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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

Pedr blinked as Silvia darted out, leaving him behind.

He shook his head. "Good job Pedr, way to act ridiculous and have a little girl give up on you. Excellent." He huffed as he stood up and patted the dust off his clothing.

He crossed his arms and stared off into the distance when he felt an irking feeling dig into the side of his face. "Don't look at me like that, Ralec."

He pouted and turned away, "I'm not going to listen to you this time."

After a short moment of silence, Pedr let out a small groan and threw down his arms from their crossed positions. "Fine! FINE! I'll do that so stop your blabbering."

Pedr shot an annoyed defeated look at an empty spot in the darkness. He sighed before darting outside and reached his arms around the young girl, trying to pull her back.

"Wow there, calm down lil' sis. Calm down." Pedr let out a nervous laugh as he looked up at the opposing figures. "Sorry, I was training her but she got a bit impatient. She's a bit quick on her toes, isn't she?"

This better work, Ralec.
Silvia froze. She couldn't hear the words coming out of Pedr's mouth. She didn't know where she was.

What. The. Just.... What.

She was running toward the three people. She was holding a dagger. She was holding throwing knives. She told him to flee. And yet his arms were there now, pulling her back.

Astonished, she slowly looked up at Pedr.

Ah... He's taller than me.
After the tour with Ethan, Elona decided to do her usual agenda until Dani's break time. She patrolled around the mansion, took care of the garden, and read some books. When she was finally finished, she peeked inside her big brother's office to see him sleeping soundly among huge stacks of papers. Elona didn't want to interrupt his peaceful nap so she decided to left him alone. She back to her room and choosed to get ready for bed. Changing to her nightgown, Elona pull the red ribbon from her hair and carefully place inside the drawer. Suddenly, she remembers the memory of her grandmother giving her that ribbon. It was originally her mother's but Elona's grandmother decided that it was best for her to keep it. The red ribbon was the only that connected to her mother. A little rush of sadness crept toward Elona's heart but she shakes it off. No, she still have Danielle with her and the rest of the family.

She silently brushes her hair and thought about her brother sleeping in his office.

The lady slightly pouts, she was disappointed that she couldn't spend some more time with Dani.

"He's not eating his meals properly again." she thought.

Elona worries that he would suddenly drop to the floor one day.

She abruptly stopped brushing, "Maybe I can make big brother a snack to cheer him up!"

The girl got up and walks toward the dining room. Just as she got there, she spotted Dani. Elona was about to greet him when she heard a familiar voice. She stopped her track, it was Helena. Quickly moving herself away from the door, she hid herself. She scowls, why is she such a coward? Why couldn't she just casually walk in and greet them? Her own stupid legs atomically wanted to flee. When Elona was about to leave, she couldn't help but listen at the conversation Dani was having with Helena. She hid her presence and listened with precaution.

"Can I help you with it at all? I'll even work on it while you sleep. You're going to end up messing up your sleeping schedule."

"I can't ask you to do something like that. Besides, if I can't handle something like paperwork, how would I be able to handle..."

The topic about Helena wanting to help Dani made Elona sulk. Dani always seem to want to do everything by himself. She felt sad that he doesn't rely on her as much as she wanted to.

"Well, enough talking about me. How is it going between you and Elona?'

The comment startled her as she quickly tries to regain her composure. Cold sweats felt like they were forming as Elona waits her Helena's next reply.

“It’s going the same as always… I don’t know what I did but she wants nothing to do with me. I don’t know what to do. Earlier Aeri said she would help me so hopefully it works. They get along so well.”

Her heart sank, Elona suddenly felt guilty for ignoring Helena.She knew it wasn't right and something must be done. However, whenever she tries to make an effort something holds her down.

"Even Aeri knows about this and thinks it's a problem."

Elona's emotions suddenly were all jumbled up. What's holding her down from interacting with Hel? How can she fix this? How can she let Dani finally accept her help? She couldn't stand listening anymore and silently walked toward to her bedroom. Maybe a good night sleep would help her problem.
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Aeri looked around the place. She always admired the garden of the Rosa. It fulfilled her nature-loving self. In this nice night, the bright moon had kept the plants well lit, even letting a few droplets on the leaves shine. She bent down to one of her favorite flowers. It's color wasn't as vibrant as it is during the morning but it's still beautiful nonetheless. She plucked one of the flowers and stood up, finding a better source of light. Usually, this time of the night is her alone time in the garden, where she can do almost anything without being embarrassed. She knew the others were awake since she passed by the kitchen earlier but she had other plans for this night. She left the shrubs and went over to a clearer space in the garden, the flower still in hand.

