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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

Delia smiled at the girl's remark. She knew it was only a fifty-fifty percent chance that she would become flustered. Using the moment that the girl talked, Delia swiftly took out the daggers hidden in her sleeves and and blocked the girl's attack with one, and with the other, stabbed at the girl's eye.
"Tch." Silvia barely saw the dagger coming. She only had time to duck a little to avoid getting her eye pierced. Roughly pushing the woman away, she was forced to hop back a few steps to preserve distance. Blood started trickling down the cut above her eye.

That was close. I shouldn't underestimate this woman... She's most likely from that Appasitto family the boss was talking about. I need to make the next step before she can react.

Silvia's mind ran through a storm of battle strategies from all her experiences. Living in the forest didn't mean that she never had any experience. There was always some people after her uncle and her. Everyday was full of danger but it was fun because her uncle was around. Now that she thought about it, those people were probably all involved in this mafia business. Which just gives her even more accurate knowledge of-

Her eyes lit up as she came upon the perfect plan. Her grin widened and she slowly straightened her posture from her fighting stance.

"I know who you are. You're the rumored woman beside the boss of the, what was it called?... Appassito family, aren't you?"
(I stopped receiving alerts for this I don't know why QwQ sorry for the late reply!!)

The room has been quiet when a knock on the door could be heard. Rozando raised an eyebrow as he looked up from the paper in his hand to the door, a familiar voice could be heard from the other side.

Before he could say anything, however, the door opened and Cleto walked in, looking happy as ever as he remarked that he has just come back from the mission on the arrival of the shipment of weapons. He hopped to the table and looked towards Rozando with bright, expectant eye, expecting a compliment, it seemed.

"As expected from you, nicely done." Rozando said then, nodding a bit with his calm, cool smile. "I have already sent two other members to see if the shipment of weapons is safe after arriving. You may rest now." He continued.

Two other members--what words, when one of the member is a newly joined lady and the other a butler? Rozando has hoped the mission did go well, since he has not received any emergency notices from them yet. He has no desires to look down upon the two. Even if the mission did not go as planned, he put faith into the belief that they would still be able to handle it.

Rozando looked as if he has engaged into deep thoughts as he finished his sentence with Cleto.


The second Renatta is pushed onto the ground by Delia with the gun shot, the second it is somehow confirmed that the siblings who walked on their toes is a lie.

And also the second the fight started.

Delia, the pretty woman and the right handed lady of their Appassito boss. Lino, immediately engaged herself into the battle against the mysterious pair of a young male and female. If they didn't walk on their toes--if that's a lie, then the fact that they are siblings is also probably a lie, too. At least, that's how Renatta's logic works, and for once she's pretty sure she's right.

As a middle-ranked member of the family, her experiences in fighting did not match those of Delia's. Although it might not necessarily means she's much weaker, her mind worked a bit slower, and she absorbed what's going on around her slower as well. So much has happened before her eyes as she managed to sit up and the sight of the beautiful woman battling against first the male, then the female came into her view.

For a moment, she froze, confused on what to do, how to act. This is something that hasn't happened to her before. It wasn't until a fire was shot, and a bullet aimed towards her, did she regain her sense.


Before she realized it, the male that has been fighting with Delia now run towards her, a gun in his hand and already the trigger was pulled.

She has barely dodged the bullet as she quickly tiled her head to a side, a fresh new cut formed as the bullet scraped against her cheek.

Renatta finally stood up then, collecting her senses, thoughts, and recognizing everything that's going on. She inhaled a deep breath before exhaling it, mumbling to herself. "It's okay, you can always fix it if you mess up as long as you don't die..."

The boy was getting closer to her as he ran, and she sharpened her sight as she concentrated on him, her hands moving confidently as each took out the guns from each side of her waist then pointed it at him.

"Renatta, ready for battle~I guess..."

She fired it twice from both guns at the same time at the male, a total of 4 bullets used. She didn't move from her spot, which is close to the ship. Aye, she should also mind the amount of bullets she has.

But putting that aside, now that she feels confident, she could move fast without any hesitation now.
Helena entered the room and looked around. Elona notices the quick glances toward the huge heap of teddy bears and couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Helena's eyes caught the sight of a huge panda bear near her bed.

“That one’s the coolest.”

