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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

Pedr slightly relaxed when he heard the compliment and bowed his head once more when he received a new command, "Yes, Master Spinal." Then, he placed the serving tray with the teapot onto a mini high table by his desk, bowed once more, and exited the office.

He walked through the empty once more, easily finding the grand staircase this time and walked up the steps. Faint dust puffed at his dress shoes as his feet met with the red carpet lain down upon the wooden steps.

Another tiring thought settled upon his mind as he made a left turn on the upper floor. The boss had mentioned another family member's name. But what about her last name? Was it also Spinal? She is part of this family after all.

When he reached upon the said room, he knocked on the door. Well, he might have well give his guess a try.

"Miss Spinal?"

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"Miss Spinal?"

Silvia threw the blanket off her blanket and instinctively reached for the dagger in her pillow. She rubbed her eyes and looked around, dazed and a little disoriented. "Papa?"

"..." Her heart pounded as her eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight streaming through the large windows. She told the boss she didn't need such a large room but the old man didn't listen...

Once Silvia realized she was in her room, she slid the dagger back into her pillow. That dream again... When am I going to stop dreaming the same dream over and over again... When am I going to let go of my past and look toward the future?

What future? A future without Papa and the promise of safety from a group of strangers who claim to be part of your "family"? The same family that threw you away years ago?

Lost in her thoughts, Silvia didn't notice the presence outside her door...

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Pedr wasn't sure if the walls and doors of this mansion were thickly built or the voice from inside was particularly soft, but he caught muffled words he couldn't quite grasp.

He reached for the doorknob and immediately stopped himself before he turned it. He certainly did not want to face the possibility of getting a pillow or anything similar thrown smack into his body. Nor would it be a pleasant experience if the lady was an unmerciful, short tempered member who complained about him to the boss. He wouldn't want that at all. But what good is it to judge a stranger? At least he would be safe staying at the other side of a closed door.

He knocked on the door once more with a , "Miss Spinal, would you like to request anything?"
The voice jotted Silvia from her thoughts and caused her hand to once again reach inside her pillow. Almost immediately, she retracted her hand and slowed her increased heart beat before glaring at the door.

There's someone outside my door? How could I not have noticed it before? Arg! That dream! If I keep getting lost in my thoughts, I won't be able to react if something like this happens again. I must calm myself...

She closed her eyes and a deep breath as she had done back when she first reached the Spinal stronghold. This was becoming a habit for Silvia. A way to block off her emotions and place a mask of ice on her very being. A connection of a sort, to her "light" and her "dark" side. Now, it was time for the dark side to take the stage.

Without even opening her eyes, she made out the presence of what seemed like a young man. A servant? Probably one from the perverted old man...

"Who is it?" she replied coldly.
Pedr slightly raised an eyebrow. The muffled voice resounded clearer, the words flowed crisply to his ears this time yet there was a certain hint of a distinct but familiar tone within the voice.

"I am the butler of this family, My Lady." He paused before adding, "This should be the room of Miss Silvia Spinal. If I am not mistaken, how may I be of service to you?"

He then waited for a reply. Strangely, he wanted to hear her voice once more. Something about her, or to be exact, her voice kept poking at his mind.
The voice that replied was that of a young man at his early twenties. Quite young to be the butler of one of the most powerful families in Italy. But then again, this was the Spinal family; anything can happen.

Silvia tilted her head a little in confusion. But that confusion soon turned to amusement. So he was sent by the boss. Is that old man trying to humor me?

"I'm fine, thank you. Give the boss my gratitude for letting me return to the family once more. Once you've conveyed my message, you may free yourself of my service and return to the boss' side. That is all." Silvia dabbed as much venom as she can on the honey coated words at the mention of the boss. Oh, how she disliked that man by the second.

But that voice... why does it seem so familiar...
Pedr blinked, unsure of whether he should listen to the lady's polite choice of words or the bitter tone of her cold voice.

"As you wish, My Lady." He bowed his head to the voice on the other side of the door and went on his way.

As he walked back through the hallway, a spark flickered in his mind. The bittersweet tone. The direct answers. The coldness of her voice. It all matched up with the slight sarcasm, straight forward replies, quick remarks, and flat tone of..

Pedr stopped in his tracks and looked back towards the grand staircase, "...Ralec."

For what seemed like a long moment when it only a few seconds had passed by, he blinked and shook his head. He had not even suggested the name but stated it. As if..

Pedr furrowed his brow and slowly clenched a fist and turned back to the office, knocking once more before entering.

