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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Kendell woke up as she smiled it was the first time she slept on a bed as she rubbed her eyes" dada" she say hugging him

Yuzyu just woke up as she got ready for school as she was excited as she saw ash and the others" um mama daddy i made a friend at school he wants to meet you his name is jacob" she say to them nervous about what ash and the others will say
Miyo smiled, following Serenity up the stairs to the guest room. "Thank you, Serenity. I haven't slept inside in a really long time. I'm really excited!" she said to her. She turned around and mouthed a quick "Thank you" to Amy as well. @eclipsehowls
"No rat," said Pine, looking scared.

Enya looked at her son and put her hand on his head. "No rats," Enya agreed.

Ash looked affronted at his sister making friends with anybody at school, let alone a boy. Shale and Violet didn't know what to think. Daisy smiled. "New friend!" she said happily.

Rylic picked up Kendell and glanced at Enya. "Is this Jacob a real friend or like that disgusting human? Is he a zodiac or a human?" Rylic questioned.

The leopard brought in a fawn for the cubs to eat along with Juliette before it left, leaving them in the shed. @Zeldafangirl

Amy had nodded at Miyo and Serenity showed her to the second guest room. There were actually five bedrooms, two for guests and three for family as Shadow had wanted more children. Now she was making waffles and looked sadly at a picture of Shadow holding Serenity right before she had transformed into a rat in his arms. Amy had taken the picture after Serenity had been born.

Serenity walked into the living room and began watching a home video of her and her parents. @Sp00ky Nerd
Yuzyu just giggled as she smiled" no daddy he's a zodiac he's really nice he's the rabbit" she say to her father as she sat at the table as her math homework wasn't check yet" daddy you forgot to check my math homework" she say

Kendell look at her dad as she hugged him" mama me hungry" she say
"Alright," Enya said as she disappeared downstairs, moving the servants out of the way as she began cooking food.

"Right," Rylic said setting Kendell down. "Ash take the rest of your siblings to their rooms and make sure Daisy, Kendell and Pine get dressed."

"Okay dad," said Ash as he took his five siblings to their rooms.

Rylic then sat on the bed and picked up Yuzyu before looking over her math homework. He changed the answer to a couple of her problems and showed Yuzyu how to do the problems correctly. "Only two mistakes. You'll get it in time," he said to her. @Zeldafangirl
Kendell just looked at her big brother as she held his hand" aiy" she say trying to say his name

Yuzyu just looked at her dad" okay let me fix it daddy" she say as she fix it" so do you wanna meet him" she asked" whoy does ash have to be so overprotective i thought he be happy that i made a friend" she say pouting fixing her homework
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Miyo stood awkwardly at the corner of the living room, alternating between watching Amy cook and watching the home videos Serenity had put on. She suddenly felt like an intruder in their home, as if she was observing a lifetime of memories she had no business in. She stayed very still, eyes flicking between the records of this stranger family, and realized she could not even remember her own . She remembered being held in her parents arms but could not recall their faces. Against herself, she began to cry, hot tears burning down her cheeks. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, hoping neither other person would notice @eclipsehowls
Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell just looked at her big brother as she held his hand" aiy" she say trying to say his name
Yuzyu just looked at her dad" okay let me fix it daddy" she say as she fix it" so do you wanna meet him" she asked" whoy does ash have to be so overprotective i thought he be happy that i made a friend" she say pouting fixing her homework
"Ash," said Ash. "Pine, Daisy, Shale, Violet, Yuzyu, Kendell," he said pointing at his siblings as he said their names, ending with Kendell by pointing at her. He went into Kendell's room and Daisy helped Kendell get dressed before the 3rd generation tiger went into her room to get dressed as Ash took Kendell to Shale and Violet's room, pushing open the cracked door. Once the twins had been delivered to their room, he took Pine to his room. "Daddy forgets Pine doesn't change until he's touched by women outside of the family," Ash muttered to himself.

Enya sent a plate down to the dungeons to Emily as she continued cooking food. She'd have to talk to Rylic about Emily who was her sister supposedly.

"I don't know," Rylic said. "If he's a zodiac you have to be careful that you do not touch him or else you'll turn into a tiger and him into a prey animal. I suppose we can meet him," he relented. "I'll come get you after school and I'll meet him then. As for Ash and being overprotective, well that's the way all big brothers are when their sisters get boyf... friends who are boys," Rylic quickly amended. @Zeldafangirl

[QUOTE="Sp00ky Nerd]Miyo stood awkwardly at the corner of the living room, alternating between watching Amy cook and watching the home videos Serenity had put on. She suddenly felt like an intruder in their home, as if she was observing a lifetime of memories she had no business in. She stayed very still, eyes flicking between the records of this stranger family, and realized she could not even remember her own . She remembered being held in her parents arms but could not recall their faces. Against herself, she began to cry, hot tears burning down her cheeks. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, hoping neither other person would notice @Zeldafangirl
Neither mother nor daughter noticed Miyo's crying, perhaps because for so long it had just been the two of them. "We had a nice life until a human killed daddy," said Serenity. "Daddy protected us and taught me how to use my powers. Until he was killed. Daddy could have lived for thousands of years if he hadn't died." @Sp00ky Nerd

Emi/Aiko was playing with the new cat Her family thought she was dead and friends but she was not ~Meow~
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"Your father must have been a great man," Miyo said, voice wobbling slightly. "I am sorry for your loss. I wish I could have met him." Not knowing what more to say, she walked silently to Serenity and hugged her. "Hang in there, okay?" Her voice cracked awkwardly as she wiped her face with one hand. @eclipsehowls



Frenzied howling emitted from the cages as the creatures caught the scent of blood. "Let them get the scent trail from whoever ripped out the throat of the corpse." Blackwell said while looking at the cages fondly. "I have high hopes for these ones... I would hate to see those dreams crushed." On her orders one of the armed men unlatched the locks from the cages and was nearly bowled over from the force of the cage door as a brown form burst forth. Saliva frothed from its jaws as the gorehound snarled at the two others whom had emerged from their cages in less haste. It was the biggest of the three and used this to its advantage as it bullied the other two away from the pool of blood which they had been hungrily lapping up.

