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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Cupa smiled at Ella reassuringly "she'll be fine, I'm sure" she said although she said it to herself just as much as she did to Ella
Ella just whimper as she try to stand up but fell she just crawl to her sister she was scared her sister die as she showed her sister her tears in her eyes she was her only family left without her parents
Cupa smiled at Ella reassuringly. Cupa didn't really know much about first aid, but she knew that stopping the bleeding was probably the first thing she should try to do. She rummaged in her bag for the bandages and wrapped it around Lilly's stomach, covering the wound. Cupa made it tight enough to slow the flow of blood, but not so tight that it completely stopped Lilly's circulation

Yuzyu just looked at her dad" DADDY" she say hugging him" i miss daddy" she say smiling

Kendell looked at her mum as she smiled at her dad" bada park with mommy" she say playing with her toys
Suddenly the alpha crouched down and snarled at the smaller two gorehounds. "Quickly! Into the bushes" he ordered before making a dash for a group of plants near the edge of the parking lot. The female and her brother made it under the drooping boughs of the bush in time to see a sleek black car glide quietly past the three gorehound's hiding spot and continue towards the smoking wreckage left by the explosion.

"That was quick, she must have been slinking around while we were hunting the zodiacs." said her brother. "We should go now while she is distracted with whatever scheme she is hatching."

"No." was the alpha's response. "we need to know what she is doing."

"What if she has another zodiac? Could the dogs have had a pup? If so, we need to help them." the female chimed in.

Her brother growled in displeasure. "Are you both insane? We just escaped that psycho and you both want to go back?"

"Pretty much." The alpha said as he shouldered by the other male and padded towards where the vehicle had vanished. Giving one last apologetic look at her brother, the female turned and followed the largest. "You both are going to get yourselves captured!" her brother growled after them.

It was a matter of minutes before he too was padding behind the alpha, hanging back and brooding but following all the same.
Ryu Haynes
Juju said:
Mika nodded her head feebly and took a deep breath. As far as she could tell, the question seemed innocent enough so she answered. "Oh. uh, sure. Well, my name is Mika Sark and I work as a reporter and journalist for the Daily Diviner newspaper. Although I think it might be time for a career change..." She rubbed her head. "And who am I to thank for the wake-up call?"
Somewhere in a nearby tree a soft crowing sounded almost mockingly, causing Mika to growl in displeasure. "Stupid bird..."
The blond nodded as the woman introduced herself. "
My name is Ryu Haynes. I heard gunshots then an explosion so I thought I'd investigate. So how'd you end up in the middle of this mess?"
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Zeldafangirl said:
Yuzyu just looked at her dad" DADDY" she say hugging him" i miss daddy" she say smiling

Kendell looked at her mum as she smiled at her dad" bada park with mommy" she say playing with her toys
Rylic winched as Yuzyu hugged him before sighing and rubbing at his eyes. "Sorry princess but it seems a dragon zodiac is lurking around Everstone," he said. He went upstairs to his study to the presents away and locked it behind him.

"Fine," Enya said as she got up. "Ash dear watch your siblings."

"Alright mommy," said Ash. @Zeldafangirl

Basil was sniffing around for any scent of tiger but couldn't find any. "This tiger is quite elusive," Basil growled as he walked through the forest with Havilah. Amy and Serenity walked behind them.
(sorry for my absense for the past week had no wifi)

Yuzyu just look at her big brother as she sighed as something been bothering her lately about the new zodiacs" big brother what if they come and hurt us" she asked when her parents were gone (do you think kendell can get kidnapped(
Mrs. Blackwell tapped her nails impatiently against her thigh as she looked out the window of the car with a dull expression. Outside, the grey flakes of ash spiraled slowly down onto the road only to rise again in opaque clouds as a van rolled towards them.

Her driver looked at the approaching vehicle with mild curiosity "Have you worked on your pet much lately? Last I heard you had assigned more work for the lab-coats to do on it."

"Ah, so you have heard that. Yes, I have been working on something new this time around." Blackwell said smoothly. "The boys in white found a beneficial discovery last week, although a couple had already had the theory made. It was only a matter of time... and testing"

Once the other vehicle had parked, the driver got out of the vehicle and open the door for Mrs. Blackwell. "Best of luck, ma'am" he said whilst tipping his hat.

High-heels clicked against the cracked pavement as Blackwell strode towards the armed men waiting by the vehicle. "Well, let us not delay. We don't want my darling to get restless, would we?" she said before opening the doors to the back of the van.

(I'll respond with Mika in the morning... gtg to bed now.)
Mika smiled sheepishly at the question. "It's a long story... you probably will think I am crazy. Eh, what the heck, its not like I'm not used to people thinking that i have gone bonkers." She sighed and looked at Ryu for a moment, wondering if he was one of Mrs. Blackwell's pawns. Unlikely... i don't think Blackwell knows that I followed her men, she thought.

She cleared her throat, "Well, Ryu, have you ever heard of Skinwalkers?"




Beta 3

The dark from blended easily with the charred buildings and earth as it stalked towards it prey. Oblivious to the stalker, the prey wandered blindly towards the wreckage left by the explosion with stupid curiosity. As soon as the prey turned its pink face in the other direction, the hunter burst out of cover and bolted across the ashen ground. Beta 3 gave the zodiac just enough time to turn around with a shocked expression before the gorehound slammed into her side and knocked her down.

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Isabella was shocked when she saw the dog run at her.she tried to run but as soon as she looked at the dog thing she felt the hard sidewalk under her she could not struggle against the dogs powerful feet.she was too scared to scream.and she was too shocked to move.she just barley had enough room to breath with the thing on top of her let alone the fact it knocked all the breath out of her.she tried to regain her breath as she thought about why it would have attacked her.buy the way it did not bite her it has no rabies but..... what if it is because i am a zodiac!

(I'm leaving this site for a while as I've lost interest in it and to focus on my fanfiction roleplay. Also lost interest in this role play so all my characters officially died.)
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