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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Lilly watched Ella ascend the tree, she could tell that Ella was angry, but she didn't have the energy to shout loud enough for Ella to hear her. Lilly lifted her right hand, placing a piece of paper she'd been holding in Cupa's hand. Cupa looked at Lilly curiously, then she unfolded the paper and started to read it. When she finished she crumpled the paper up and stuffed it in her pocket angrily
Walking through the forest, Amy and her daughter stumbled upon a trio of people. "Are you zodiacs?" Amy questioned bluntly before looking at her daughter.

"They're zodiacs mommy," Serenity said as she peered up at Cuppa, Ella and Lilly.

Basil stopped with his kitsune guardian, the dog growling at the new strangers. @Geozaki
Ella was watching her sister from the tree but than a branch snapped as she fell from the ground as she fell breaking few bones in her ankle as she growned in pain she couldn't fly just yet it wasn't fair she try to stand up but her foot was in a lot of pain she just sat where the branch fell her sister or cupa didn't see her fall thankfully
Cupa turned to look at the newcomers "Hey" she said friendly, but cautiously "yeah we're Zodiacs" she said. Her eyes flicked between them, she was on high alert, there was no way she was letting anything happen to Ella or Lilly

Lilly heard a 'Snap' she looked back up at the tree where Ella had been climbing, but she wasn't there "Ella?" She called quietly and weakly, she was worried
Ella just cried quitely she heard her sister her foot was hurting like crazy she couldn't move at all' it hurts' she thought as she try to move her leg again she yelped in pain her family could hear it as she cried
Lilly heard Ella's Yelp, she did her best to stand, using the tree for support. "Ella?" She called weakly again, she slowly staggered towards where the Yelp came from. But soon she lost the ability to walk, falling to the floor. She continued to crawl, still moving towards Ella
Ella heard her sister as she wanted to cry" i can't get up i fell from the branch" she say as she cried trying to get up but she fell again" i'm sorry i was mad" she say sniffing
Amy was about to reply when there was a snap of a tree branch and one of the foolish kids fell out of the tree. The mother did nothing for the fallen zodiac, instead making sure her daughter was alright while Basil continued growling. "Do...do you know that it isn't safe here? There's zodiac hunters around who are going to kill all the zodiacs. We're looking for the tiger from the old generation," Amy said. "You should come with us." @Geozaki
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Lilly found Ella, collapsing beside her "don't be sorry" she said "I'm sorry" she planted a kiss on Ella's cheek "Cupa!" She called brethlessly, knowing she couldn't help Ella much.

Cupa looked towards where Lilly called from, she glanced at the strangers "sorry" she said, she hadn't really taken in what they'd said, but she knew one of them had spoken. She then started running towards Lilly and Ella. When she arrived at them she seemed panicked "what's wrong?" She asked "Ella fell" Lilly replied. Cupa went over to Ella "are you ok?" She asked
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Ella looked at her as she looked down" my foot hurts" she cried" i can't get up i'm sorry" she say crying as she got picked up brought to where the strangers was at" zodiac hunters" she asked as her foot was getting wrapped with a cloth as she sniffed hiccuping" why do you wanna help us" she asked
Lilly smiled as Cupa carried Ella off to safety. She sighed, lying on the floor. She made her best effort to stand again, she Wales back to where everyone was and leaned on a tree for support. Her hand was still clutching her side.

Cupa looked at the strangers "sorry" she said again as she wrapped Ella's foot "we know of the hunters, we were only passing through" but she agreed with Ella's mindset"why do you want to help us?" She repeated Ella's question, so now they'd both asked
"By all means die," Basil snarled in irritation.

"Calm master," the kitsune spoke soothingly to the young dog. "It obviously doesn't know better."

"Because Basil likely lost his parents to zodiac hunters."

"He did," said the kitsune. "Just fifteen minutes ago."

