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Fantasy The Z Plague

Tig looked warily at the boy who wanted them to follow him. It didn't sound like a good idea, but her curiousity got the better of her. She felt a small flare of happyness that she was with other people, but resented it. She could do fine on her own! Why then did she feel the needed to be with others. With a sigh she started after Eliot. She glanced momentarily at the others in the store then stopped. Someone else was comming toward them with Z's! "We should get going!" she warned the others drawing her Katana
"I can't leave everyone else," she muttered. It was no thing to do. "Convince the others to come with us to his house," she nodded back to the other boy while speaking to Eliot. Then she moved toward the hoard and the person fleeing from it. "Hurry up!" she called to the person. She held her katana ready to cut down some Z's
"Alright" he said aiming his gun, "Should we get rid of these freaks first? He asked cocking his gun. He actually wanted to kill something now
Sins eyes trailed further up the road, past the group of people all gathered at the pharmacy. "Hey there...there's someone up there." He said as he pulled his bow free from his shoulder, notching an arrow before he then took aim. "I don't suppose anyone knows a place to lay low for awhile?" He asked as he noticed the trail of Z's milled around the girls area. "Because those few Z's are definitely gonna bring some unwanted attention.
[QUOTE="Tessa Roberts](( Seriously, guys))

Yeah we're talking about you. Or at least I was sorry I forgot to tag you.
"We can go to his house," Tig answered Sìn's question with a jerk of her head towards the boy who had offered his house to them. "Or we can cut through the city and go into the woods," she told him keeping an eye on the oncomming hoard. "We need to help her first," Tig told him looking toward the girl running from the hoard.

@sinfulAngel @Tessa Roberts
"Then what are we waiting for?" Sìn replied before he shot off an arrow, watching as it sank into the left eye of a Z who'd been noticing them from afar. "Let's help the girl and get out of here ASAP." Sìn notched a second arrow and he took aim towards another Z who'd caught his attention.

@Tessa Roberts @Tohoak @NathanPanache
Tig nodded "don't use the gun it will attract more Z's" she warned Eliot before running at the hoard. She could slow them down and give the girl a chance to get away. Skillfully she sunk her blade into the neck of a Z swiping the head right off then she turned and caught another one in tne torso. There were a lot! She hoped the girl was getting away to safty because she couldn't keep this up much longer. She dodged arrows as well ducking away from them while fighting. It was a reassurence that she wasn't alone in the fight.

@Tessa Roberts @sinfulAngel @Supermegabrenda2 @NathanPanache
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Sìn watched as tig moved forward into the horde of Z's "you cover the girl." He said to Isis before turning his attention towards the Z's around tig. "I'll cover that one." Sìn began notching two arrows at a time before he then started to rain arrows upon the the girl who was fighting in the horde of zombies.

@Tohoak @Supermegabrenda2
Eliot grunted at Tig, and put away his guns. He drew out two machetes and began running at the hoard. He slashed through a couple of Zs and jumped back dodging another. He easily sliced throug its neck and removed its head. The Zs body crumpling to the floor. Eliot wiped the blood off of his mouth and hacked through a few more. "This would be easier with my shotgun!" He shouted at Tig
Tig duck an arrow and gave a light smile as the arrow sunk into a Z's head in front of her. She brought her Katana swiftly across the knees of another Z and then she jerked her sword upwards into the head of another. Her eyes flickered over Sìn's for a moment gratefully before going back to the Z's she was facing. There were more comming for down the street. They were attratcted by the moaning their fellow Z's were making. They needed to leave soon or else they would all by Z's food.
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sinfulAngel said:
Sìn watched as tig moved forward into the horde of Z's "you cover the girl." He said to Isis before turning his attention towards the Z's around tig. "I'll cover that one." Sìn began notching two arrows at a time before he then started to rain arrows upon the the girl who was fighting in the horde of zombies.
@Tohoak @Supermegabrenda2


Isis nodded. Arrows where raining on the Z's, a much smalled horde still up now. She reached back for more arrows, pulling out the longer ones. They struck the Z's head, going almost through them.​
"Alright look there are too many coming and I'm running out of arrows." Sìn said towards Isis before he glanced towards tig and Elliot. "Eventually we will run out of arrows and they will run out of endurance." Sìn swore under his breath before he nailed to Z's directly in their necks. "We need to consider the option of running. Like now."

@Tohoak @Supermegabrenda2 @NathanPanache
While the others were clearing out the rest of the Z's I took care of the ones that got too close, "My place is still an option, I have gates." I panted stabbing one about 5 times until it dropped to the ground.
sinfulAngel said:
"Alright look there are too many coming and I'm running out of arrows." Sìn said towards Isis before he glanced towards tig and Elliot. "Eventually we will run out of arrows and they will run out of endurance." Sìn swore under his breath before he nailed to Z's directly in their necks. "We need to consider the option of running. Like now."
@Tohoak @Supermegabrenda2 @NathanPanache


"I'm up."

She said, strapping hte bow over her shoulder. She drew her long, curved sword from her back.

"Follow me!"

She screamed, dashing towards the forest. She swiped a Z's head straight off, stopping near the cover of the tree line.​
Tig sliced through Z's making her way back to the others. "We need to make a choice quick, how close is your house?" She asked. They needed a good choice one that would get them away feom the Z's and keeping them from being followed. "Woods it is!" She called to the others. She didn't like the idea of leaving someone behind. "Get running and follow Isis!" The girl had already taken off so they had no choice now.

@Jack of Cloves
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Eliot followed Isis closely, after shooting his machete through the Zs face, lodging it in. He put his boot on e Zs shoulder, and pulled the machete out of the Zs forehead
"Hey we're-" Sìn started to say before he noticed everyone making a dash for the woods. "Next time give me a warning!" He yelled before slinging his bow across his shoulder, drawing a right handed battle sword from the sheath on his hip. "Wait the girl!" He yelled as he neared the group, skidding to a halt before he then turned back , dashing into the the horde of Z's afterwards. There was a moment In which Sìn was completely gone from sight, only reamerging into the open area once he'd secured the girl over his shoulder. "Okay now I'm starting to hate this small group." He muttered before running at a full sprint, making quick work of catching up to everyone else.

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