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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

The soot that had settled on Mika's face and unconscious form stirred as she was prodded by the figure. Although her eyes remained shut, a series of coughing fits gripped her as she rolled onto her side. When they had subsided, Mika was eventually able to haul herself up into a sitting position and groggily opened her eyes. "Wh- who?" she muttered at the blurry figure, her tongue feeling thick and clumsy as she jumbled out the words.

A sudden stab of pain caused her hand to shoot up to the back of her head. "oww, bloody hell...shite that hurts" She hissed out while rubbing her singed head. The pain at least brought back her senses. Her eyes suddenly went wide in alarm as she looked at Ryu. "The explosion! that person with the dogs, th-the armed thugs!" she blurted out while trying to get her wobbly limbs to stand her up. "Where is it?" she said whilst looking about her fretfully. "I can't lose it now... I need to... I need to find out the truth."



The burial was unorthodox and crude, but the female felt like she had done the two zodiacs some justice by digging the both of them a grave so that they may lay in peace. "This is pointless" growled the big one as he paced back and forth. "They will just dig them back up and use them for more research...not to mention we are lingering here too long."

"We owe them this, they freed us! It is the least we can do..." she said with a lash of her tail. To her relief, the ugly brute only growled and turned away to continue ripping apart the corpses of the armed men whom had attacked Rose and Josh.

By now the blood had clotted on her shoulder where the silvery object had been ripped out, but the digging had caused the scabs to crack and the blood to flow once more. Every movement was agony and by the time she was finished piling up the loose earth on top of the grave a sticky line of blood had run down her side. It was just one of the prices she would gladly accept for her freedom. A sudden sadness gripped the gorehound as she wondered what life these strangers had or if they had had any pups. Without realizing it, she raised her muzzle to the smoke ridden sky and unleashed a long melancholic howl. Another voice added to her own as her bother joined in on the lament and across the horizon some other dog added their own voice, and then another and another until a dozen distant howls lingered heavy over the broken houses.
Lilly could not fall asleep at all.she tried and tried but no luck finally she got up and looked out on to the town.she loved to watch the town when the sun rose and set to see the lights sparkle at night.Lilly let out a long sigh.she was tired and she need to sleep but she just could not fall asleep.She walked back over to her bed and curled up in a ball and closed her eyes and all of sudden she drifted off to that peaceful dream state.
Beatrice had finished unpacking and now stood in the kitchen.she reached over and got the phone she dialed the pizza place near her apartment and ordered 1 cheese pizza and 1 garlic fingers.she walked over to the tv and turned on the news wail she waited for her food.
Jill sat on her porch as she waited for her mom to get back from shopping.Jill had made her mom a batch of chocolate cookies and she was could not wait to sink her teeth into the gooey chocolate center of them.she had been waiting on the porch for 5 mins and it was getting hard not to go in the house and eat all the cookies.she saw her moms car start to pull into the drive way and Jill ran to the car.
NightCasterZ said:
Jessica perked her ears, turning around quietly. "W-What do you mean?"
"Well since you don't have a name what about Jessica for your name?" Daisy questioned. @NightCasterZ

Zeldafangirl said:
Ella looked at her as she smiled" what is your name miss" she asked as she smiled she never knew her real parents so this can be a chance to know what a parent will feel like" and thank you miss for letting us come with you" she say to her as she gave her a smile as she play with her stuffed rabbit the only toy she had
Yuzyu was sleeping on her bed as she wasn't going to wake up for a while after having that bad panic attack

Kendell looked at her mum as she smiled" okay mama" she say as she went to play she didn't understand why she was the only human in her family except for her dad she sometimes sad she was like a freak in her family
"My name is Amy Lee and this is Serenity Zeklos. Her father was the rat before her, Shadow Zeklos."

Basil didn't say anything but stopped as he heard howling from dogs across the town. At the base the dogs of Rylic's hunters howled as well including Snow causing Ash, Shale, Violet and Pine to look at their father's dire wolf weirdly.

"What is that?" Serenity asked curiously.

"That is how dogs say goodbye to the dog zodiac," Basil said before brushing past the group and heading further into the forest, the kistune guardian following beside his/her master.

