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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

"Got it, boss." Dante nodded slightly upon hearing his mission, accepting the piece of paper with the address. He looked at it before putting it into his pocket, then let out a short sigh as he landed his gaze on Danielle, the boss himself, his eyes softening.

"Your face is too pale. Have some rest while we do our missions," he pat Danielle on his shoulder before turning around, walking toward the exit of the office.

"Aeri, I'll leave Ethan to you then." Smiling lightly to the girl at the corner of the room, Dante opened the office door and left. His mind going on of the plan for the mission. He should leave at night, since that's the time most people gather at the bar.


Rozano's eyes narrowed upon hearing Pedr's reply to his question. A tiny smile spread onto his mouth as the butler sparked his interest. Silvia looked as if she's interested in him too.

"Thank you, Vittoria." He thanked his secretary for telling the girl the specific location of the shipment of weapons, before taking another earpiece out and hnaded it to Pedr.

Considering what Pedr has said, he did have some skills in fighting. Although Rozando did not know much of Pedr's past, he believed the butler shall have enough experiences to defend and involves himself in battle. Perhaps, letting him go on this mission can be an opportunity for him to train his fighting skills again. As he said, it's been a few years since he involved himself in battles, after all.

"I wish you could go on the mission with Lady Silvia, Pedr. It is quite...Challenging," he chooses the word carefully. "For her to go on her first mission alone, after all. I am quite tired of selecting random members, therefore I want you to go with her. You are to assist and guard her. "

Telling a butler to go on a mission like this is something new for Rozando to try, therefore he found it interesting. Although the Spinal boss thought it this way, he phrased it differently.

"I know you're the butler of our family, but I'm sure this can be a nice first experience for you. We never know what else may happen..." Rozando let out a breath as he finished his sentence.

"This is a mafia family, after all."

I flashed her a quick smile and stood up. Pushing in my chair, I finished my latte and threw the now empty container out. Turning to Elona I replied

"I rather you display your distrust outright than greet me with fake pleasantries. The cautious you is much better than the fake friendly one. I dislike it when people have such obvious fake friendliness."

I pause, thinking back to my past, when my parents brought my brother and I to formal parties. The adults there would be sickeningly sweet to us, trying to win favor with my parents. It was disgusting. After they realized they couldn't gain any favor with my parents through me, they stopped and I was left in peace.

"So, where to first?"
Hel finally woke up, got dressed, and made her way down for breakfast. Knowing she was late and feeling guilty for doing so, she would probably only have something small until later on. She hoped that no one would be around to see her wake so late in the morning so she could avoid the embarrassment. While making her way down the stairs, Hel sees Elona with someone she is not familiar with. Instinctively she makes her way over to them, not trusting a stranger with her sister. Even if they weren’t really sisters, Hel has always thought and cared for Elona as if they were and hoped that Elona felt the same.

“Hey Elona! How are you this morning? And who might this be?” She asks as she turns to the stranger, watching for his reactions and movements.
Upon seeing the tiny smile and a questioning glint in the man's eyes, Pedr couldn't tell what the boss had in mind. He blinked when the boss took out another item and handed it to him, making a gear turn in his mind when he saw that it was another earpiece similar to what Lady Silvia had received.

Could this mean he was spared?

Pedr looked up as he heard the man's voice again and carefully listened to the instructions. Hm, assisting and guarding seemed just about manageable considering how the girl had nearly slit his throat. All he seemed to have to do was act as the young lady's bodyguard. As he summed up his thoughts, Pedr was just about to nod when he caught the boss's last words.

Maf- mafia...family..?

He blinked and stared at the man, thinking his ears had heard wrong. But seeing the look on the boss's face showed to Pedr that he certainly wasn't joking.

Pedr slowly nodded.

Missions. High ranking member. Shipment of weapons. Profiles of the family members. All the way up to the many other clues that had been so obvious..of course! How could he have been so blind?!

Pedr blinked as he forced himself to remain calm as he bowed his head, "Yes sir." Fortunately, his voice came out much more calm and steady than he had thought.

Hah. First 'The Berceuse'. Now it was 'Spinal'.

More like Bull. Shit.
The butler? As a bodyguard? Even though I almost sliced his throat?

Interesting... Is the boss aware of the skills this man might possess? Silvia sneaked a glance at the butler. His black eyes widened at the mention of a mafia family. But it could have been just a trick of the light because in a flash, it returned to normal.

Guess someone joined a family with a history he didn't expect.

