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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

Sitting in a far corner of the bar, Merri observed the scene playing out in front of her. Her eyes flickered from one person to another, scanning each and every face and imprinting it to her memory before moving onto the next one. She watched the men in the opposite corner chatting up a storm, getting a bit rowdy over a celebration of some sort. After a few moments, she stirred her straw around in her glass of water she had ordered, then took a small sip. Her eyes landed upon the two men at the bar, tilting her head to the side as she observed them, ignoring the drunken idiots fighting in the background.


Her gaze shifted from one male to the other, noticing the difference in body language instantly, noticing how their conversation was full of intense energy, whilst keeping a laid-back scene. She frowned, tilting her head to the side, and wondering what to make of the situation. Would it be enough to report to the boss? She asked herself, then decided to look farther into the situation first.


Astreil licked the tips of her fingers happily, swinging her feet back and forth under her chair as she hummed to herself.

Cupcakes, cupcakes, yum yum~

Tilting her head to the side she licked the frosting off of her finger and stood, using her free hand to pull out some money to place on the table before waving to the store owner.

"Bye bye Mr. Fleicher! Thanks again for the wonderful cupcakes!" She giggled as he waved back and she exited the store. Astreil licked her lips as she skip-walked down the street, making her way into the building where her boss Danielle's office was, and knocked on his door. "Dani~ It's mee!" She smiled. Astreil was super excited to see him, after all, he is the one who took care of her after he grandmother had passed away. After there was no answer to her knock, she opened the door and peeked in. Seeing no one inside, she decided to sit in his chair and wait for him to come back. She plopped down, smiling and kicking her feet back and forth for a few minutes, before she eventually dozed off to sleep.


Payne laid back in his bed, staring at the ceiling a few moments, reliving his past memories before shaking his head and sitting up.

I shouldn't be doing this to myself.

He got up and began to walk around his room, before pressing his fingers over his small throwing daggers he had on his desk, before sliding them up his sleeves and into his belt. He exited the room and walked down the staircase, out onto the street where he met up with a few of his friends, he smiled at them and began to converse. Just what I needed, something to take this off my mind. After almost getting mauled by the crowd on the street, the group decided to go to the nearest bar.

When they entered, Payne glanced around the room, just to make sure. He saw a drunken fight, a group of rowdy kids, and two men sitting at the bar.

One was his boss.

He glanced back to the group of his friends, instantly pretending like he didn't notice him as they all sat at a table. He snuck a few glances at the guy sitting next to him, but kept himself engaged into his friends.
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(@iShyShy Ahhh np np ^^)

When Helena agreed towards Elona's choice of tea, Elona did a little nod and started to walk to the door. She needs to get the tea set and brew the hot water in the kitchen of course. Her mind wanders off at the possibility of Helena snooping around her room.

"No no...Helena isn't like that...."

She opens the door and looks toward the direction of where Helena was sitting, "Uhh...I'm going to the kitchen to brew the rose tea then. I'll come back as soon as possible....Please...refrain from walking around my room."

Elona then began walking quickly through the hallway. From the past few minutes, Elona's perspective of Helena changed. She always thought Hel was very mature for her age. But after seeing her emotionally breaking down on front of her, Elona realizes that Helena kind of like her. She wants to try her best for Dani.

"Maybe we can work together to protect big brother-"

She immediately stopped herself and her face turned beet red. Is she starting to open up to Hel? The embarrassment made Elona quickly brush the thought away. As she enters the dining room, the lady scans the room and spotted a familiar figure sitting at the table.

"Big brother!"

Even though she had already met him in the morning, the young girl felt delighted to see her brother as if she found a long lost relative. She shuffles toward him and peeks behind him. Dani was quietly eating his spaghetti.