"Hmm~" Dante hummed softly as a reply upon hearing Lino's respond on how he's not here to get information. He didn't quite believe him, but left the thought aside as the man asked him for a round of darts, the friendliness on his face seemed unreal.

"It's a pleasure to be invited, but I'll leave it for next time," Dante declined the invitation with a soft smile. "I'm not good at those activities," he continued with a light laugh. "The only things I'm good at...I guess...are card games and chess." He said as he seemed to be thinking, sipping his new glass of wine.
Danielle looked down at his hands in thought. How would he be able to help the two of them get along better? He certainly didn't want to force it onto Elona, but he knew that if they keep their relationship like this, they will be nothing more than strangers.

"Well... Maybe you should just ask her directly. I know for one that Elona isn't really one to express herself, so I doubt you two will get very far if you guys don't talk it out." He said slowly, then added, "Of course, if you can't do it, I'll be glad to talk to her for you."

Delia's hand moved to her hidden dagger when she felt an unwanted presence lingering around. Could it be someone of Spinal...? She wouldn't be surprised if the other family decided to send someone to secretly guard the shipment. She took a short glance at Renatta and Felix and pondered if she should leave the situation to them, but after all, their mission is technically only to raid the shipment. Who knows if they'll be able to handle these unknown presence. If they happen to be strong, high-ranking members of Spinal, there's a chance that the two of them could be annihilated. Though Delia is sure that if worst comes to worst, she will be able to help the two escape, albeit with some injuries.

She slowly removed her hand from her dagger and asked softly, "So, what do you think we should do now?"
Hel looked up at Danielle when he made his suggestion. "I.. Well.." She stopped and thought for a moment. Having him talk to Elona would be much simpler since they were really related and he knew her much better. Maybe she resents the fact that I'm not blood? The thought just shot through her mind. She shook it off quickly. Hel knew Elona would do anything for Danielle, just as she would, so if Danielle spoke to her about it then things would change but it wouldn't feel... real. This has to be more than an obligation. Plus Danielle really doesn't need more to worry about or more things to do. It would be difficult since Elona basically avoids Hel at all costs but she knew she had to try. "I guess I could try to ask her next time I see her. Do you think she is awake now or should I wait until morning?" She paused and then quietly said, "If you really want to talk to her about it though, you can. I just hope I don't make things worse."
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After everyone left me alone, I explored the place on my own. As I walked around, I took mental notes of everything, placing an a imaginary star next to the places where we could hide bombs. Leaving the library, I walked down another hallway, wondering where I should go next. The light scent of flowers drifted by and I was reminded that I haven't observed the outer structures yet. Following the scent of flowers and grass, I found myself in the Rosa family garden. Looking around, I caught a glimpse of strawberry blonde hair --or was it just blonde?-- and decided to chase after it. The person, who I now realized was Aeri, was holding a flower in her hand. Unsure if I should make my presence known, I weighed the consequences. If she noticed me before I reveal myself, I'll be considered more suspicious. If I revealed myself first, then all I would lose is a bit of scouting time. I made my choice and walked towards her hesitantly, my voice awkward and unsure as I called out at her.

"Aeri?.." someone said behind her, making her jump. She immediately faced the person., moving back in the process. You could say she's overly cautious but it's just a reflex that grew on her. Her cautiousness did not dissipate when she saw it was Ethan but she softened her expression. The night was too good to ruin.

"Ethan." she said in return. She returned to her observing of the plants. She had ignored him at first but she soon spoke up. "And you're here for?" she asked, smelling the flower in her hand. She wanted to know why he was here in the garden late at night. He didn't seem to be snooping around but speculations were just speculations. Asking straight forward was her choice for now, whether he says a lie or not.