He bowed his head before exclaiming, "Master Spinal, Lady Silvia has requested me to pass on her gratitude for letting her return to this family once more."
Danielle tilted his head to the side as if expressing curiosity when Dante walked off without regarding him not Elona. His gaze shifted to the door and waited. He didn't think that Dante would just walk off like that after he greeted him. Soon enough, like Danielle expected, Dante walked through the door and went to him and Elona with a smile on his face.

Returning the smile, Danielle asked kindly, "Dante, would you like to join Elona and I for breakfast?"
Renatta blinked when she watch Lino disappeared with his usual almost inhuman speed. She has been watching him walking like that since the day she joined the Appassito family. To tell the truth, she's almost fascinated by it. How can one walk so fast?

The wonder is also one of the reason she has accepted to join the Appassito family. The more fascinating a family is, the more she's willing to join. It's to make her life interesting, she guessed.

Delia's words rang into her ears, pulling her back to reality from her thoughts. She raised an eyebrow upon her words, then nodded slightly. "I got it...Boss's office is it. See you there then."

She began to walk in the direction opposite of the boss's office.


"Dante, would you like to join Elona and I for breakfast?"

The invitation that Dante received as he walk toward the boss and his sister was pleasant, a bit overly pleasant, but Dante shrugged it off. His eyes fell upon Elona, then.

"I don't mind, as long as your sister doesn't mind as well. I believe she would love to spend more time with you then having a third intruder." Saying that to tease Elona lightly, he smiled a bit mischievously.

How long as he been in the Rosa family? At least he's been there when the last boss died. A few years have passed, and he has been watching the sibling moments ever since he joined.

He actually found it amusing, personally due to him never having the chance to have a sibling even once. Maybe he did, but he just doesn't know. Maybe his mother had another child in the Spinal family before she met her father and had him.

His mother's a Spinal member after all.

Talking about Spinal....Dante couldn't help but frown. As much as he wants to discuss some serious matters, Danielle, in his poor health state, might not be able to handle it well for now.

Dante didn't want to stress his boss out, so he sighed instead, focusing back on the breakfast invitation.


Rozando paused a bit at hearing Ax's question. Well, at least he began to talk more formally. Satisfied, the Spinal boss stared into his half-empty black tea cup as he carefully thought of what to reply.

"Find out if they've already been planning anything against the Spinal family. Any information of them is welcome, especially if it's about their weaknesses or strengths. I want to know if they have any secrets, or member who might be a great obstacle." He blinked, leaning back to his seat. "That's it for now, if I have more I want I'll contact you."

Upon hearing the following new that Ax has mentioned, Rozando frowned. Appassito family huh...True, at the beginning, they might still be able to be ignored. But he has long learned that they've been gaining powers, and now along with the possible new that Appassito could now sooner or later become a threat to the Spinal family, Rozando let out a frustrated sigh.

Yes, he should take action about it now. Maybe not to the extreme of sending a high level member to go investigate, but he didn't want to send a random member in which he has no interest on to go either....

That's when Pedr came in, bowing like the politest butler, and deliver the message of Silvia to Rozando.

Ah, Silvia.

The thought lit up Rozando suddenly, and a tiny smile grew on his face at the idea he has just came up with. Silvia...The new member who DID have a relationship with the family, except abandoned. The mission to investigate Appassito might be a great opportunity to see how strong and skilled Silvia is.

"Sir...Pedr, is it," upon hearing the message delivered by Pedr, Rozando called. He did have more important things to mention, but he need to get his irritation of Pedr's habit off of him first. "Please don't bow like that every single time, I'm not used to people being over-polite to me." He thought about what Silvia said, then.

"...Thank you for delivering the message. Please return to tell her if she needs anything, just say so."

He should let her rest more before sending her off on her first mission.
I left the office silently and walked to my room. Changing into camouflage clothing, I packed my darts, knives, and handguns into the outfit's numerous pockets. A bit excited, I begun my spying mission. According to Boss Rozo, Aldo was supposed to kill Elona, Rosa's boss's sister. Originally my target was Dante, a high ranking spy of Rosa. However, I found Danielle, Rosa's head, his sister Elona, and my target Dante together. Hiding myself in the shadows, I watched them.
Danielle's smile stayed on his face as he waited for Dante's reply to his invitation. The smiled faltered though, when he felt a stare piercing into his back. He admit, his fighting prowess nor his sixth sense were as good as Elona's, who would train everyday for hours. But, he did spend enough time honing his skills so that he could at least pass for a boss of a mafia family, and also sense someone's unwanted presence.

He turned around and stared at the bushes before walking over and flipping the bushes apart, revealing a young man.

