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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

"I see," Dante nodded lightly upon Merri's words, wearing his light smile as usual, as she clarified that she is not weak in alcoholic beverages, just preferring water over wine. It is not his first time meeting someone like her, so it didn't really come as a surprise. He himself, perhaps due to often drinking water back in Rosa HQ for he didn't really want Danielle to see him drinking alcohol-related drinks, prefers alcohol instead when he got the chance. Those thoughts flew past his mind as he ordered for another glass of wine. It didn't take long before he noticed the girl stealing glances at her, studying him as if reading his moves even though they sit right next to each other.

Dante waited until the bartender offered him the third glass, the last glass of wine he's going to have for tonight so he planned on drinking it slow, before letting out a soft chuckle, seeing through her wonder just like she seeing through his intentions.. "You look like you want to talk about something else," he said, glancing towards Merri from the corner of his eyes. "What would you like to talk about, miss?" He grinned, knowing that she knew he didn't call her over for some random talk, but at the same time not directly changing the topic of conversation either, instead passing it to her.



Renatta mumbled out a light "thank-you" when the lad fixed the pillow for her. She leaned back to it then, delighted by the comfort the pillow and the bed offered. She could see the suspicion in his eyes, however, when she offered her vague explanation of what has happened to her to him, but she shrugged it off. He didn't question more, and that's really what matters right now.

When the lad explained to her that the boss would be coming over to ask her questions--or rather interrogate her, Renatta froze a bit despite the fact that it's in her expectations. In her mind, different ideas of what to say popped up at the possibilities of what might the boss of Rosa ask. At first, she felt anxious--it is her first time mixing into an enemy's HQ without offering her real identification, but upon remembering what she has heard about him--how he's in fact a real gentle and not even that powerful boss! Renatta relaxed.

"I see, it's okay, I don't care. I got interrogated a lot before," she replied to the lad after he introduced his name--Luca, before blinking, realizing what she just said might raise suspicion, thus quickly changing the topic as she answered his question. "I'm Renatta. Um, call me Rena if you want." Is it okay for me to tell my real name...? I guess it's fine...

She held out her hand then for a handshake, "Nice to meet you and thank you for saving me." She said with much of a blank expression, but one could tell there is sincerity behinds it.

Luca accepted the handshake, feeling more curious every second as he observed this woman's- Renatta, was it?- behaviors and words. She said that she had been interrogated before, which would have been a very interesting story to hear about. But again, he shrugged it off thinking he was pushing too much into a stranger's private life.

"You're welcome, Renatta. I couldn't just leave a wounded woman on the ground, right in front of our headquarters too." Hmm... was it wise to tell her that this was a headquarter? She could be a spy... Oh who am I kidding! She was hurt! There's no way a spy would come to enemy headquarters injured like that.

"Speaking of headquarters, how did you find us? We're in a pretty isolated area... and to be able to find us in that condition... Are you a new recruit?"


Renatta blinked upon hearing what Luca has said about not able to just leave a wounded person on the floor, especially right in front of their headquarter. Why would somebody help a mere stranger so kindly like this, as to bring her into the headquarter and treated her wounds on a bed when the fact that somebody he didn't know is lying in their "territory" is merely strange enough? Rosa sure is a strange family--or perhaps this is just something usual to do, and Renatta has just always been left out of it ever since a child. She frowned at the thought, confused, then decided that this is not something worth thinking over too much about.

When Luca's suspicion is obvious on his face, although he didn't question, he asked of how she found them and who she is. Frowning yet again from the fact that she needs to think up of more words to say, Renatta sighed to herself lightly before starting to use her brain. What should she say? She sucks at lies, yet she couldn't say the truth. To join in as new recruit...? No, she's not one, she's just here so her wounds could be treated--this is Delia's intention. Moreover, she did want to go back to her family quickly, not to lie to Rosa family too and become a spy. Renatta, in fact, hates lies, or actions that appears deceiving and possibly leads to betrayal and more hatred.