Elona shift her vision toward the bear. The sudden flood of warm memories of her grandmother first giving it to her during her 5th birthday. When Elona first saw this gigantic stuff animal she was so intrigue about it. She remembered how she asked countless questions about it and soon loved all about other breed of bears.

The young lady quietly replies, "Thank....you. It's a present from grandmother."

She walks toward the little Chinese antique table with two chairs. Elona slide one chair out a little bit and jester Helena to sit there. Near the table, there was a bookcase that was filled with books and on top, some tea boxes/jars. Elona took a tiny stool and stepped over it. She glance at her collection of tea. She and her brother would chat and drink whenever they had free time. The lady caught what was she was looking for and reached for the jar of rose buds. The boss's younger sister had a fondness of planting and often used them to make tea. This also applied to the jar of rose buds in her hands.

Elona turned to Helena, "Is rose tea ok?"
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As soon as the girl hopped off of her, Delia shot up as well. She was about to attempt to land another attack, when the girl straightened herself.

"I know who you are. You're the rumored woman beside the boss of the, what was it called?... Appassito family, aren't you?" She asked.

Without any hesitation or second thoughts, Delia replied in a steady tone. "Appassito? My loyalty is not to that family, nor have I even heard of it."

Their mission was to make it seem that the Rosa raided the ship in order to initiate a battle between the two major families, so naturally Delia would never say that she was of Appassito. There was also no need to say that she was from Rosa. If she truly was of Rosa, she wouldn't tell the enemies that, and potentially cause further animosity between them.

And, it would also make sense for a Rosa member to not know about the Appassito. It was only recently that Appassito has started causing trouble among the Spinal and Rosa, and when they do, the traces they leave are little to none. It wouldn't be very possible to know this small family's name nor information unless some research was done. Everyone knows that the new boss of Rosa isn't too enthusiastic about this war, so it was obvious that he wouldn't bother researching them and possibly get involved with another family.

Delia had no doubts in her mind that if these two go reporting back to Spinal and tell them what she just said, and everything that has happened, the boss of Spinal will conclude that Delia and Renatta were of Rosa. After all, the only other family whose prowess could match that of the Spinal would be Rosa.
"As expected from you, nicely done."

At the Boss's compliment, Cleto's swelled up with pride and joy. The one thing that he loved most was a compliment from the Boss. After all, the Boss was the coolest guy in Italy- No, he was the coolest guy in the world! Who wouldn't like a compliment was such an awesome guy? He patted his chest and exclaimed, "You can always count on me, Boss!"

Cleto was about to dismiss himself when he noticed that the Boss had his thinking face on. Over the years, he managed to figure out the difference between his "thinking face" and his "regular face". Whenever he had his thinking face on, he would usually be thinking about something complicated, like family matters and all that. Cleto was never able to understand those difficult things, even when the Boss explained to him. But that just further shows how smart and amazing the Boss is!

But what really had his attention piqued was the mention of the two members sent on the mission to protect the shipment. Cleto was actually ready to take on the job himself, until he heard that the Boss sent two people, both with unfamiliar names, to protect it instead. To be honest, the young member was shocked and extremely disappointed when he received the news. He felt as if the Boss thought he was not good enough to do the job, so instead sent other people instead.

Without realizing it, Cleto's expression became a mixture of dejection and depression that would remind one of a puppy that just found out that his owner adopted some other unwanted pets.


Emilio raised an eyebrow at Danielle's words. Working all day, huh? It must be one of those days where he drowns himself in work and tires himself out. Even to Emilio, who doesn't give any damns about how others feel, felt some pity for Danielle and how he constantly keeps his problems to himself. Just like he thought, Danielle was simply too weak for the position of the Boss. By overthrowing him, he could rid Danielle of all the stress that has been plaguing him since the day his father died.

"It would sure be nice if someone could help you out with all that work, or, I don't know... Be the Boss instead." Emilio said casually, hoping to see Danielle's reaction to the idea.
Silvia frowned. She swore the woman matched the information she pried from someone in the past. It was before she had joined the Spinal, when she was still trying to find them. She had come across some drunkard who had belonged to the Appassito family, or so he said. Thinking that the man could have had important information, she kept him drunk and pried as much from him as she could. In between his slurred words, there was a mention about a beautiful woman, Delia, the right hand woman of the boss. Or was he lying?

