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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Bloodshot eyes slowly lifted to look at Rose with a sad expression. "Free?" it slurred out, as if the very word had a queer taste to it. It shook its head as if to shake out these thoughts, "No.It won't stop.. hunt. we must. Hunger, it gnaws..always there..." It stopped its confused muttering when the larger beast snapped its fangs at the smaller mutt's shoulder, causing it to jump back.

The man whom had been speaking earlier reared back his head and gave out a hearty laugh, "Do not worry little dove, I am sure you will learn all of this in time." He then gripped Rose's bound hands roughly in order to get a better grip and raised his gun towards her head.

'Now little dove, would you mind singing a little song to get your husband to accompany you? He wouldn't want you to get lonely during your trip, I hope?"

(muahaha *ahem* one of them can try to escape if you want)
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Lilly looked at Cupa, unsure of the answer to the question. "We'll find somewhere soon" she said "we just have to keep moving until then" then she want silent 'or they'll find us' she thought to herself.

They arrived at the shelter, Cupa let Lilly and Ella enter first before following them in

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Ella looked at her" okay" she say as she went inside the shelter as she sat on the floor as she smiled" sissy" she say laying on her as she held onto cupa too
NightCasterZ said:
Black Mist, in his human form, followed Rylic from behind silently.
Jessica wandered into the hunter base, now in her human form. She was clueless and looked about for people.

Kuro had finished his meal and went to the park for a walk.
The servants were busy doing things around the base/mansion so that nobody noticed Jessica for a while until one of the servants who fed Rylic's came upon Jessica. "Who are you?" the servant questioned.

Rylic continued towards town and began walking towards the store where he'd had Yuzyu's 'princess dress' custom made.

Zeldafangirl said:
Yuzyu looked at her mother" its okay emi is fun with that other kitten she's cute i want that one" she say to her as she smiled looking at her mum" so mum what we gonna do today" she say as she smiled
Kendell just smiled as she looked at her brother as she was watching tv
"As I said you'll have to ask your father when he returns. I don't know what we're doing today," Enya said to Yuzyu.

Ash shook his head and turned his attention to watching the television, Shale and Violet having gone back to sleep while Daisy was petting Snow who Rylic had left with the kids. @Zeldafangirl

Pine just hissed at the house cat. "Cat protect ugly rat," he said. @Kittycat

"Daddy said they lived in the forest outside of Everstone," Serenity said. "Though he wasn't sure where exactly." @Sp00ky Nerd

Juju said:
Bloodshot eyes slowly lifted to look at Rose with a sad expression. "Free?" it slurred out, as if the very word had a queer taste to it. It shook its head as if to shake out these thoughts, "No.It won't stop.. hunt. we must. Hunger, it gnaws..always there..." It stopped its confused muttering when the larger beast snapped its fangs at the smaller mutt's shoulder, causing it to jump back.
The man whom had been speaking earlier reared back his head and gave out a hearty laugh, "Do not worry little dove, I am sure you will learn all of this in time." He then gripped Rose's bound hands roughly in order to get a better grip and raised his gun towards her head.

'Now little dove, would you mind singing a little song to get your husband to accompany you? He wouldn't want you to get lonely during your trip, I hope?"

(muahaha *ahem* one of them can try to escape if you want)
Rose ignored the human as she looked at the gorehounds. 'Kill your master and you may be free. You're still dogs, even if you're gorehounds. You should be free or stay with the dog zodiac which is me,' she said to them. 'You, bigger one...quit bullying the smaller ones!' she snapped at it in Canine. 'Why do you bully them anyway? You could easily rip out the throats of these humans, protecting the smaller ones. That's what an alpha does. They make sacrifices for the rest of the pack to ensure the pack's survival...but without a leader the pack is defenseless.' She listened as there was a gunshot and the human holding the gun to her head got his brains splattered onto the yard. "Bastard," she muttered at his corpse.

Another gunshot echoed as Josh aimed the gun at the other human, firing and killing the other guard with the gorehounds, shooting the guy in his eye before blowing a hole into his head, the body falling on the ground with a thud. Rose grabbed the dead human's gun. "The bitch's name is Blackwell and she's some smartass human zodiac hunter," Rose said to Josh. "As we suspected."

"Zodiac Hunters here as well and all because of that dragon zodiac Ruby," Josh said in disgust. "What are they?"

