her messy room and frowned, staring at her large pile of messy...Whatever it is. She raised an eyebrow and decided on not to care as he headed toward a closer and opened it up.

At least she knows to throw her weapons and fighting-related stuffs into the same pile.

Many guns fell out from the closet, not because there's so many of it that the closet couldn't handle, but simply because Renatta just so randomly threw all her weapons in without a bit of intention to organize it, that they're just so messy they fell out.

Renatta raised an eyebrow. She should really start cleaning up both the closet and her room. She should do it...Next month, or perhaps next year.

Starting to inspect some of her guns, she choose two out of it...Her favorite ones. She also picked out a dagger, it's sharp edges reflecting the light of the room. She shall bring it just in case.

Randomly grabbing some ammos, then, and pulling out an outfit she thought fitting for mission, Renatta nodded to herself and believed she's ready. If she ever ran out of ammos or something, she should just borrow from Felix or Delia or something.

She wished she could be less lazy, but then she shrugged. Who cares.
Keeping his head bowed, Pedr held in a sigh of relief that the young maiden was indeed Lady Silvia as he listened to how she conversed with the boss.

Just as he was about to let go of the door and retrieve the teapot to get more tea for the boss, sounds similar to that of how horseshoes clopped against the ground made its way to his ears. As he raised his head from his bowed state, he looked towards the sound to see high heels standing in a firm spot against the carpet. His eyes trailed further up, quickly skimming past the female's long legs and vibrant dress, all the way till he saw the woman open her mouth and speak.

Her voice rang loud and clear through the room with elegance and a tone of great confidence that withstood her matching presence.

Pedr's eyes laid upon the woman's fine features as she spoke. He noticed the extravagant jewelry hanging from her ears and around her neck that were a set with her blue eyes that shone with a certain charm that Pedr couldn't quite name.

His eyes almost lingered upon the woman's fine jewelry when Lady Silvia's voice cut into the air, followed by the boss's smooth voice. He blinked, remembering what he was supposed to do and let go of the door, making sure the doorstop held it open for the other woman whom he recalled the boss called Vittoria.

Pedr promptly bowed his head towards Vittoria before walking towards the small tray on the mini high table by the desk and retrieved it with one hand. He carefully balanced the teapot and teacup on it before making his way out of the office, using the closed door to exit so that he wouldn't have to make Vittoria move aside or increase the chance of himself letting the tray tip over.

When he reached the kitchen, he placed the metal tray down onto the counter and lifted the teapot onto the stove, turning on the fire in order to heat up the tea that remained in the pot.

He then took a step back and crossed his arms as he waited for the fire to do its work and thought back to the woman's jewelry.

They reminded him of the countless other riches and gems he and The Berceuse had stolen. Of course such expensive precious metal wasn't easy to swipe, but with the right tactics and speed- the task was not impossible.

Somehow, his mind drifted to the woman herself and what Lady Silvia had said.

High ranking member...

What exactly was that supposed to mean? Their status in the family? Of what? Importance? Authority?

Why would they even use such a status?

Pedr let out a sigh as he waved his hand in front of him, as if he was attempting to shoo the never ending question marks that crowded his mind.

He would find out what kind of family this exactly was, sooner or later.
Dante opened the door for Aeri, letting her enter first. She went in, greeted with the weary face of their boss. Being boss sure seems like a heavy job, that's why she wanted to stay as a regular member.

"You guys arrived sooner than I expected. I didn't make you rush through breakfast, did I?" he asked.

"Not at all!" she answered, assuring him. She didn't mind really even if she did rush. She'd be happy to help the boss any time. She took a quick glance towards Dante, remembering their conversation earlier, before returning her attention to Danielle.
"Oh, I see." Rozando's explanation of the two strangers cleared things up for him. It seemed like lots of things had occured while she was on business. She noticed the new butler, whose name was Pedr, quickly yet silently make his exit from the office. Vittoria couldn't help but take careful examination of his movements; his silent yet careful retreat made the Italian woman think of a thief.