I shrugged casually, " I don't have a reason really. However," I bent down and gently caressed a nearby flower, "I do rather like flowers." I stated, grinning at her. Looking around, I asked, "Is there any Night Gladiolus in this garden?" with a wistful tone. Gladiolus is a flower that only blooms at night, but it is also rather poisonous. Only if eaten. I used to have them back home in England, and the family dog died because of it. I didn't really care since the dog wasn't nice to me, but I had learned an interesting fact from it.

"Are you caring for this garden Aeri?"
"Night Gladio.. what?" Aeri thought, tilting her head slightly as she cupped her her chin with her thumb and forefinger. "I don't think we have such a flower here. You sure know your flowers. Maybe you'll see one around." she continued. She turned to tend to more flowers. So Ethan liked flowers? She found it interesting as not much men appreciate flowers. "The Rosa has a gardener taking care of this place. I'm only content with admiring them." She looked around for a certain shrub and when her sight fell on it, she plucked one of its small flowers and gave it to him. "You probably already know this but this is one of my favorites here. Small and simple, but very fragrant!" she smiled. It was a Jasmine. Common, but she doesn't think much people give mind to it. Small talk was nice but she wondered if she will take it to a more serious conversation. She'll wait another moment before she asks her question.
At Hel's words, Danielle gave a sigh of relief. "I'm glad that you're willing to talk to Elona. If you feel fine with talking to her, it's best if you do it yourself. As for when to talk to her... Why don't you go right now? I'm pretty sure that she's still awake."

Hel took a deep breath to prepare herself before standing up. She was nervous, unsure if she would be able to succeed in talking to Elona but she would do her best. Giving Danielle a warm smile, she said “Alright, thank you. I’ll head to her room then. And don’t think that I’ve forgotten about your work, mister. Please don’t push yourself too hard. ” She then turned to make her way up the stairs and over to Elona’s bedroom door. Raising her hand to the wood, she paused as her thoughts started bouncing around her head. What if she pushes me away again? What if she gets upset that I’m even here? No. Stop. Don’t do this to yourself, you can do this… you have to. For yourself, Elona, and Danielle. She closed her eyes and took another breath before finally knocking on Elona’s door. “Uhm.. Elona.. Can we talk for a little bit?.. I’m sorry.” Her voice wasn’t nearly as cheerful and strong as she had hoped it would be but she couldn’t help it. @Eimi
"Miss Delia, they're standing right there." As if wanting to tell her that they really didn't need to do anything to find them now since the two unwanted presences popped up at them themselves, Renatta stared at the two--the male and the female--before pointing at them directly as she replied to Delia.

They looked pretty awkward, especially when the dude laughed...much more like pretending to smile naturally...And joked about, as he said, his little sister. If what he said is true, then he must be training her near them before his sister decided to randomly came over.

Renatta frowned, she didn't really believe them. She has felt their presences in the beginning, and she has found it uncomfortable, as if they've been noticed and watched by some unwanted presences. It's a feeling she wouldn't get if she's around innocent, random people who happened to pass by and caught a glance of them.

Those doubts and suspicion danced around in circles inside Renatta's mind, and she scowled, her eyebrows furrowed and she felt her brain juices drying up with her struggled to think up a decision on how to respond to them before the stranger's last words repeated in her mind.

"She's a bit quick on her toes, isn't she?" He has said.

Quick on her toes?

What does that even mean?

Does that mean her toes move fast?

So basically, her toes can move on their own, therefore she just randomly appears in front of them because her toes decided to quickly move? No, no, apparently that's wrong. She's a bit quick on her toes, not her toes move fast on her.


So she moved fast on her toes? She tip-toed here? She has the skills to tip toe very fast? Has he been training her how to walk fast on her toes?

Oh god, that's so...


"Hey, I think they're safe." Overwhelmed by the sudden respect for this sibling, Renatta crossed her arms as she nodded confidently at Delia."They walk on their toes, they must be safe." She added.
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I laughed before replying, "Those are the games that I'm not good at. Although sometimes I get lucky when playing cards. Well, I guess I'll continue to sit and drink then." I took another sip of my Gin and Tonic, a smile gracing my lips as the familiar flavor flooded my taste buds.


I looked at the small in my hands, and ran my fingers over the petals. "Jasmine, a flower mainly used for it's scent..." I trialed off, thinking of false Jasmine, which had the similar scent but was too poisonous for human consumption. Shaking that thought off, I continued. "The name jasmine comes from the Persian word "yasmin," which means "fragrant flower." The name Jasmine is also used as a girl's name..." I paused, placing the flower behind her ear then taking several steps back.