"Poor canines who are being tortured," Rose said sadly as she looked at them. She looked to the gorehounds and knelt in front of them. "I'm going to try something. I don't know if it will work or not but listen," Rose said. She calmly placed the gun against her head. Looking at the three gorehounds she looked at them before speaking in Canine. 'I am going to shed my blood upon the ground here. I'll have a few minutes after I end my life in which you can take my blood before it vanishes forever. Taking the blood of the dog zodiac should free you of your corrupted bonds to the human,' she said to them. 'But either way you now have a name by which to go by if this does not work. This Blackwell person will just kill me for she isn't interested in finding out why her little pet died. All of us know it even though we know nothing about the other zodiac animals here, other than that they all die or disappear from this town. Discover why the zodiacs appear in Everstone and perhaps with my blood you can be free.' Rose looked at her husband who smiled sadly and hugged her. He murmured something in her ear as he hugged her and she nodded sadly. Removing a hidden knife she calmly make deep cuts across her throat, and wrists before handing the knife to her husband and pointed the gun to her head before pulling the trigger. There was a second of pain as the bullet entered her skull before the gun dropped from her hand onto the ground, Josh catching his dead wife's body as it fell back and laid her on the ground. "The gunshots will have sent the other hunters running. I suggest you make a quick decision about my wife's offer," he said. "She truly is deserving of being the descendant of the dog." @Juju
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Black Mist continued and entered the shop after Rylic did. He's heard news of this guy and made sure to take precautions.

Jessica looked at the aervant, standing up adorably. "I'm lost..."
NightCasterZ said:
Black Mist continued and entered the shop after Rylic did. He's heard news of this guy and made sure to take precautions.
Jessica looked at the aervant, standing up adorably. "I'm lost..."
Rylic tossed the shop keeper a five hundred dollar bills totaling three hundred for the dress and then two hundred as a tip after carefully inspecting the dress before getting it wrapped up and walked out of the shop to get cake.

"You have no right to be here unless you are one of the young mistress's friends and even then the master and mistress haven't mentioned anything about friends of the young mistress Yuzyu coming over," said the servant. @NightCasterZ

Kittycat said:
Meow I'm protecting her Emi says because..........Enya don't get mad if i tell you this ~meow~
Enya stared at Emi. "How are you talking cat?" she hissed. @Kittycat
Well I know you will kill me but my real name is...is Aiko Aiko says and I'm really a Zodiac and she's really my sister I don't care if you kill me I want to stay in cat form forever but I will show you my true form if you you want like I said I don't really care if you kill me my family thinks I'm dead so I don't care if they think that Aiko says.
Lilly holds Ella close to her, Cupa wrapped her arms around both Ella and Lilly protectively. "You two get some sleep" she said soothingly. "You'll need your rest"
Kittycat said:
Well I know you will kill me but my real name is...is Aiko Aiko says and I'm really a Zodiac and she's really my sister I don't care if you kill me I want to stay in cat form forever but I will show you my true form if you you want like I said I don't really care if you kill me my family thinks I'm dead so I don't care if they think that Aiko says.
"I hate zodiacs," Enya hissed. "Get out of here or I'll set Rylic's dire wolf on you!" Grabbing Pine who squeaked in surprise, she stormed back into the house. @Kittycat
"Fine then," Enya hissed. "SNOW!""

The dire wolf ran out of the living and outside at his master's girl's voice. "Kill," she said pointing at Emi. The dire wolf yipped and then lunged towards the cat. @Kittycat
Aiko put her claw out it hit the nose of Snow it was bleeding really hard the blood was every where even on her paws.
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Snow yelped and snarled at the cat. Growling, he prowled towards the cat, this time making sure he stayed out of the cat's reach.
Blackwell clutched her seat as she heard the news "What? She did what? no! " there was a pause as the mumbled words of a woman added another comment. "Are you sure? Well keep watching - I want to see this, connect it to my own computer here." in an instant the screen displayed the deaths of her soldiers. She skipped that part; what she was interested in was what came next... the dog zodiac's sacrifice. From the way one of the soldiers had slumped against the wall of the house, the camera in his helmet gave her a good view of the scene. Although she could hear faint breathing from the microphone in the helmet, she payed no notice. "Unbelievable... it is fascinating with the concept of the blood. I will have to utilize this in the future." she pressed a button to address the woman whom had contacted her. "Send this to the boys in white will you. I want this documented and researched at once".

"Already on it." the voice replied

Blackwell turned back to the now current video and sighed. "Such a waste... why do they do this? Taking one's life only means that there is a zero percent chance of escape. I am glad such folly does not exist in all of the zodiacs."