Before answering the girl, who Vittoria now knew was named Silvia, she placed the two briefcases on Rozando's desk. "Business went well. There were a few....ah....complications, but those were taken care of." She winked, then turned herself around to face the young woman. From a quick glance at Silvia's appearance, Vittoria concluded that she couldn't have been older than 18. So what was she doing in a place like this?

"I'm Vittoria." Customary to European culture, the older woman placed air-kisses on both of Silvia's cheeks. "I guess you could say I am somewhat influential around here." She laughed, answering the young girl's question about her position in the family. "And why are you here? You seem very young."
Silvia had to fight the urge to swipe out her dagger as the woman- Vittoria, was it?- reached toward her. It wouldn't be nice if she accidentally injured another member of the Spinal. Especially in front of the boss. Plus... this woman radiated a motherly aura that she couldn't help but hesitate a bit to reach for her belt.


Her mind wandered to her faint memory of her mother. Why was she abandoned? Did her father know about this? Did... did he know about it too? Why didn't they stop her? Were they all in it together? I- why did they throw me out like that? At that moment, a pair of soft hands touched Silvia's shoulders. She snapped back into reality as she accepted the air-kisses.

This Vittoria woman doesn't seem like a bad person... But I can't trust her just yet... It doesn't hurt to be polite though.

She stepped back and curtsied before replying. "My name is Silvia. I may be young but I do have confidence in my skills. It's an honor to meet someone with such a high rank. If I may do so, I-" She glanced at the boss. "-also bid you a welcome back."
(Sorry for late reply)

Dante nodded lightly as Aeri replied not at all to the boss. He paused for a moment, noticing Aeri's looks towards him, before focusing his attention to Danielle.

"So what do you wish to talk about, boss?" He asked, although pretty sure it is related to Ethan, the mysteriously joined new member which caused lots of suspicion.

He is pretty sure, despite Danielle's naiveness, that the boss still knows not to trust someone so fully, especially ehen asked to join the family in such a weird way. Dante decided to bring the matter up, hopefully with Aeri's help. But first, he would listen to what the boss has to say.


Rozando watched as Pedr left the room to prepare the tea for him, then his attention switched back to the two ladies in the room. He nodded, showing he understood, when Vittoria stated that she has finished her business. Rozando was pleased to see that the introduction between the two ladies went on surprisingly fluent, and he cleared his throat, then, catching their attention, after making sure the two ladies have known each other.

"It is a pleasure for you to know one more young newly joined lady in this family, Vittoria. I'm sure there will be plenty of chances for the two of you to get to know each other further," the Spinal boss said. "But for now, I am giving Lady Silvia her first mission." He thus switched his attention to Silvia.

"What I want you to do, is to sneak into the Appassito family and act as a spy. However, on your way there, you will pass the location where my shipment of weapons shall arrive. I will ask some other members to get it tomorrow, but I want you to see if the shipment of weapons is safe without attack. If it is, do proceed to the Appassito household. If not, contact me immediately." Rozando paused, seemingly thinking. "I'm sure you have already known some fighting skills to protect yourself in case of an attack."

He wondered if he should let Silvia go on the mission alone. No, that shall not be it. He should ask somebody else to go with her, but he did not want to randomly pick a member. Vittoria didn't seem to fit for this types of missions, either.

So who should he ask...Rozando wondered while his eyes subconsciously landed on the fancy jewelry Vittoria is wearing, it's shiny surface reflecting the lights of the room.
Danielle smiled at Aeri's response and said jokingly, "That's good. I'd feel guilty if you two starved."

"So what do you wish to talk about, boss?" Dante asked.

"I asked you two to come here to talk about a few things," Danielle said to Aeri and Dante. He paused momentarily before speaking again, this time with a much more serious tone. "The first thing I want to talk about is Spinal. I think they are planning something, and we need to be prepared for any scenario. I have a hunch that they won't attack too directly, but they might target stronger members... Like the two of you or even Elona."

The boss took a deep breath after mentioning his little sister. Elona was one of the most precious things to him, along with the welfare of all the other members. Just the thought that someone could be after Elona, or in fact any of the members, made his heart leap.

