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Fantasy The Z Plague

Sìn chuckled mischievously before he shook his head. "Now way we're taking catnip..I mean tig." He said smiling deviously. "On a test run. Besides it'll be fun."
Tig scowled at Sìn, but the corners of her lips turned upwards in the slgihtest of smiles. She ducked her head not allowing him to see he had made her smile. "Lets get going then," she said leaving the treehouse. She was careful with her leg but it had started to cease hurting.
Sìn darted forwards and he jumped out of the tree house, rolling past tig as he landed on the ground. "Now then...lets go shopping everyone." He said with a glance towards tig. "Oh Elliot." He called Ina sarcastic tone. "Come out come out wherever you are."
Eliot leapt from the treehouse and landed with a slight hiss. He was beginning to weaken again "Damn" he mumbled under his breath after he landed
Tig rolled her eyes and started forward moving carefully but swiftly. Boys would be boys which meant they would be strange annoying and somehow charming at the same time. How much she could hate them
"Hey vamp." Sìn called towards Elliot. "Do you think tig can keep up with our speed?" He asked In a challenging tone, a look of mischief still on his face as he turned towards the girl.
Tig scowled at Sìn, but the corners of her lips turned upwards in the slgihtest of smiles. She ducked her head not allowing him to see he had made her smile with glee. "Lets get going then," she said starting to run. She was careful with her leg but it had started to cease hurting.
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Sìn took off after her, making quick work of catching up. "Come on tig this is a light jog, surely you can do better...you know?" He asked before kicking up his pace a notch, sprinting ahead of her with a laugh. "For a cat." He called over his shoulder
"This is just not fair." Sìn called loudly towards Elliot. "This was a one on one race..and your vampiric speed is technically cheating!" He yelled before sprinting to catch up with Elliot.
"Wait...im supposed to be running?" He laughed going even faster. He felt like he was jogging, and like he could go three times faster
Sìn glared after the male but he still smiled nonetheless. "I think I hate you vampire." He said before he slowed to a walking pace, having spotted a store far off beyond the tree line.
Eliot slid to stop smiling at Sin "Love you too" he said sarcastically. He looked back to see how far Tig was left behind and noticed she was pretty far
Tig ran after the boys slwoly picking up her pace and putting more pressure on her leg. Soon she was slowing down though and comming to walk next to Sìn. "I'll race you back when we're done in the store," she said challenging. She wasn't about to get out done.
Eliot walked over to the fron door laughing. He opened the door, when a black leather boot made forceful contact to his chest. He flew back sliding on the ground. A girl wit black hair and pale skin emerged from the bulding.

"Fuck you Eliot!" She growled
Sìn stopped in his tracks, for the first time in ever, completely stunned. "I mean...he started to say clearly at a loss for words as to who the girl was. "I thought I hated the vampire...clearly you have a fan club buddy." He glanced towards Elliot before he looked back towards the girl, still unsure of what to do. "I um...wow."
She walked over to Eliot and kicked him in the gut, sending him sliding a few more feet. She then approached Sin, and extended her hand towards him. "Im Alice"
Sìn slung his bow over his shoulder and he extended his hand towards the girl who'd just curb stomped Elliot. "I'm Sìn..." He said before flashing her a somewhat confused grin. "Can I just tell you that for starters I thoroughly enjoyed watching you kick that one over there.." He cocked his head to the side as he studied the girl momentarily. "A powerful survivor ..Elliot I like this one."
Elliot coughed and started pulling himself up off the ground, "You would. Asshole."

Alice looked over at Eliot and saw the pathetic boy trying to get up, "yeah, 'that one over there' is my dumbass cousin" she said with disgust

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