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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

Pedr's eyes shifted as he heard the deep and smooth voice of Spinal's boss. He rose from his bowed position and bowed only his head at the command. "As you wish..Master Spinal."

With that, he lifted up his head and sauntered away from the office. Only a few seconds had passed when a thought occurred to him. 'Master' would be the correct title to refer to the boss, wasn't it? Hm, not to mention..he was quite surprised at how the man had called him.

'New Sir'. How polite. Pedr blinked, perhaps the boss was more sophisticated than he thought he would be. Ah...speaking of which...he hadn't replied to the Spinal boss's apology for Aldo's attempted punch.

Pedr stopped in his tracks. With his eyes fixed on something in front of him, he stared at a random spot as numerous ideas flooded into his mind. Damn it. Did the boss think he was a rude lad who didn't know how to do his job properly? Was he laughing at him this very moment because he was supposed to use another title other than 'master'? Was he...going to get FIRED?! All because he said 'master' or..or...acting rude..? Or -

Pedr blinked and shook his head. He huffed and pulled at his bangs as he closed his eyes. "No..stop worrying, Pedr. Worrying does not solve your problems. It does absolutely nothing for you!" He opened his eyes again and fixed his hair before starting to walk again.

"Goodness, at this rate you're going to turn mad if you keep thinking such idiotic thoughts..." He muttered to himself and stood in place when he realized he was in front of a fairly...grand staircase.

Pedr looked around. He had walked into what seemed to be the entrance room of the family's house. There were multiple arches leading to other hallways that looked fairly identical to each other. The young man froze as another thought reoccurred to him.

He didn't recognize where he was.

Pedr glanced upwards toward the ceiling for a few seconds before dropping his head into his open palms. "Damn it, Ralec. I think...I'm lost."
"It may be pale but it contains hidden scars that no one will ever see," Alexandra said thoughtfully before her head snapped up to face Dante "If you are getting information for Elona and Dani tell them that I'm not trying to overthrow them and I have no interest of being an heir of this Amazing family," she said her eyes narrowing at his. She pushed herself up and sighed her dress glittering in the sunlight. Alexandra started to turn away and them pivoted back clasping Dante's hand in hers "And my skin it's from Russia my true country," she said proudly before walking quickly down the corridor her hair flowing freely behind her.
Laying a hand on her head, Danielle said, "It's fine. It makes me glad to see that you're training so hard, but don't forget to take a break once in a while. I'll be worried if you get sick."

Her face got even more hotter as Dani pats her head. Still looking her her shoes, she peeks from under her eyelashes.

Elona frowns, "Big brother, you seem a lot more skinnier from the last time I saw you. You should gain some weight!"

Danielle practically became a skeleton when he took up the role as the head of the Rosa family. By the end of this year, Elona predicted that he'll collapse from stress.
I watched as the new butler left, then didn't return for a while. Rozo seemed to have forgotten his tea as well. Pushing those thoughts to the back of my head, I brought up the reason why I came here.

"Hey Rozo, Boss, I want a mission. Nothing has been happening lately and I'm bored. We haven't attacked or spied on Rosa lately, and there's basically nothing else to do." I pouted.

Looking towards the door, I remarked "The new butler isn't back yet either...was he shown around the mansion?...Do you think he's lost?"
Delia, seeing Renatta, smiled as well and nodded her head as a greeting. "Good morning, Renatta. Would you like to join me," she eyed Lino, as if telling him that he'd better eat his breakfast, "And the Boss for breakfast today?"

Hearing Elona's urges for him to eat more and gain some weight, Danielle couldn't help but force a small smile. He had honestly thought that he had gained weight from the cake that he has been eating, but apparently it was all in his imagination. All the stress from the war and being the new boss must have made him delusional. It was true that he has been feeling tired, but he doesn't truly feel the complete and utter exhaustion until Elona mentioned it.

"You're right... I should go eat some breakfast now. Would you like to accompany me?" Danielle asked.
I gulped, feeling her menacing eyeballing. I proceeded to look at the wall in an attempt to avoid her gaze but I could still feel it. Silently I prayed that Renatta would say no so that I could run away but she probably didn't have breakfast yet either. As the head of the family I couldn't just let a family member starve for my own selfish desire. I coughed and cleared my throat.

