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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

"I don't think that will be necessary..." the largest snarled. He chuckled a bit as he looked down at the struggling hound, "How cute, you truly think you are free? Yes we may have our thoughts back, but that does not mean that they will not put us down or make us into Delta 5? Now that we are free, it only means that she will only be more curious. Hmph, freedom is only an illusion- you had best remember that." He began sniffing over the lesser male's shoulder and neck as if looking for the best spot to strike.

"Don't kill him you monster!" yelled the female. "He only thought that you were going to be a Delta 3... by the looks of it you are going to be a kin-slayer regardless."

The larger paused for a moment, sniffing at an area just below the younger male's shoulder before looking up at the female with inconvenient surprise, as if he had just realized she was there.

"Why would I waste the sacrifice of our saviors?" He said with a queer look in his eyes. After that, he plunged his fangs into the flesh of the lesser male, the skin cutting as easily as cheesecloth. Snarls of pain sounded as the brute moved his fangs around, searching though the blood and gore.

"Stop it!" she screamed while leaping for the gorehound's throat. In an instant she was sprawled on the ground with two blurry yellow eyes glaring down at her. "You will get your turn."

She watched helplessly as her brother's shoulder bled from the brute's fangs until a soft hissing sound was heard. In the largest gorehound's jaws was a circular object that glittered in the light of the waning fires. When he threw it on the ground she could then see one or two flickering lights within the blood soaked object, although most of the lights had gone out.

The female ran to her brother's side and began licking his wound as the large male looked down at the object in disgust.

"That is your freedom" he spat before turning towards her. "Now it is your turn..."

(:3 don't count my puppy among the lost just yet @eclipsehowls)
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Jessica smiled at the boy. "H-Hi there..." She said nervously. She'd never talked to boys before.

Black Mist shifted into his dragon form, instantly knocking some of the trees to the ground.
(Okay @Juju)

"Who are you?" Ash questioned as he stood up. "YUZYU! Come here!" @NightCasterZ @Zeldafangirl

Rylic got up and stared at the damn dragon that appeared in front of him, narrowing his eyes in hatred. "YOU! YOU DAMN DRAGON! I'LL SKIN YOU AND USE YOUR HIDE AS A RUG!" He picked up his bag with Ash's horse supplies and glared at it before turning around and leave. "Cats come," he ordered the snarling beasts who growled at the dragon before following back to the mansion. Rylic was pissed. He had thought his hunters had killed all of the zodiacs while he had been in his coma.
Yuzyu looked at her big brother" what is it" she say as she saw someone strange as she growled at the girl
Yuzyu looked at her" no big brother i haven't seen that girl before" she say looking at her" what you want stupid girl" she say to the girl wanting her to go away
Jessica started to cry when Yuzyu called her stupid. She was always shy and nervous. "I..." She started but ended up shifting into her zodiac form.

BlackMist let out a loud roar. "Evening, hunter..." He muttered evilly. "I am the powerful BlackMist Dragon, kneel before me!"
Cupa woke up, 'damn' she thought to herself she had drifted off. Everything seemed peaceful yet something was wrong. She looked down, Ella was still asleep, but Lilly had gone. She panicked, unsure of what she should do. If she went in search of Lilly she'd have to leave Ella unattended, yet if she stayed with Ella, Lilly could be anywhere, lost and alone. Cupa finally made her mind up. She decided to stay with Ella. She was younger so needed more protection. She was sure Lilly would find her way back, but she still worried.
Ella just woken up as she yawned" cupa" she say rubbing her eyes as she noticed her sister was gone as she was sad" where sissy can we go look for her" she say worried as she was a little bit hungry

Juliette was scared to death as the wolf snow was hurting her big sister as she was under sister her sister cat form was big so she can do it

Minutes before detonation.

The camera's lens clicked lightly as Mika zoomed in the video to get a better look at the scene. Even from her hidden view spot nestled between two rosebushes a mere a couple of houses down, she genuinely feared that they would somehow hear her or that those ugly dogs would miraculously catch her scent. No matter what she tried, they always seemed to know whenever she was skulking around their business. Too often had she lost a camera or audio recorder at the hands of one of Blackwell's minions, smashed into the concrete or simply confiscated for the crime of trespassing on government business. Government business!? Blackwell had even managed somehow to land Mika in jail a few times to try and teach her a lesson. However, Blackwell soon found out that threats of guns and the teeth of those weird mutated beasts worked much better than jail time and endless fines altogether. Especially when her father was brought into the topic. But something was different this time, the hounds didn't seem to be as alert to her presence as they usually were - maybe it was the roses? Nevertheless, Mika was determined to figure out who Blackwell's minions were interested in. After a while a woman stepped out of the house at the command of the soldiers and knelt down by one of the dogs.