She raised her eyebrow at the woman. "Are you sure? Because I heard the woman was quite beautiful. I don't think any other family had a woman as fair as her. Ah, but if you say you aren't her, I guess you can't compare, huh, old hag?"

Oh wait... I forgot to tell the boss about what I managed to learn about the Appassito. Oh well, I'll tell him after I survive this.
"Funny how Hel offered me some help with me paperwork before you came here..." Danielle replied with a soft chuckle. He smiled at Emilio and replied to his suggestion. "I don't think that I would want someone else to replace me as the boss. Sure, it's hard work and all... But knowing that I'm doing it for the sake for the family pulls me through."

Delia laughed at the obvious provocation in the girl's words. "Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not that woman you speak of."

She had thought that this girl knew a lot for her age, especially about a small family such as Appassito. But it seems that she doesn't know that there were many more beautiful women in the mafia world, ones who were much more beautiful than her.
Heeeeeh. Silvia had thought this woman would be one of those people, who care a lot about their appearance. Guess she guessed wrong.

"You're not half bad." She raised a hand to her ear and pushed her hair back, switching on the earpiece hidden by the darkness. "If you're not from the Appassito, what is your purpose here? I don't suppose you'll stick with the lame excuse of being lost. Then again, you can choose to not tell me. What do you think?"

She walked to a nearby building enclosed in a dim light and leaned against it, keeping an eye on the woman to prevent any sneak attacks. There was no way she was going to sheathe her dagger. She was only betting on a small chance of this plan actually working after all.

Pedr tsked as he saw the bullets whizzing through the air.

Four of them? Going all out I see.

Since all four bullets were fired at the same direction, he would just have to dive to the ground or make a large leap to a side to dodge all four of them. Pedr smirked as an automatic plan easily made its way into his mind. It was all too easy. At this rate, he just might succeed at this so called mission.

However, as he kept his eyes on the bullets, in that split second before he would put his plan into action, another thought arose in his mind.

Why was he doing this anyway? Why was he so intent on surviving and completing this mission for some mafia he stumbled across? What would succeeding this even do for him?

Millions of thoughts flooded Pedr's mind, memories of him being in The Berceuse started to compare themselves to his very few experiences with the Spinal mafia.

What was the use of hiding his acts of thievery if he was just going to become a slave to a mafia family? What different were these two positions? Just how differently would society treat him now that he had given up his life to serve a mafia?

He thought back to his days with The Berceuse in those few seconds as his smirk vanished just as fast as it had appeared. The scenes of the fellow thieves perishing right before his eyes flashed into his mind, evoking a painful sensation just as he felt one of the bullets pierce through his flesh.

The young man held his breath as he felt another bullet pierce his leg, making him stumble to one side, swaying a bit before he completely lost his balance and fell down onto the cold ground, his knees making contact with the stones before his whole body surrendered.

Just like that. He lay down on his stomach, feeling blooding rushing from his left shoulder and the fresh wound on his left leg pounded a dull pain that would soon start bleeding as well.

Pedr breathed out, staring off to the side as his breath became visible in the cold air. He felt his eyelids start to become heavy as a sudden wave of exhaustion swept through his whole body.

Is this how you felt when you died...?


Darkness settled in as he closed his eyes.
It happened so fast, Renatta has stood there for a long moment before realizing what just happened.

Did the bullets...Hit?

She has expected the other to dodge more, and the bullets to only create light wounds on him--perhaps some cuts, like the one she received when he first shot him. But one has hit him in the arm and the other in the leg. Perhaps Renatta is more trained than she thought herself to be, or perhaps it's just luck.

Renatta froze, it has been a while she last hurt someone. It's not like she has never killed anyone before, but those experiences too few for her to get used to it. The feeling felt fresh as she inhaled a deep breath, watching as the male collapsed onto the floor with the pool of blood around him growing bigger. The hands grabbing her guns tightened as she started walking slowly, closer and closer to him, each step making a slight tapping sound. When she just stood inches away from the body on the ground, she was certain he hasn't died yet.

Therefore, as an enemy, she should kill him.

The other one would be too weak to even fight back now, he has slowly been losing consciousness. Renatta gradually raised one arm with the gun and pointed it at the male's head. It would be fast--one shot in the brain, no suffering.