Elona smiles and then leans her body so that she could see Dani's sideways, "BOO!"
Hel leaned back in the chair slightly, feeling just that bit more comfortable around Elona but still worried about how things will turn out. She finally felt like she was somewhat connecting with her younger sister, and her mouth formed a small smile at that knowledge. Turning to face Elona after listening to her, she smiled at her sister warmly, "Take your time. I promise I won't move around or touch anything. The most I'll do it look from here." She tapped the chair as she said the last part. When Elona left and shut the door, Hel took the chance to think about what to say and what to do. She had a few ideas but wasn't sure about how they would work out, especially after how Elona just saw Hel in probably the weakest state of her life other than when she first met Danielle. Does she think less of me because of that? Maybe she realizes that I'm saying everything from the heart, not just to say it. I hope so at least...We could do so much together. A thought popped into her head and she smiled to herself, even letting out an audible giggle. We could force Dani to do things for his own good. It would be two versus one, after all. We both want to help him and I'm sure she'd like that idea. We could help with paperwork, make sure he eats, sleeps, and more. Her thoughts continued like this for awhile, not realizing how time was passing.
((So sorry for the delay!! I usually don't take so long to reply this late :. I apologize once again for the inconvenience T-T))

A little flame of slight anger and maybe even annoyance started to dwell inside of Pedr when he heard the lad ask for his name.

Hah. His name.

This person, whoever he is, certainly was the one who tied him up- without knowing his name?

Was he kidding him right now? This was ridiculous.

Why did he have to go through this. Just why.

He just wanted to perish with the Berceuse, die with at least his pride of being once a thief still intact, yet he survived and wakes up to this stupendous person who didn't even bother to identify who he was tying up.

Not to mention he was back to being a butler- or should he say, a slave to the mafia.

...It was going to take a while to get out of such a horrid job like this, wouldn't it.

He glanced up, taking a look at the person only to meet their amazingly, somewhat sparkling eyes that held a certain sort of curiosity that would be found in those of well...dogs.

Pedr instantly looked away, not even wanting to answer this idiotic person who just made his mood worse.

Hearing another voice that recited his name, answering the lad's question, Pedr turned his head. A flash of worry gazed over his widened eyes for a second. Silvia's name welled up his throat, daring to be yelled out when he remembered the lad.

He looked back towards the lad who was staring at Silvia's direction, looking just as taken aback as he did. The problem was, Pedr didn't know if the lad was an enemy or an ally.

Having him tied up, the person was mostly likely some idio- a very cautious person who had arrived to aide them or an enemy or better yet, neither.

Pedr peered back towards Silvia and froze when he noticed that the maiden he had fought before had fallen as well, looking quite wounded as he was. A very confusing feeling bloomed inside of him and the young man started to look away when a glint of silver caught his eye. He blinked and examined the object, realizing it was the dagger he had in his grasp before he had taken the gun shots, as the street lamp cast its light onto the material.

As if Lady Luck was on his side, the dagger was near his tied hands just close enough for him to take. He glanced at the lad, keeping his eye on the person to make sure he wasn't looking back at him before reaching for the weapon. Having been a thief (as well as being captured and wounded- like this- countless times) ,it wasn't so hard for him to swipe the object without a sound and have it in his grasp within mere milliseconds.

An impish glint started to flicker in his eyes once he held the weapon.

From prior experience, he angled the dagger, just so correctly that it would cut the rope with just a single clean move and enough strength, and like that, his hands were freed. Pedr gripped the weapon his hands and studied the lad before throwing the dagger straight at him.

With that, he untied the rope around his feet, not caring whether the dagger would hit or not, and stood up, limping as he did so with a new question.

To fight or flee?

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Delia was about to just suck it up and ignore the pain to try to land another attack, when she heard a loud explosion from behind. In a mere second, her vision blurred as she felt a blast of heat from behind her and pushing her down. She barely managed to shift her body enough so that the dagger in her stomach wouldn't be pushed in more. Regardless, the searing pain on her back and in her stomach made her brain feel as if a huge rock was hurled on it. Delia felt unconsciousness reaching its arms at her, nearly pulling her into its depths, when a thought hit her.

Renatta was on the exploding ship.