"She must have thought that we were one of the hunters, ma'am" said her driver.

"hmm, yes. well then let them."


Although the smaller two gorehounds began to eagerly lap up the blood from Rose's wounds, the largest seemed to hesitate and think about it before eventually deciding to join in. Once they had gorged themselves on her blood, a sudden dark seemed to lift from the two hounds' eyes. The largest however, yelped in pain and fell to the ground in series of convulsions whilst its very skin began to bubble.

"What did you do to him?!" one of the gorehounds whipped around and looked up at Josh in alarm.

"The larger one will be fine," Josh said as he picked the gorehound up and held it against him, winching as it burned his skin and through his clothes. "He needs to feel the pain of death before he can be truly free of Blackwell for Rose sensed he was becoming as corrupted as the living Beta 3 that is still alive. But yes there is something that draws zodiacs here and then kills them though we never found out what it was. At most the zodiacs who live here will be here for a few months and then die or leave but until the reason is found..." his skin was starting to intensify in heat, pulling out a remote from his pocket. It was a backup plan in case they were found, killing everything and everyone in a two hundred foot radius. "...until the reason is found zodiacs and the hunters will come here. If..." he smirked as the larger gorehound began melting the flesh off his hands... "now stay there or you will die," he said holding placing his thumb on the button..."and be free like my wife wanted." Using his arm he set the larger gorehound with the smaller ones and drew a circle around them in his blood. Speaking in a foreign tongue, he smirked as he felt his life spread from himself to power the circle before he pressed the button, the house exploding with the truck the gorehounds had rode in here, the cutoff of the dogs' howling as a giant fireball exploded from the house, destroying with the rest of the block and the living soldiers. @Juju

Somewhere outside of Everstone, the ground trembled before dying away, a pair of green eyes shot open, feline pupils dilating, as a scream of pain and sadness filled the small underground cave, far beneath the town and a red fox slowly stumbled to its paws, a flash of fire appearing as its sword was summoned to its side. If it had been awoken then it meant its dog friend had died and it was time...to go to its master.
Jessica tilts her head. "Maybe I am their friend?" She asked curiously.

Black Mist smirked and continued trailing Rylic.
"Never seen you before," the servant said before leaving to attend to his other duties around the mansion.

Rylic got his cake and then went to the livery to get supplies for the foal that Ash could use. Once they were packaged up, he made his way back to the forest and his home. @NightCasterZ
Angry flames wrapped around the three gorehounds, the invisible dome created by Josh being the only thing between them and the inferno. Hot, dry wind whipped through her fur as the smallest gorehound crouched down beside her brother and the large one with no name. She remembered now how it was to feel fear once more, but it was a small price to pay; she could think again. It was hard to imagine that you could be terrified and relieved at the same time.

Even as the wave of flame eased down into scattered patches of separate fires among the charred ruins of the block, the hound dared not move. Where they stood was the last patch of living green drowned amid a sea of ash and death. To her left she could see the charred corpses of the two dog zodiacs whom had sacrificed themselves for herself and her companions, but for what? Why would they do such a thing for some sorry mutts who were created for the sole purpose of hunting her kind. Guilt seeped over her as she looked to the charred skeletons of the buildings that had once stood in the block, the stink of burnt meat filling her nostrils. They were not the only ones to die that day.

She nearly jumped when her brother spoke up, voice hoarse from the smoke, "What are we going to do with him." he said and from the tone of voice she knew whom he was referring to. The giant brute's skin had become a darker shade, as if it too had been charred by the fire and the very teeth protruding from his mouth seemed longer. Her brother snarled down at the unconscious gorehound "Look how he is beginning to look like a 3... we should put him down now while he is defenseless. The zodiac said we are free to choose our own fates from now on. We must act!"

The smallest was less certain. "What if he wakes?" she said while gingerly pawing at the brute. "and what if you can't kill him quick enough... I don't know"

Her brother growled "If you are too craven, I will do it my-" he was cut off as a heavy paw smashed him across the jaw and pressed his head down onto the singed grass. Teeth gnashed inches away from his ear as the largest of the three glowered at the smaller male. Now that his eyes were open, she realized that the gorehound's eyes had an unnatural glow to them.