But does he really needs to die...? Did the mission tell her to do so? To kill? Those thoughts ran past her mind as she tucked her other gun to her belt on her waist, thinking it's no longer necessary to use it. That's when she felt something else tucked there also--a lighter.

Suddenly, she came to a realization. Renatta has long promised herself to make her own decisions, and right now, she has chosen the decision to obey to the Appassito boss, Lino's mission. And what is the mission?

To raid the ship. That's it. If she remembered it correctly, that is.

No killing, he did not mention anything about going off and kill people, even enemies. His mission is to plainly raid the ship, the ship with the shipment of weapons. And even if it failed, he did not say anything about killing. Thus, a Renatta made a decision. She would not kill unless the mission says otherwise. And she should fulfill the real reason why Delia, Felix, and she are here.

"....I won't kill you," Renatta mumbled quietly to the lad on the ground. "Let's just say it's because...You...Walk on your toes?" She said as she tucked her other gun back to her belt, thinking up a reason to explain to the other why she won't kill him, before realizing it's actually not that important.

She took a few steps back then, making sure the lad is still lying there, before turning around and began running. She glanced over at Delia and Silvia at the far side for a moment, wondering what they are talking about, before concentrating on the ship as she ran closer to it.

Where exactly is the weapons located? No idea. But there should probably be gunpowder right? Wait wait, the whole thing is on the location of it though. Dear lord, she might as well just start from the ship itself. But it takes too much time.

She took out the lighter from her belt then aimed closer to the ship. She would find the location of the weapons and gunpowder. And she would lit it on fire.

Is that even the right thing to do though?

Renatta frowned, then decided on something again.

Since she has used up her brain juice already she might as well just don't care about anything anymore and proceed on making the ship explode--Renatta nodded to herself as she got inches away from the ship.


Rozando nodded with a light smile as Cleto stated that he could count him on anything. Expecting the other to then return to his room then, he blinked when Cleto's happy smile disappeared and is replaced by a disappointed look, from whatever words he has said. From all the experience Rozando has with Cleto, he could see that the other must be sad by the fact that two other members has gone on to the mission that could originally be accomplished by him.

Its true, though, that Rozando has faith in Cleto, trusting him that he could do his missions well, knowing by fact that Cleto would always be happy when he successfully accomplished a mission and received compliment from the boss. Rozando continued with his thoughts for a moment, and thought back to the reason why Cleto felt disappointed. He then wondered about the situation on Pedr and Silvia before giving a light nod to himself.

"Cleto, I have another mission for you," he said. "The two members that have been sent to check on the safety on the shipment of weapons...They are new. I am in fact worried on how they're doing, and am wondering if they might need assistance throughout the mission." He paused. "Please go check on them for me and provide any help if you can." He smiled his calm, soothing smile then. "I'm trusting you can do it."
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The girl walked to a building and leaned against it before asking again for the reason that they were there. Delia walked towards her, slowly and carefully so that she wouldn't alarm the girl.

"I think you would know that there aren't much reasons as to why I am here. That leaves you with only a couple of guesses, so feel free to speculate." Delia answered to the girl.
Cleto's eyes lit up once again as the Boss told him to go check on the two members that were at the ship right now. This is his chance to make the Boss proud!

"I'm trusting you can do it."