Silvia held out a hand and was about to speak before she noticed his facial expression. The butler was forcing himself to maintain a calm and collected appearance. But from his earlier reaction, she knew his thoughts were probably not as organized.

Not wanting to be stuck in an awkward pause, she let her hand glide to her ear, as if she was tucking a strand of hair behind it.

It won't hurt to relieve him of his confusion, would it? He wouldn't be very useful if he gets killed on the mission while trying to sort everything in his head.

"Understood. Pedr, was it? Come to the garden after you're done with your preparations. If you don't know where it is, just go straight beyond the stairs. You know which one. Let's have a talk before we leave, shall we?"

Silvia curtsied again to the boss and gave a short wave to Vittoria before closing the door halfway.

"Oh yeah, boss? I brought a present for you." She reached into a hidden pocket on her dress and brought out a small chestnut-colored kitty. Putting it softly on the floor, she flashed an angelic smile at the boss and closed the door.
Vittoria watched the exchange between the young girl and the butler curiously. Something didn't seem quite right, as if the two of them knew something that Vittoria didn't, but she dismissed it. After all, the butler was just a butler and Silvia was just taken in by Spinal. What possibly could have gone on between the two of them within such a short period of time?

She returned Silvia's wave, and watched as she left Rozando's office after placing an object that looked like a kitten on the floor, the butler still standing in the office. The older woman, in her red dress, raised her eyebrows at her cousin. "She's quite the character, Rozando."
Pedr blinked as he looked at Lady Siliva when she spoke before leaving the room. Something in her voice told him that she could see right through him. Even the older madam looked as if she was suspicious towards him.

Today, he had acted too rashly and been too careless. He would have to tone down his actions and be careful at all times from now on. What good would it be to become a bait, again? Not to mention this was a mafia. Which meant, he would have to be much more cautious with how he behaved and looked towards this whole family that may judge his every movements if they wished.

Hearing Lady Vittoria speak, it made Pedr snap back into attention and promptly bowed at the both of them before exiting the room as well, carefully walking past the cat as he did so.

While walking through the hallway, Pedr stared at the earpiece in his hand. He was in a mafia. To be exact, the Spinal mafia. Now he had to act as a bodyguard for that young lady. For a mission that may cut his life span into an end.

Pedr clenched a fist around the earpiece.

He wanted to live a new life without any unnecessary violence. But what is this?! He merely tripped himself into another heck of a mess!

He let out a soft sigh as he resisted the urge the throw the earpiece out of the window while cursing at himself for being so oblivious. He un clenched his fist to place on the earpiece and deeply inhaled before exhaling.

Stay calm, Pedr. Stay calm.

He let his eyes stick to their dull state and kept his expression neutral as he neared the archway. Pedr made his way past the grand staircase as he walked into the garden of the mansion. Naturally, neatly trimmed grass and fresh flowers filled his vision as he stood a safe distance behind Lady Silvia when he spotted her. He wondered if he should state his presence...he might as well do one last rash action to wrap up today's mistakes.

"Yes, Lady Silvia?"

Back in her room, Silvia quickly checked over the things she needed for the mission.

Dagger? Her hand went to her belt. Check. Throwing knives? She swiftly grabbed the supply from her closet and threw it into her backpack. The knives were already neatly arranged and secured onto the strap. Map? The rolled up paper flew accurately into the pack. Everything else needed for obvious reasons were already in the pack. Silvia grabbed it and exited her room, making sure she locked the door before she headed to the garden.

Slowing her pace to a walk, she recalled her words to Pedr before she left the boss' room.

But what is there to talk about? It's not like he'll be willing to tell me why he bothered to join a family without first researching its history. Even after all those hints he got, even after I almost...

Silvia arrived in the garden early and glanced around for the butler but there was no other presence in the quiet setting. Finding a bench, she sat down and waited for his arrival.

My first mission... So I need to check on the weapon shipment at 51 Wharf Lane on a blue and white ship called Catarina. Then head to the Appassito headquarters and proceed to spy on them... I don't see why I need a body guard but then again, I could be underestimating them.

Silvia sensed a familiar presence nearing and stood to greet the man.

"Hello, Pedr. I noticed that you were looking a bit confused back at the boss' room. I suppose you didn't expect this to be a mafia family. But there's just a little something that keeps poking at my mind. Why did you look like you were used to living with your life dangling on a thread? I don't suppose you were born with those reflexes of yours either. Enlighten me, would you? We're going to be partners for a mission after all."