"...Gods gift..." I looked away bashfully, fighting my urge to run.
Ethan had continued showing off his knowledge about flowers. She was about to scoff when he placed the flower behind her ear. She was startled. That was something she had not expected. Her mind went blank and it took a while before her thoughts returned. She cleared her throat and looked away, blushing.

"Well, Ethan. You continue to surprise me every time." she muttered. She was supposed to earn his trust to know him more but it seems the other way around. She thought whether to remove the flower but it seemed rude so she left it there. She rather enjoyed it anyway as its scent reached her nose. "Th-Thanks... So.. Why'd you join, Ethan? I was not yet there when you said your reason." she asked him, completely dropping the subject about flowers.

I frowned slightly, the memory was not pleasant. Although I had beat the member, the punishment...well it was pure torture. Extremely painful as to say. Deciding that I might as well tell her the story, I responded,

"A member of Spinal tried to kill me after I bumped into him. I was just walking when I bumped into him, and then he suddenly threw the first punch. Confused, I just fought with him, because back then, I was used to fighting. I didn't mean to continue the brawl but he pulled out a gun and shot at me. I was shot in my thigh but was able to take him down."

(ugh my story telling sucks e_e)
Aeri was in surprised with his story. She had not expected his story to be true. When Dante told her his reason, she initially thought it was fake. Right now, his expression seem to say it all. She bowed her head.

"I see." was all she could say, not really knowing how to comfort someone, especially with that kind of experience. She thought of something to say and the silence was awkward for her. "But, well, I doubt you'd be getting into that much trouble here, as long as you don't do anything serious, that is." she continued, adding the last statement and slightly emphasizing it. "But why Rosa?" she asked again. Of course, Spinal and Rosa were archenemies and he could somewhat get protection here but was there any other reasons he had joined?
Delia raised an eyebrow at Renatta's words, but didn't reply to her. Instead, she made sure that her weapons were securely hidden before putting on smile and softening her eyes. It was that beautiful, angelic, and warm expression of hers that had earned her so many admirers, yet also the expression that so many of her enemies have fallen prey to.

"Hello there," she said to the two. Her voice was soft and pleasant, and her voice alone is able to make the hearts of many men thump and tingle. "I'm sorry, but my friend and I seem to have gotten lost here."

@PhoenixFire13 @Aiakaos

I hesitated, my mind quickly searching for a reason. What should I say? I didn't prepare an excuse since I wasn't even planning on been caught. " I guess, maybe its because its like a family?" I finally responded. "Rosa seemed like a warm caring family." It was, except for Elona and Hel. However, relationships like theirs were also part of a family right? I wasn't sure but decided not to question it. The silence was awkward, causing me to shift slightly out of uneasiness.
After finally arriving into her bedroom, Elona felt a bit tired and woozy. Her feelings of uneasiness around Helena made her wonder if she ever going to get along with her. She leans against her bedroom door, and stood there in silence.

"Was I being too harsh towards Helena?" she wondered.

Elona remembered her past actions and sighs. The answer was obviously yes, it was Elona who was blocking out Helena. She bit her lips, the boss's younger sister was currently in a difficult position. Can she apologize to Helena? Or would her feelings get the best of her? What if Hel doesn't accept her apology? All the thinking makes Elona thinks her head going to explode. Frustrated about herself, she walks toward her bed full of teddy bears. When she was about get in, her heard a knock on her door. Elona quickly looks up, who would want to see her at this time?

The young lady's ears perks up, "Could it be big brother?"

“Uhm.. Elona.. Can we talk for a little bit?.. I’m sorry.” said a female voice.

Elona's shoulders seem to slump a bit but regain its posture. Why is Helena doing at her front door? Elona's natural instinct would had been pretending to fall asleep and waiting until Hel goes away, however she felt this could...be a chance of redemption.

Elona took a deep breath in, "This could be the chance to open yourself up Elona, you can't always run away."

Perhaps she can talk to Hel for a little while before going to sleep.

"Think of it as an apology, Elona."

She slowly walked up to the door and reached at the doorknob. Her hands seemed reluctant at first but Elona forced herself to opened the door.