With a giddy smile, Cleto gave a ninety degrees bow and said in a bright, confident voice, "Then I'll be off!"

~~~~To the shipment we go~~~~

The young man narrowed his eyes as he tried to spot the two members in the depths of the night. Practically everything was shrouded in darkness, save for a couple of dimly lit buildings and the light of the ship. Nonetheless, he continued to take bold steps towards where he felt his comrades would be despite the risks of possibly being seen by enemies.

Before long, Cleto heard several gunshots near the direction of the ship. His stomach did a flip-flop as thoughts of his comrades being injured flooded his head. Even if he had never met them, they were his family members. Plus, if they did get injured, the Boss would be upset for sure! At the thought of this, Cleto started to run towards the sound.

He screeched to a stop when he saw a lone figure on the ground, still and motionless. His heart sped up as he approached the figure. When the person was finally in clear view, he found that it was an unconscious young male who was probably around his age. There were wounds on his shoulder and his leg, and a pool of blood was still gathering beneath him.

Is... Is he the person I'm supposed to help? W-wait, I thought there was supposed to be two...

Unsure of whether this was the right person or not, Cleto felt the urge to slam his head against the ground. He forgot to ask the Boss for their pictures!

Help or not to help.... If I help him, and he turns out to be the enemy, the Boss is guaranteed to never trust me again. But... If I don't help, and he's the right person and he dies, the Boss is going to be upset... But wait! If he's really of Spinal, then how come he's so weak as to getting injured like this? This means he must be the enemy! But the Boss did mention that they were newbies, so maybe...?

After moments of struggling as to whether to help this man or not, Cleto finally decided to help him, although he still had his doubts. He carefully removed the bullets from the young man's body, then took out the ointment and bandages that he always had handy. It was a good thing that the wounds weren't too deep, and the blood eventually stopped flowing out due to the ointment.

With that done, Cleto hurriedly found some ropes in one of the buildings and tied the man's legs and arms up, just in case he turned out to be the enemy.


Emilio chuckled at Danielle's reply. It was just like him to say that, with all the sappy family and support junk. It was just another reason why he thought he was too weak to lead this family, yet also the reason why he was so attached to him.

"Well, enjoy your dinner, Danielle. I'll go check out what the others are doing." Emilio said. Perhaps he'll go tease Danielle's two younger sisters, or go provoke Aeri just for fun...
Silvia's eyes darted toward Pedr for a split second as she heard the gunshots. She didn't show any emotion when the bullets hit however, because the woman could use that as a chance to attack her. She watched the new woman out of the corner of her eye, heading toward the ship.

So they knew about the weapons... That makes things easier to understand. And also more complicated...

She turned her attention back to the woman before her. Right now, her priority was this woman. If she made any sudden movements, she would surely be assaulted on all sides. It was now a two-verse-one situation. She could feel herself starting to panic. The situation wasn't looking very good for them.

Don't you dare die on me, stupid butler. I am not hauling your dead corpse back to headquarters. That is... if I can make it out of this alive...

"Oh, I don't know. I'm just a little girl who happened to be training with her big brother. What do I know about strangers whom I've just met and crossed daggers with?"

Tch. Even her words were starting to lose their impact. This really wasn't looking-

Throw the knife.

Her eyes widen as her body moved on its own. The knife slid onto her hand from its hiding place in her sleeve. Before she was even able to bat an eye, the knife was piercing the wind in its path, heading straight for the heart of the woman before her.


It was heading toward the woman behind her. The one running toward the ship.

(btw, this was before Silvia saw Cleto cause she looked away a bit early ^^o More like I'm too lazy to fix what I wrote... xD )
"Oh, I don't know. I'm just a little girl who happened to be training with her big brother. Who do I know about strangers whom I've just met and crossed daggers with?"

Delia raised an eyebrow. She seemed to be distraught about something... She took a quick glance behind her, and found the butler on the ground with blood around him, and Renatta running towards the ships. Her eyes went back to the girl just in time to see her unsheathe her dagger and throwing it at Renatta.

Surprised at the sudden action, Delia didn't have enough time to unsheathe her own to counter that dagger. Gritting her teeth, she ran to the direction that the dagger was flying at.

A pained grunt escaped her lips as she felt it stab into her skin.

She managed to keep stay on her feet, although the searing pain was already making her mind into a jumbled mess. She tried to take deep breaths, only to find that it only seems to make the pain worst. Looking down, she saw that the dagger was just at the left of her abdomen. Blood was slowly seeping out, making her already dark dress look even darker.

"Seems that the casualties are about even now, huh?" Delia squeezed out, a forced smile on her lips.
