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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

He tensed up when he heard that TWO women. TWO, were going in this mission. He cursed again, under his breath this time. He knew that he was shy in front of women, but he didn't know how to deal with them either. Does he act like he usually does? No, they'll kill him. Does he stay docile and not say anything? Well, if he does that, may as well just not go on the mission at all, sacre bleu.

A learning experiment. Felix tried to convince himself of that. Maybe it'll help with his skills, at least. Ms. Delia, the right hand woman of boss was going to go with them. He knew he shouldn't make any mistakes. He maintained his frown, thinking about all the different believable scenarios that would happen once the mission would be a go.

From the corner of his eye he saw Renatta stretching her hand out. He looked down at the gesture and dragged his gaze up to the girl, who remained unsmiling."Yeah." He simply retorted, grabbing her hand firmly before letting it go quickly.
Delia smiled slightly when Lino told them that she is to go with Renatta and Felix to the mission. She believed that it will be a great experience, observing the two and how well they work together. If they succeed on this, it was likely that Lino would reward them somehow, perhaps with promotions.Either way, Delia nodded slightly and smiled at the two younger members. "I look forward to working together."

Danielle eyes widened slightly when Ethan, surprisingly, asked Aeri to marry him. Perhaps what Ethan wanted wasn't new friends, but a lover? He dismissed the thought and sat back down after Aeri had sat down. His mind drifted back to matter of the Spinal again, and thought of how he should prepared themselves for the possible attacks.

He eyed Ethan and thought about what Dante had said about sending him to kill the boss of Spinal. Of course, he couldn't ask the poor boy to do something so dangerous, but he does need to see what Ethan can do to better arrange him later on. After thinking for another moment, he spoke, "Aeri and Dante, I want to have a word with you two after breakfast."
Renatta felt her hand being let go, and blinked a bit upon Felix's seemingly troubled expression. Maybe he's not good at handling women, she assumed. The thought amused Renatta, and she found herself sparking an interest to this man. Looking toward Delia, who nodded at them pleasantly, Renatta nodded back lightly as well. "Looking forward to working with you too," she replied.

Working alone a man who's somehow sensitive of women, and working with the boss's right hand lady Delia...This mission would be interesting, Renatta couldn't help but thought.


Dante's hands slightly paused upon hearing the boss's request. He nodded gently, then, his hands moving again. "Yes, boss." Saying it lightly, he finished the last bit of his breakfast and asked to refill his black tea, intending to stay with the rest of them a bit longer before the others finished their breakfast.

He wondered what Danielle, who just naively let a random suspicious person join the mafia, would have to say. It's probably related to Ethan, and Dante found it a great opportunity to speak up his suspicions toward the newly joined Rosa member. Hopefully, Aeri still has her suspicions towards him too despite the...Marriage proposal, and perhaps she could answer some of his questions.

Meanwhile, he would just watch and listen quietly as the others talk, studying their interactions, especially Ethan's.
Upon hearing the boss's reply, more confusion swirled his mind. Of course he expected either an acceptance or rejection for his question that may have seen random to the Spinal Boss but this was not what he had in mind.

...Profile picture? File of her info as a member of the family? Private Info..?

Was this simply the man's peculiar way of saying that pictures of their family album are only reserved for certain people? But...the man said that he didn't have one.

....What? Pedr blinked as none of his questions seemed to be answered nor did any one of them disappear. However, he bowed his head once more.

He had a job to fulfill and he should act such ways before giving in into breaking down because of utter confusion.

"I apologize for not knocking, Master Spinal." He hesitated before continuing, wondering if he would get scolded for not making sure that the maiden was an intruder or not. "I merely saw someone whom i did not recognize earlier today and i recalled the fact that i do not know the faces of the members of the Spinal family that i need to serve."
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Rozando raised an eyebrow as he heard what Pedr just said. Well, he is a new butler after all. The reason is understandable, although he still found himself letting out a light sigh.

He wondered why Pedr looked so confused about what he said earlier, but decided to let go. He let every reason fall under the excuse that this butler is new before seemingly wondering what to do, for Pedr couldn't exactly tell how Lady Silvia is doing.

He did meet somebody today earlier, as he said so, but that doesn't mean it is lady Silvia.

Rozando finally seemed to let go, deciding to make a decision out of his own assumption that Silvia had reared enough. "I see," he replied to Pedr's answer answer for him before speaking again.

"Well, please go to her room and tell her I wish to meet her. When she comes out of her room and into my office, hopefully you'll be able to get a good look at her and remember that she's Lady Silvia."