The young woman bit down on her lips and stood up on wobbly knees despite her entire body feeling like a cement block. She looked around for Renatta, and finally spotted her pulling herself onto the port from the cold water. Delia tried to move towards her to help the younger girl from the water, but her legs wouldn't move an inch. Renatta spotted her as well, and walked towards her, before toppling onto her.

Delia, not having any energy left to support the both of them, fell over as well, barely able to grasp onto consciousness. She shivered slightly, feeling the icy water on Renatta seeping into her clothes. Her gaze shifted to where her enemy was, and realized she was gone.

This is our chance to escape... I can't give up now.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed Renatta off her and pushed herself up once again, hissing at the pain in her entire body. Then, mustering up all the strength she has left in her body, she maneuvered Renatta onto her back, ignoring the burning sensation that was still in her back. With slow and unsteady steps, she walked towards the Rosa HQ.

By bringing Renatta to the Rosa, it would support the lie that she told about them not being of Appassito. Also, Delia doubted she would be able to carry Renatta all the way back to the Appassito HQ, which was significantly further from here than the Rosa HQ is. If she drops Renatta there, she had no doubts that the kind people of Rosa would tend to Renatta to her wounds, even if she was a stranger. Even if they get suspicious about her identity, they definitely wouldn't kill the girl. This way, Renatta could be treated, and Delia might just possibly be able to carry herself back to Appassito alive.

Danielle watched as Emilio walked away, before putting his head back down to enjoy his spaghetti. He was almost finished with it, when...


The boss smiled as a familiar voice popped up from next to him. He turned slightly so that he was facing Elona with absolutely no trace of fright in his features. "Elona, what are you doing here so late? I thought you would be in your room by now."

And talking to Hel.

He thought in his mind.
Elona came in the room as well. There goes her chance to talk with Dani. She didn't mind though. The way she would always stick with Dani was.. cute. She opened the fridge to look for something to put in her sandwich. She brought out a strawberry jam filling and she took some bread from the counter. She sat on another table and prepared her food before munching it and watching Danielle and Elona. From time to time, she would shift her gaze to Ethan and Emilio, simply just to watch them.

I glanced awkwardly at Emilio. Was I supposed to make friends with this guy? How do I make friends? I drew a blank. Do people just become friends after fighting? Deciding to forget making friends right now, I made my way to the fridge. Scanning the fridge, I spotted a nice fluffy cream puff. Was I allowed to take it? What if it was someone else's dessert? Someone that would start a fight over a cream puff. I would start a fight over a cream puff. I opted for a safer choice, and grabbed one of the many puddings in the fridge. Making my way over to a wall that was slightly more isolated from the dining members than the rest, I begun to eat my pudding.
Cleto snapped out of his daze and looked towards the male besides him. So he's Pedr? Then the girl... She must be Silvia! He groaned inside his head, realizing that he had pretty much just let a fellow member fall on her face. He hurried to the girl's side and flipped her over so she was facing up, wincing at the sight of her severe wounds. Taking out his ointment, he quickly applied some to her wounds, while avoiding too much skinship.

With that done, he turned back to the male with a wide, apologetic eyes and scurried back to him.

"S-sorry about tying you up... I didn't realize you were Pedr," Cleto said, with his head bowed down like how a dog would when its owner caught him screwing stuff up.



Emilio's eyebrows rose when a fresh face walked in the kitchen. He gave Emilio a small smile before walking to the fridge and grabbing a pudding and going to a wall to eat. After a short moment of hesitation, he walked over to whom he thought was a new member, and asked in a less-than-pleasant tone, "Who're you?"


