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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends (always open)

"Eep!" Sera yelped by accident, suddenly thrust in front of Marcus. "I..I've never held so much money before..", she said in a nervous voice. "If..if you really think I deserve it..I want the...the Ventus tome, please.." She found it hard to receive something as a gift, especially something so pricey. Besides from her mother, and a few little things from Minnie, this was by far the most amazing thing someone's ever given her.

She handed the money to Marcus, and carefully took the tome into her hands. It felt heavy, but also like power emenated from it. She then turned to Aer. "Thank you, Aer...umm.." Sera suddenly realized something. "Can you..teach me how to use it? Do I just, uh, read it?"

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The Ventus tome; the tome that was said to give the attributes of wind. If Aer were to have gotten one for herself, she probably would've chose the same. The problem only arose when Aer was asked to teach Sera how to use it. In all honesty, she had never considered the chance that you would have to something specific to actually learn the tome. She could've looked in the tome to check, but the risk that she'd waste the tome by doing so stopped her from trying. In a subtly awkward manner, Aer attempted to deflect the question to someone who she thought would have more experience with them - the merchant themself. "Well, uhm... I would've thought reading it would be all there is to it. Sorry that I can't help you there, but I think Marcus would be able to. I... hope.". To the group, this would've been the first time that Aer had been anything other than her normal self, but in high but realistic hopes she tried to mask it the best she could.

@Computing Magus @Yum222
"Hmm..just reading it you say..?" Sera muttered, deciding to simply open the book and see. 'What else do people do with books anyway?', she thought, letting her eyes skim along a page. It seemed to speak about all things related to the winds, the air, the storms...stories of light breezes to disastrous hurricanes. She soon immersed herself into the tome, unable respond to outside interference. To everyone else, Sera looked like she just dropped to her knees and was reading the book intently, the pages flipping themselves as if an air current pushed the pages for her at a speed no one should be able to read.

In her mind, the words became real, the sentences became ideas, and the paragraphs became worlds. She soared in a sunset sky. She plunged down the eye of a storm. She followed the wind wherever it went, accompanying--no, becoming the wind. The Power of the Wind could be a gentle caress of the cheek, or it could be the largest tornado. One could fly like the birds with this power, or it could brush and sway you in whatever way it wanted. Sera felt this dream go on for days, only grasping a hundredth of the book's meaning. Her brain took in the knowledge, but it wasn't enough to understand the wind. Then, all too soon, the pages were becoming fewer, and only one thing stayed in her mind at the end. May one day the Name of the Wind be known to you...for it will bend to your absolute will...

"The Name...of the Wind...?" She mumbled to herself, still staring down at the tome. The glowed for a moment, then suddenly exploded into a gust of air. The entire thing only lasted for about 45 seconds. Sera finally took notice of her surroundings, looking at everyone. "That was amazing..! Thank you so much, Aer!", she said cheerfully, rising back up to her feet and with eyes completely filled with gratitude and admiration for her. She was thrilled at the experience and felt like hugging Aer tightly, but she decided against it, as she wasn't sure if it'd be appropriate.


(Definitely didn't steal from Patrick Rothfuss...)
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Marcus took in the money he was given and answers Aer's question.

"How to use it? Well, a bit difficult to explain really. It's magical and... um... you read it and you'll--" Marcus tried to explain but he didn't notice Sera was already reading the tome. The magical object exploded into air, or so he thinks because that's what they usually do. He felt relieved not needing to explain now since Sera was already done with using the tome.

"How do you feel, Sera? Powerful? Great? I'm not in a hurry but can you test the tome's ability now?" Marcus said slowly filling with excitement. Due to the expensiveness of his magical items, rarely anyone touched the tomes and this was actually his first time finding someone using them in action.

@Yum222 @Pandorian

(That anime moment where the protagonist gains power to defeat something they couldn't on the first try :P )
Sera turned to Marcus to answer his question. "I feel...I feel really light on my feet, like I could run for miles, and...I-I don't know, my body just feels all tingly..", she answered, though she realized that last part could have been interpreted in an embarrassing way. But when the skeleton asked for seeing the ability, she stared at the ground for a moment. "Uh, let's see...the ability i got..er.." She drew a blank. She knew she was supposed to learn something, but nothing really came to mind. "I'm..I'm not exactly sure! Maybe, um...Wind blast!..?" She put her hand up away from everyone, but nothing happened. "N-nothing? Maybe if I focus..?" She stood squarely, palms forward, focusing her inner strength, of at least she thought she was. She concentrated hard, trying to do...anything wind related at all.

As she attempted this, magic energy gathered at her lower body, to her legs to be precise. She didn't realize it because she only looked in front of her, but other magic users could probably feel it.( @Pandorian @Computing Magus ) "What am I doing wrong..?"
Marcus watched intently on Sera's attempts at doing any form of wind magic. He thought that tomes were supposed to work immediately or something. On the other hand, at least she said something that has to do with the new-found magic. Marcus didn't know how the experience went with her and could only guess what power she holds now. Marcus, as a fellow practitioner of magic, felt only faint magic emanating from her. That doesn't mean she has a weak magical ability, it's just that Marcus can't sense things easily as any other magic user.

