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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

(Hey, sorry haven't done anything in this RP yet guys, could someone please give me a really quick summary? Not sure I can take in 15 pages all at once :P )
  • Someone was hunting the zodiac Ruby. Rose (Basil's mother-my character) killed the man because Ruby said if he lived then the man would kill them all. Juju's character heard about the dead body in the alley while Rose went back to her house to talk to her husband about leaving but they decided to leave. Now the Gorehounds and the evil people are planning on killing the dog zodiacs (Rose and Basil but Basil is safe as he is at Saturday School.
  • Kittycat's first three characters ran away with Isa and Seki as Kat was on Rylic's land and Enya's lion general told them that Enya and Rylic were going to kill all the zodiacs if they didn't leave the forest so they ran away to a mansion in the countryside.
  • Rylic and Enya found a new kitty (Juliette who ran away from home) and is stuck in cat form as she is the cat. She is now at Rylic and Enya's second home for 3 days before she has to leave.
  • Enya's long lost sister that she doesn't remember showed up and is now in the underground cells where Enya was talking to her.
  • Gabby (Enya's servant/friend)-the sheep zodiac, was kidnapped by J.J. (Jack-dragon and Cadence-Ram) son's girlfriend I guess (Kathy) but escaped.
  • Serenity and her mother Amy were found by snake zodiac Miyo who is now at Amy's house with Amy and Serenity-rat zodiac)
Wait don't go in there Emi grabbed her by the neck (Cats don't get hurt Doing that ~Meow~)Pulled her back come with me or your not going to stay here to get food our anything also.
eclipsehowls said:
Serenity shrugged in response. "Who knows? Daddy never saw her or any of the other zodiacs again except for the horse and he too left within a week Daddy said," Serenity said. "Daddy used to live in the sewers until he left and came across mommy. Then they got this house and we've been here ever since." @Sp00ky Nerd
Miyo listened to Serenity's story. "Stories like this seem to be a theme, almost. By the time I was born, the only Zodiacs around were my mother and my grandmother. And by the time I was ten, not even that. Like you said, they all just left, or died." She stared slightly off into space, pondering this. "I wonder when breakfast will be ready?" She wondered out loud, more to herself than Serenity. @eclipsehowls
eclipsehowls said:
  • Someone was hunting the zodiac Ruby. Rose (Basil's mother-my character) killed the man because Ruby said if he lived then the man would kill them all. Juju's character heard about the dead body in the alley while Rose went back to her house to talk to her husband about leaving but they decided to leave. Now the Gorehounds and the evil people are planning on killing the dog zodiacs (Rose and Basil but Basil is safe as he is at Saturday School.
  • Kittycat's first three characters ran away with Isa and Seki as Kat was on Rylic's land and Enya's lion general told them that Enya and Rylic were going to kill all the zodiacs if they didn't leave the forest so they ran away to a mansion in the countryside.
  • Rylic and Enya found a new kitty (Juliette who ran away from home) and is stuck in cat form as she is the cat. She is now at Rylic and Enya's second home for 3 days before she has to leave.
  • Enya's long lost sister that she doesn't remember showed up and is now in the underground cells where Enya was talking to her.
  • Gabby (Enya's servant/friend)-the sheep zodiac, was kidnapped by J.J. (Jack-dragon and Cadence-Ram) son's girlfriend I guess (Kathy) but escaped.
  • Serenity and her mother Amy were found by snake zodiac Miyo who is now at Amy's house with Amy and Serenity-rat zodiac)
(Really big thanks! Will work on an intro post now :) )
Juliette just looked at her as she smiled going with her she was all confused why she was getting help by emi as she just follow her again
Your wondering why i'm helping you Right Emi says i want to help you contral your zodiac power ~Meow~
Juliette looked at her" how did you know" she say as she go undr emi legs again as she just giggled
Juliette smiled to her" do you know who i am" she asked" i don't remember much" she say sniffing her
(OK, if any of this is wrong, I'm very sorry, just virtually slap me or something)

Cupa walked slightly ahead of Lilly and Ella (if you want @Zeldafangirl ) Cupa had always been a friend to them, and had felt like their older sister, so she usually considered it her job to protect them. Where were they going? That was a good question. Due to... Family problems, they didn't really have a place to stay. So in answer to the question, they were looking for somewhere to shelter for a couple of nights before moving on again.