I ignored his not-so-pleasant tone and smiled at Emilio again. Holding out my hand for a shake, I cheerfully replied "I'm Ethan, a member of Rosa as of today. Nice to meet you." Actually I was hoping you wouldn't come over. I do like my personal space. I also like peace and quiet. I glanced around the room, noticing some Rosa members were looking at us now. Can't a man enjoy his pudding in peace? Oh wait, is this his pudding? I cleared my throat and looked a little off to his shoulder before hesitantly asking, "Is this your pudding? I didn't know."
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Dante laughed ever so lightly at the man's response to his words. He felt the glances from several people as he immediately turned his attention to the bar around him, where he spotted a young lady sitting at a far corner and another young man who just entered the bar. They gave off a different feelings from other customers--more reserved, maybe. Perhaps they're like him, entering the bar not entirely for the sake of having a drink. They might contain interesting information later if he go and ask them, the idea ran through his mind as Dante once again settled upon the male next to him.

"Funny how you brought it up yourself, the idea that you're a member of some family hasn't occur to me, although you do give off an interesting aura," Dante replied with a light smile, wondering if his own words are true, for he was indeed suspicious of where the man is from before. The suspicion didn't disappear though, even after the man's words, but Dante decided to put it aside for now.

"The fights here huh, I have grown rather used to it...My job involves dealing with them after all." He thought back to the man's words, before turning to face him, resting the side of his head to the back of his hand as he placed his elbow onto the hard surface, with the empty glass next to it. A grin seemingly formed onto his face as he spoke. "I'm an informant, going all around looking for information to buy and sell." It's not exactly a lie--in a way, a spy is similar to an informant, after all. "You said you deal with paperworks? What have you been working as?" It's really a question with no meaning, unless the other is seriously someone that should catch his attention.


Renatta has long been unconscious before the faint sight of light seemingly did its way into her sight. She found herself on someone--or rather being carried on the back, but her vision too blurry and her mind too dizzy to know what's going on. She did come up with the highest possibility though, that the one who has been carrying her is Delia. Who else would it be? However, she was too weak to say anything, or showed any gratitude. In fact, when Delia aimed toward at the Rosa HQ, she didn't even have the strength to look surprised or ask why. Thus, Renatta has decided that she probably did this because of some legit reasons. Although she didn't know how, Renatta has the automatic thought that Delia wouldn't betray her by leaving her at an enemy's HQ. Rosa has been the kindest family anyway, and Delia was probably too weak herself to carry her all the way back to the Appassito HQ.

When they reached the HQ of the Rosa family, Renatta found herself dropped off at the entrance, her body leaning against the door. Blood still gushed out from several of her wounds, and the tiny impact of her dropping to the floor once again cause her whole body to hurt in pain by her broken bones. She looked up at Delia and seemingly gave her a light nod as if understanding her actions. Perhaps by going into the Rosa family, she could find some useful information for Lino as well.

This was totally out of the original mission, but Renatta shook the thought away as the dizziness couldn't maintain the little bit of consciousness she has gained back any longer. She forced herself to stand up and opened the entrance door, giving out a call of help that faded into whispers before falling forward, blackens invading her eyes again.
Sighing, Aeri decided it was lonely to eat alone. She looked to her right, Dani and Elona were there. She looked to her left, Emilio and Ethan were... She couldn't really explain. She went over to the latter, believing they would be a more interesting company. She sat on a chair across Ethan.

"Hey boys." she said before taking a bite on her sandwich. She could feel the air around the two. It didn't seem awkward, nor was it tense. It just seemed.. different. She instead looked at her sandwich, refusing to look at either one. Maybe Emilio can make Ethan open something up or make him do something rash. That would be a favor to her mission.
Delia let out a sigh of relief when the Rosa HQ came into sight. Her legs were already trembling and on the verge of crippling down. The wounds on her back and stomach weren't doing so well either- with the blood still dripping from the latter, and the former's burning pain growing incredibly unbearable. When she reached the gate, she practically dropped Renatta onto the stone ground, not having any energy left to properly set her down. She was about to leave, when Renatta nodded at her. Delia forced a small smile before carrying her battered form away.

After dropping Renatta off, Delia walked for what seemed like hours. She took the darker, lesser-traveled routes to avoid any curious eyes at the expense of taking more time to return to the Appassito HQ. Her eyelids were becoming heavy, and her entire body was trembling from the icy water. She could tell that if she doesn't get treatment quickly, she would definitely die.