"Yes, please join us for breakfast" I said, smiling warmly with eyes that pleaded her to help me.
Pedr paced around the grand room, looking into each of the hallways and getting more confused as he did so. The young man sighed as he returned to the staircase and pulled at his bangs. "...This is what i get for worrying all the time, isn't it." He let out an exasperated groan, "I can't believe i didn't attempt to memorize the layout of this place. How ignorant of me."

Pedr slightly furrowed his eyebrows. If he kept staying here, while doing his job in such a way, he may really end up getting fired and kicked out. He bit his bottom lip as he closed his eyes, "Think Pedr, think." He whispered as he tried to search for a possible route to his designated location.

Oh dear...he really hoped the boss didn't need his tea immediately. Hah, that was unlikely. A job like this meant that he had to be quick on his feet without second thought. There was no way the head of this place would wait for him more than he had to.

Pedr aimlessly tugged at his bangs and stared at the ground. He was a goner here...wasn't he. Maybe he was better off stealing than serving.

The young man stilled as an idea occurred to him. Perhaps...? He let go of his bangs and looked around the room with only his eyes darting around and his head not moving. His eyes roamed after the painting hung upon the wall, a marble statue at a corner, along with many other worthy collections.

Pedr lazily fixed his hair and crossed his arms. His voice came out as a barely soft whisper as he suggested, "Well...what do you think I should do, Ralec?"
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The hand with the fork that was about to dig into the cake froze, and Rozando stoppet what he's doing upon hearing Ax's request. It's true that it has been a long time since Spinal did any actions toward Rosa...He's been thinking of the right and safest time to act. He didn't want a third force to interfere once Spinal and Rosa began their own battle, neither did he want an unexpected strong source of power or obstacle from the Rosa to suddenly go against them.

He looked at Aldo and Ax in front of him, his hand slowly fumbled with the paperwork on the desk before he suddenly came to a halt.

A strong source of power from Rosa...An obstacle....


Ah, yes--the current boss's sister. Rozando has long heard some stories of her, and her desire to protect her brother, the boss, is truly an obstacle. In order to defeat Rosa...Elona needed to be rid.

"A mission, huh." After thinking for a moment, he looked up at Aldo. "I do have one for you."

Rozando stopped at what he's saying, however, when Ax's remark on the butler caused him to blink. It took surely too long for Pedr when all he wanted is a cup of black tea--which is in the kitchen, located in fact pretty close to the office.

"He surely is lost, today is his first day," Rozando let out a short sigh. "Ax, do go guide him."

Turning his attention back to Aldo, then, he eyed the man for a moment before speaking,

"Get rid of Elona of Rosa, the current boss Danielle's sister. She's an obstacle." Rozando paused, seemingly thinking again before continuing. "I expect the mission to be completed as fast as possible."

He did not like his members to drag a mission for too long, especially when it comes to killing.

(@1scariot , @LoveMyHate )
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I pouted. I was the one who asked for a mission but now I was being sent to find a butler. Well, I guess it didn't matter than much.

"Aye Aye Boss" I said before leaving.

I begun to wander around, going roughly in the direction of the kitchen. When I finally found the new butler, he was a long way off and staring at some painting. Or maybe the marble statue next to it.

Walking up to him, I tapped his shoulder.

"Are you lost?"
Pedr immediately uncrossed his arms when a voice cut through his thoughts. He calmly faced the voice to see the man from earlier. He meekly nodded, "Yes..I'm afraid so."

He then deeply bowed, "I apologize for my inconvenient acts." Pedr rose, staring straight ahead and once again careful not to meet eye contact. A certain question flickered in his mind.

Is this your answer, Ralec?

Upon seeing Alexandra's reaction to his simple remark, Dante hummed as a reply, expressing his slightest bit of interest to the other. "Overthrow Rosa huh." He thought about what the girl said earlier as he repeated the words himself, then a chuckle escaped his mouth. He wondered what she'll do if she is really going to overthrow Rosa.

He watched her as she walked away, seemingly proud of herself and her nationality, and with a "humph" he began to walk away himself too.

Even without Alexandra overthrowing, the Spinal is going to come sooner or later.

The boss and his sister Elona are probably having their dear sibling moments right now, as if fully unprepared of any attacks. Danielle always seems to be unready for any mafia issues. Or to be more accurate, it always stress himself out whenever he worries about it. Elona must be deeply worried, as a sister.