Wait - was she talking to the dog thing?.

Mika couldn't contain her excitement; could it be true? Could the reason why Blackwell had showed up was to look for the same legendary people she and her grandfather before her had been seeking. No, she was just getting too excited... everybody thought she was crazy when she had done a story in the
Daily Diviner about it one year, detailing some of the folklore the native tribes, her ancestors, had about the area before it had been turned into Everstone. Of course that would mean that... oh no. That would mean that it was her fault that Blackwell was here, hunting the skinwalkers.

Her guilt-laden thoughts were soon interrupted, however, when a couple of gunshots sounded and where Blackwell's pawns had once stood now lay only dead bodies. "Shit!" Mika gasped as she covered her mouth in disgust. The woman talked to the beasts further and did something to her arms and neck before ending her own life with a shot to the head. "Oh god." Mika said in alarm, dropping her camera by accident. She felt like she was going to be sick. She had time to glimpse the male create some circle in the grass before a flurry of inky feathers began squawking in front of her line of vision. "Go. Go!" the raven shrieked.

"S-stop it!" she said weakly while raising her arms protectively above her head. The bird was relentless, "Run. Run. Die die. Death." it croaked out before finally flapping above her and pulling on her hood. When she couldn't move from shock, the damned bird grasped her camera in its talons and flew off with it down the street.

"Get back here!" Mika hissed when she eventually found her voice. Legs numb, she sprinted after the bird as fast as her legs could manage. Something made her look back at the house and for a brief moment she fancied that she could see the man at the house holding some thing in his hand before a cloud of red engulfed him. "Here!" The raven cried as it swooped into an alley way. As the heat intensified on Mika's back, all she could do was make one last desperate dive into the alley before a blow to her head made the world go black.
eclipsehowls said:
Rose ignored the human as she looked at the gorehounds. 'Kill your master and you may be free. You're still dogs, even if you're gorehounds. You should be free or stay with the dog zodiac which is me,' she said to them. 'You, bigger one...quit bullying the smaller ones!' she snapped at it in Canine. 'Why do you bully them anyway? You could easily rip out the throats of these humans, protecting the smaller ones. That's what an alpha does. They make sacrifices for the rest of the pack to ensure the pack's survival...but without a leader the pack is defenseless.' She listened as there was a gunshot and the human holding the gun to her head got his brains splattered onto the yard. "Bastard," she muttered at his corpse.

Another gunshot echoed as Josh aimed the gun at the other human, firing and killing the other guard with the gorehounds, shooting the guy in his eye before blowing a hole into his head, the body falling on the ground with a thud. Rose grabbed the dead human's gun. "The bitch's name is Blackwell and she's some smartass human zodiac hunter," Rose said to Josh. "As we suspected."

"Zodiac Hunters here as well and all because of that dragon zodiac Ruby," Josh said in disgust. "What are they?"

"Poor canines who are being tortured," Rose said sadly as she looked at them. She looked to the gorehounds and knelt in front of them. "I'm going to try something. I don't know if it will work or not but listen," Rose said. She calmly placed the gun against her head. Looking at the three gorehounds she looked at them before speaking in Canine. 'I am going to shed my blood upon the ground here. I'll have a few minutes after I end my life in which you can take my blood before it vanishes forever. Taking the blood of the dog zodiac should free you of your corrupted bonds to the human,' she said to them. 'But either way you now have a name by which to go by if this does not work. This Blackwell person will just kill me for she isn't interested in finding out why her little pet died. All of us know it even though we know nothing about the other zodiac animals here, other than that they all die or disappear from this town. Discover why the zodiacs appear in Everstone and perhaps with my blood you can be free.' Rose looked at her husband who smiled sadly and hugged her. He murmured something in her ear as he hugged her and she nodded sadly. Removing a hidden knife she calmly make deep cuts across her throat, and wrists before handing the knife to her husband and pointed the gun to her head before pulling the trigger. There was a second of pain as the bullet entered her skull before the gun dropped from her hand onto the ground, Josh catching his dead wife's body as it fell back and laid her on the ground. "The gunshots will have sent the other hunters running. I suggest you make a quick decision about my wife's offer," he said. "She truly is deserving of being the descendant of the dog." @Juju
When he heard the gunshots, Rȳu had been training in the woods. As the shots rang out, he immediately crouched down instinctively. He turned his head, trying to judge the direction the shots had come from. "Sounds like it came from the SouthEast" he mused aloud as he picked up his sword from where he had set it earlier, slinging it over his shoulder. "About a mile away, two at the most. What do you say we check it out?"