Finally, her eyes met with the HQ. She pushed the gates open with frozen hands and walked, and before she could close them, she collapsed to the ground.
Pedr blinked when he heard the dagger fall with a clang and the lad was no where to be seen.

...What? Where did he..?!

Pedr turned his head to see the young man treating Silvia.

....When in the world did he get there?...The gun wounds must be affecting my head.

He took a step back when the lad ran back to him, apologizing and bowing his head. Pedr stared at him, at a loss for words.

Being shot twice, losing consciousness, then waking up to realizing that he was tied up by a person who was supposedly on their side- he didn't know what to say anymore. After all, he had failed the mission- who was he to bark at the lad? Speaking of barking..the lad's eyes, the tone of his voice, his actions- all of it matched...a dog.

He had gotten tied up by this dog of a person. A dog.

Pedr blinked and looked away, deciding to deal with the lad later, placing a hand on his earpiece before reporting in a moderately low voice, "Master Spinal, we have failed the mission. The enemies have blown up the Catarina."

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Silvia was a little girl again. She was running in the forest of her childhood.

W-where... is this a dream?

She saw her younger form rush through the forest as fast as her little legs could carry her. Little her kept looking back, fear splattered all over her delicate face.

This memory... the assassins?

Sure enough, a group of mysterious men shrouded in darkness followed after her younger form, carrying guns. They shot many bullets at her, each one earning her a yelp as they barely fly pass her body. But she kept running, running for her life. Running away from the burning house behind the black clothed men.


Suddenly, one of the bullets scraped the little girl's cheek and she fell, letting out a horrible scream. Searing pain flashed through the dream and the images rippled as if they were on water. Silvia clutched her invisible hands over her ears.

Stop.... stop... please... STOP!!!


Her eyes flew open with a start. Her breathing was ragged and short. She could feel her heart trying to calm itself before it burned a hole through her chest. She faintly heard Pedr's voice in the background, reporting their failure to the boss.

"There's no need for that." She pushed herself up, wincing at the pain. Her vision was blurry so she couldn't make out the faces of each figure but she knew she heard the butler's voice. Holding a hand to her aching head, she swayed as she reached up to loosen the earpiece. "He's already heard everything."

Her fingers felt numb as she struggled to remove the earpiece. In the end, she just let out a tired sigh and weakly tapped the earpiece.

"Right, boss?"
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When Elona tried attempting to scare her older brother, she was expecting a bigger reaction. Elona's brows furrow and looked dejected.

"Elona, what are you doing here so late? I thought you would be in your room by now."

The lady's eyes met up to Dani's, "Ah...I came here to brew some tea since...Helena came to see me"

She then advert the eye contact and looks somewhere else. Elona hid the jar of rose buds behind her back as in fear of Dani asking more questions about this. Although she didn't tell a huge lie, Elona felt guilty for not telling Dani the whole truth.
Finally, after traveling a long ways, scamming people, and doing some serious networking he found it. The headquarters for the Appassito Family. It was here that he was to meet his cousin Delia from long ago. He wasn't quite there yet but he was nearing it. It's been so long since we last met. I'm sure she's changed in the meantime, especially with what happened. When she was younger she was tough then, I wonder how tough she is now. He smiled to himself excitedly, "I can't wait to see the look on her face." He then stopped in his tracks, "Wait, I wonder how this family will take me. I hope they accept me into it. It would make my life a lot easier." Ronan then shrugged and walked on approaching the building. From the side of it she saw that there was an opening. He turned the corner towards it coming into view of a woman who has collapsed on the floor. He rushed to her side and pushed her so that she was facing up. His eyes widened when he realized it was Delia, "Delia!" He lightly slapped her face, "Come on gal stay with me, I just got here." He started to panic and frantically looked around seeing if anyone else was around to help. "Is anybody else here?! Anyone at all?!"
"I'm glad you two are spending some time together." Danielle said with a relieved smile after hearing what Elona said. "Well then, enough talking to me. You should go on with brewing that tea and returning to Hel before she becomes impatient. I'll be in my office, if you need me."