"I don't know, actually not sure." She decided on the easiest reply. "But somebody, a person brought me here." She nodded--this is true. "I...Think I was just brought here cause I'm wounded, actually I didn't even really know why the person decided to leave me in this place." For once, Renatta was proud of herself. She isn't exactly lying--they were all true, technically at least, and she's not exposing too much either. "I don't think I'll be a new recruit though,,.Sorry." She added in the end.

@SilverBlack It's ok. No one else replied much either so I guess everyone's been busy...

Luca's expression turned serious for a second when Renatta mentioned another person. If what this woman says is true... who is this person? Could it be... No... He shook his head slightly. He refused to believe that an enemy would be so cold-hearted as to drop an ally at death's door. It's another idea if the Spinal was involved though... But that would mean that they knew where the Rosa headquarters meant. He needed to talk to the boss about that later... about the Spinal family...

The Spinal. Unknowingly, Luca clenched his fist at the thought of the Rosa family's "rival" of a sort. He really didn't like violence but at the same time, he didn't like how the Spinal carried out their mission so ruthlessly. If he had to kill them to stop their madness, he would. But only if they couldn't be stopped with words... Like him...

With a start, he realized that he had been silently sitting there in an awkward silence. "Oh, I'm sorry! I must have been staring into space! I'm so sorry!" He scratched his head in embarrassment. "So, um, not a new recruit? Well, that's a shame, we're actually a really nice and close family. But your wounds seem to be quite severe so why don't you live under our care for a few weeks? At least until they heal."
Renatta sat there with a blank yet curious expression as Luca seemed to drown himself into thoughts, but she did wait patiently until he finally seemed to return back to reality, starting with an apology then ending with the matters on her not being a new recruit, but since she's wounded she might as well settle there for a few days. Renatta tilted her head to one side gently at the thought. To stay for a few days huh...Not even a few days, but a few weeks, until her wounds healed. True, if she's going to get her wounds treated she might as well has it healed first completely before she returned to Appassito. However, she did want to return quickly, for if she stayed here for too long, she's afraid her identity would be revealed.

The thing is, Delia did left her here to be healed, didn't she? It's not like she has come here as a spy. Therefore, even if she's revealed, she could just state the truth. Hopefully they would believe her. Like, they're the nicest family after all. Renatta went through different thoughts as if to persuade her that it would be fine for her to settle here for a few weeks. Maybe she could really learn some information for her boss. Hopefully, she wouldn't get too close to any member here to have any emotional issues when she return back to Appassito.

Persuaded, Renatta gave Luca a nod. "Okay, I would stay here till my wounds healed. And it's okay, I stare into space.a lot too." For once, she smiled, of for particular reasons, but she felt like she should smile here. Rosa is indeed a nice and gentle family according to what she has heard, it would be a lie if she said she's not interested. "I look forward to the few weeks spent here." She gave herself a stretch in a habit, only to let out a painful hiss. She should indeed stay here until she's completely healed.

(Huh okay, I thought I replied but I guess I didn't. Sorry @Maeve Valor )


I processed then nodded at his words. They ran true, although I wasn't sure about the part with his parents. Finishing the first aid, I patched the last wound and turned to Ronan. "You can stay if Delia allows you to. Although I am the boss, she is your family. Honestly, shes worried about you and I'm not sure you can survive in the world either. You look like you--" I paused. Although he looked to be his late teens, I felt as if he was really in his early twenties. "How old are you?" I cautiously asked.
(Ahahaha ; v ;)a @iShyShy)

"No need to be sorry, Elona. I fell I'm the one who should be sorry for coming to your room so late and well... invading your life." she said.

Elona glances up at Helena. Her face seems... distorted.

She continues, "I... probably seemed like I was forcing our new family ties and I'm sorry... I just...I do consider you family."

The young lady felt her chest tightened in a bad way. Thinking about what Helena had just said, Elona thought about her actions toward her. If Elona was in Helena's position it must been lonely to be rejected by a family member...

"I-I must do straight-up apology..."