A voice spoke from the back of his mind 'Sure, why the hell not. It's not like we were doing anything interesting'

Rȳu smiled "Well let's fix that then" He said as he walked towards the source of the gunshots.

Today might turn out to be interesting after all.
Ella looked at her Cupa as she smiled as she held her hand" yeah it be nice i'm worried for lily i want big sissy i like being with you too your family" she say to her as she smiled
Ella looked at her" i love you too" she say as she was looking for her sister and food" why do we run away whats after us" she say confused why they always run away
Cupa hesitated, she didn't want to scare Ella. "It's just as a precaution" she said "until we have enough money to stay somewhere decent" she hoped that she was a good liar
Ella looked at her" okay thats good" she say as she smiled looking around" where do you think big sissy went" she asked as she usually rides on lily shoulders as she looked down she wanted her sister back her stomach growled a bit but she was determined to find her sister is at
NightCasterZ said:
Jessica started to cry when Yuzyu called her stupid. She was always shy and nervous. "I..." She started but ended up shifting into her zodiac form.
BlackMist let out a loud roar. "Evening, hunter..." He muttered evilly. "I am the powerful BlackMist Dragon, kneel before me!"
Ash nodded at his sister's words before snarling at the sight of her shifting forms. "Zodiac! GUARDS!"

Rylic covered his ears at the dragon's roar. "SHUT UP!" he shouted. "You damn zodiacs just can't leave my family alone can you?!" He ripped the arrow out of his shoulder, the big cats with him hissing in warning at the dragon. Meanwhile the other cats reached the mansion and dropped the food down, seeing the dire wolf attacking a couple house cats. @NightCasterZ

Zeldafangirl said:
Ella just woken up as she yawned" cupa" she say rubbing her eyes as she noticed her sister was gone as she was sad" where sissy can we go look for her" she say worried as she was a little bit hungry
Juliette was scared to death as the wolf snow was hurting her big sister as she was under sister her sister cat form was big so she can do it
The dire wolf lunged, bowling Emi over and exposing Juliette. He shook his head head as he picked himself up, snapping his teeth over her neck and flinging her in the direction of a tree before turning and lunging at Juliette instead as she was smaller. @Zeldafangirl @Kittycat
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Yuzyu hid behind her brother she was shaking in fear she had a fear of other zodiacs beside the only friend she had and her family" big brother make her go away" she say afraid as she hold her head remebering what happend to her the first time she got kidnapped by jacob as she gets panic attacks about it sometimes

Kendell was playing with violet as she smiled" violey" she say as she was brushing her hand against her fur as she smiled
Fliz that hurt Emi says then blocked the dire wolf and actted the hurt spot looking at the blood she felt sick but did not care.
Ash nodded. "Don't worry Yuzyu. I'll get rid of her," he said coughing. A few guards ran into the living room. "Throw THAT," he said pointing at Jessica, "in one of the cages." The guards nodded and one grabbed Jessica before carrying her away. @NightCasterZ

Violet yawned as she opened an eye and hissed at Kendell as her tail was tugged. "No tug tail," she hissed. @Zeldafangirl

Snow snarled and snapped his teeth close to Juliette's face.

Basil saw the fox appear out of nowhere and stared at it. "Who are you?" he asked.

The kitsune flicked his gaze to Basil and got up, trotting over to Basil and bowing before him. "I'm a kitsune master and your guardian," he said. "Your mother was a friend of mine."

"But kitsunes are just myth," said Amy. "They aren't real"

"We are real," said the kitsune. "We don't gain all nine tails until hundreds of years have passed. For every hundred years that pass kitsune gain one tail. Until then we just look like a regular fox," he said.
Juliette looked at snow as she was scared as she smiled to it as she was a fast runner trying to get away from it

Yuzyu looked at her big brother" thanks ash" she say

Kendell looked at her big sister" okay violey" she say as she smiled as she grabbed her tiger toy" play with tiger" she asked
"You're welcome Yuzyu," Ash said to his sister.

The guards took Jessica to a cage and threw her inside it as Enya came back downstairs from her shower. @NightCasterZ

"What's going on here?" she asked her children as she came into the living room.

"Mommy there was a Cat in here," said Ash. "You're welcome Yuzyu," he said. "I got the guards to take it to one of the cages with daddy's pets."

Enya hissed in displeasure. "Has your father come back yet?

"No mommy," said Ash.

Snow took off after Juliette, ignoring the other Cat. @Zeldafangirl
Yuzyu was shaking as she was rocking back and forth as she was scared she was in the living room as she close her eyes trying to forget what happened she was too scared to calm down

Kendell looked at her big sister" mama yuzie is wrong with her" she say as she hold on her mom pants

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