He paused, blinked, before raising his empty cup of black tea. "After that, please make and refill my tea also."
Pedr nodded once more to the command, "As you wish, Master Spinal."

He exited the office, closing the door behind him and walked the same route he had walked to at least for a distinct number of times that let his mind memorize the way. As he walked back to the grand room, all of his questions seemed to zone out.

He was just too confused and it seemed that his never ending questions had formed into a big question mark that floated at the top of his head. He walked up the same steps in which his neck had been spared as his mind remained blank with only the man's order pounding against his skull. He would at least try to attempt to focus on his current errand to keep himself from safe from the confusion that would end up building up to a chaotic point for him to withstand.

Pedr's footsteps echoed with caution as he stopped in front of the familiar room and knocked on the door. "Master Spinal would like to see you in his office, Lady Silvia."

He stared at the door, staying alert for the unfamiliar figure who may possibly have been an intruder. Hopefully he would be able to erase one of his questions.
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Delia watched as Felix and Renatta shook hands awkwardly and suppressed a smile of amusement. She knew that Felix wasn't good with women, yet Lino ordered him to go on a mission with her and Renatta. It would indeed be a good learning experience for him, as he could be more comfortable with the women of Appassito.

"Well then, we should get ready for the mission. We'll leave at nighttime." Delia said.

Danielle finished his pancakes quickly and set down his utensils. He wanted to talk to Aeri and Dante as soon as possible before anything unexpected happens.

After finishing his black tea, he stood up and said to the two, "I'll be going to my office now. When you two are finished, please stop by." He turned to Elona and Ethan and smiled. "You two can take your time. Ethan, feel free to come to me if there are ever any problems."

I nodded in response to Rosa's Boss. Gah, what the hell was I thinking? I felt utterly mortified. Feeling my face temperature finally go down, I lifted my head up. Glancing at Aeri and Dante, quickly assessing them with my eyes. I knew Dante was an high ranking spy, but what about Aeri? She didn't seem to have trained as much as Dante, and their muscles were different. I'm guessing that she wasn't placed into a category yet, which makes her a regular member. I could be wrong of course. The Rosa Boss called them to his office...were they going to test me? I suppose its common. I should probably lose to Dante but beat Arei. That would make me a middle rank I think. I looked at all of them.

"So...how's life?" I asked, in a attempt to get over my embarrassment earlier.
The boss told her and Dante that he would like to talk to them. Another job? She just got back from one but she didn't really mind. Maybe she could tell her opinions about Ethan there. Danielle left after he had finished his meal. She will follow soon, but after she has settled back in. She stayed quiet for a while, observing the people around her. It was until Ethan chose to break the silence that she did talk.

"So...how's life?" he asked.

"Interesting, especially today." she teased, showing specifically what she meant by it. She let out a short snicker before dropping the topic. "How about you Elona? Long time no see." Aeri said, beaming at her. She'd like to be updated at what has been happening.
Upon hearing so, Dante finished his last bit of black tea, nodding gently to Danielle on his words of finding him in the office. He looked toward Ethan, the suspicions still deep within him as he frowned, but quickly distracted when the conversations began.

"So...How's life?"

Ethan spoke up first, but quickly followed by Aeri's tease, along with her greeting to Elona.

"She got quite irritated today, since a new member joined in and boss turned his affections for her to him," Dante cut in, slightly teasing Elona as he replied to Aeri.

He placed his empty cup of black tea on the table next to his empty plate before standing up, indicating he has finished breakfast.

"Let me walk you to the office after you have finished, Aeri, I wish to talk to you before the boss," he said as he pushed in the chair. "I'll be waiting for you outside." He started to walk away then, giving a light smile as a bye to the rest of them.


"Nighttime? Urgh." Hearing that the mission starts at night, Renatta couldn't help but let out a groan. Now she's going to wander lifelessly around till nighttime.

"Well...Meet you guys at nighttime then," she said as she turned around and walk toward the door. "See you later too, boss."

She paused though, when she seemed to remember something.

"Felix, if you're not good with women, practice by hanging around with one first or something till night. Cause like, you're gonna have to deal with 2 later. And then like, maybe you'll get uncomfortable hearing us girls talking about the type of men we like or something. If we got the time for that."

She nodded to herself, thinking she just gave the best advice ever, before opening the door and walked out.
"How about you Elona? Long time no see."

She smiles back at her, "Same as usual. I can't wait for you to tell me about your past mission!"

