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Fantasy The Z Plague

Tig raised an eyebrow at Sìn. Was Eliot ok? He had just thanked Sìn when they had both been argueing!
Sìn shook his head as if to say that he wasn't going to explain anything just yet. He flashed tig one of his charming smiles before he motioned for everyone to come into the kitchen area. "I'm cooking for you lovely people so don't make me wait. Everyone in here let's go."
Tig rolled her eyes and started to stand up. She winced but made it onto her feet. Suddenly she felt dizzy and her vision wavered. She fell back onto the bed unable to stand with her dizzingy vision.
Same! Talk tomorrow! Bye guys!
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Tig shook her head and looked back up. Her eyes were narrowed and like a cats. Was this really her enhancement! Cat eyes?!
"Hey." Sìn said warningly as Elliot followed him into the kitchen. "I demand absolute perfection on my meals understand?" The male paused for a moment and he glanced towards tig with a slight look of concern. "Alright great..we've got a vampire, a Greek goddess , and strange girl, a vampire and a really good looking guy." He said as he named off every member of their group. "Seems like the perfect team to survive a plague with."
"Like cats eyes?" Tig asked catching her reflection in the girl's eyes. "No," she hissed agirily. She used to have normal blue human eyes and now she had dark and light blue cat eyes thanks to this enhancement.
"If you expect a perfect meal in the middle of an apocolypse, your kidding yourself" Eliot laughed. They were literally having spaghetti and meatballs but the meatballs were replaced woth sausage. Nohing could possibly be perfect here
"Alright is everyone eating tonight?" Sìn asked as he scanned the group, taking a head count just before he turned towards his small satchel of supplies. "Alright I have noodles, sausage, and ...a few spices...teriyaki sauce...and vegetables..." Sìn cocked his head to the side for s moment before he sighed heavily. "Change of plans...tonight we're eating stir fry."
Tig scowled then stood up this time sucsecfully. She frowned trying to figure out what people belonged to what name Sìn had called them. It was easy to tell Eliot was the vampire listed and of course Sìn would have called him self the really good looking guy. Tig thought for a moment, "I'll eat something, but not much," she said. She had somehow lost her appietite.
"Don't go sulking on us catnip." Sìn called from over his shoulder as he laid out the food onto the small table. "You wanted he enhancements and now you've got em. Simple as that." He shrugged his shoulders before he searched around the small treehouse. "I need a pan and I need to make a fire...any ideas?"
Eliot left the kitchen briefly. He picked up some paper and a pen and scrawled something down on it quickly. He handed it to Tig and went back to the kitchen
Tig glared at Sìn resentfully. "I am not sulking," she retorted, "its just not what I thought it would be," she snapped. She looked down at the note from Elliot warily.
"It's never what you think it will be." Sìn replied casually. "Now on a more serious note..I really do need a pan..and a way to start a fire without burning the tree house down."
"Alright so..we're going hunting again?" Sìn asked. "Fine but all of us are gong this time." He said as he grabbed his bow from off the table. "Besides..I wanna see what enhancements catnip over there has earned herself."
"Hey, go easy on her" Eliot said to Sin smiling. "Why are we all going though, i can be thre and back within five minutes. The whole group could take an hour"
"I'm going," Tig growled at Eliot angerily. She glared at Sìn. "My name is Tig not Catnip," she almost hissed. She grabbed her Katana and slid it into its shealth then tied the sheath back over her shoulder

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