Danielle patted Elona lovingly on the head and left the dining hall. For once, he felt the load on his shoulder lightening a little, knowing that his two little sisters are possibly patching things up between them. With a new found enthusiasm, he sped to his office and opened the door to find a person sitting in his chair, dozing. He smiled upon recognizing the figure as Astreil.

He walked over to the girl and gently shook her shoulder. "Astreil, I'm back. Wake up or you'll catch a cold."


Delia let out a soft groan when she felt a light slap on her face. She forced her eyes open, and her gaze met with the face of a frantic young man. In her daze, she couldn't distinguish him as someone she knew in the first few moments. Then, when his voice rang in her ears, she slowly came to the realization that he was indeed someone she knew.

"Ronan?" She croaked out, wincing at the pain it brought upon her entire body. "W-why are you here...?"

@Maeve Valor
Merri glanced from the men at the bar, to the newcomer who just entered with a group of friends.

Another one. A small smile played at her lips, but quickly disappeared when she saw one of the men at the bar glance at her.

She frowned, Okay something's definitely up. She folded her hands in her lap, leaning back and stretching, pretending to be sleepy, as she rested her head on her table. She let her hair fall over her face, blocking her field of view and making anyone think she was asleep, but through her strands of hair, she peered off into the world around her through her narrowed eyes.


Astreil slowly opened her eyes, then sat up, stretching her arms high into the sky, letting out a small groan, before closing her eyes and rubbing them slowly. "Dani..?" She mumbled, her mouth was dry from her nap and her hair was slightly ruffled from the way she had rolled around on the chair. She looked up at him with a sweet smile, her eyes half open.

"Welcome back Dani~" She stood, then slipped her arms around him, hugging him tightly before looking up at him, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Dani I had lots and lots of Sweets today! Mr.Fleicher said that I could eat all I wanted since he was in a baking contest and needed someone to test them for him!" Astreil smiled up at him.



Payne glanced away as soon as the strangers eyes who sat next to his boss glanced at him, returning to his group's chatter. He laughed and played with them, urging them to take shots and get more and more wasted. Each time he watched them down a drink, he laughed. Of course he himself was drinking, but he handled his alcohol very well, and didn't feel even the slightest bit buzzed. I can do this all day. He thought to himself, then stole another quick glance at the two at the bar, before returning to his friends and continuing to have the time of his life.


"I'm an informant, going all around looking for information to buy and sell. You said you deal with paperwork? What have you been working as?"

I pretended to look worried and cautious.

"An informant you say? Should I be telling you anything? I hear a businessman's secret is popular these days."

I quietly noted Payne and a girl who was watching us. When she noticed the man beside me glance at her, she put put her head down and watched us through the strands of her hair. Suspicious, but the usual information gathering. Trying to determine if the information is worth gathering perhaps. However, those small events confirmed that the man beside me was not simply an informant. He too, was a mafia member. Then again, informants usually are connected to a mafia family.

"I work as an business travel Consultant. Surprisingly, we have to do a lot of paperwork as most rich businessmen are quite picky. I'm not going to tell you which businessmen is going where though."
Slowly a sleek mid-night black car, fully fitted with tinted windows and other luxuries began to pull up outside the Appassio Family. The backdoor of the car opened and a rough, massive hand planted itself on the roof of the vehicle. Gold rings adorned the meaty fingers, as the broad figure attached to the hand rose to their full stature. The large man wore a fine Italian suit, black with a red rose and tie, which seemed ready to burst around his brute-like frame and it was quite obvious he did not care much for such high-class materialistic things.