He can rely on me, the thought formed in Dante's mind as he peaked out through the window, seeing the sibling's interaction outside. Let us members deal with his mafia problems too instead of just making us worry.

Danielle may not be developed into a great boss yet. It takes time to become a great boss...And before that, it's the members' responsibilities to keep him safe and share his burden, and to keep Rosa strong and powerful as usual. 
Renatta blinked upon the greeting of her boss and Delia. As a middle-ranked member, it actually surprised her that the boss even recognized her existence. As they invited her to join breakfast, Renatta noticed Lino's look on his face, as if asking her for help. However, she wondered what he's asking help for. Perhaps Delia is too beautiful and he needs help stopping himself from staring at her? That's why he also welcomed her to breakfast, perhaps, after Delia, so there's another woman in existence.

"...Thank you for the invitation," she replied, nodding slightly to Delia and Lino. "Do let me join breakfast with you." She brushed her fingers through her hair, then walked over to the two.

Approaching Lino, then, she patted his shoulder and nodded.

It's okay, you can distract yourself from Delia using me.
"Ah but I already had breakfast-"

Elona shuts her mouth immediatly. This is a chance to spend more time with Dani. She hates it when her brother was stuck in his office rooms majority of the time.

She shooks her head and smiles, "No nevermind, I'll join you."

The girl suddenly caught a piercing stare from above her. Elona looks up and her face hardens. Dante is looking at her and Dani with a smirking face. She dislike the fact that Dante always make fun of her because of her brother complex. Without a second glance, Elona turns back to look at her big brother.
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Renatta patted my shoulder and nodded...I don't think she understood my pleading eyes. I sigh internally before stretching and walking back to my office. I guess it didn't really matter since Delia was a good cook, but I kinda wanted my cake. Shaking my head, I clear my head, shooing away my whining thoughts. Looking up, I realized that I was already in front of my office door.


Huh? Where is everyone? Confused I search for them nearby, only to give up and decide to just wait in front of my office door.


Hm.....I forgot if the butlers were supposed to not look at us or something but I disliked it. It just feels kinda of rude when someone speaks to you but doesn't look at you.

"Hey, my eyes are up here you know."

I stared at the butler, waiting to see if he would actually look me in the eyes. Its not like I'm Aldo or anything.
Delia watched as Renatta walked off, and was about to follow when she remember that she had put Lino's breakfast in his office. She turned around and opened her mouth to say something to Lino, but she found that he already walked off with that inhumane speed of his. With a small sigh, she turned to Renatta.

"Hold on Renatta. Why don't you head to the Boss's office, and I'll bring over our meals in a little bit?"

Danielle smiled happily when Elona accepted his invitation to eat breakfast with him. It has been a while since he has spent some actual time with her since he has been shutting himself in his office.

All of a sudden, Elona's face seemed to harden as she stared up at a window. Following her gaze, he saw a member of his family, Dante. Without thinking twice, Danielle waved to the young man with a bright face.

"Do you think that he might want to join us for breakfast?" Danielle asked, half to himself and half to Elona.
Eye contact. He didn't particularly hate it. Obviously he didn't love it either but he preferred not to commit the act just to be on the safe side.

So when a fellow Spinal member, of a family that owned a luxurious mansion, specifically stated that his 'eyes were up here', Pedr couldn't help but look up. He met with the other man's slightly infuriated gaze and thought:

What a small and unstable flame that carries a big container of gas more than it can contain.

Does the man get affected by every little detail he notices? Did he grow up talking to peasants eye to eye? Doesn't he know one of the untold rules of society about how it is rude for lower class people to look up directly at the high ranking society members? And wasn't this lad supposed to guide him to the kitchen or take him on some brief tour or at least explain the layout of this ridiculously large place to him?

But what could he possibly know, he was just a newly hired butler. Maybe the people in this family did things differently from what he was used to.

He simply avoided eye contact due to the fact that most people thought he was glaring at them or some other very baffling reason. However, such a reason was useless when a lad like Ax confronted him.

Pedr slightly tilted his head downwards for a small bow, breaking eye contact for a few seconds and met with the other's gaze again with his own steady and calm eyes. "My apologies, sir."

"Hmph." I smiled, although it probably wasn't showing on the outside. I like his eyes.

"Follow me, I've been told to give you an tour of the house, and you're a long way from the kitchen."