"...Hello there," Danielle greeted, returning to his usual altruistic self.

I blinked and stood up, amazed that I was discovered so easily. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a spy. My mind racing, I quickly thought of an excuse.

"As expected of Rosa's boss. Your instincts are sharp. Good morning, my name is Ethan. I would like to join your family."

I bowed lightly, being formal felt weird but bosses like it when people are formal right? I didn't know.
Danielle blinked in surprise at the sudden request to join his family. It wasn't the first time that he has received a request to join the family, but never has one came so suddenly and strangely. Being the naive boss that he is, he didn't think much of the unanticipated request. If this young man, Ethan, wanted to harm him, he would've done so before he discovered him.

Recovering from his thoughts, he smiled at the young man and said, "I'll be glad to have you join the family, but you don't have to be so formal." He gave a soft laugh before continuing. "I was about to head to breakfast with my sister, Elona. Would you like to join us and tell us about yourself?"
A bit surprised that Rosa's Boss was so easy going, I accepted his offer to eat breakfast. However, new problems popped up. What exactly was I supposed to tell them about myself? Should I just stick to the basics? Also, the Boss's sister, Elona, would probably be hard to deal with. I turned to Rosa's Boss.

"Uh, Boss, what should I address you by? Just Boss? Or would you prefer something different?"
Tilting his head to the side, Danielle thought for a second before replying. "I suppose Boss would be fine, but I'm okay with anything."

Suddenly, Danielle noticed all the stray leaves on Ethan's head and laughed. It reminded him of when Elona was little. She would also sometimes watch him from somewhere peculiar and end up getting all filthy. After he notices her, he would clean Elona up and pat her on the head, telling her that she didn't have to hide.

Danielle reached up and gently picked them from Ethan's hair before patting his head with a motherly smile, similar to the one that he would give to Elona. "You didn't have to hide in the bushes if you wanted to talk to me."
"I don't mind, as long as your sister doesn't mind as well. I believe she would love to spend more time with you then having a third intruder."

There he goes again thought Elona. Of course Elona likes to spend time alone with her big brother. Dante's comments always seems irritates her. Elona tries to hide her scowl, and looks toward her brother. Dani looks so cheerful and happy in the morning. Elona doesn't want to ruin his mood for him at all.

Holding back a sigh, Elona says "...Sure I don't mind. I mean the more the merrier right?"

The young girl tries to smile and look towards Dante.

"Delightful" she thought to herself.
I almost flinched, managing to keep myself still in time. Its been a while since anyone has reached towards my head without the intent of killing me. A feeling of nostalgia envelops me, and I think back to a time where such acts were common and insignificant to me. Shaking off the memory, I nervously stated,

"I wasn't sure how to enter the conversation....Boss."

I felt a bit bashful, unsure how to act around this man. He was supposed to be dangerous, but turned out to be so easy going. Or maybe that was just his mask. I resolved to be cautious.
Right after she finishes replying, Elona suddenly felt a presence near the bush.

"An animal? No...it couldn't be. This presence is alot more unnoticeable than the usual."

Elona quietly hover her hand over her sword.

"A human. Why would it hide near a bush....? Unless...."

Suddenly Dante looks toward the bush too, "...Hello there"

She looks at her brother and knew she wasn't the only one that noticed this. A young man slips through the bush and greets Dani back. Elona ease her position and observe the man. He's young, close to his 20s with a exceptional build. Elona listens to Dani's conversation with him. Apparently his name is Ethan and is willing to join the Rosa family. He's skilled just by looking at his clothes, Elona also noticed a couple of weapons near his belt which was carefully tucked in.

"Due to the fact that this young man named Ethan secretly hid behind the bushes with equipments that is most likely essential for one thing... An assassin?" she thought.

No, it's quick to jump into conclusion. It's has been peaceful these past few years and Elona believed there shouldn't be any uprising fights between mafias. Using her own logic, Elona's warrior instinct tells her that Ethan could be dangerous. Pondering, the lady decided to carefully watch this new recruit a bit more closely.

Danielle brushes away the leaves from Ethan's hair which made Elona stop her train of thoughts. A little poke of discomfort from watching those two made Elona a bit annoyed. Is this jealously? The one thing she didn't want to be was a child who pouts over spoiled milk.

Elona didn't like this feeling one bit, and grabs her brother's sleeve, "Dani, we should go right now. Breakfast could be over soon."
Danielle nodded in agreement. It was almost ten o'clock, and most of his family members were probably awake and got breakfast already. If they don't go now, he doubt there will be any left for the four of them. He grabbed Elona and Ethan's hand and smiled at Dante. "Let's go."