Her train of thoughts were interrupted by Helena's compliment. She could't help but blush a bit, and fiddles around with her dress to distract herself.


Quickly she tries to regain her composure as the whole reason Helena was here was to talk about their current relationship with each other.

Elona sat with perfect posture and looked at her, "Helena, I think.....I think I'm the one who needs to apologies for my actions toward you."
(Sorry, I was away during winter vacation so I didn't get a chance to reply Q_Q)

Danielle nodded in agreement to Astreil's words as she pulled him along out of his office. Not wanting to waste a single second, he quickened his pace towards the infirmary. It didn't take long to get there, yet it felt as if it took hours to get there for Danielle. He couldn't suppress the fear of possibly seeing Luca on the infirmary bed, gasping for his last breath. Danielle knew it was unavoidable that he would see deaths of his loved ones during this war, yet, now that the time has come that one of his closest friend might be dead, he truly realizes just how easy it could be for someone to die.

With just a moment of hesitation, Danielle opened the door and steeled himself for the sight that awaited him, whether it'd be a wounded Luca, or a dead Luca... He will have to be strong and deal with it all.

When the door opened fully, and the room in clear view, Danielle saw... An uninjured Luca sitting in a chair, talking casually to an unfamiliar young woman.

For a moment, his head went blank as he tried to process the sight before him. Luca was fine and well. He returned from the mission seemingly unscathed. He made Danielle panic for absolutely no reason, gave him a heart attack over absolutely nothing, only to make him find out he was not dead, but simply sitting like an idiot and chilling there with a woman like he did absolutely nothing wrong.

Danielle pulled his hand away from Astreil's and walked towards Luca quietly, his face calm. Yet, it was clear that there was a rare blaze in his eyes that seemed to threaten to swallow Luca in its heat.

"Luca." Danielle said, when he was standing in front of him. His voice was calm and steady, almost akin to the serenity before a storm. The boss took a deep breath, and suddenly his hands shot up and pinched Luca's cheeks violently, pulling and stretching his skin as if trying to rip his skin apart. "Just why the hell did you make me rush over here?! I thought you were dead or something, and right now I wish you were! I swear, if you ever scare me like this again, I'll kill you myself!"

With that, he released Luca's face with a frustrated sigh.
Luca was just finishing his questions to Renatta when the door opened. He turned to see the boss and Astreil walk in, holding hands. Wait, holding hands? He stared at their hands and back at the boss. How much did he miss? All of a sudden, Dani pulled away from Astreil and started to walk over to him.

"Oh, hey Dani. It's been a whi-" The air stopped in his throat as he saw the look in his eyes. It sent chills down his spine, no, his entire body. The last time he had gotten that look... The footsteps grew louder and louder. He sat there, paralyzed by the looming shadow coming straight toward him. When he finally stopped before him, Luca had to take a deep breath just to pull out enough courage to look up.

He flinched when the boss called his name. "Y-y-y-ye- OWOWOWOWOWOW!!!" was what he intended to say but it came out more like a "Y-ye-AUWUWUWUW".

Tears appeared at the edge of his eyes as Luca tried to bear with the pain. Man, do his cheeks hurt! "I-I'm sorry, Dani. I should have been more specific on the report but I was kind of in a- ouch..." He winced and rubbed his stinging cheeks.

"I'm really sorry, Dani. I promised I wouldn't make you worry but I... l-look, I'm fine! Really!" He hurriedly got up and showed Dani he had both arms and legs as well as his head, which was still intact. He would have even stripped right then and there to show him that he had no injuries before he remembered Renatta.

"Um, Dani... before you yell at me again. I need to tell you the reason why I wanted to meet you here." He turned back to Renatta and smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry for the late introduction. This is our boss, the one I told you about before."

"And," he turned back to the boss, all humor gone from his face, "this is Renatta. I found her outside headquarters. Collapsed. Injured. You know I can't just leave an injured woman at the brink of death just lying outside our very own front door."