Rylic sighed as he got home and went to the barn, ignoring his hunters and the guards. @Zeldafangirl
Kendell looked at her mum as she sighed as she sat on the couch" when bada coming home" she asked as she looked at her mum

Gabby looked at her friend" what should i do with this cat" she say

Juliette looked at them as she was trying to get free

ella looked at her" nice to meet you" she say smiling" thanks for letting us come with you i mean we never know what a family feels like so we been on our own since we like to know what it feels like" she say as she smiled

Emily was next to her sister as she was in her tiger form snarling at the little girl
The blond helped the young woman sit up "Woah, slow down hun. You're in no condition to do anything but rest right now, so why don't you just explain to me what happened here." His voice was calm, collected, and had smooth undertones to it; it was a voice of reason and reassurance.

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NightCasterZ said:
Jessica thought about it for a moment before nodding. "That sounds nice."
Daisy nodded and handed the keys back to the guard before walking through the base into the living room.

Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell looked at her mum as she sighed as she sat on the couch" when bada coming home" she asked as she looked at her mum
Gabby looked at her friend" what should i do with this cat" she say

Juliette looked at them as she was trying to get free

ella looked at her" nice to meet you" she say smiling" thanks for letting us come with you i mean we never know what a family feels like so we been on our own since we like to know what it feels like" she say as she smiled

Emily was next to her sister as she was in her tiger form snarling at the little girl
"I'm not sure," Enya said as she glanced at Kendell.

Rylic entered the barn and saw the foal from the mare that had become his oldest son's friend. Nodding, he left the barn and stopped one of his hunters. "There are zodiacs on the loose. You know what to do should they be spotted." The hunter nodded and Rylic continued to the mansion.

"Get rid of it. Kill it, set it loose, whatever you want. Just get the cat out of here," Enya said as she stared at Juliette.

"Things would be a lot better if your kind had never come to Evestone in the first place," Amy said bitterly. "The tiger and her mate might kill you. They don't take kindly to other zodiacs. But it was regular humans who killed my fiancee."

Enya stared at her sister and then at the girl who had come up with Daisy from the caged hallway. "Daisy why is this kid here?"

"Mommy she's a cat," Daisy said. "And she's all alone."

"Why do I care?" Enya snarled. "Get out!" she hissed at Jessica. "You aren't welcome here. What is it with these zodiacs breaking the rules?" she growled to herself. "With the exception of my cubs and Emily, there shouldn't be 50,000 tigers in Everstone." Enya sat down on the couch and got one of the servants to bring her something to drink before running a hand over Shale's fur, the liger purring at his mother's touch. @NightCasterZ @Zeldafangirl
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Kendell was playing around as she looked around hearing leaves like someone was walking

Yuzyu just woke up as she streatched as she came downstairs" mommy i'm sorry i worried you with my panic attacks" she say" i can't help it" she say as she was calm

Juliette was set free as she ran to a woman as she was scared with a dog and people she didn't know she didn't know where her sibling was she was all alone
Rylic walked into the mansion, the lead hunter annoyed and fuming at there being another god forsaken dragon in existence.

Enya hissed in annoyance at Jessica. "Fine. You can be Daisy's servant then if you want to live here," she snarled. @NightCasterZ "It's alright Yuzyu. All these zodiacs isn't helping you any," she said.

The kitsune woman looked at the child as it ran into her. "What are you doing out here alone child?" Basil barked at Juliette, having shifted into his Border Collie body as he had walked with the others behind them. @Zeldafangirl
Yuzyu looked at her mom as she looked down" i'm sorry its cause of jack its his fault for kidnapping me but good thing i found big brother though" she say" i'm sorry" she say to her hugging her mom" i just want you to be happy" she say as she sighed

Juliette looked at her" ran from scary place someone tried to kill me i don't know where sissy is and the person killed my parents" she cried a little
"Havilah," barked Basil. "That's your name. It means 'stretch of sand' in Hebrew."

"Thank you master," Havilah said. "A bad place huh? Well where is this bad place?"

"I'd be happy if these zodiacs quit popping up and ruining my life," Enya said. Rylic came into the living room after putting the cake in the fridge.

"What is this about zodiacs?" he questioned.

Enya sighed. "More cats have appeared," she said, "which means more zodiacs."

"I know. There was a dragon that was looking for a cat. Sent an arrow into my shoulder," said Rylic in annoyance as he kissed Enya and sat down beside her. @Zeldafangirl
Yuzyu was quite as she just watch tv she just place her knees onto her chest

Juliette looked at them as she was scared to go back" i dunno which direction" she say" there a huge mansion thats all i know" she say scared
Beatrice was flipping through channels when she heard the door bell ring.she jumped up and got her purse and answered the door.