(Hope that's ok)
Zeldafangirl said:
Juliette just follow them as she smiled
Emily looked sad" oh i was 3 at the time i ran away from mother she gave me these bruises your mother i didn't know her name but i was at the ruins for like few hours than i went back to that house" she explained" you were reading a book named clifford" she say" you were 5" she say frowning a bit
Enya tilted her head as Emily spoke, trying to think past memories of her childhood before shaking her head. "Sorry I don't remember you," Enya said. But then I try not to remember the bad times or the good times, she thought sadly. Enya sighed and studied her before removing Rylic's master key and opening the cage door. "Rylic hates zodiacs. I don't much like them either after all they have done to me. So Rylic and I had them killed. But...your family...so I guess that counts...for something." @Zeldafangirl

Serenity sighed and got up, going to feed her rats. Her mother said since she was the rat zodiac, she was in charge of feeding her little pets/friends. Amy set waffles on three plates with bacon strips, toast, sausage links, and fried potatoes on the table with butter, syrup, grape jam and strawberry jam for the waffles and toast. She then walked into the living room. "Breakfast is ready Miyo," Amy said before disappearing back into the dining room. @Sp00ky Nerd
Emily looked at her as she nodded as she got out of the cage" okay i'm Emily just emily nothing else" she say trying to start over with her big sister" i'm 13 and i like to read and train" she say
Yes i know your my sister Emi says you got sick are parents died you got sent to a foster home they let you go then you went somewhere but thats all i remener.
Juliette started to cry as she couldn't believe she was emi sister" emi" she cried
Juliette just smiled as she licked her face" akio" she say to her sister" me tired" she say yawning as she was picked up by her colar in akio mouth as she was falling asleep
Cupa ducked under a low branch of a tree, she lead the way through a small forest, her eyes darting around the place in search for somewhere to shelter. That's when she found somewhere. At the base if a tree there was a large alcove, almost like an animal's burrow, she crawled inside to test it out, Lilly followed her inside "this is cozy" Cupa said Lilly nodded "yeah" she smiled
Zeldafangirl said:
Emily looked at her as she nodded as she got out of the cage" okay i'm Emily just emily nothing else" she say trying to start over with her big sister" i'm 13 and i like to read and train" she say
"Well I'm fifteen," Enya said. "Rylic's 29 and now my fiancee as of last night. You're also the aunt to all seven of my children. Yuzyu and Daisy got cursed with the zodiac. Pine is a tiger who can only transform to human when a female outside the family touches him. Kendell is the only human child we have, we aren't sure why that is. Ash is a tiger who can only become human at night and when he is very ill. Yuzyu also has asthma that Rylic says she got from his side of the family and dyslexia. Shale and Violet are ligers and Rylic's step children. Their father died after they were born." @Zeldafangirl
Emily looked at her" may i meet them" she asked as she smiled" i mean if its okay with you" she say

Yuzyu just drink the tea as she finished" can i go play daddy i don't wanna sleep" she say to her dad

Kendell finished with the food as she played around with her toys
Zeldafangirl said:
Emily looked at her" may i meet them" she asked as she smiled" i mean if its okay with you" she say
Yuzyu just drink the tea as she finished" can i go play daddy i don't wanna sleep" she say to her dad

Kendell finished with the food as she played around with her toys
Enya looked at Emily before nodding her consent. "That's fine. They need to get used to you anyway," Enya said, slipping Rylic's master key back into her pocket and leading the way up to the base.

"Alright but let me or Gabby or your mother know if you have another attack," Rylic said. He went downstairs to eat his breakfast, watching the rest of the children eating. @Zeldafangirl
Emily was somewhat nervous but she just went up to the base following her big sister as she sighed as she hide her brusises with her hair

Kendell just looked at her daddy as she smiled" dada" she say as she watch him eat as she tripped while the floor was wet as she cried

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