"The second thing is about Ethan. With Spinal as an issue, I need to know more about his abilities so that I can place him into suitable positions. I certainly don't want to place him in the front lines and in danger if he isn't strong." Danielle said with a small frown.
Pedr exhaled when he saw the light whiff of steam drifting out from the teapot and uncrossed him arms to turn off the stove. He then carefully placed the teapot onto the metal tray , pouring tea into the teacup as well, and held it with one hand before he walked back to the office.

He steadily walked over to the boss's desk and served him the tea and placed the metal tray down to its original place from before.

Silvia curtsied again and turned to head out the door, giving a short nod to Vittoria and the butler, who had just placed the black tea beside the boss.

Stopping by the door, she turned around again and asked, "But before I leave, may I ask specifically where the location of the shipment is to arrive at? In addition, is there a time limit I need to be informed of? I have a feeling that the shipment may need some extra attention."
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The reply was totally unexpected. Elona couldn't believe what Dani had told her.

Struggling to find the correct word to tell him that she doesn't really like Ethan, Dani and the rest of the members already left the dining room. By the time she decided to protest, the crew was already gone. Elona bits her lips and hold her sigh of disappointment. What should she do? She barely talked to strangers and most of the time she is quiet. She glance at Ethan and felt a sudden guilt. The young lady was treating him rather coldly. The Rosa's family motto is family. Ethan is a new family member right now, this means that she can't avoid him forever.

She mumbles, "U-uh, hi. As you would already know, my name is Elona Rosa. I hope we can get along."

Elona shyly brought out her hand and force a smile.

"Today is going to be a long day." she thought.
(GAAAAH sorry for late reply got busyyyyy)

Rozando paused at Silvia's words. In his mind, he didn't quite expect the girl to ask him that. True, she appears sharp with her mind and careful with her thoughts. Usually, when he didn't mention anything besides the main point of the mission, it's because he didn't consider it as important. Or perhaps, it's because he's too used to ordering people who has long understood how each mission works and how their boss works. Silvia is new, Rozando almost forgot about it. Well, what a careless mistake he has made.

"There is no time limit to this mission, unless you're going to take up a year doing it, which is unlikely," Rozando replied to Silvia with a light joking tone before it faded away. "As long as you inform me in whatever ways possible about Appassito's plans and movements, and come back alive when I told you to with your head still on your neck, you pretty much complete the mission."

"However...In the case of the shipment...I do want to know its condition by tonight..." Rozando leaned back to his seat, seemingly thinking, before reaching into his drawers and pulled it open, taking something small and black out, before throwing it to Silvia, expecting her to catch it.

"Use this to contact me, it's something like an earpiece," the boss explained it shortly while Pedr poured him his tea, then remembered the lady's other question about the specific location of the shipment of weapons.

Well, he did know it's on the east side...But the specific location...

Ah, how stubborn of him to forget,..

"Vittoria, do you remember what the specific location of the shipment of weapons that's arriving today is?" Rozando turned to his secretary for help.

It's then another problem popped up in his mind. The specific location of weapons, he did remember enough to know that it's somewhere quite close to the Appassito household. And afterward, Silvia would be spying on them soon. For a new member to go on this mission alone, no matter how strong she could be is quite dangerous isn't it?

Even if it's not for the sake of protecting her, he did want someone to go with her and guard her.

But who should it be? Rozando was tired of ordering random members to follow a new member, especially one with a...special stand in the Spinal family. He thought about it as he watched Pedr poured his tea and slightly backed away. That's when an idea popped up.

A butler...Huh, interesting.

"Pedr, how skilled and trained are you in battling and fighting?" He asked the new butler suddenly.

( @nynja , @Aiakaos , @PhoenixFire13 )


Dante listened carefully to the boss's statements. He is all entirely true about Spinal and their possible plan on attacking the Rosa family. He frowned a bit though, when Danielle mentioned Ethan, and of placing him into a suitable position.