"that will be 10 dollars please." the pizza boy said

"here you go." she said as she took the pizza and handed him 10$.

"thank you."she said as she closed the door.she went into her kitchen and got out a cup and plate and set her table.she took 3 pieces of pizza and 2 garlic fingers and put the rest in the fridge.once every thing was set she dug in.
Jill ran up to her mom and gave her a big hug.

"mom i made you cookies!"

"yum!your famous chocolate chip cookies!I cant wait."

"come on then." she said as she grabbed her mom's hand and pulled her into the dinning room were the cookies sat on a plate.they both ran over and started to eat them up.
"No, no, no, you don't understand; I need my camera... NOW!" Mika said while desperately sifting through some of the rubble next to her in search of it. She winced as another throb of pain clawed at the inside of her head as if some small creature was trying to dig its way out. Frustration suddenly washed over her face as she remembered what had happened to it "I-it was the bird! He took it from me... dammit!" Exhausted, she slumped back down onto the ground and held her head, grimacing. "You won't believe me... nobody did, nobody will..." she mumbled miserably.



When the last howls faded into nothing more than a faint echoing over the hills, the largest gorehound padded up behind the two siblings. "It is time we left." he growled "There is nothing left here. The trackers have both been destroyed and hidden... perhaps they will assume that we had died in the explosion."

As they made their way between the broken and burning houses, the female could not help but wonder about the brute's own tracker. However, she didn't have the courage to ask him about it or to question his leadership and remained quiet throughout the walk to the outskirts of the town.

"What will we do now?" her brother asked as they stopped in front of an empty parking lot.

"Find out what the zodiacs wanted us to do." replied the alpha, "We need to discover what is drawing their kind here and why they are dying."

"Isn't it obviously the hunters and Alta?" the smaller male said with an impatient lash of his tail.

"Are you always this dense?" growled the alpha "Of course it isn't that simple, 'else they would have clued in by now. No, there is something off about this place... you can smell it on the wind."
Lilly was standing under water.her hair was flying around her face.she saw fishes swimming around her.she felt the cool water on her skin.she looked at the pretty coral reefs and the green sea weed.she saw what looked like a town in the distance.she swam up to it.she felt the water evaporate around her as she fell to the ground.the town all of a sudden burst into flame.she saw people on fire running around the town screaming.then the town disappeared and she was standing in a white room.the only thing in the room was a white bed.she looked down and saw she was even wearing white clothes.the only part of the room that was not white was the numbers on her shirt that said patient 123465.she heard the speakers out side her room say patient 123465 will be sent to the to the electric chair.she saw people wearing black suits run into her room and grab her.she was take in to a stone room with a chair in it she was pushed onto the chair she heard the sound of electricity as she felt pain shot through her body and the world went black.
Juju said:
"No, no, no, you don't understand; I need my camera... NOW!" Mika said while desperately sifting through some of the rubble next to her in search of it. She winced as another throb of pain clawed at the inside of her head as if some small creature was trying to dig its way out. Frustration suddenly washed over her face as she remembered what had happened to it "I-it was the bird! He took it from me... dammit!" Exhausted, she slumped back down onto the ground and held her head, grimacing. "You won't believe me... nobody did, nobody will..." she mumbled miserably.

Ryu smiled and placed a hand on the woman's shoulder. "Well I can't believe you if you don't tell me something to believe. Here" He paused and crouched down next to her "Why don't we start with a few questions to make sure the fall didn't addle your brain. First question: What's your name and occupation?" While the questions really were the used to check for brain damage, Ryu also wanted to use them to find out more about this woman, and what had happened here.
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Mika nodded her head feebly and took a deep breath. As far as she could tell, the question seemed innocent enough so she answered. "Oh. uh, sure. Well, my name is Mika Sark and I work as a reporter and journalist for the Daily Diviner newspaper. Although I think it might be time for a career change..." She rubbed her head. "And who am I to thank for the wake-up call?"

Somewhere in a nearby tree a soft crowing sounded almost mockingly, causing Mika to growl in displeasure. "Stupid bird..."

Lilly collapsed on the floor, falling unconscious, still carrying Ella, Cupa knelt next to Lilly. She gently put Ella down and checked Lilly over. Where Lilly had been clutching her side was a large wound, and her hand and clothes were soaked with blood. "No" Cupa mumbled
Ella looked at the blood on her sister side as she was afraid" sissy what happen don't die" she sniffed a little as she whimper a bit as she looked down as she was sad

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