Perhaps that was too direct. But Silvia was never good at holding back her curiosity in the first place.
With his still eyes dull and his calm expression to block anymore suspicion, Pedr stared at the young maiden as she spoke.

So he had been right, she had seen through him. Was his actions that blatant? Or was she simply someone with very good observing skills? Or, was the girl simply guessing? Anyways, he would have to be careful around her, well including everyone else.

He supposed there was no such thing as privacy while he worked here, hearing the girl's personal questions. Ah, but maybe he did.

"I've had experience living as a bodyguard, M'lady."
Silvia had to stop herself from chuckling.

It's been so long since someone's amused me this much.

It seems the butler is actually better at slipping through traps than she thought. A simple reply. She expected nothing less from the butler of the Spinal family. Hardening her glare, she sharpened her eyes and stared straight into his eyes. She held the stare and smiled, making herself seem like she already knew everything.

"I see..."

Two can play at that game.
Pedr kept his neutral expression and stared back at the young maiden.

Quickly studying her expression, he fought an urge to smirk. It was all so familiar. The 'fierce' eyes and 'challenging' smile. They nearly matched the expression Ralec made whenever he bluffed, which was all of the time.

Even the tone of her voice threatened how similar she and Ralec were. Maybe the two could have been best pals. They matched like two gears in a machine.

Too bad the man had vanished..

Pedr returned a very faint smile that was erased when he spoke, "I assure to protect your life."
Silvia blinked. She had not expected that reply.


Suddenly, Silvia wanted to break this awkward conversation. She was pushing too much into this man, whom she had just met for less than 24 hours. She couldn't risk acting anymore like her old self.

"Let's get going, shall we? There's a time limit for the mission after all. And I don't want to ruin my little cat's distraction."

So this is the world of adults.
Aeri nodded with a smile towards Dante before he left the room. Of course, he can leave Ethan to her. She also didn't want to disappoint anyone by failing. She hated it when she disappoints everyone. She must've grown accustomed to feeling that way because her father was always disappointed with her.

"I'll be going too." she made a short wave towards Danielle before leaving through the door. She decided to return to Elona and Ethan since she had nothing else to do and she might as well start her mission today. Just as she had reached their place, they already had new company. She approached them without a word. She tipped her a bit, greeting the female who had joined the two.
Elona nods and thought about the mansion's layout. Currently they are in the left wing of the mansion where the dining room, kitchen, and some meeting rooms are. There were still on the first floor and the boss's office is all the way on the other side.

"Hmm...first I should let him explore the libraries and then report back to Dani's office so I can escort him to his room later."

"Well I guess you should visit the right side of the mansion where the boss's office would be. We'll visit the study rooms and libraries before meeting back with big brother."

She starts to walk toward the door before she forgot to tell him something.

"Ah, please don't do anything suspicious during this excursion. You don't want to have anymore people being caution around you. I don't care what's your intention for joining so abruptly but if you ever backstab big brother-"

Suddenly a friendly voice chirps in, “Hey Elona! How are you this morning? And who might this be?”

Elona's body tenses up when she heard her voice. Helena. She still wasn't used to her yet due to the sudden announcement from her brother about the adoption few months ago. She understands Dani's good purpose for letting her in the Rosa family nevertheless Elona sometimes felt unneeded. Was she not good enough to be on Dani's side? Elona quickly brush the idea away or else she feels all emotional.

"A warrior must be strong. He/she can't be wavered by little trivial things."

Judging from her past actions, Elona knows Helena was really a sweet girl who admires Danielle just as she does. It was Elona herself, who is pushing Helena away from her.

As she clench her hands and stammers, "A-ah hi Helena! I'm feeling just fine this morning."

She shift her gaze to Ethan, "This is the new member who joined this morning, his name is Ethan. Ethan, this is Helena my..older s-sister."

Elona felt a sudden rush of blood through her ears.

"Is it getting hot in here?"

"This is the new member who joined this morning, his name is Ethan. Ethan, this is Helena my..older s-sister."

I blinked, a bit confused. Helena didn't look like either Dani or Elona. Maybe she takes after whichever parent those two don't?

I nod a greeting to Helena while innocently voicing my opinion,

"You guys don't look like each other at all. Which parent do you take after?"

I glanced over at Elona, her ears were red for some reason. Maybe she didn't like saying older sister? I wondered why she said it if she disliked it.