"It is true, boss. Spinal do seem to be planning something." For the last time I went to the bar, the Spinal members are talking about how the new Rosa boss is an easy target. "But so what if they plan on attacking us strong members? Their true goal is to reach you, boss. As long as you don't die, I'm pretty sure we could fight them off. You need not worry about us." Dante's confidence side got to him as he said bluntly, his tone calm and cool before it turned much serious,

"But it's more about Ethan, boss. You're concerned about Spinal's moves, but they may already be within us." Dante said, unconsciously crossing his arms lightly. "We do need to know about Ethan's ability, but we do also need to know more about him himself. Instead of studying him for the sake of seeing which position he should be in, we should study him to see who he really is. He may be a spy...of Spinal, after all." He sounded more like giving an advice then to point out that the boss may have just allowed the wrong guy to join in the family.

"....Besides, Aeri did say she saw him somewhere before already." Dante continued in a much more softer voice. "I believe we could spy on him first before making sure he's not spying on us, boss." He looked toward Aeri for support.

( @Dawnsx , @Aeri Rosevier )
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"Yes, I have it written down somewhere." Vittoria responded to Rozando's request, pulling out her phone and starting to scroll through her texts. One of her outside contacts was the manager of a navy yard, responsible for all of the imports and exports that came through the city. "It's 51 Wharf Lane. Look for a blue and white, medium-sized ship named 'Catarina'. If you talk to the manager of the ship yard and tell him that Rozando sent you, you should be fine. He owes Spinal his life. The workers on the ship, though, won't be so kind, so take care."
Pedr blinked. Wait...what?

Mission? Shipment of weapons? Come back alive?

Just what kind of household did he beg to get accepted to?!

He looked up when he heard his name being called, his eyes slightly wide and alert by the question directed towards him. Battling and fighting..? Those two words only meant two out of many things...

Was the boss testing his qualifications to remain in this family? Or...?

He hesitated before answering, glancing at a spot across from the boss's desk opposite from where he stood. For a quick second, he wondered how he should answer, either with a lie or the blatant truth or even simply both mixed together if that was manageable.

Pedr's eyes stilled to their dull and calmness as he opened his mouth to speak.

"I've been fighting all of my life as a defensive opponent, sir. I have experience with daggers and little with other weapons I have come across..." He paused before continuing again as he considered this suspicious household. "It's been..a few years since I've last battled with anyone, Master Spinal."

Pedr closed his mouth as he waited for either one of the three outcomes that he expected to face.

Jailed, fired..or spared?

"U-uh, hi. As you would already know, my name is Elona Rosa. I hope we can get along."

Elona held out her hand. I frowned at her, knowing a fake smile when I see one.

"You know, you don't have to smile like that at me. I can tell that its fake." I sighed.

"I can already tell that most members don't like me," I sipped my latte, "But that's fine, I'm used to it."

I shook her hand. "I hope we can get along too."
Silvia caught the black object and examined it.

"Use this to contact me, it's something like an earpiece."

She nodded and fixed the earpiece onto her right ear.

The boss is actually quite smart, despite his looks... Giving me a way to contact him. Is he perhaps being cautious for my safety? ... No. That's impossible. All he wants to be safe is the shipment. But I'll come back alive. Definitely.

Vittoria gave her the info to the location of the shipment and she thoroughly memorized it. 51 Wharf Lane. Catarina.

Then he suddenly asked Pedr that question. Silvia blinked in surprise. Why would the boss want to know how skilled the butler is at fighting? Then again, he did manage to stop her dagger at the stairs, despite the close distance and short time.

This butler... There's something oddly mysterious about him. Where did he come to get those reflexes and... that look in his eyes? He can't just be a mere butler, especially if he was accepted into the Spinal.

Silvia stared at the butler and his answer. A defensive opponent, huh? That explains his actions. But why would he need to learn defensive techniques?

She shook her head. I'm digging too much into other people's business. First things first, the mission.

Silvia opened her mouth to speak then remembered that she hadn't been given permission to leave yet. She closed her mouth and continue waiting patiently. Plus, it doesn't hurt to learn why the boss was so interested in the butler.

And I too, am interested in this man's past...
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At Dante's words, Danielle couldn't help but flinch slightly. He was right! How could he neglect the fact that Ethan being here could be the work of Spinal? After all, Ethan did just pop out of nowhere in the gardens. Danielle buried his face in his hands, realizing his utter stupidity.

