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Fantasy The Z Plague

Seeing eveyone was safe and making their way to the woods Tig finaly followed. She raced through the Z's slicing through them quickly. Suddenly she was jerked to a stop. One of the Z's had caught her leg in its icey grasp flinging her forward. Her sword slipped from her fingers and the Z's started to close in. Tig reacted as quickly as she could, but the Z still had a tight grip on her leg. She reached out grabbed her sword and went to cut the Z's arm but it was too late. Its teeth sunk into her leg and she screamed in pain.
Sins head snapped back as he noticed tig scream. "Oh no.." He said in a quiet whisper. "Not another human..." Sins gaze fell to the ground for a moment before he narrowed his silver eyes dangerously. "No..no not another one." The black haired male gently laid the girl from his shoulder onto the ground and he drew the sword from off of his hip once again. "I'm not letting those flesh eaters take another human." He growled deeply before running back towards the girl. "Oi!" He yelled loudly enough to tear the Z's gaze from the girls leg. "I have something special for you!" He said just moments before he sliced his sword across the creatures neck, severing the the head from its body. "I hope you like it." Sìn muttered with disgust before he then sheathed his sword, leaning forwards with a hand extended so that he could help girl rise to her feet

"Well I got here this fast so pretty close" I sheathed my blade and started speed walking to my house, "Come if you want. I'll come meet up with you guys later if you choose to go the other way."

((G2g to school guys
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Isis jumped over logs and made sharp turns around trees. Reaching a tall, broad tree, she climbed up it. She reached down.

"Grab my hand!"

"Tig!" Eliot yelled seeing his only ally on the ground "Oh my god....is she going to be ok?" He gasped looking up at Sin. He didnt really like Sin, but Sin was quick to help Tig. And that meant a lot to Eliot
"Allow me to properly tend to her wounds and I'll tell you." Sìn replied shortly as he continued on his way in a jog towards Isis and the others. "But at a glance it looks like a small bite..she should be fine..or about as fine as she can get after a bite from a Z." The male looked up at Isis and he raised tig towards her silently as if asking her to take the girl into her home. "I need to go get the other girl. The one we were all going to die over."

@NathanPanache @Supermegabrenda2
sinfulAngel said:
"Allow me to properly tend to her wounds and I'll tell you." Sìn replied shortly as he continued on his way in a jog towards Isis and the others. "But at a glance it looks like a small bite..she should be fine..or about as fine as she can get after a bite from a Z." The male looked up at Isis and he raised tig towards her silently as if asking her to take the girl into her home. "I need to go get the other girl. The one we were all going to die over."
@NathanPanache @Supermegabrenda2


She nodded, picking the girl up. She flung herself into the treehouse. A small dining table with four chairs, a few beds on a corner, a mini kitchen, and a small closet. She set the girl down on a bed. Walking over to the closet, she picked up a small fist aid kit, and walked back to the girl.

"Now to figure out what to do..."

She said, glancing into the Kit.

@NathanPanache @sinfulAngel
Sìn jogged towards the girl and after he'd grabbed her once more he slung her over his shoulder before making his way back to the treehouse. "Well..." He started to say before he then laid the girl on the floor of the treehouse, moving over her as he entered the treehouse. "This has been an eventful day hasn't it?" He asked aloud to everyone as he moved off towards tig who was now laying on a bed.

