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Fantasy The Z Plague

"You're in the same bloodline as him?" Sìn asked with what appeared to be a mocking tone directed towards Elliot. "That's so unfortunate." The male shook his head before he glanced towards Elliot. "So uh..are you okay? Because that looked like a mean kick." He chuckled deeply before turning towards Alice once again. "So..how did someone so beautiful end up on the wrong side of that one?"
Eliot got up and walked over to the others

"Not much, you know, family rivalry...oh and he made me a vampire!" She yelled decking him in the face, and knocking him down
"Oooh." Sìn said as he watched the girl strike Elliot again. "Now that's going to leave a mark." He said before kneeling down by Elliot's side. "Jesus man...I understand wanting s beautiful girl as a fellow blood sucker but that was not the right way to go about it." Sìn shook his head before he rose to his feet, holding out his hand towards Elliot to help him up.
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Elliot got up and brushed himself off. He started yellng at Alice, "Im sorry that i lost control but you dont have to be such a bitch!" He yelled at her

Alice responded sarcastically, "Sorry, lost control"
"Enough!" Tig growled getting annoyied at the girl. Tig herself was the biggest fan of Eliot but this was stupid. "I don't care what he did. I'll give you something else to whine about if you don't stop." Tig spat. Suddenly her nails shot out a little further and to a sharp point. Now this was a better enhancement!
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"Family rivalry." Sìn said calmly while watching the two argue. "A decisions decisions...either help my friend...or help the girl who kicked his ass.....that's a really tough choice." The male folded his arms across his chest and he glanced over his shoulder towards some Z's that had just arrived in th area. "Maybe you two might want to quiet it down a bit yeah? You're attracting unwanted attention."
"Agreed, lets move then," Tig already was moving into the store. She felt her nails go back to normal. Retractible claws. She smiled to herself.
"Tell me Alice is coming with us." Sìn said with a smirk as he started to walk into the Walmart. "Oh and um..you brought the zombies here , now you can deal with them."
Alec pulled out her bow and knocked several arrows into the Zs head. Her motions were swift and smooth, as she singlehandedoy took out the entire approaching hoard. "Ok lets go" she smiled
Sins eyes went wide for a moment at the impressive display of marksmanship before he then returned to browsing the aisles for the items they needed. "Hey uh Elliot..I think I found a vampire to replace you." He said with a smirk. "One who I don't think annoys me."
Tig rolled her eyes at Sìn's comment. "Please tell me she ins't coming with us," Tig retorted she moved along the shelves queitly not really looking for anything. Instead she was thinking about her family. How they use to argue people would think they hated each other. Only she and her little brother were close. No one else knew but she had left her little brother unable to face the thought of killing him after he was turned. Maybe one day they would find a cure.
"She's got a very valuable point Elliot." Sìn remarked before he walked over towards Alice. "How did you get so good with a bow?
"Lovely." He said as he hitched his bow back onto his shoulder, turning to stare at the soda aisle in a moment of consideration. "I'm thinking yes...but I want to say no..." He clicked his tongue as he continued to think about whether or not to drink a soda.
Tig looked at Alice momentarily. "You can come along if you aren't constantky fighting with Eliot," she said in a kinder voice. Tig looked at the sodas as Sin spoke. "I'm thinking yes," she said moving toward the machines.
"Why not have a margarita instead?" She asked grabbing a few. "Not too much though, itd be a bad idea to be drunk in the apocolypse."
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"Getting drunk in the apocalypse is on my bucket list." Sìn shrugged casually before he grabbed an RC cola from off the shelf
"I'll stick with a coke," Tig said tartly. She kicked the machine roughly and smiled when a coke fell out of it. Picking it up she popped it open and took a long drink from it, "its been to long," she muttered licking her lips.
Eliot grabbed a Dr. Pepper, "hey look, the younger cousin is more responsible!" Eliot said smugly

"And a lot less fun" Alice replied
"Just stop trying Elliot." Sìn smirked. "Alice is really owning you today. Do better my friend. Do better." The male laughed once more before he looked around the small store. "Why don't we make this our home?"
"Thats a good idea! It is pretty small, so we do t have to worry about not knowing whats in here!" Eliot said surprised at Sins great idea

"Your pretty small" Alice laughed under her breath, hoping Sin heard her

Sìn stifled a laugh and he turned towards tig. "Do you have any objections?" He asked. "We could clear an area for sleeping..we could board the Windows, repair the plumbing and whatnot."

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