An amusing long way from the kitchen I thought to myself.
Pedr nodded and promptly followed behind the blonde man who guided him into one of the identical arched hallways. Morning sunlight streamed into the glass windows, making patches of warm light sit upon the red carpet of the wooden floor.

Besides the echoing of their footsteps, all was quiet. Pedr wondered how many people lived inside this large mansion. Where were they anyway? The place seemed alarmingly empty to him so far. At this point, he assumed the other family members may be working or out for their own personal reasons. The early hours of the morning can equal to their working hours, can't it?

But he would've sworn he saw shadows of many figures scramble from curtain to curtain when he viewed the mansion during the late hours, long before he can considered working here. It was when he had first moved to this country, he had been taking a stroll around the neighborhood after he had found a cheap dormitory to live in for the time being. The sun had set and the moon had taken its throne of the night sky for the day. Then, he had stumbled across the grande building.

The running figures would be illuminated onto the shut window curtains from the light shown inside of the large mansion. Sometimes he would spot them carrying questionable items.

Loud and deep voices would pound through the glass windows, sometimes they would sound enraged and sometimes full of excitement. And sometimes, he would finally have the lucky chance of spotting them exiting the double doors of the entrance. Whenever he spotted such a scene, it was always when the night had started to settle in. Which was the very time when he decided to take his neighborhood strolls.

The people of the mansion would march or stomp out in large groups, like packs of wolves out of their den for a hunting spree. They each carried some sort of item that was well hidden from the shadows of the night. However, there would be times the moon would tease Pedr by casting light that helped him see a glint of silver that seemed to claw its reflected light onto his eyes. Their stances had an aura of certainty and charisma.

What entranced him the most were their eyes. Each of them would showcase a different emotion that stood out from the rest. A fiery spark of hatred and maybe anger; the steady and calm glow of confidence; flickering glints of excitement; mellow and toned down gazes of sadness; even ones he couldn't quite grasp stole his attention. But all of them encased a glow of ambition.

Just like the one he had when he was part of the countless 'scavenger hunts' and numerous acts of 'borrowing'.

Pedr blinked and stared at the back of the man. Questions floated around his mind, but none of them seemed to want to run out of his mouth with a question mark.

It wasn't necessary..right, "Ralec?"

Pedr froze. His voice had clearly been inside his head. Then he heard it loud and clear...much louder...Did he..? No wait. He bit his bottom lip and glanced up at the man, hoping he hadn't heard the name that just decided to fly out of his mouth.

I tilted my head confused, did I look like a Ralec or something?

"Who's Ralec?" Its not me right? I don't remember anyone in the family having that name either. I didn't ask him if he believed my name was Ralec, because I didn't want to give him any opportunities to lie. I stared at him, assessing his stats, trying to figure if he was a spy.

"What is your purpose here?" I asked, in a slightly threatening tone.
...Shit. There was no way he could get out of this one without wavering more suspicion. He didn't even know what kind of family these people exactly were. If anything, they could be worse than what he originally thought he was getting into! Why did he have to- Ugh, there was no use blaming a dead person! Damn it...he would just have to...

Pedr looked at Ax with a calm and collected expression, "I merely want to earn and receive a stable income, sir."

He really needed to drop his habit of talking to Ralec. Fast.

I narrowed my eyes at him, disapproving of his answer but accepting it for now.

"I've got my eye on you." I warned him. I really hate spies.

I turned my back to him and walked to the next room, the kitchen.

"The tea leaves are in the topmost left cabinet.
Silvia brushed aside the annoying poison ivy with her bow. She was getting tired and the moon was already high in the sky. Yet she trudged on, seeking comfort in Papa's final words. Papa, am I getting any closer to the hideout you told me? Papa, how are you doing in heaven?


Silvia blinked in surprise as her other voice spoke. There is no such thing as heaven. People die and nothing happens. Emptiness and darkness is all they see. Stop thinking of ridiculous things like heaven, Silvia Spinal.

She closed her eyes and slowly opened them. They flashed in the moonlight as the darkness returned to her mind. I know.

Silvia Spinal looked up at the moon. She wasn't the kind soft Silvia anymore. She was Silvia Spinal, daughter of one who was close to the boss. She was a Spinal. And those of the Spinal have no need for such weakness. She pushed away the last of the poison ivy and emerged in a stronghold.

I'm here.


Btw, this happened the night before you guys did all this RPing so as of now, Silvia's spoken with the boss, Rozando, and is currently resting in her room.
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Pedr nodded and followed the man, retrieving the jar of black tea leaves from the cabinet.