Mrs. Blackwell smiled at this "Ah, good. Test subject 097 seems to be doing well." she pointed towards the dead man's throat. "now...Seek!"

Shouldering each other to get a better spot, the three hairless beasts sniffed at the wound and around the corpse to catch the scent of the killer. Once they had it, they began slavering anew and raised their bulky heads up in a long howl. Blackwell handed one of her soldiers a device with a silvery screen showing three blinking dots "Happy hunting. Oh, and don't disappoint the boss. He can get a little... upset." without further delay the three gorehounds bounded out of the alley along the trail that the killer had took, the four armed men jogging behind.

(alright so it was your dog zodiac that ripped the throat right? >:3
@eclipsehowls )
Kendell just smiled as she was clapping her hands as she was happy she ussually stay with her mum during she wanted to watch tv and eat

Yuzyu went to her room to get her bag as she had a ashma attack she haven't had one for a long while as she was breathing hard trying to get her inhealer she press the panic button that her dad had in her room pressing it it had a panic sound she was on the floor' daddy mommy ash pine shade violet and kendell i'm sorry' she thought coughing losing some air this ashma attack was big
Juliette was playing with the cat as she purred as she was hungry as she bit on its leg as she lauged
The little cat bit her leg but it did't hurt And said it,s almost lunch time don't worry little one even thoght i'm little to Aiko/Emi says
Serenity nodded. "The cat left soon after he met her again. Not sure if she is still alive or not. Was obsessed with humans, the cat was. Daddy said her name was Shito." @Sp00ky Nerd

Juju said:



Frenzied howling emitted from the cages as the creatures caught the scent of blood. "Let them get the scent trail from whoever ripped out the throat of the corpse." Blackwell said while looking at the cages fondly. "I have high hopes for these ones... I would hate to see those dreams crushed." On her orders one of the armed men unlatched the locks from the cages and was nearly bowled over from the force of the cage door as a brown form burst forth. Saliva frothed from its jaws as the gorehound snarled at the two others whom had emerged from their cages in less haste. It was the biggest of the three and used this to its advantage as it bullied the other two away from the pool of blood which they had been hungrily lapping up.

Mrs. Blackwell smiled at this "Ah, good. Test subject 097 seems to be doing well." she pointed towards the dead man's throat. "now...Seek!"

Shouldering each other to get a better spot, the three hairless beasts sniffed at the wound and around the corpse to catch the scent of the killer. Once they had it, they began slavering anew and raised their bulky heads up in a long howl. Blackwell handed one of her soldiers a device with a silvery screen showing three blinking dots "Happy hunting. Oh, and don't disappoint the boss. He can get a little... upset." without further delay the three gorehounds bounded out of the alley along the trail that the killer had took, the four armed men jogging behind.

(alright so it was your dog zodiac that ripped the throat right? >:3
@eclipsehowls )
(Yes Rose killed the human on the other zodiac's orders=Ruby's orders I think.)
Juliette just kept bitting her as she was hungry" juliette name" she say" num num" she say as her stomach growled
Juliette looked at her" but i'm so hungry i haven't had food since yesterday" she say still biting on emi leg
Zeldafangirl said:
Kendell just smiled as she was clapping her hands as she was happy she ussually stay with her mum during she wanted to watch tv and eat
Yuzyu went to her room to get her bag as she had a ashma attack she haven't had one for a long while as she was breathing hard trying to get her inhealer she press the panic button that her dad had in her room pressing it it had a panic sound she was on the floor' daddy mommy ash pine shade violet and kendell i'm sorry' she thought coughing losing some air this ashma attack was big
Rylic watched Yuzyu leave and turned the shower on in the master bathroom but stopped as he heard the panic button. He ran to Yuzyu's room and swore as he saw Yuzyu losing air. Searching her room, he found her inhaler and helped her sit up, giving it to her and pressing the button on the inhaler to release the medicine into her. He wasn't sure why she had an asthma attack now when she hadn't had any in a while and waited for Yuzyu's breathing to get back to normal.


Enya walked in as she couldn't find their cat Emi, carrying a bowl of cat food and a bowl of water. Hearing sounds from the shed where her cats slept, Enya walked over there and opened the door. As light flooded the shed, Enya saw they had an extra mouth in the shed and it was another domestic cat, a kitten by the looks of it. "Emi did you bring home a stray?" she asked as she looked at the kitten. "You know Rylic doesn't like strays," Enya said. @Kittycat

Rose was cooking breakfast for herself, Josh and Basil as Josh was watching the news and Basil was upstairs getting ready as he was going to Saturday school since he had detention in half an hour.
(ah good, I'm glad I didn't mess that part up! Welp there wont be any action from my peeps tonight... gotta go to bed now! @eclipsehowls )

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