Shutting the door, he slid his hand into his pocket and removed a pack of presumably cigarettes and a wad of large bills, which he removed several of and passed to his driver. Leaning in and saying a few words, he put the money back into his pocket and watched as the vehicle left in the same fashion as it had appeared. Leisurely, the slick-haired goon removed a smoke and set it between his lips, peering at it from behind his darkly colored sunglasses. Anyone watching that did not know, or were not close enough to identify who this man was would probably be predictably confused at his at ease appearance in such a place of danger. Lighting a match and watching it slowly burn the front of the cigarette, the man headed for the entrance of the building.

Having "basically" driven straight here after being released, only a few of the higher-ups, along with the leaders of the family obviously, who had been in contact with in and preparing for his release knew he was arriving today, or technically arriving at all.
(SORRY FOR LATE REPLY! Long replies to make it up.)

"Heeeh, that's kind of disappointing, isn't it?" Dante let out what appeared to be a disappointed sign upon hearing the fact that the man wouldn't be saying much information, while playing with the remaining ice cubes in the glass for the wine had already been drank. A businessman--huh, his aura, the atmosphere shown around him, clearly showed that he's not just a businessman. Instead, it's somehow similar to the ones he felt in the household from his mafia fellows. If he has been right, Dante decided to take on a guess, he would be someone in the mafia, just like him. Or, perhaps, if he's lying about being a business travel consultant but is not lying about the fact that he's a businessman, then he could be the boss. Then, if applying that to the mafia, he could be a mafia boss.

The possibilities of this man's true career ran through Dante's mind as he considered different choices, each of them possible and he wondered if he's been right on one. Interesting--this man, the mysteriousness catching on his interest as he spoke. "Informants aren't really that dangerous, just a career we choose for our way of lives, you know." He laughed lightly, seemingly carefree. "I grew up on the streets, with not much else of job choices to choose from." He grew silent, then, it's a period of his past that is true.

"How much do you want if you're willing to give me some information?" Changing the topic, Dante looked toward the man with quite the pleading eyes, until he noticed the lady from afar looking at them. In fact, the male that has entered the bar to his group of friends has been constantly watching them too. A tiny smirk formed as he noticed her studying them two under her strands of hair. If it's her, maybe she would have some useful information as well. Thinking so, he looked back at the man. "Say," he threw a glance over at the lady before turning beck to look at him. "You're quite the charming man to catch her attention, aren't you. She appears to have been interested in us for some time now...A woman's company never hurts, shall we invite her over?" She gestures at her from the far side of the counter before smiling back at the man.

(@LoveMyHate , @Reito )


Alone quietly in the office, the only sounds Rozando heard has been the sounds of some unexpected people's interferences as Silvia and Pedr fought with then and then the explosion, a sound that immediately led to the accurate assumption that the shipment of weapons has been destroyed. It came to no surprise for him then, when he received the words from his butler of the failed mission, and he only leaned back to his seat, a long sigh escaping his mouth upon hearing the words.

He was silent until Silvia's voice reached into his ears, her calm, cool tone stating that he has probably noticed that the mission did not success already. Rozando frowned before replying, "Yes, I have heard." He said shortly, before seemingly let out a pause. His mind immediately ran through the information Vittoria has given him of the current amount of weapons the Spinal household has--it is enough for now, but the extras for emergency uses in case of a sudden attack or an unexpected difficult fight occur are running out. In another words, the shipment of weapons that's supposed to arrive today is kind of important. Thus, for a moment Rozando was filled with utter displeasure before he seemingly cooled down. To think of it, he should partially be blamed for the cause--first for not watching over his members carefully so the location of the shipment of weapons won't leak out for other families to know. Secondly, he should have been extra carefully, instead of already assuming that the shipment of weapons is safe and thoughtlessly ordered two newly joined members to get it. Rozando sighed to himself with a frown, he is not that trained a mafia boss yet than he thought he was.

"Come back immediately, I have already sent a member to help you two, he has probably arrived already." As if settling down his thoughts, Rozando continued on with his usual calm fashion. He switched to talking to Cleto through the earpiece he has probably obtained already then, since he's already been a member and had gone to several missions. "Make sure to bring back both of them safely."