"I don't think you're doing anything wrong; tomes let's the learner gain knowledge upon reading. Should you continue with this... wind blasting?" Marcus said, not really knowing himself how tomes work or how Sera felt right now. He only knows that she should know it sooner or later. If there seemed to be magic coming from her, he was sure that it could appear.

@Yum222 @Pandorian

(Marcus is not a helpful bloke)
Yum222 said:
Sera turned to Marcus to answer his question. "I feel...I feel really light on my feet, like I could run for miles, and...I-I don't know, my body just feels all tingly..", she answered, though she realized that last part could have been interpreted in an embarrassing way. But when the skeleton asked for seeing the ability, she stared at the ground for a moment. "Uh, let's see...the ability i got..er.." She drew a blank. She knew she was supposed to learn something, but nothing really came to mind. "I'm..I'm not exactly sure! Maybe, um...Wind blast!..?" She put her hand up away from everyone, but nothing happened. "N-nothing? Maybe if I focus..?" She stood squarely, palms forward, focusing her inner strength, of at least she thought she was. She concentrated hard, trying to do...anything wind related at all.
As she attempted this, magic energy gathered at her lower body, to her legs to be precise. She didn't realize it because she only looked in front of her, but other magic users could probably feel it.( @Pandorian @Computing Magus ) "What am I doing wrong..?"
The thanks Aer had received brought her to slight embarrassment herself. "I-It's nothing, really. It's the least I could've done, honest." she explained away, watching intently Sera as she experimented with her alleged new power. The girl first attempted arm blasts, then other ways. Nothing. Sera was using wind Magic for certain - Aer could feel it - the question was where she was using it. Not her arms, so... her legs? Sera did say that she felt like she could run for miles, after all. In reaction to this small revelation, Aer notified the girl of her sudden realisation. "...Perhaps you could try running? You did say you felt really like you could do a lot of running, after all. Perhaps your new power is speed-based..."

@Computing Magus @Yum222
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Sera listened to Aer, finally turning her attention to her legs. She indeed felt like her steps were lighter..then it hit her. She felt like an idiot for not remembering what the book taught her. "I got it! Okay, if I do this..." She started running ahead, and slight gusts came from her feet, making her run faster. That didn't seem too amazing, but this ability had different uses. When she stopped, she focused her magic, then let it go as she sidestepped an imaginary attack, almost as if floating away. "Haha! No one can catch me now!" She could now jump much farther than what a regular person could achieve.

For one last thing, Sera concentrated again, then kicked the air in front of her, causing a gust of wind able to push back a person or two. "Whew, this feels so...natural. And I didn't even break a sweat!" She walked back to her companions, smiling at her newly found confidence. "What do you think? I could probably save you much faster now--uh, n-not that I'm looking forward to you being in danger again!", she said towards Aer, blushing slightly.

@Pandorian @Computing Magus
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"The name's Craggard, Collector Extraordinaire! I've got anything and everything you could ever want!" He said proudly, placing his hand on his chest in a theatric manner. It was obvious he had said that introduction many times. His bitter aura all but vanished as he gleefully introduced himself. Craggard's anger never lasted long.

" Well, good luck finding that kid. He can't have gone far, and this city may be big, but it's real hard to get lost." Craggard said cheerfully. He couldn't help but feel curious at to why Lecoro seemed so intent on finding some kid. Was it his kid? He shuddered a bit. Craggard wasn't keen on children, and usually the feeling was mutual. Too many children had mistaken him for a circus clown for him not to hold a grudge. He looked unusually thoughtful for a moment, scrunching up his face.

" So, what's the big deal about some kid?"

@Ghost Hunter
Deumex'ani:God of Emotion

Now that Deume had the city of Kirryvan, he had to purge his new land of sinners. "Bring all those who have defied my law to me." He said to the crowd around him. In a matter of moments, 5 people were pushed to the front of the crowd, three men, two women. He eyed them menacingly, one man who was pushed to the front began to cry. "SINNERS, you stand accused of defying my word, which I set millions of years ago; and for some reason, is STILL being defied TODAY! He roared in anger. "I made those rules to protect and GUIDE you, but you sinners had the audacity to break them. (commandment page to be made soon on character sheet.) "How do you plead, sinners?"

Man 1: "Not guilty, NOT GUILTY!!" The man shouted, trembling in fear.

Man 2: "I'm not guilty!" The man yelled, holding his hands over his head, as if to protect himself.

Man 3: "G-guilty...." The man said, lowering his head, ashamed with himself.

Woman 1: "I'm not guilty either! I don't even know who you are!" The woman said, crossing her arms and pouting.

Woman 2: Said nothing, lowering her head in shame to the god. Her body language said guilty.