Renatta turned her head sideways just in time to see the dagger seemingly coming for her, then being blocked by Delia, who got stabbed in her left abdomen. Renatta's eyes widened in surprise, althought she continued to run. Delia has sacrificed herself so she could fulfill the mission, she could not let it go to waste.

When she finally landed herself onto the ship, she glanced at Pedr from a distance. Someone has come to help them, it seemed. For some reasons, Renatta felt glad that the male didn't die, although she didn't know why she feels that way. At the same time, she frowned. That means there's one more enemy she has to deal with.

Well, no matter what's going on, she should concentrate on the explosion first. Renatta immediately started moving, the lighter tight in her hands as she looked around.

And there, she saw it--the weapons, the gunpowders. It's easier than she thought. Renatta moved fast as she lit the lighter then ran over to the gunpowder.

Three. Two. One.

She shut her eyes as she threw the lighter to the gunpowder then backed up immediately. The sound that followed was loud, and the whole ship shook, although Renatta's eyes are not open to see everything.

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The blasting sound of a loud explosion screeched at his ears, making up him jolt awake. His head quickly turned towards the enormous sound, seeing that the ship was now in flames, lighting up the port with its sparks of fire.

Pedr winced as the pain on his shoulder shot through his head and gasped, squeezing his eyes shut before shaking his head, trying to see what was going on.

What? Why am I..

He blinked as he felt his wrists and ankles were each tied by a coarse rope and looked up to see another lad in front of him. Still dazed by the sound of the explosion and the pain of his wounds, Pedr couldn't quite make out the person's appearance. Who was this? Another enemy? An ally? Perhaps just a witness? He looked down at his attire, noticing how his wounds were tended to and looked back towards the sinking ship.

What he did know was that-

"...failed..." His voice came out in a low tone, close to a whisper. Pedr closed his eyes and let out a defeated sigh, "I failed."

It wasn't long before he scoffed and let out a laugh. He couldn't believe this. He tried to die yet he was given another chance to live once again. The young man opened his eyes and slowly sat up, struggling as he did so and stared at the ground, his eyes went back to their dull form as they remained cast downwards.

His voice fell back to its emotionless and flat tone as he directed it to the lad, "Untie me."
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Panting like some old woman, Silvia swayed and would have collapse if she had not held out a hand to steady herself on the building. Her vision blinked in and out of focus as she struggled to control the rush of adrenaline.

There's no time to rest! The ship! I have to-

She looked up to see the other woman struggling to stand as well. Looks like she took the hit for her comrade instead.

"Seems that the casualties are about even now, huh?"

Ha. If life was so cheap as to make things even, Silvia would have completed this mission ages ago. Oh no! The mission! She took one step toward the boat before the explosion threw her off her feet. She was airborne for a few seconds before she crashed through the wall of a building and landed roughly on the ground.

"Ugh..." She sat up painfully, pushing herself up with her arms. "No..." Her voice broke as she tried to stand.

Then she realized the presence of two figures nearby. Giving her eyes a while to adjust, she recognized one of the figures as ... the butler?!?!

"Pedr?!? You're ali-" Losing her strength, she started to fall forward.
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As Aeri walked inside the kitchen, she accidentally bumped into Emilio, much to her surprise. She thought they were still talking before she decided to come in.

"Ah, I see you're here." she said to him in a monotonous tone. She was listening, or rather accidentally listened, to their conversation earlier. Why would he suggest for someone else to be boss? Did he not like Dani? Well, she always thought he unsatisfied but she knew that he was attached to this famiglia so she shrugged of the idea.
(@Eimi Sorry I missed it, I haven’t seen any notifications from this thread x.x)

“You’re welcome. It’s an amazing present. She must have been a great grandmother.” Hel praised as she followed Elona’s gesture and carefully sat in the chair that she pulled out for her. She wasn’t sure of how to sit, formally or relaxed. She definitely was too nervous to genuinely sit in a relaxed manner so she sat straight up. She was happy that she had gotten this far with talking to Elona and things seemed like they would progress smoothly. She was playing with her wristband nervously again when Elona asked about the tea. “Rose tea would be perfect.” She said with a small smile. Seeing the clear jar of rose buds in Elona’s hands, Hel knew that the tea would be delicious and fresh.
(Sorry for the late reply! I've been really busy the last two days Dx)

Cleto bit his lips and wondered if he should leave this person and look for the other girl... Silvia, was it? He certainly didn't want this person to wake up while he's gone, to find himself tied up and alone. Another internal conflict was about to began in his mind again, when a loud explosion made him jump like a frightened puppy. The young man looked up and saw fire engulfing the ship with the weapons shipment. It slowly sunk into the ocean, and as did Cleto's heart.

