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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Kendell just giggled as she played with her mother as she hugged her" eily" she say try to say" daysy" she say looking ag her sister as she clapped her hands

Gabby just went downstairs seeing the others
When Amy got to the park,she pulled into a parking space. There were a few children there already with their parents and Serenity got out and ran to the swings and got on a swing. Amy walked to a bench and sat down, watching Serenity and making sure nobody came near her. The mother had become overly protective of Serenity with Shadow's death. @Sp00ky Nerd

Daisy came back into the room, having sent a servant upstairs to carry out her mother's orders and changed the channel to Disney West.

"Hello Gabby. Emily this is Gabby, the sheep, my friend and servant. Gabby this is apparently my younger sister Emily who is a tiger zodiac like myself, Daisy and Yuzyu." @Zeldafangirl
Kendell just looked at her sisters as she just yawned a little as she place her head on her mom's shoulder as she didn't want to take a nap at all" i no want nap" she say being fussy as she was yawning rubbing her eyes as she start to close her eyes a bit

Gabby just nodded" hiya" she say

Emily was being quite as she nods she didn't really talk much she was scared that she get hit
Cupa looked down at Lilly "why don't you get some rest" she said "we've been walking for ages, and it would be a good idea to recharge a little before we go foraging" Lilly looked up at Cupa "I don't mind keeping watch" she offered, not wanting Cupa to do all the work Cupa shook her head. "No, you get some sleep" "o-ok" Lilly agreed hesitantly "but only if you wake me up in a bit so you can get some rest too."

"Ok I will"


"I promise"

Satisfied, Lilly leaned against Cupa "I love you" she mumbled tiredly "love you too" Cupa said hugging Lilly into her. Lilly soon drifted off to sleep, and Cupa kept a watchful eye on the outside.

(Not sure how to introduce Sophie)
Ella was lost as her sister and cupa left her somewhere deep in the forest as she was crying as she try to find her sister as she was hiccuping walking" cupa lily" she say crying for her sister @Geozaki
Lilly woke up, she looked around slowly and worriedly "I thought she was following" she mumbled, before shooting off into the trees. Cupa followed, it took her a moment but she realised what Lilly was doing. "Ella!" Lilly and Cupa called repeatedly, frantically searching for her
Ella was crying as she was close to the trees as she could be heard from far away" sissy Cupa" she cried for them she didn't know where she was or where her sisters were she heard something in distance but she was too scared to get up as she saw her sister" LILY CUPA" she say as she was scared" i was so scared" she say hiccuping while crying @Geozaki
Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell just looked at her sisters as she just yawned a little as she place her head on her mom's shoulder as she didn't want to take a nap at all" i no want nap" she say being fussy as she was yawning rubbing her eyes as she start to close her eyes a bit
Gabby just nodded" hiya" she say

Emily was being quite as she nods she didn't really talk much she was scared that she get hit
Enya shook her head and carried Kendell up to her room, leaving the kids with Gabby and Emily. Pine stumbled up the stairs after his mother while Ash sat down beside Daisy with Shale and Violet sitting on the floor. Enya set Kendell in her crib and turned the light off before heading back downstairs with Pine. "There's no rats here Pine."

Pine squeaked and ducked behind his mother, causing Enya to sigh. She hoped he would grow out of his fear of rats. Sighing she took him outside to the barn to check on the mare that Ash had become friends with and see if it had given birth yet.

"Ugly animal," Rylic muttered before turning to see Enya and Pine. The child had slowly warmed up to his father after Rylic had awoken from the coma. "Enya what is this nasty thing?" He nudged the cat roughly with his foot.

Enya stared at it. "I don't know Rylic," Enya said. "It looks like its mutated somehow."

"Obviously," Rylic said rolling his eyes. "I'm going to town. Get rid of it."

"Yes Rylic," Enya said with a sigh before watching him walk off into the forest. She knew he was going to check on Yuzyu's dress. Enya took Pine to the barn to see the mare had given birth in the night, a beautiful cherry bay foal lying beside its mother sleeping. Chuckling Enya took Pine before he could startle the horses and went to let Emi out of the shed. @Kittycat

Basil didn't trust these people and ran away from them before they could get him, wondering where his parents were.
Enya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Emi wanted to jump on her And her kid and Purred and rubbed her fur agiast Pine and Enya.
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Juliette was sleeping beside her sister as she liked her as she yawned a little sleeping cutely as she woke up seeing a kid

Yuzyu was watching tv with her big brother" happy birthday ash" she say hugging him as she smiled sitting on the ground as she was excited she saw cake earlier" mommy don't know there cake in the fridge" she say to him laughing a bit
Pine hissed at the cat, his fur rising up on his back. "It's fine Pine. This is just the house cat but I need to get rid of that other cat before your father comes back. She bent to stroke Emi's head. @Kittycat

Basil ran and ran as far as he could through Everstone, smacking headlong into Miyo. @Sp00ky Nerd

"Mama doesn't know a lot of things apparently," Ash said. "But happy birthday I guess," he grumbled.