@NathanPanache @Supermegabrenda2
Tig's heart beat rapidly. Her family had turned into Z's none of them had been immue and now she was going to turn as well. She had been bitten. It was all a blurr, from Sìn helping her to Isis taking her to the tree house. "Shit!" she cursed under her breath. "None of my family were immue!" she told them in warning. She wouldn't let this people be caught off guard. She looked up at Sìn for a moment with fear in her eyes. There wasn't much she was scared of, but after watching her family turn on her she had dreaded the thought of turning. She wasn't going to die but instead become lifless and hungry for humans.
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sinfulAngel said:
Sìn jogged towards the girl and after he'd grabbed her once more he slung her over his shoulder before making his way back to the treehouse. "Well..." He started to say before he then laid the girl on the floor of the treehouse, moving over her as he entered the treehouse. "This has been an eventful day hasn't it?" He asked aloud to everyone as he moved off towards tig who was now laying on a bed.
@NathanPanache @Supermegabrenda2
Tohoak said:
Tig's heart beat rapidly. Her family had turned into Z's none of them had been immue and now she was going to turn as well. She had been bitten. It was all a blurr, from Sìn helping her to Isis taking her to the tree house. "Shit!" she cursed under her breath. "None of my family were immue!" she told them in warning. She wouldn't let this people be caught off guard. She looked up at Sìn for a moment with fear in her eyes. There wasn't much she was scared of, but after watching her family turn on her she had dreaded the thought of turning. She wasn't going to die but instead become lifless and hungry for humans.


She chuckled.

"No one in my family was imune. But here I am."

She said, pulling her sleeve up. A nasty bite covered her arm, the indentations of the teeth very clear. She pulled her sleeve back down, smirking lightly.​
"Yeah well being immune isn't a genetic trait." Sìn muttered as he eyed the girl over carefully. A sort of calm anger seemed to rest within his eyes as he eyed the bite wound skeptically. "It's almost strange..." He said aloud to both Elliot and tig. "The Z's blood.." He said as he pointed towards the dark muddy like liquid around the bite. " it looks almost as if..." Sìn cocked his head to the side and he frowned for a moment. "Hey uh..." He said as he glanced towards Isis. Not quite having overheard her name. "Artemis" he said as a nickname, alluding to the Greek goddess of the hunt. "Come check this out yeah?"

@Tohoak @Supermegabrenda2
"Im immune...." Eliot mumbled..."And with my abilities, i could suck out the venom" he offered awkwardly (Refer to my vampyric abilities)
Tig winced as she looked at the bite. She was reassured by their words. "What?" she asked Sìn comfused. "What is it?" She was hopeful but she wouldn't let it get the better of her.
"Well it looks like you'll end up like Dracula over there." Sìn said as he motioned towards Elliot. "The Z's venom isn't branching out but rather its fusing with your blood." He said now interlocking his finger so that she could see his meaning. "At the end if the day you'll be fine..just a little bit um..enhanced." Sìn said with a shrug.

"Fine...if the human vampire can reverse what the Z's did to her then let him...but it's not my call." Sìn said before taking a few steps back from tig. "It's her call...let her decide what to do."
"as are the rest of us." Sìn said with a side glance towards Elliot. "Not just you..she has a um..." He glanced awkwardly around the tree house at each individual. "She's acquired more associates to help her."

@Tohoak @NathanPanache
"Well obviously, im just saying some are more.....qualified....to help in certain situations" he said commenting on the fact that Sins idea to help Tig was to make her go through the pain if the venom. Eliot had an idea that caused no pain, so he thought his was better
"Of course." Sìn replied , rolling his eyes with a smirk. "A vampire becoming the Saint." Sìn shook his head and he turned his attention towards the girl they'd all faced off zombies to save. "Does anyone know her name?"
Tig's eyes widened. "I won't turn?" she asked bewildered. She almost sighed with relief, but looked warily at Eliot then at Sìn. "I think I'll take my chances with the enhancements," she said fianlly, watching Sìn. She felt she needed to thank him. "Thanks ....... For you know ....rescuing me...." she said akwardly. Apologies had never been her strong suit.
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Sìn Simply inclined his head towards Tig, his expression neutral as ever. "Are you sure that you want to live with the enhancements? It's not exactly the most pleasant transformation." He warned before he stepped closer towards the bed she was on. "Besides..old toothy over there," he said with a gesture towards Elliot. "Said he can fix you."
Tig scowled at Sìn trying not to laugh at his joke. "I would prefer 'Old Toothy' to keep his teeth to himself!" she retorted. "I'll deal with whatever is to come," she assured him in a more serious tone.
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