Delia watched Renatta walked away before heading to the kitchen to fix up some food for them. She didn't want to keep them waiting too long, so she just prepared two omelettes and returned to Lino's office.
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Camouflage clothing...An outfit that seemingly has multiple pockets...The mysterious person who's wearing such clothes as he hid himself within the bushes...

"I'll be glad to have you join the family, but you don't have to be so formal."

Yes. Of course. Of course he would say that. Ah, the boss...No, Danielle. Of course Danielle would've say that, without a bit of suspicion and just naturally went like "a person who's probably an assassin to kill me is hiding in the bushes, but he asked to join Rosa so I decided to welcome him."

Dante face-palmed hard as he watched his boss let down his guard almost immediately upon hearing the request from this young man, who called himself Ethan, and who could also possibly be lying about his name. To have such a random dude to pop up out of nowhere (especially from the bushes) in such assassin-like outfit, could only be suspicious. Yet, Elona seemed only to concern about her jealousy issues in the way Danielle treated this random person..Him being all mother-like as he brushed the leaves off of Ethan's head, and then held onto his hand along with Elona's like...Like a mother..Ah, yes, Elona's jealousy seemed to be the top of everything now. Instead of worrying about the possibility that Ethan could be a spy or an assassin, Elona seemed more concern about if this mysterious dude will steal her brother away.

As Danielle asked Dante for breakfast with that god-like innocent smile, each of his hand holding onto Ethan and Elona, Dante couldn't help but frown, his gaze settled upon Ethan, and hardened with distrust, before looking away, letting out a long sigh.

Deal with it, Dante, he thought to himself. It's not the first time this happened.

Nodding then, he put on his usual smile as he started to walk alongside the boss.

I was alarmed when he grabbed my hand and fought the urge to snatch my hand back. It would be rude and cause suspicion. It wasn't like his hand was disgusting or anything, but I was surprised. What kind of boss just accepts a person who was hiding in the bushes into their family and then grab their hands. I could have killed him at least 3 times by now. I glanced over at his sister, Elona. Was she jealous? Did she love her brother romantically?! That was going to be troublesome. She'll be an annoyance to my mission.
Upon hearing the boss's new command he nodded once with a, "Yes sir." Once Pedr exited the office and started heading back to Silvia's room, a smirked settled on his lips. He couldn't help it, what kind of boss wasn't used to such fixed actions like bowing? Did he not grow up amongst maids and butlers who served him likewise? Did his servants not have any manners? 'I'm not used to people being over-polite to me'. Hah! Was the man perhaps...being modest?

If the boss wasn't used to such 'over-polite' actions, then as a butler he would simply have to listen to that request as well. As they say: Monkey see, monkey do. Ah, but he would have to replace the 'see' in his case.

Oh the joys of mimicry.

"How amusing." He scoffed as he fixed his tie while walking up the grand staircase. When he reached the same door, he regained his neutral expression, wiping off the smirk he had before and knocked on the door.

"Lady Silvia? The Master has said if you need anything, you can simply request for it and there will be service for you."

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Danielle walked with the three to the dining room. As he expected, there were quite a few people there already. Some noticed his presence and saluted him, while others saw Ethan and immediately became on guard, staring at him sharply. Danielle simply smiled and nodded and them all while tightening his grip on Ethan's hand ever so slightly, as if telling the members that he's a friend.

The boss walked past where the food was set up, and sat down at an empty table. Then, as if on cue, a butler-like person came to the table and bowed slightly, asking what he would like. Ah, the benefits of being the boss.

"Pancakes with syrup." Danielle told him. He looked at his three companions and smiled. "Ask for whatever you want. I'm sure the chefs can make anything."
Dante settled into his seat before looking up at the chef. "My breakfast preference is as usual," Dante said as he gently smiled, and watched as the chef nodded, knowing what the other meant. "Bring us all a cup of black tea as well."

"I hope you're fine with black tea," as if remembering something, he looked toward Ethan. "Hopefully, wherever you come from serves black tea often as well." He appeared concern as he said so, his eyes studying this newly joined member at the same time.
"Where I'm from?... I usually get something sweet in the mornings because I have low blood pressure. I don't think it has anything to do with England though...I'm from England by the way." I reply, appearing to be clueless to his studying.

"May I order a mocha latte? And some french toast with bacon if that's not too much to ask." I turned to Dante, a bashful look on my face as I say,

"Sorry, but I dislike black tea. I find it too bitter for the mornings."

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