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Fantasy The Z Plague

"Not my property, just passing through," Sasha replied quickly. "Who are you?" She looked at him and then the girl who was fighting him. "Who are both of you? Is there anyone else here?" Sasha lowered her Nerf gun. "Don't suppose you're planning to take all the make up here, right? A girl needs her lipstick." She swiped a pink one and stuffed it in her pocket.
starlightviolet said:
"Not my property, just passing through," Sasha replied quickly. "Who are you?" She looked at him and then the girl who was fighting him. "Who are both of you? Is there anyone else here?" Sasha lowered her Nerf gun. "Don't suppose you're planning to take all the make up here, right? A girl needs her lipstick." She swiped a pink one and stuffed it in her pocket.


Isis whirled around.

"Hey! That was mine."

She said, whining.​
starlightviolet said:
"And now it's mine," Sasha told her. "Pick another one." She eyed the girl. "What's your name?"


Isis glared at the girl from under her hood.

"Isis. Who are you?"

She let go of her dagger.​
"Sasha," she responded. "You aren't... infected are you? You look a little... sick." Sasha started to back up. Not today, Zs. Not today.
starlightviolet said:
"Sasha," she responded. "You aren't... infected are you? You look a little... sick." Sasha started to back up. Not today, Zs. Not today.


Isis smiled.

"No, i'm not honey. Don't worry. I'm immune, anyways."

She walked inside, and took a sharp turn left to the medicinr isle. She picked up a small, white, not nabled box. Opening, she grabbed one of the pills and swallowed it dry. Shaking her head, she coughed, and set the box back.​
"Immune? I didn't know that was possible... I wonder if... Hmm... Nevermind," Sasha started, thinking about Krista. "What the hell did you just take? Z-medicine?!" Her eye twitched, "how are you normal?"
starlightviolet said:
"Immune? I didn't know that was possible... I wonder if... Hmm... Nevermind," Sasha started, thinking about Krista. "What the hell did you just take? Z-medicine?!" Her eye twitched, "how are you normal?"


Isis laughed.

"No, that was just medicine for the cold I have."

She sniffed, rubbing her nose.​
"You manage to be immune from getting the Z virus, but you still get colds? None of this makes sense, this is all really weird," Sasha decided. "Shit, my period started... You're not going to eat me now because I'm bleeding, right?" She went to the feminine care section. "Just my luck."
starlightviolet said:
"You manage to be immune from getting the Z virus, but you still get colds? None of this makes sense, this is all really weird," Sasha decided. "Shit, my period started... You're not going to eat me now because I'm bleeding, right?" She went to the feminine care section. "Just my luck."


Isis cracked up again.

"No. I am immune to teh Z-virus, not any other virus. The pads and tampons or whatever are in the next hall."

Eliot grabbed foundation, concealer, color correcter, lip gloss, mascara, and powder. He turned to see three other people in the aisle with him. "Shit" he mumbled as he reached for his gun
Sìn kept his bow carefully lowered, fingers still lightly holding his notched arrow into place. "Well of course I'm not armed." He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes slightly as if he was annoyed with the current events. "I most assuredly do not have a sword strapped to my hip, I do t have a bow in my hands and I don't have a colt 1911 in the back of my belt."
Eliot pulled out his gun and balanced the aim at Sins head "hands up!" Eliot warned. He wasnt gonna shoot but he wanted to know for sure these ppl woukdnt kill him
Tig crouched down low listening to everyones conversation. They didn't seem dangerous. Not yet. She heard Eliot curse. He must have realized that he wasn't alone. "Easy Eliot," Tig stood up realizing that one of the girls was about to come down her isle. She looked over the isle at Elliot and the others. Still watching them she walked into their isle and nodded a greeting. Her eyes gave away her distrust but otherwise she seemed harmless. That was if they didn't mind her sword and gun. "My name is Tig," she said queitly. "Me and my friend" she used the word friend lightly "are just here to get some supplies and want no trouble," she infisized the word trouble giving Eliot a measuring look. "Theres no need for the gun," she told him.
Eliot lowered the gun but refused to put it away. "Lets just get our stuff and get out of here..." He said sounding a little worried. He didnt want to die this toung, especially in a place like this
"We're fine," Tig assured him. "I don't think any of these guys want trouble," she looked over at the others. At least she hoped they didn't if they did she would put up a fight.
Eliot glared at them waiting for them to say something. He really didnt want to fight but he would rather fight then leave not knowing if they were gonna be followed or not
All while the people conversed and rummaged throughout the shop Sìn had been oddly still, he'd been observing each and every person and once Elliot had lowered his gun from the males head Sìn narrowed his silver eyes dangerously. "The next person to pull a weapon on me is going to be food for the Z's" he said before finally placing the arrow bag into the casing on his back. " that's two weapons that have been pulled on me and it hasn't even been a full ten minutes." Sìn rolled his eyes and he moved through the pharmacy quietly , carefully staying his distance from everyone. "I just want some food is that too much to ask for?"
"Sorry about that" Eliot said to Sin, "But you have to understand how on edge ive been because of this...apocolypse." He said apologetically
"Yeah." Sìn said simply, his eyes still narrowed in an aggressive manner. "Still..if you see a living breathing human being instead of a Z your first reaction should be ask questions then shoot later." He frowned deeply and soon turned to look at the make beside him. "You would think anyone in their right mind would try to preserve the little humanity that we have left in us...not kill it off like the Z's."
"I never planned on ahooting you" Eliot said defensively "It was just to keep you from going off and killing us formsupplies, or whatever other possible reason!" Eliot began getting mad realizing this guy was insinuating Eliot had no morals
"Because that's exactly what I was planning to do." Sìn snapped back. Slinging his bow across his shoulder so that he could grab a can of chicken noodle soup off the shelf. "I was going to say forget about humanity and let me just end everyone. Sounds about right yeah?"
"Theres no need to get sarcastic, im just saying that there are psychos out tere that would easily kill someone for a weapon" Eliot snapped back.
Tig rolled her eyes, guys and their arguing. "Let it go Eliot!" she growled softly. "Theres no reason to be argue now stop," she scowled him. Her eyes flickered over the rest of the group carefully.
"Fine" he said glaring at Sin "Lets go, ive got everything i need" he said to Tig. This guy was annoying anyway if he thinks that what Eliot did was irrational

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