"After having your wounds treated, I would like to have a few words with both of you," he said in the end to Silvia and Pedr. "Do not worry, it'll be a normal conversation." He added in the end, trusting the toe to understand what he meant by "normal."

( @MoonMirage , @Aiakaos , @PhoenixFire13 )

"How much do you want if you're willing to give me some information?

I laughed as I replied, "If I leak anything, I'm going to get fired. I actually had someone come to me in the bathroom and attempt to bribe me to spill information. He came out of the toilet by the way."

"You're quite the charming man to catch her attention, aren't you. She appears to have been interested in us for some time now...A woman's company never hurts, shall we invite her over?"

I felt a pang in my chest. Adriana... I shook my head. "Its probably you shes interested in. A young man such as yourself can invite her over but this old man is leaving soon. We adults can't show up drunk to work." I slide my empty glass to the bartender and paid. Turning back to him I said, "You might not take advice with a regular business man, but I really don't think someone as young as yourself should be working as an informant. Cherish life more, go have fun, love." I paused, realizing what I was saying. I started laughing. "It seems like I'm really an old man now." I begun walking to the door, only to trip and fall. "Oww..." A slight blush sprinkled across my face and I hurriedly got up and left.

Once outside I sighed.

That young boy was a spy huh. His eyes and aura gave it away. Well he probably doesn't believe that I'm a businessman either, gotta ask Delia to help me improve my acting skills. I think about the fall I took. I hate having to do that kind of stuff, but at least something like that, I can fake perfectly.

Breathing in the cool night air, I walk an aimless path so that anyone following me would lose me. Upon arriving at the family house, I noticed Delia with a strange man and the newcomer. I hurried my pace, reaching them in a matter of seconds. Taking Delia from the stranger's arms, I quickly opened the door. "Follow me, both of you. And one of you lock the door." I carried Delia to the infirmary, and quickly begun dressing her wounds. "Explain to me who you are and what is your relationship to Delia" I ordered the strange man calmly. Glancing at the newcomer, I gave a quick smile and told him, "Kitchen is two doors down if you're hungry."

@GreatGavino @Maeve Valor
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"I'm glad you two are spending some time together." Danielle said with a relieved smile after hearing what Elona said. "Well then, enough talking to me. You should go on with brewing that tea and returning to Hel before she becomes impatient. I'll be in my office, if you need me."

With that, Dani left the dining room. Elona wasn't surprised of how Dani immediatly knew what was going on. Even in the past when Elona tried to hide something from him, he always seem to find out the truth.

She bits her lip, "I hope he wasn't mad at me at least."

The girl went to the kitchen and start brewing her tea. She pour the water into the kettle and waited for the water to boil. She nervously touch her hair time to time. What should she say to Helena after she finish this? The boss's younger sister kept pondering and didn't seem to notice but at the last second that she almost finished brewing the tea. She pours the hot water into the teapot. Elona carefully open the jar of rose buds and drop a couple of them inside. Grabbing two china cups to match the teapot, she places them into a tray.She steadily walk back to her room and halt at her front door. Elona took a deep breath in and holds it. After a few seconds she let it all out.

"Ok you can do this Elona."

"Helena? Err...are you there? I need you to open up the door please. I have the tea."
The large man's face remained hard, despite the boss' warm demeanor and stood off to one side with hands interlocked at his waist. He was a man of professionalism and had no problem expressing it.

[really bad post, but im just at that point where i dont really know what to do]
Silvia managed to croak out a small "Roger" before the pain forced her to let out a groan. Her wounds were tended to quite professionally (thanks to that man next to Pedr probably) but her body was still just a little child's.

"We..." Luckily, her voice came out so softly that the others probably couldn't tell how weak she was. She cleared her throat and forced herself to speak louder and steady herself. "We better get going. Those guys might come back and with reinforcements."

She took and deep breath and quickly stood up to cover the fact that she really had no energy to even stand. Grunting slightly at the effort, she stood there for a moment before dragging herself toward the Spinal HQ.

The two will follow after her eventually.
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