Pine saw the other kitty and hissed at that as well. "Rat!"

"That's not a rat," Enya said. "It's a kitten like Emi here," she said. @Zeldafangirl
Juliette looked at them" hi" she say as she was laying on her paws as she just woke up as she just stretched going under her sister she was pretty attached to emi/aiko she was happy" I'm jul" she say to the boy under her sister as she laughed as her head was hurting a bit she been in this form for 3 days" i can be a slave to you if i can't stay and if i can't keep in this form" she maybe she knew that she was a zodiac
Juliette looked at her" but.... she knows already i can tell' she thought to her sister as she was laying down yawning
Juliette was having a fit as she just lay down" meh" she say sticking her tongue out laughing
Mrs. Blackwell sighed as the boy ran away, "I do hate it when things like this happen... when things go askew one cannot help but do ghastly things." she said to her driver as they walked back to the car. The vehicle purred back to life as the driver restarted the engine, Blackwell now sitting comfortably in the back seat. Tapping a button, she spoke into a microphone, "How are things at the residence of the Eclipse family? Well I hope."

After a brief pause, one of her men's voices sounded from her earpiece, "The two are still in the house and refusing to step out."

"Well get them out then, do what you must." she responded cooly.

"At once, ma'am" he replied and looked up at the burly one who was knocking on the door. "You are suspected murderers, you are to come with us for questioning. If you are innocent there should be no problem... if you do not come out we have no choice but to assume you are hiding something or have dangerous intent."

"We will give you until the count of 10"



Pine cocked his head at the house cat talking (Emi) before batting Emi away with a paw. @Kittycat

Enya rolled her eyes. "Pine, now you can't tell your brother about his present being born. It was the baby horse."

Pine looked back at his mother. "Okay mama," he said before giving a cute yawn.

Amy turned to the child as he ran into Miyo. "What is it child?" she asked Basil.

Basil sniffed the air catching the scent of human, rat, and snake. Zodiacs! he thought to himself in excitement before he remembered the trouble his parents were facing!

"Zodiac help! Mommy and daddy trapped by bad people! Bad people come to school and try taking me with them but I ran away!"

"Serenity," Amy called to her daughter. Amy ran over to her mother and Miyo.

Serenity looked at Basil. "Mama, he doggie," she said.

Amy blinked. "Slow down kid. Now what's your name and what do you mean some people came to take you away?"

Basil looked from the woman to the two girls. "Last night someone got attacked by a bad man. Mama said it was another zodiac that was attacked. The zodiac told mama if he was allowed to live then he would hunt us all down. A strange dog zodiac came and tacked the human and mama killed him by taking out his throat."

Serenity shivered as she listened and hid behind her mother. "Now there bad people at home probably trying to take mama and daddy away. A mean woman and man came to school and tried taking me with them."

"MIyo do you know anything about this? Shadow spoke of Zodiac Hunters before. It sounds like that is what they are."

Mama's the dog zodiac before me," said Basil. "Mama said there was a dragon zodiac and she isn't sure what the other zodiac was but they ran away after taking the injured zodiac." @Sp00ky Nerd

Josh and Rose looked at each other again before Rose handed her gun to Josh and walked out. "My husband doesn't know anything about a murder but I can tell you what happened," she said. @Juju
Miyo blinked quickly, trying to process what had just happened. She looked from the child who had just run into her to Amy and Serenity. "Z-Zodiac Hunters? My grandmother used to speak of people like that, almost...but I always thought it was just a story to scare me." Her head was spinning from all the information flooding her. @eclipsehowls
Jessica let out another meow. "I-I'm... I think... Jessica..." She whispered softly. Her two tails twirled around slowly. "W-Who are you?"
"They are not stories," Amy said. "Shadow said there were hunters trying to kill the zodiacs in this town when he was here. He was captured by one with the cat Shito, the dragon Jakob, and the tiger Enya. But they escaped and then after zodiacs began harassing and wandering into the forest outside of town, the tiger's mate began to get angry and sent his hunters to kill all the dragon and sheep zodiacs." @Sp00ky Nerd

NightCasterZ said:
Jessica let out another meow. "I-I'm... I think... Jessica..." She whispered softly. Her two tails twirled around slowly. "W-Who are you?"
"Lovely. A talking mutated cat," Rylic muttered sarcastically, having to come back to get the shopping list of things Enya said they needed. "Rylic Haven cat. Now go away. I'm busy." @NightCasterZ

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