"She got quite irritated today, since a new member joined in and boss turned his affections for her to him," Dante said.

Elona glares at Dante when he said that. Was she too obvious about her feelings? Elona shakes her head. No, it can't be. She looks toward the direction of her big brother. She didn't want to let her big brother to think that she is still a kid.

"The best reply to Dante's horrible teasing is to brush it off easily." she thought.

Elona turns to Dante and chuckles, "Hahaha....very funny. I'm just a bit grouchy since I woke up from the wrong side of the bed. Don't worry about me."

The young lady then shift to the other side and viciously took another bite of her donut. She scowls, oh how she hates Dante's comments!

Gobbling the rest of the donut, she shift her attention to Dani, "Big brother can I come with you too please?"

Elona didn't really want to be stuck alone with Ethan.
Danielle stopped in his tracks at Elona's question and thought for a moment. Elona and Ethan would have nothing much to do if he just leaves them there, or at least until he gives Dante and Aeri their respective missions. Perhaps he could use this opportunity to let Ethan make some friends, and let Elona get to know someone. Since she was a child, she never really talks much to other people, so Danielle have always thought it would be nice if Elona can get to know more people. It might also be a good chance to let her get some love experience...

The boss glanced at Ethan and pondered about his proposal from before. He still wasn't really sure if that was a joke, or if he truly wanted to be in a relationship. Maybe if he and Elona spend some time together, it would satisfy the needs of both sides? Then again, it all depends on if they're interested in each other, especially since Ethan had already proposed to Aeri. But even if he's not interested in Elona, it'll still be a good chance for them to be friends.

Finally making up his decision, he turned and replied, "Elona, I'll spend some time with you later, but for now, can you do me a big favor and show Ethan around?"

He looked at Elona in expectancy, hoping that she will say yes.
"You have no idea how many detectives I had to flirt with just to get their evidences." Aeri told Elona as she made a look of disgust. She hated flirting with guys she wasn't interested in but since it was necessary, she was forced to do so. At least her mission turned to be a success. All the evidences were destroyed or misled. Without any proof, it was left as a cold case. "That was just a sneak peak. I'll tell you more when we get together." she finished. She set her cup down and left the table. "I'll be going with Dante now. See you guys later." she said as she waved goodbye. She made one last glance at Ethan before turning on her heels and walking away.

As she reached outside, she looked around for Dante. She didn't have to look too much though.

"I'm here." she said, closing the short distance they were in. "Is it about Ethan?" she asked. She was hoping it is. Without closure about him, she can't help but feel uneasy around the new member.
Dante, who has been leaning against the wall outside the room in the hallways waiting for Aeri, has his mind wandered away with thoughts of Spinal and Rosa, along with memories of his past and how he joined the mafia family, before the girl exited from the door and greeted him, pulling him back to reality.

He blinked, his mind once again focused on the current situation of the stressed state of the boss and the huge suspicion for the newly joined member, before smiling lightly as usual. "I'm glad you know." He replied as she mentioned if what he wants to talk about is about Ethan.

He stopped leaning against the wall and stood straight up again as he faced the direction of the office, indicating they should head to it while they talk.

Although there are more important questions in hand, Dante began his conversation with a tease. "So, what do you think about his marriage proposal?" He asked, a bit of mischievousness in his eyes.
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Dante confirmed her assumptions of the conversation being about Ethan. They started walking towards the office, just as Dante had ushered. She looked back, just to make sure that no one was following them. It became her habit whenever she was going to talk about something serious with someone.

"So, what do you think about his marriage proposal?" he said. She felt the heat creeping to her cheeks and she looked away to hide it. She had to admit, this was not what she expected but she knew he'd get serious soon. Might as well play along.

She lightly punched his shoulder in embarrassment. She couldn't express it to him in any other way.

"Idiot. He's too young for me." she murmured. She crossed her arms and thought of another comeback. Nothing came to her mind though. "Though it was seriously quite surprising. That was one heck of a first impression." she noted with a nod. If she was going to marry someone, it had to be someone she trusts and when her life is peaceful. She shook off the blush that had formed on her face and frowned. She punched his shoulder again.
"Night, huh?" He repeated, a grin etching on his face. That was his favourite time to get all sneaky and stuff. Morning was more when he could go all out with his guns and weapons.

What should he do until then? It's morning, and night time was 9 to 10 hours away. He didn't even feel the hunger in the pit of his stomach any more. Nervosity replaced it. "Okay, Ms. Delia." He made a awkward little bow and did the same to his boss before spinning on his heels and beginning to walk away. Maybe he could train?