As an attempt to cheer her up, I smirked at her and playfully teased her,

"I promise not to act quote suspicious unquote." while making bunny ears with my fingers. Raising them to my head, I moved my fingers up and down so that they resembled the ears of a rabbit, and stared at her as innocently as possible.
Hel notices the slight pause from Elona in her greeting. It was normal whenever they spoke but this didn’t make it hurt any less. Hel was just as surprised about the adoption as everyone else, she was just thankful that she was able to join such a close and caring family and hoped to fit in. She just didn’t know what else she could do to get closer to Elona. Hel smiles gently, “I’m glad you’re feeling well. You know you don’t have to refer to me as your sister if you aren’t comfortable with it. ” She then turns to Ethan and acknowledges his nod. “This morning? Well, it’s a pleasure.” She sticks her hand out to shake Ethan’s hand. “Simply put, I don’t take after either parent.” She replies to him quickly. Hel wasn’t used to answering those kind of questions yet but she wouldn’t give an explanation to someone she didn’t know. Hel sees Elona’s fists and tenseness out of the corner of her eye and feels as though she may have done something wrong. She decides to leave before causing more of a problem. The mention of the word “suspicious” made her curious. “Suspicious?.. Well I won’t intrude any longer, I’m sorry. Be careful.” Hel turned quickly to make her way to Dani’s office when Aeri had arrived. "Hey, I'm sorry to rush out so quickly, I hope you can forgive me." Hel said with short breath. She needed to keep it together, the air was too heavy and besides, she wanted to know more about Ethan. Maybe Aeri could fill her in so she wouldn't have to bother and stress out Dani. "Aeri would you mind helping me with something once you're free? No rush, I'll be outside for awhile." She said as she made her way to her destination.
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(Ehehe sorry for the late reply got busy again QwQ)

Rozando let out a breath as he watched Silvia and Pedr exiting the office, after he has given them the mission. Pedr, for whatever reasons, looked surprised. Perhaps he didn't expect himself to be in a mafia family? Well, now he know. The Spinal boss smirked a little just at the thought of wondering how well Silvia and Pedr would work together. Maybe unexpectedly well, maybe not. Rozando looked forward to the result.

"She's quite the character, Rozando." Vittoria's comment cut into the boss's state of mind just as he landed his eyes upon the chestnut-colored kitty that Silvia has left behind as a gift. Well, as much as she hate him she still leaves a cat. That's good, or rather, that's wonderful. How nice of her, Rozando couldn't help but thought despite all his earlier feelings toward her,

Rozando stood up from his seat then and walked toward the kitty, who looked lost and confused as it let out a soft meow.

"Yes, definitely," the boss replied to his secretary with a hint of happiness in his voice as he picked up the kitty with both hands. "She amused me with her attitude and actions. But that butler too...Pedr. I wonder of his past, his eyes always appear to be saying something."

Rozando held the cat high as he inspected it, enjoying its adorable beauty. Perhaps it's due to Vittoria being his cousin and secretary, he felt like he didn't really need to keep much of his usual boss composure and strict attitude. "I look forward to the results of the mission," he said in the end then, one end of his mouth rose to a light smirk.

"Now...What do you think we should name this kitty, Vittoria?"

As much as he needed to, in front of a kitty he could not stay in his calm and boss-like manner.

( @nynja )

(Guys, please take note that I will have a time skip soon. All missions from three families start at night, so without a time skip to 10pm the story can't really progress. After hopefully each nice conversation ended and you guys are ready, I will make the timeskip. Thank you for cooperating! :D )
Pedr stood in his place as the young girl walked past him and reached into his jacket to check his pocket watch. There was still plenty of time to start the mission.

He recalled how the young girl stuttered as she replied, looking a bit taken aback, making him rethink his thoughts.

Or maybe the two of them needed all of the time they possibly have.

Pedr looked down at his attire, wondering if he should change but took back the thought. He was going to guard - if he wasn't mistaken- a minor. He might as well look like the part.

Holding back a sigh, Pedr turned on his heels and swiftly followed after the young girl. Who knows, maybe he would get off easy and the girl wouldn't need any protecting at all. After all, she had nearly ended his life earlier. To be honest, she seemed pretty capable to the fact that Pedr didn't even know why the mafia boss was being so protective with her.

If anything, he would be the one who had his life in danger. Not some mafia member. But him.

Glancing up at the sky that was tinted with the autumn colors, Pedr's eyes glinted for a moment before he looked back straight ahead, his eyes dull as ever and his expression neutral.