He displayed a calm, sincere look but he knew that the boss saw the seriousness in his eyes. The boss would know that Luca didn't completely trust this woman either.
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After hearing him Ronan loosened up a bit and gave a smile to Lino. "Oh yeah I guess it's a bit weird to see a guy that looks like me say such deep things," Ronan scratched the back of his head. "I'm 24 years old. I don't have an I.D. card on me due to... well... the fact that I should be dead, but it's true." He glanced at Delia waiting for what she had to say and then looked back at Lino. If she really didn't want him there that would mean the leader would have no choice but to keep him out according to his words.

@Dawnsx @LoveMyHate
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Renatta has remained silent then, finding not much a reason to talk except studying Luca from aside quietly, before hearing the sounds of people walking toward the room did she sit up straighter then, knowing that people, possibly the boss of Rosa, is coming, although he seemed to be with somebody else. As the door opened, Renatta's gaze immediately fixed onto the male that entered, with a girl from aside. It's not weird to visit a stranger like her with somebody else, but with Renatta's curious nature she started to wonder if their boss is in a relationship or not,

However, her attention immediately switched when she seemingly noticed the awkwardness in the air as Luca faced his boss, and within the next moment he was fiercely being pinched on the cheek, a loud scolding given by the boss known commonly as gentle and soft. At first expecting what he's angry at to be something more serious, for example a failure of a mission, it came as a surprise when she realized it's actually about him worrying about Luca, the fact that he might've died scaring him. Renatta has never seen a sight like this before, especially in a mafia family household. It's almost as if the boss is acting like...a mother, the idea circled in her mind although she has never knee what a mother should really be like except from what others have told her, for she's been abandoned ever since a child.

Will Lino do this to his members? Renatta couldn't help but question. Would a mafia boss really worry about his members this much? So Rosa is not being called the gentlest and nicest mafia family for nothing, huh. Interested, Renatta studied the scene quietly, keeping her straight expression, before nodding to herself.

Yes, this seems to be a nice place to stay for a while.

As Luca finally seemed to switch his attention back to her, an introduction is made on the boss. She responded with a nod, and looked towards Danielle as he was given knowledge of her too. She blinked when Luca said he couldn't just keep an injured collapsed lady lying on the floor, not really understanding why, before seeing her greeting to the Rosa boss as more serious.

Luca appeared to be giving the boss "the look," perhaps finding her indeed too suspicious, but she shrugged it away. "Hello," Renatta said to the boss with a light wave of her hands. Her mind seemed fully conscious now as she spoke. "I'm Renatta, nice to meet you. By the way, you're a really mother-like boss. What's your name?" She said bluntly, disregarding that she's speaking with a Rosa boss right now. It's the way she talks, which often got her into troubles.

(Sorry for the late, sucky, and not really well written reply. I was typing this when I'm half asleep right now but finding that I must reply lol.)

@PhoenixFire13 , @Dawnsx
Delia nibbled on her lips as she pondered on whether she should let Ronan stay or not. It's true that she doesn't want him to get hurt, but at the same time she can't exactly just throw him out and leave him to wander about the streets. Neither options seemed appealing the her, but... If he stays, then at least she can look after him, right? After all, having suffered injuries like these, she was sure that Lino would be willing to let her off of work for at least a week or two. She can always make the final decision by then, right?

"If you promise to not leave the HQ, at least not without the boss's consent, I suppose it's fine if you stay." Delia said with a short sigh. Then, with a weary smile, she added, "I can't throw out my dearest cousin anyway, especially not after he came all the way here for me."

@Maeve Valor

24 huh...same age as me...

Okay, you can stay. Delia, you have 1 month off, if you need more time, just inform me. Use that time to rest and heal, maybe spend some time with your cousin." I paused, remembering all the days I spent working while she was still alive. "Spending time with your loved ones are very important." I said, smiling at Delia and Ronan. Turning to the newcomer in the room, I flashed a smile at him and asked him to follow me so I could show him to his room.