As his hand was about to touch the doorknob, he heard Renatta addressing him. "Uh." was the only thing that came out from his mouth before she left. He did consider those possibilities, but considering his nature, he would just glare at girls until they would also get uncomfortable. Plus, he had no woman friends. Fuck sake. He pushed the door and shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked through the main hallway, angry at himself (and at Renatta for mentioning it.)
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Dante listened to Aeri's reply to his tease with a chuckle as he felt her punch on his shoulder. "You said so," he replied at Aeri's remark on Ethan. "But you're still blushing." He poked her pink cheek lightly as if proving her point.

He stayed silent for a while then, watching themselves approaching closer to the office before he finally turned the topic into something more important

"Ethan was found hiding in the bushes, in camouflage clothing of multiple pockets," he said, his voice quite soft as usual although with seriousness, unlike before. "At first glance we...Well, mostly I....see him as a spy or assassin of some sort. But he said he wished to join Rosa."

Dante paused, checking of Aeri is listening, before letting out a sigh. "Our boss agreed to let him join without a second thought." He explained the situation to her briefly, with his own opinion flying out of his mouth.

"Our boss is quite naive, isn't he. But interesting too."
Aeri flicked away his finger that had poked her cheek. Yes, she knew she was blushing. She could feel the heat. She just wished it wasn't there. As both of them stayed silent, she knew it'd disappear not too soon after. Dante's voice took a serious tone. He explained how they found him and how he thought Ethan was a spy. Even she would suspect him as such with that behavior.

"Our boss agreed to let him join without a second thought." he continued. Somehow, she was both surprised and not. That's just the way their boss is. Hopefully, that attitude will not be the death of him. "Our boss is quite naive, isn't he. But interesting too."

"I must agree.. On both matters." Aeri started. "First on the boss. she said, giving out a small chuckle but it didn't last long. "Second, on Ethan. I swear I saw him somewhere. Unfortunately, I don't remember at all where and why." She looked at the doors in front of her, wondering whether she should tell her concerns to the boss or not. If Dante starts first, then she shall follow.
Silvia woke with a jot. The faint humming of a knock disappeared behind the door.

I need to stop having that dream... Fast.

Her ears perked up as she heard the butler, Pedr's, voice. Her mind immediately flashed back to the stairs.

I still have to apologize to him. But first... the perv- boss. I wonder what he wants. Is it time already?

She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. It's now or never, right?

"Understood, I'll be out in a second."

She threw the blankets off her and folded them neatly in the middle of the bed. Sliding her dagger into its usual place at her belt, she headed to the bathroom to fix her messy bed hair. She thought about many things there, about the person she was trying to find, her uncle whom she called Papa, who her parents could have been, why the boss accepted her with a sad smile, and of the butler, Pedr. Her mind wandered back to the stairs.

Was that him? ... The butler? He looked like a butler.

Silvia actually didn't know who the man was. All she saw was the black suit of a butler and those dark black piercing eyes. But his presence... His presence was the same as the ones she felt behind her door, delivering the perv- boss' messages. Running back and forth between the far away rooms. She chuckled at the thought.

She checked that her hair was tidy again before walking to the door. Opening it, she found a young man waiting patiently outside. The butler.

"Thank you for waiting. I trust that you will escort me to the boss?"

She walked a few steps ahead and turned around, remembering.

"Sorry for the ... incident before. My reflexes kicked in and I acted instinctively." I hope he doesn't hold a grudge against me now...

Silvia turned back around and headed to the boss' room. She knew that he would follow.
As soon as he saw the door slit open, his feet moved backwards and his head bowed. He bit his bottom lip, silently cursing in his mind as he wondered if he should have kept his stance to see the person and confirm their identity.

His ears slightly perked up when the figure's delicate voice and polite phrases flowed into them, along with her apology. Once he heard her footsteps continue, Pedr slowly straightened his posture and followed the maiden once she was a safe distance ahead of him.

Keeping in mind that the maiden could be a possible intruder bluffing her status in the family, he stayed alert. When they reached the office, Pedr cautiously made his way next to the young lady and knocked on the door with the back of his fist.

"Master Spinal, I am here to report that Lady Silvia has arrived at your call."
"Hmm~" Dante hummed softly as a reply upon Aeri's words. "So you did see him before. I do know there's a high ranked assassin who asked as a spy once in a while at Spinal called Ax, but I have never seen him face to face." The sight of the office door of the boss entered his view, and he walked towards it.