Basil snarled at hearing that. "They always go after zodiacs. I'm going to find the human responsible and kill them." @Geozaki
Ella looked at the strangers as she smiled as she looked at them again as her foot was wrapped as she was getting hungry" i uh cupa what do we do ow that hurts" she say as it was getting lift onto the bag tears began to form" i just want safty and be with my sisters thats all i want i don't want hunters hurt my family" she say to the woman and the boy
"Then maybe zodiacs shouldn't have come to Everstone," snapped Serenity angrily as she thought of her father.

"Serenity," Amy said to her daughter.
"Sorry" Cupa Said as Ella yelped "I'm done now" she said finishing on her foot. She turned to face the strangers after picking Ella up and handing her an apple. "Ok, we'll come" she said "thanks" she added, she was still slightly cutious, but it beat being left alone. Besides she'd stay on high alert just in case.
Ella looked at them" i uh i'm Ella thats my sissy lily and Cupa" she say as she smiled" i think i'm 6 i'm not really sure how old i am" she say embarrassed with the fact she just sighed eating the apple
Jessica pouted. "That's the thing... I don't have a home..." She said quietly, walking slowly out of the base.

BlackMist looked at Rylic. "Good... Seems like she's already been let out..." He said to Rylic. "If I find you do anything to harm any zodiacs, I will hunt you..." He said before disappearing into the forest.
The group walked on though Basil had stopped growling. "How did you remain low for all this time?" Basil asked Miyo. @Sp00ky Nerd

"Well that's a nice name," said Amy to Ella.

When the hunter had left Yuzyu within her room, he went back downstairs. Ash washed the blood from Snow's nose with peroxide and water, causing the wound to sting but allowing it to heal faster. @Zeldafangirl

Daisy watched the cat leave. "Maybe...maybe you could be Jessica?" she asked.

Rylic scoffed at the dragon as it walked away. Maybe you should stay off my land if you want to live, he thought, walking back to the base. @NightCasterZ
Ella looked at her as she smiled" what is your name miss" she asked as she smiled she never knew her real parents so this can be a chance to know what a parent will feel like" and thank you miss for letting us come with you" she say to her as she gave her a smile as she play with her stuffed rabbit the only toy she had

Yuzyu was sleeping on her bed as she wasn't going to wake up for a while after having that bad panic attack

Kendell looked at her mum as she smiled" okay mama" she say as she went to play she didn't understand why she was the only human in her family except for her dad she sometimes sad she was like a freak in her family
Rȳu slowly walked the perimeter of the blast site, conducting a cursory initial examination of the scene. "Well, it would seem the explosion originated here, He pointed to the area in question "And radiated out from there" he concluded, making an explosive gesture.

After a while, he was satisfied with his examination of the immediate scene, and started looking around the outskirts of the area. As he was doing so, he almost tripped over the unconscious figure of a young woman who'd been thrown into an alley. Or perhaps she'd jumped into it; he couldn't tell. He crouched down beside her and shook her gently. "Hello? Anyone in there?"

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Ella whispered something in cupa ear' this is our chance to know what a parents feel like' she whispered as she smiled while getting caried since she broke her foot
Isabella sat at the cafe sipping her coffee as she listened to her mp3 player.she was writing a short story for her schools news paper.as she sipped her coffee she typed away about how teenagers slack off all the time and how some don't.she was on her last paragraph when she heard her phone buzz.she turned off her mp3 player and answered her phone.

" Hello?"

"hi Isabella!This is James your Moms brother."

"o! hey James!Whats up?"

"well your mom has to go to turkey for work and your dad is still in Mexico so you will have to take care of your fish till they get back in about 5 weeks.is that ok?"

"o.....ya that will be fine tell mom i said good bye!"

"i will bye izzie!"

"bye Jim!" Isabella said as she hung up the phone.she saved her short story on her laptop and shoved it in her school bag along with her mp3 player.she put her phone in her sweater pocket and went outside into the open air and started to walk home.

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