Yes... He should ask one of the two to spy on Ethan so they can find out his roots. A possible attack from outside is stressful enough. He didn't need an enemy screwing up his family from the inside too.

But... What if Ethan wasn't a spy? If he isn't, spying on him could make him feel like he's not trusted. If what he has said about people trying to kill him is true, spying on him could leave another bad memory. Danielle certainly didn't want the young man to go through more than he has.

Frustrated at his internal conflict, Danielle slammed his head down on his desk, holding back a groan of pain.

Maybe I'm not cut out for the boss after all...

With a heavy sigh, he lifted his head and decided to make up his mind. "I don't want you to watch Ethan, but you're right on the fact that he could be of Spinal... So Aeri, I want you to do some digging around and find out more about his background. If you need to infiltrate any places to get the information, I give you permission to do so. I'm sorry for asking you to do this right after you came back." Danielle apologized with a weary frown.

@Aeri Rosevier

Delia left her room after making sure she has everything she needed. There was still a couple more hours until the three of them need to leave, so she decided to go to the kitchen and make some sandwiches, just in case the mission takes longer than needed and they get hungry.

She headed towards the kitchen, wondering what Lino would eat for a day without her, when she spotted Felix. With a smile, she greeted. "Hello again, Felix."


Wondrous cake shops passed me by as I walked down the street. Tempting displays of freshly baked sweets, cream dripping off a little on one, polished candy barely hanging on to another. Tearing my eyes away from the sight, I walked into my favorite bakery, Biscottificio Innocenti. The intoxicating waft of freshly baked biscuits hits me long before you walk through the doors of this bakery. It produces over 50 types of biscotti a day and have been for over 100 years. Ah, such a wonderful sweets history. Stepping up, I ordered 2 dozen lemon cookies, 2 dozen bignè(cream-filled choux pastry), and a chocolate cakes. As I was paying for them, the thought that Delia would disapprove greatly entered my mind. I brushed it aside, hopefully she wouldn't find out. I begun eating the lemon cookies as I made my way home, hoping Delia already left.
Aeri listened to their exchange of words. Though she stayed quiet, she did like observing better. Dante chose to tell his concerns to the boss and she decided to leave him with the explaining. She couldn't have said it better than he did. His words were successful in making Danielle aware of the possibilities but he still seemed reluctant about it. He slammed his head on the table, suddenly taking Aeri's attention. She's no expert at getting into someone's mind but she can read people's actions. He seemed to be taking it too hard on himself.

"So Aeri, I want you to do some digging around and find out more about his background. If you need to infiltrate any places to get the information, I give you permission to do so. I'm sorry for asking you to do this right after you came back." he said. As usual, he was considerate but she really didn't mind even if she had continuous missions and jobs.

"Of course, boss." she replied to him. She couldn't have it any other way. It was a good idea. She can manage doing it, after all, it may be easier thanks to Ethan's proposal. Maybe he could trust her better than the others. She smiled at him then. "You need not to be too hard on yourself. I think you're doing a good job." she said comfortingly towards Danielle. She then went to the corner of the room and leaned on the wall, believing her part of this meeting is done but in case they need her again, she'd still be present.
Danielle smiled at Aeri's kind words. With the issues of Ethan off his mind for now, he looked at Dante.

"Now for issues regarding the Spinal. I want you to find out some information on their recent activities." Danielle pulled out a piece of paper with an address on it and handed it to Dante. "This is a bar not too far from here. A lot of members from different families would often gather here and exchange information. I'm sure you can find something out if you go there."
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Ethan's reply to her welcome was a bit unexpected to her. Elona couldn't believe that Ethan managed to realize that the other family members didn't really much like it.

"Well Dante's hints of suspicion were a bit obvious how he is testing him."

She realizes that Ethan wasn't so bad after all.

Elona quickly slip her hand away from Ethan due to the fact that she doesn't like males touching her for so long. Well of course her brother is an exception. Though she felt a bit annoyed since her attempt of befriending this man was shaken off so quickly.

"Then I guess I don't have to pull up a fake friendly face around you then."

The young lady gets up from her chair, she wants to get this over with this.

She glances at him, "I would like to get this over with quickly, I hope you would cooperate with me."

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