(oh my gosh all the recent deaths! and that inferno tho. @eclipsehowls)


Zeldafangirl said:
sorry i been out what has happend @eclipsehowls )
I just killed Basil's parents to save the gorehounds from Blackwell, the woman who Basil and his parents believe to be a zodiac hunter and awaken Basil's kitsune guardian, destroying the entire block and everyone in it. That including sadly sacrificing the pack of dogs that Rose and Basil controlled but sacrifices must be made.

Rylic is being followed by the dragon zodiac Black Mist and Jessica is inside the mansion back to his home after he just got Yuzyu's dress, cake and bridle/saddle/saddleblanket for Ash's foal.

Basil has said he's going to kill Blackwell and all the other humans responsible for killing down zodiacs, including the human (i.e. the 'news reporter' of Juju's) who led the gorehounds to the dog zodiacs' house. Now they're going to Enya and beg her to help them destroy Ruby and Kittycat's three characters as well as the humans.

Rose mentioned to the dog zodiacs before she died that there is something in Everstone that draws the zodiacs and zodiac hunters alike to the town and then causes them to die. Find that and the gorehounds will be fine but the younger two are safe (for now) from Blackwell while the older gorehound doesn't seem to have changed at all from Juju's recent post.
Had Josh and his wife Rose been alive, they would have been saddened to see that their sacrifice hadn't worked with the largest gorehound but their spirits had passed on upon their deaths. Still the two smallest gorehounds were free and that is what Rose had wanted, hoping that the sacrifice and blood she had given would work.

Amy and Serenity nodded with Basil's answer and began walking towards the forest, Basil following them. Basil had no idea where the tiger zodiac with her hunter mate lived but hoped they could reason with the tigress not to kill them like she had the zodiacs before them. There was nothing in this town for the rat zodiac and her mother, nor the now orphaned dog zodiac and thus the possibility of leaving if the tigress did not agree to help them was a real possibility. All Shadow had wanted for his daughter and fiancee was to live in their town without having to worry about being killed and sadly it was obviously not going to happen.

Enya was in the master bedroom taking a shower as the children were downstairs in the living room still. likely under the watchful eyes of guard, servants and Gabby. Meanwhile Rylic was on his way home through the forest, soon accompanied by some lions who had been hunting food to feed the pride of big cats and the cubs. He looked at the prey they had caught and nodded absently, continuing on while holding the presents and cake in bags. "These are for the oldest cubs," he said holding up the bags. But the cats ignored his chatter, focusing on watching the forest. @NightCasterZ

Ash stared at Emily disconcertingly. "Daddy hates zodiacs. But he'll probably let you stay since you mean so much to mommy," he said not knowing that his mother had already spoken to his father about his new aunt. "Mommy hates zodiacs as well. They just made mommy and daddy and Aunt Gabby suffer. That's why they were destroyed although mother had no business cheating on daddy like she did," he said gesturing towards Shale and Violet who were still sleeping on the floor. The child was suffering from a damn fever and was in his human form even though it was daytime. He'd be in his human form during the day until the fever passed so it was an odd experience for his younger siblings. @Zeldafangirl

The fox blinked his green eyes as he looked around the cave where he had been put into his permanent sleep and focused on his master's location. His weapon was sentient, a sword crafted by one of the higher kitsune, and was of the alignment neutral-evil while the fox was good. One would not think this was a kitsune looking at the fox, for it only had one tail. But Kitsune gained one tail every 100 years and they could also lose tails depending on if they did bad deeds. After slipping his sword on, the kitsune focused on his master's location and teleported to Basil, appearing in front of a teen girl who smelled oddly like a snake. @Sp00ky Nerd
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Suddenly, Black Mist threw a rain of arrows at Rylic.

Jessica continued walking, looking for the children she'd heard of.
NightCasterZ said:
Suddenly, Black Mist threw a rain of arrows at Rylic.
Jessica continued walking, looking for the children she'd heard of.
Rylic dropped the bag with the stuff for Ash's foal on the ground as a rain of arrows flew towards him, one hitting him in his shoulder and burying itself in the muscle. The hunter swore and tripped, on the ground, the arrows flying over his head, one hitting the dead deer on a lion's back. The big cats snarled and half of the hunting party went onward while the other half remained behind, dodging the arrows.

Violet opened her eyes as she scented something. "Big brother Ash, me smell stranger," she said to him.

Ash lifted his head and sniffed the air. "The rest of you remain here with Aunt Gabby and Aunt Emily," Ash said before getting off the couch and walking towards the scent, only to bump into a girl at the entrance of the living room, falling back down on his butt. @NightCasterZ
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