@Dawnsx @Maeve Valor @GreatGavino
Ronan's face lit up with happiness and held her hands in his, "Oh thank you so much Delia. Thanks both of you! I will do as I'm told and not leave the headquarters unless I'm told to." He stood up again abruptly and ran a hand through his ginger hair. "Oh goodness I don't think I've been this happy and relieved since I successfully stole a whole hotdog stand one time I was set on food for a while," he laughed to himself. "So what do you guys do around here on your spare time?" He then looked around the room.

Noting that the male didn't say anything, I decided to make a run for it. "I'm just...uh...gonna leave.." I awkwardly stated before walking briskly to the exit of the dining room. Of course I took the pudding with me. There was a lot of pudding and he didn't reply and I was hungry and-- okay, stop ranting. I shook my head to chase away those thoughts. Glancing at MY pudding, I decided to find somewhere to sit. Somewhere nice and quiet.

Maybe the garden? Nah, bugs. I want to go somewhere warm...maybe the library? Is food allowed in there?

I begun to search around for a library while eating the pudding. Its almost finished anyway, it shouldn't be a problem.



I headed towards the yell, wondering what was going on.

"-lying outside our very own front door."

I made my way into what appeared to be, and probably was, an infirmary. A heavily injured woman, a male and the Rosa boss were in there.

"Is something going on?" I asked softly.

@Aeri Rosevier @PhoenixFire13 @Dawnsx @SilverBlack
Luca turned toward the voice to face a young man whom he had never seen before. A new recruit? But he looks vaguely familiar...

He was about to glance at the boss with a questioning look before he remembered that the boss might still be mad at him. Shivering at the lingering chill, he walked over and introduced himself.

"I happen to find an injured woman outside headquarters and brought her to the infirmary. I'm sorry if we were making a ruckus. I don't think I've seen you before. My name is Lucas." He stretched out his hand for a handshake.
Aeri felt a little awkward in this conversation, if there was even one. Emilio was not replying to Ethan at all about the pudding and it seemed that the latter felt the same as she did. He had escaped from the conversation, leaving her alone with the silent man. She did not want that though.

"Uh.. I best be going too. Later!" she said, waving goodbye to him before leaving the kitchen as well. She walked slowly, thinking whether she should look for Ethan or just go to sleep but a scream echoing in the halls caught her attention. She run up to the place, wondering why someone would be screaming at such a late hour.

She arrived in the scene, seeing another famiglia member that had just returned from a mission. A lot more people were there too, including a wounded girl whom she did not know. She joined in on the conversation to know what was going on.

I shook Luca's hand and introduced myself. "I'm Ethan, a new recruit as you can probably tell." I glanced at the woman before turning my gaze back on Luca. "Uh, if you need any help, I'm pretty good at first aid."

(>_> so short)
Luca smiled kindly as the young man took his hand. He'd always liked seeing new recruits. It was nice seeing new family members; the more the merrier, right?

"Thank you, Ethan! That would be very helpful! If you don't mind, would you stay beside the injured young lady in my place? I have a few things to talk about with the boss." A female member walked in while he was talking so he waved and decided to ask her as well. "And you over there, could you help him as well? Your name was... Aeri, right?"
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"Why yes, so nice of you to remember me Luca. And welcome back." Aeri said with a genuine smile. She nodded to his request and approached the wounded lady, wondering who she was and why she was wounded. Why was she here? Someone probably brought her in, considering how heavily wounded she was. Hopefully she had no idea what place this is and that nobody had told her.

She looked at the bandage wounds, trying to see what else she could do but it seems she was patched up well. She'll just offer her presence as temporary company and if she might need anything. "Hi." she said to her. For now, she was not going to ask questions, since it would be rude to do so while she was in such a state.
"Thank you, Aeri."

Satisfied that everything was taken cared of, Luca nodded at the boss and headed out of the room. "I'll meet you in your office, Dani. Asteril, you can come if you like." He remembered their intertwined hands. "Although I think it would be better if you two come together. Just saying."

(Sorry for the short reply. Kind of don't know what to say here.)

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