Surprisingly, he had gotten away with whatever just happened just now. He would've thought the man would try to pry further into his case but, no. That didn't happen at all. There wasn't even a mention of how he had avoided the man's question pertaining to Ralec either. Only a warning lingered in the air.

Well, he considered today his lucky day. If not, he would've been fired a few moments prior. Pedr placed the tea leaves into a small porcelain cup and poured hot water into it. He then placed the tea cup on a small cup plate and placed that on a serving tray that held a tea pot. With that, he held the tray with one hand and tipped his head towards Ax, "Thank you for your assistance, sir."

Exiting the kitchen, he made his way to the office and knocked on the door before entering. "Your tea, Master Spinal." Pedr steadily walked over to the boss's desk and served him the tea.

He dipped his head downwards before continuing to hold the tray with the teapot and took a step back in case the man wanted more.
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I followed the new butler back to boss's office, thinking of ways to extract information from the butler, if he was a spy that is. When we entered the office, I stood by the door, leaning against the door frame. Waiting until Rozo took a sip of his tea before asking,

"So can I have a mission now? I need something to do. And possibly a new dartboard. I saw a nice one in the workshop down the street. Also I broke mine this morning, so yea.." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. "Heh heh..."
"Ax," upon hearing the other's request, Rozando let out a light sigh, his hand picking up the cup of black tea Pedr brought for him as he replied, "You're responsible for your own dartboard, you do not ask me for a new one." Taking a sip of the tea, he let himself enjoy its charming smell before continuing, his tone calm and unchanging, although a hint of dissatisfaction could be heard. "As much as I tolerate your informality towards me, please remember that I am still your boss."

"But yes, I do have a mission for you, as you wished." After his remark, Rozando changed the topic. "As you previously said, it is time to act towards Rosa. But before we did land any major attack, I want you to first sneak into their territory, and find out as much information about them as you can...As in, I want you to spy within their territory. However, if you have been found out, I allow you to take any kind of action. Meaning, you can kill or wound as you like towards their members...Only if it's necessary." Rosa smiled, but the smile appeared to be a warning rather than simply to be pleasant, "I'm sure this is an easy mission for someone of your level."

After saying so, he sipped more of the black tea, then his gaze settled upon Pedr, the new butler. "The tea tasted wonderful," he complimented. "Although it took you long enough. The mansion's quite confusing for a new sir like you, but I'm sure you'll get used to it pretty soon."

Suddenly, he remembered then, that Pedr is not the only new one that joined Spinal. There's the girl too--Ah, yes, Silvia.

She came at night yesterday, and after a short conversation with him, she went to her room, and didn't seem to come out since then.

Rozando paused for a moment, as if in thought as he reflected back to the conversation they had, before speaking. "Pedr, I want you to see if the lady from yesterday--Silvia, needs anything or is doing fine or not. Her room is located upstairs, through the grand staircase, and to the very left. You shall do anything she requested or want you to do."

Knowing that Pedr has gotten lost once, Rozando made the direction clear this time, so the new butler shall not get lost again. 
Dante was simply looking out of the window at Danielle and Elona before they noticed him. Watching as Elona turned to look at him then looked away, seemingly displeased, brought a light, mischievous grin onto Dante's face. He noticed the boss waving at him then--that friendly, overly nice without any hint of danger smile on Danielle seemed unfit to a mafia boss to wear. Dante frowned, then sighed, letting it go.

He didn't wave back at them, or make any signs of reaction through the window. Instead, he simply walked away, as if he has decided to ignore them. However, he has in fact went downstairs, then exited the door to the garden, where Danielle and Elona are.

He walked over to them, without any greeting, but with his usual light smile on his face.

I pouted mentally, speaking formally was not something I liked to do. However, I did understand the importance of showing respect to the boss. The new dartboard though...I'll go buy it after the mission.

"I'm sure this is an easy mission for someone of your level."

Except that I'm an assassin? Well I guess it doesn't matter, I mean, how hard could it be?

"Do you have any specific type of information you want me to gather boss?" I asked, keeping my voice polite and even. Oh, I suddenly remembered some information on a certain family.

"Boss Rozando, there is a report of suspicious activity of the Appassito family. Apparently, they were spotted near our ports a couple weeks ago, right before the minor disagreement between Rosa and our family."

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