Maybe I will get to see you soon, Ralec
Rozando mentioned the butler's shifty behavior, and Vittoria nodded in response. "Yes, they're both very interesting, to say the least." She played with the jewels laying around her neck, eyeing the cat that her cousin was now holding high up in the air. She could see that he was loosing his boss-like demeanor because of the kitten in his hands. Vittoria rolled her eyes, pulling a cigarette out of her bag, lighting it, and inhaling some of the smoke. "You're loosing focus, Rozando. It's just a goddamn cat." She walked over to Rozando and the kitten, her high-heels once again click-clacking across the floor.

"What should your name be?" Vittoria cooed at the chestnut colored kitten, as one would to a baby. In response, the kitten reached up and tried to take a swipe at her face with its paws. "Tch." She pulled away from the kitten, scowling. "Cats have never liked me."
"Ah," Rozando chuckled lightly a bit upon seeing the cat's reaction to Vittoria, then held it lightly in his hands while having it lean against his chest. He walked back to his seat with it, however he has his gaze still on Vittoria. "It's not like cats have never liked you, it's because you haven't shown them that they need not be afraid of you." He smiled lightly and quite teasingly.

Settling into his seat, the familiar desk in front of him and his quite warm and cozy seat seemingly reminded him of Vittoria's words on how he's losing focus as a Spinal boss. Rozando cleared his throat then, before looking up at his secretary.

"An easy order for you, Vittoria. Since you know I would lose focus just by staring at a cat, I believe you will understand when I say I can't take care of it as a boss." He paused, then placed the tiny kitten on the desk, which started to walk on it carefully. "Therefore, I want you to take care of it. I couldn't trust it to anyone else but you, Vittoria, since I know you'll take good care of it.." He smiled dangerously, hinting that if she ever treated the kitten badly she better watch out for her head.

"Now....Regarding matters of the Spinal...I wonder how Ax's doing..." He changed the topic after that.

(Timeskip shall be performed...Hopefully after Rozando and Vittoria, along as Hel and Aeri's conversation ended? Is that okay? @Aeri Rosevier @iShyShy @nynja )
Ethan had questioned Hel who among her parents she looked like. Aeri had been wondering that too but she never really bothered ask or linger too long on that matter. Now her question had been answered. Hel then turned to her though it seemed more like she was in her way. She excused herself to go out to the two. Before she continued on her way out, she had asked Aeri for help on something.

"Sure thing." Aeri said. She wanted to stay since she had to observe Ethan for a while. She didn't know if her mission had a time limit but maybe this will only take a while. After all, she also hadn't seen her for a long time.
"I promise not to act quote suspicious unquote."

Elona blinks a couple of times and came back to reality. Her breathing was too quick so she secretly tried to hide it from Ethan.

"O-oh, sorry about that. What did you say?"

The sudden appearance of Helena took her from surprise. She notices that Aeri pop out of nowhere. She scold at herself for being so air headed. Elona catch a glance at Hel as she spoke some words with Aeri and they left together . The girl realized that if she doesn't start this tour fast she would miss her time to chat with Dani during his break time.

She turns to Ethan, "Anyways, we're running a bit late on schedule so should we start already?"
Hel walked outside with Aeri. She wasn’t sure how Aeri felt about her but she knew Aeri was strong and very wary of others, somewhat like herself. Hel turned to Aeri then leaned against a pillar. “I’m sorry to drag you out here like this, but I was curious if you know anything or your thoughts about that boy Ethan. He jokingly mentioned how he ‘wouldn’t act suspicious’ but where did that come from? Where did he even come from?”

So Hel bothered her...hmm... I stored that small piece of information carefully, in case it leads to something more.

"Bye Aeri and Hel" I said as I watched them leave. Was Elona maybe jealous of Hel? So jealous it caused her to miss Aeri?

"Anyways, we're running a bit late on schedule so should we start already?"

"Yep, would you mind showing me to the library first? I rather like books." I replied.
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Aeri thought about what Hel said and she organized her thoughts. As she expected, it was about Ethan. There was really something about him for all of them to be suspicious. They weren't like this to her when she joined. Well, nothing that she knew of. Anyways, her father was a member before she joined.

"I just returned from a mission actually. I was not here when he asked to join but it seems everyone who witnessed it, except boss I guess, are suspicious of him. We: Danielle, Dante and myself, are suspecting of him being a spy but it is not yet proven. That's what I'm here for." she answered, hoping it answered Hel's questions. She thought a bit more about her question. Her thoughts about Ethan? Every time she thinks back, his first impression on her always pops onto her mind. "Did you know he proposed to me?" she blurted out.

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