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Fantasy The Z Plague

"Hey we're all coping with this chaos differently." Sìn said with a set expression. "Some try to find other humans,others simply allow things to happen, and my kind of people..." The male slowed his pace and he soon stopped by a tree. "My kind of people struggle to hold onto their little bit of humanity." @NathanPanache
Tig looked over at the other girl suprised to see her awake. "Are you okay?" she asked immediantly. Tig carefully pushed her legs off the makeshift bed she was in. She winced at her bite wound, but still smiled at the girl. Tig knew if she was in this girl's position she would be freaking out.
Jessica jumped at the other girls voice. She sprang into a sitting position, and looked at the girl. " Yeah, I'm fine. What's wrong with you?" Her hand drifted instinctively to her gins, but she forced them back.

"Yeah....i know how it feels. I barely have any human left in me..." Eliot began to trail off. Suddenly a light became visible. The source was a flashlight in the hands of a teenage boy, along with two girls. They all seemed lost and they were calling for help. "Should we help, or eat?" Eliot asked Sin. "I need to feed, but since theres three of them with guns, it could be difficult"
Tig realized what it looked like. She looked like she was going to turn into a Z and her beraggled bed state did not in anyway help. "I was bitten, but don't worry I am thankfully immue!" Tig said quickly. She didn't want to get her head blown off so it was best just to state the truth and hope this girl believed her.

@Tessa Roberts
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"Can you promise that you won't kill them if you feed?" Sìn asked quietly. His eyes lingering on the boy for only a moment as he watched them skeptically. "You know what...just go feed...I'll wait here for you." Sìn turned his back to the small group and he sat down calmly with his back against the tree. "Hurry up..I need some sleep."
"Oh, i usually dont kill." Eliot replied, "I try to avoid being a monster as much as possible" he said realizing how evil he must seem to Sin. "Ill need your helping knocking them out, if you dont mind"

Sìn exhaled a deep breath before he rose to his feet. "So be it." Let's go get you fed." The male clenched his fists tightly and he waited until the boys flashlight turned away from him before he then dashed out from his hidden place, slamming his fist into the back of the boys head before then jumping off the ground, spinning around, and slamming his foot into the back of one of the girls head. "Two down." He muttered to himself as he then moved forwards In a blur of a movements, swinging his fist into the temple of the last girls head, knocking her unconscious as the others were. "Last one."
"Wow, impressive!" Eliot complimented Sins technique. "If you dont mind....um...looking away" he said embarrassed that he was drinking someones blood
"It's not an admirable skill if it's being used on survivors.." Sìn replied as he gazed down at the three unconscious teenagers. "I'll wait by the trail. Just meet me there when you're done feeding yeah?" Sìn flashed him a somewhat friendly grin as he started walking away from Elliot. "Now..go be a good vampire and drink some blood." He said in a joking tone.
Eliot smiled back and waited for hm to leave. When Sin was gone he sat by the bodies exhausted. 'i dont want the others seeing this weakness' he thougt 'If they knew i was weak when thirsty, they would never keep me...' He thought sadly. He made a small nick in the sides of their necks and drained just enough to bring him back to full health. He pretended to act energetic around the others so they wouldnt suspect this weakness. Thats part of being half vampire half human. You still have to eat, just with a new diet

Sìn waited with his arms folded across his chest. His back was against the tree and his eyes were closed as he pretended to give Elliot his required space. In truth he was listening. With every fiber of his body he was willing himself to listen to the fainted sound of noise from the teenagers, whether it be a scream a squeal, a twitch of movement on the grass, or even the faintest sound of a growl. After a moment of two Sìn finally relaxed, allowing his mind to reflect on the events of the day while he scanned around the area for any Z's and/or survivors.
Eliot finished by removing ajy venom that mightve entered their bodies, so they could stay humans. He made his way back over to Sin. "Thanks for the help" Eliot said quietly, "Ready to go back?"

The male merely glanced towards Elliot before he nodded his head, pushing himself off of the tree before he proceeded to calmly walk back towards the treehouse. "How was it?" Sìn asked, a little bit of humor returning to his old voice. "I would imagine the boy tasted a little salty..maybe you should bring some paprika next time?" He suggested with a goofy grin. "It might taste better."
Eliot laughed slightly, "I prefer aregeno" he said with a smile. Eliot thought back to earlier that day, when he and Sin couldnt get along to save their lives. Now Eliot had hope they could be good friends.
Sìn laughed loudly, one that was both genuine and sincere. "Well I'll look for some organo just for you." ((Gtg for a bit))
"Well thanks, as long as its not too much to ask" Eliot laughed happily with Sin. Eliot felt bad for the way he acted earlier, he felt so stupid
"Let's get back to the treehouse yeah?" Sìn said as he nudged Elliot in the shoulder as if they were brothers. "I have enough supplies to cook a somewhat decent meal..maybe spaghetti without the meatballs..but I can substitute that with sliced sausage." The male cocked his head to the side as he contemplated s proper meal to make for the group of people all located in the treehouse.
"Yeah sure!" Eliot said remembering how much he loved spaghetti and meatballs "Even though i cant eat, mind if i help cook?" Eliot asked hopefully. He used to take culinary classes in high school and he always cooked for his family
"Um.." Sìn about it. Normally he'd cooked by himself, even before the Z's came into play Sìn was an isolated kind of guy. "You know what..yeah go ahead and cook with me I don't mind."
Tig looked at the girl uncertainly though she thought she could hear Sìn and Eliot comming back. Maybe they could relieve the tention.
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Sìn jumped up into the treehouse with a quick precise movment, landing quietly by the entrance grinning. "Oi Changeling me and the vampire are-" he started to say before he noticed the awkward atmosphere in the room. "Oh hey..the mysterious girl has woken up.
"In a tree house," Tig responded relaxing a little she looked over at Sìn and nodded to him in a greeting.
"Your in a treehouse." Sìn said to the girl, moving around the treehouse towards the kitchen with a smirk on his face. "That should be obvious by the obvious construction with wood."

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