Only opening a little peek so that Helena wouldn't see what's the interior of her room, she looked at her "U-um..sure. What do you need to talk about?"
Hel lifted her head as she looked up through the small opening of the door, barely able to see Elona’s face behind it. Her heart was racing from her nerves causing her to unconsciously play with one of the wristbands she had on. I’m not ready, I’m only going to make things worse. She doesn’t want to talk to me, she never does. No.. Keep it together, there’s no turning back now. She snapped herself out of her short trance to look through the crack in the door. The fact that Elona was peering through such a small space confirmed that Elona was not comfortable around her. The door was the literal wall separating them.

This was a lot harder than she thought it would be. She took in a short breath, clenching her hands into fists and just came out with it, “We need to talk about us. The state of our relationship is upsetting Danielle and I know you don’t want that just as much, if not more, than I do.” Wow, it felt like she was handling a romantic relationship, Talk about us? Really Hel? Wow. She felt dumb for that poor choice of wording but it was too late now. Being able to say that was a bit of a relief, it was one obstacle down. The two of them needed to have this talk. Hel wants to better her relationship with Elona not only for Danielle’s sake but for their sakes as well. They are family after all and she wanted to actually have that bond.

“I don’t know what I ever did… Whatever it was..I’m sor-“ She choked up a bit, making her unable to get through a word she said far too often. She wasn’t crying, but the tension and pain of being pushed away forced its way out in the few tears that tried to slide down her cheeks. This was definitely a weakness of hers. She had the urge to turn and started the motion at her heel but she stopped herself before doing so. She took a short breath again. “I’m sorry.”
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"Really?" Aeri said. True, in Rosa, everyone's family... or maybe it's just what she believes. For most of her life, she only had her mother who made her feel like family but she died at her younger years. She and her father moved back to Italy but he usually disregarded herself. She joined Rosa, hoping to get his attention but it did not work. She's still hurt by this memory but she did get something in return: her current friends. She stopped reminiscing, fearing she may have shown a moment of vulnerability. "Well, I see it that way... but how'd you know we treat each other as such?" she asked, raising her suspicion a little. Were they really that open? She thought those things are observed from the inside. She moves closer to him, hoping to slowly disregard personal space and somehow make him nervous. This tactic worked usually, especially to those she's onto. In this case, she feels it's too early and she's not sure if he will even be intimidated, but it's worth the try.
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((My apologies for the late reply!!))

Fortunately, the girl had stilled under his grasp.

Pedr blinked as a soft feminine voice reached his ears, yet he could not see the owner of the voice as he only saw three shadow-like figures under the darkness, just barely letting the rays of the lamp lights shine onto them.

For a second he tried to recall what the woman had said, a bit confused at himself for forgetting her words.

He then raised an eyebrow with his smile still naturally intact, "Lost?" With his voice that had a mischievous tone, Pedr eyed Silivia.

He would have to test if these people were safe to interact with. Safety first, no?

"Did you hear that, lil sis? She said they were lost." Pedr scoffed and let go of the young girl to cross his arms and looked back towards the figures, "I don't know how anyone could get confused around here when there are signs and names posted in obvious places."

He pointed to a direction that was to the opposite direction of the figures, outstretching his arm as he did so, "There's even a large banner behind you!"

"Ah..but I suppose you aren't from around here. I'm guessing you want us to help you?" Pedr brought back his outstretched arm to cross it again and eyed Silvia, smirking. "What do you say?"
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Still dazed, it took Silvia a while to shake off the feeling. She threw one of her well-known glares at Pedr before replying, rolling her eyes at the last words. Meanwhile, she sheathed her knives and placed her hands on her hips.

"Stop picking on them, big brother. If they're lost, they're lost. It's not their fault this place is so dark. They probably couldn't see all the signs."

The nerves! I'm going to murder him when we finish this mission...

She squinted into the darkness, trying to make out the details of the three figures' faces. The butler had stopped her before she had gotten close enough to see them clearly.

"But, you're right, big brother. I don't think these people are from around here. Where are you from, big sis' and... is that a big bro over there too?"

Silvia had didn't trust the words the woman said. Something told her that she should be on alert. These people didn't seem to be normal civilians. Then again... she did try to assassinate them without knowing their identity first so that could be a reason why she's so hostile...

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