Once the Boss finds out, he'll be upset to no end!

"Untie me."

A cold voice said from next to him, making Cleto jump another time. He spun his head around and saw that the person is conscious again, possibly due to the loud explosion.

Unaffected by the person's stern voice or expression, Cleto asked with curious eyes, "What's your name?"

Just then, as if from nowhere, a girl fell from the sky and onto the ground nearby. Cleto's eyes widened when she attempted to stand. How can she even manage that, after flying through a building?! Before he had time to react, the girl's eyes landed on the young man next to him, before exclaiming in surprise, "Pedr?!? You're ali-"

Without finishing her sentence, she fell forward, while Cleto stared in dumb shock.

@PhoenixFire13 @Aiakaos


"Ah, I see you're here."
Aeri said, after she and Emilio bumped into each other. The male immediately put on a grin, seeing that there was finally someone else for him to talk to.

"Hey cutie pie, how's it going today?" Emilio asked, in the most teasing and "jerk" tone he can manage. "Getting a midnight snack maybe? Careful not to put on too much weight."

@Aeri Rosevier
"Weren't you just leaving?" she replied to his flirting coldly but it was only because he teased her about her weight. She playfully punched him on his shoulder, taking back her cold attitude towards him. She wasn't that conscious about her appearance but she was still a woman. As they say, like how you don't ask a woman her age, don't tell her about her weight. Anyway, she was still going to eat her snack. Nothing defies her craving. She brushed pass him and there she saw boss. She was relieved he was still there.

@MoonMirage :) @LoveMyHate (where are you? xD )

I stood awkwardly to the side as Aeri and Emilio conversed. My discomfort when he teased about her weight faded when she playfully punched him on his shoulder. Are they friends? Or something more? My eyes flickered between them. Was there going to be a new boss? The current one seemed extremely worn out so maybe. I gazed at Emilio, was he going to be the new boss? Aeri's movement caught my eye, and I noticed the relief in her figure when she saw the boss. Somethings going on. Emilio probably wanted to be the next boss, and Aeri wasn't pleased by that idea. Turning to Emilio, I gave him an easy smile and a small wave before following Aeri.

(Sorry for late reply ><)
Dante nodded then, a light smile still on his face as he resumed back to drinking as well. For him who has in fact came to the bar where Dani has asked him to come for the sake of information for Spinal, meaninglessly sitting here is just wasting time, especially when the conversations around him were just random gossips you got everywhere. He paused, then his eyes landed back onto the mysterious guy besides him. Dante didn't know who he is, but he gave a powerful aura, and for some reasons he felt that he didn't come here simply to drink as well. "Did you come here often?" He asked then, playing with the nearly empty glass in his hand. "This is quite the bar where information gathers, isn't it?" He continued, as if wanting to test the other his true purpose of coming here, as well as hopefully got one or two information out of him.


By the time everything seemed to silence down, Renatta could feel the dizziness in her brain and the darkness that is trying to invade her eyes. Her right leg is burned, not a light wound, but not too deeply serious. However, it hurts badly, and she felt that she broke the bone in her left arm too. Gasping, she forced herself to open her eyes, feeling the ship sinking. For a long moment, she couldn't move, her body seemingly frozen caused her to just sit there as new wounds created from the explosion caused blood to streak down her face and body.

The fact that she hasn't blacked out yet surprised herself.

Suddenly, a large creak formed on the ship, and Renatta felt herself falling into the water, its coldness seemingly unfreeze Renatta from her previous frozen state as she let out a loud gasp, starting to struggle, gritting her teeth at the pain as she swam back to the edge and climbed herself out of the water, finally back onto the surface again. The coldness overwhelmed her, feeling extra cold due to her wetness and the winds. Breathing heavily, she stumbled step by step to where Delia is, trying to ignore the blackness that's trying to invade her eyes as her dizziness became more and more overwhelming,

She stared at Delia, wanting to say something but her mouth couldn't move, and in the end, she fell forward to the beautiful lady she has finished her mission with, finally losing consciousness.

"This is quite the bar where information gathers, isn't it?"

I shrugged not bothering to reply his second question. Finishing my gin and tonic, I spoke. "I don't come here often, only when I'm feel like...taking a risk." I smirked lightly. "You may think that I'm a member of some family, but the truth is, I'm not." Although I am the boss of one. Gesturing to a drunken fight in the back, I joked "I only come here to see the fights. Its amusing, very different my regular lifestyle." I paused, appearing to gaze wistfully at the fight. Casting my gaze on the man next to me again, I divulged, "This environment is so different from my everyday. Loud noises, rude behavior, etc." I ordered a Tequila & Soda with lime. I relaxed in my stool. "Its so different from dealing with papers all day." Speaking of papers...Did I finish the stack on my desk?...Gah...

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