"Interesting,,,If he is a spy to spy on us, then I might as well spy on him as well," he remarked with a light tone, making it difficult to tell if he's joking or not.

Knocking on the office door, then, Dante switched his attention toward Danielle. Hopefully, he will give enough consideration on the possible identity of Ethan without stressing himself out again.

"We're here, boss." He called out, his voice reaching into the office.


Rozando leaned back into his seat upon hearing Pedr's words. Ah, so Lady Silvia is here.

"Come in," he called out, wondering what kind of altitude the lady's going to show to him today. From last night's short exchange of words, he could feel her dislike towards him. It's understandable, at least for Rozando who knew some of her past.

He wondered if he should play one of his so-called lame jokes on her, just to see that maybe a miracle shall happen and somebody would laugh at his jokes, but he decided on no. He has an instinct feeling that it would only cause the atmosphere between the two to be more awkward. Besides, he has an important mission to give her, one that challenged her skills and mind.

Letting out a sigh, Rozando simply waited for the office door to open and for the lady to enter.
Delia quickly went to her room to prepare the proper tools and weapons needed for the raid. To be honest, they wouldn't need much as long as the mission goes smoothly without them being discovered, but better safe than sorry. She carefully hid several daggers in her dress, then took a small hammer along, in case they have trouble with opening the weapon boxes. As she was about to grab some more things, she paused. This was meant to be a task for Renatta and Felix, right? In that case, they should know to bring proper materials. If they don't, naturally, they have to figure something out later on without her help. With that thought, she decided to just bring a couple of daggers and the hammer.

Danielle sat at his desk and stared out the window, his thoughts drifting like the clouds outside. They first went to Spinal, and what he should do to prepare for an attack. He was sure that his family members would be able to hold them off, but there would definitely be casualties if they plan a surprise attack. Then, they drifted to Ethan. He seemed like a sweet young man, but he knew so little about him. He trusted him, of course, but he didn't know anything about his abilities and how he could be of use, which is exactly why he needed to see Aeri and Dante.

His thoughts came to a halt when he heard a knock outside, along with the familiar voice of Dante.

"Come in," Danielle said, slightly surprising himself with how tired and hoarse his voice sounded.
When he heard the permission to enter, Pedr automatically placed his hand on the doorknob and opened the door. He immediately walked inside and stood at the edge of it to hold it for the maiden to enter with ease, slightly bowing his head as well.

He braced himself for either an obvious few seconds of silence that held brief confusion or a bark of a warning tone from the boss about how he is a terrible butler, bringing in intruders into the mansion.

Alas, hopefully luck would stay on his side for a few more moments.
Silvia gave a short nod of thanks to the butler, who kept his head down. Do all these people have to be so polite? She turned to the man sitting at the desk in the middle of the room.

Tch. The pervert looks the same as he did yesterday.

As much as she disliked doing so, Silvia forced herself to smile a little and curtsy before raising herself up to meet the boss' eyes.

"You called, boss? Let me guess, you have a mission for me?"
The blunt question from Silvia caused Rozando to raise an eyebrow. He could tell that the other is forcing herself to smile and showed sign of politeness, and the sight actually amused Rozando a bit. Seeing how much the lady disliked him while curtsying at him, the Spinal boss let out a light chuckle.

"You don't have to force yourself, Lady Silvia, if you don't want to." Your dislike for me is pretty obvious, you have the eyes as if you just saw a pervert.

Although I am simply sitting here.

For a moment he wondered what Lady Silvia's definition of pervert is.

"Yes, I do have a mission for you." He leaned forward to the table then, focusing finally on the current situation. "Do you know about the Appassito family, Lady Silvia?"

At the same time, his eyes glanced toward his empty tea cup.

"Ah, also, Pedr," Rozando called out to the butler, who was politely standing there, with whatever thoughts going on in mind that the boss found it not necessary to care. "Please refill my black tea. Thank you."


Dante frowned upon Danielle's tired and exhausted voice when he heard the permission to enter the office. He let out a light sigh of worry and opened the office door then, his eyebrows switched at the sight of the boss's pale face. For a moment, he wondered if he should really brought his suspicion for Ethan up.

He held the office door wide and waited for Aeri to enter first, his eyes showing signs of concern for the boss, although he didn't mention it out loud. Why should he even care, anyway?

Growing up mostly on the street, experiencing much killing, lies and betrayals, Dante found it surprising how he's actually worrying and bonding with the Rosa family.
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