Deume changed into his anger form, flames consumed the god's body as he grew larger. The flames dissipated and the god's new appearance terrified the crowds around him.
"BRING FORTH THOSE WHO PLEADED GUILTY" the god said. The man and woman who pleaded guilty were pushed closer to the god, the pair accepted their fate with dignity. "DIE SINNERS" Is all the god said, before unleashing a breath of fire, instantly consuming the two guilty people. The crowd screamed in terror, shock, and excitement. Some cheered and others cried, the priests and religious folk rejoiced at the sight of the god's power. Deume changed back to his neutral form. The crow "Now, the three remaining, tell me, why should you, above all others, be spared of my wrath?" The dragon questioned, sitting down to listen to the three other's stories.

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Lukard was in Rugartho currently experimenting with various minerals, alloys, and weapon molds when all of a sudden, a visage of a humanoid figure with wings flashed across his vision interrupting his work. Had Lukard been a human, like he was over 50,000 years ago, he would have been burned to a crisp. Fortunately, as he was a God, his hand simply slipped into the lava in which he was working with as if it was a simple viscous putty. Lukard had recognized the vision as the Vampire God, Zenon, who like him, slew a god to gain his power. 4,000 years ago was when Zenon had gained his powers, but he went to slumber after causing a bit of trouble, but not enough for Lukard to be involved as he preferred to continue working as there hadn't been anything that had interested him in over 2,000 years. Lukard placed his tools back where he grabbed them from and looked into the scrying stone he had set up in the forge that looked out onto the world itself. Being one of the elder Gods, but not the chief one that was Deumex'ani, he had a lot of time on his hands and that required a bit of amusement that the forge could not provide. Every now and then, his worshipers, the Forgemasters of Lukard, they had styled themselves as, provided that amusement as they would offer him their greatest creations to curry favor with him. Most of the time, the creations were nothing special, but there were a few that really grabbed his attention. Looking into the scrying stone, he saw that the Forgemasters based in the dwarven city of Gyinsheer had nothing of merit this time to show him, at least in his honest opinion. Lukard figured that may need a bit of nudging in the areas of forge and craft so he made a mental note to pop in the near future. With that in mind, Lukard changed the scrying stone to see what Zenon was mucking around with. A few storm clouds here and there, some abominations, nothing the humans couldn't handle. However, what truly caught his attention as a group of individuals, not all of them humans, were with the Goddess of Gambling Aer Van Volupa. Aer had come into existence not too long ago and was a VERY young goddess. What was it that she saw within this group of a few humans, a skeleton, and a lion of all things? If a goddess had been attracted by their group, perhaps they might prove fruitful for an observation. No, Lukard figured that he would observe them in person as the last time he had done so was a VERY long time ago. He didn't want to prove assuming, so he threw on his disguise of a very handsome man, his favorite disguise, and grabbed his collapsable war hammer. Collapsable in the sense that his war hammer's handle could extend and collapse switching between a 1 handed hammer to a 2 handed. Taking one last look at the group, Aer had whisked away the skeleton and a few humans to her own plane by the looks of it leaving the Lion with one new individual in the town of Inderigo, not that far from Gyinsheer as well. So Lukard conjured up a portal and walked through it appearing in an alley way in Inderigo. Lukard wondered if his entrance to the human world would be noticed by the other gods, but paid it no merit. Walking out of the alley in his disguise, he noticed the lion from his conversing with another so he decided to walk over and hail them. Fully accepting the persona of this disguise, he pretended to be the charming, handsome man who liked helping people. Walking over, he rested the war hammer in it's 1 handed form on his shoulder and spoke in a baritone voice, "You guys new here or something?"

@Ghost Hunter @Pandorian @Emu @Lord Anubis
"The name's Craggard, Collector Extraordinaire! I've got anything and everything you could ever want!" The merchant said proudly. Leco could tell that the introduction was repeated many times before, which made him chuckle. He figured he should introduce himself as well. "My name's Lecoro Preadamii IV." Leco said, he knew the merchant already knew his first name, but he figured that they should know his last too. " Well, good luck finding that kid. He can't have gone far, and this city may be big, but it's real hard to get lost." The vampire said cheerfully. Leco gave a weak smile in response. The vampire scrunched up his face suddenly." So, what's the big deal about some kid?" Leco's weak smile faded. "The child? I promised him i'd keep him safe...i'm worried I may have failed at that...that's why i'm looking for him." Leco said, a sad expression grew on his face. He didn't tell the merchant that the child also gave him a purpose in life now...he figured that's best kept to himself...suddenly a young man walked up to him and Craggard. The young man carried a weapon, which startled him. Leco extended his claws, his nose scrunched up and a low growl came from the back of his throat. He was still on edge from the fighting earlier. "You guys new here or something?" The young man said. Leco backed up from the man, not trusting him. Where had he come from? Didn't he know just a few minutes ago, the streets were wrought with monsters? Was he the stranger on the roof from earlier? All these thoughts spiraled through Leco's head as he eyed the new person. Leco said nothing and only growled threateningly.

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Lukard noticed that the Lion began to tense up at his appearance and began to growl extending his claws as well. Luke looked around and then figured that his war hammer was giving off the wrong impression. "Oh right," He hooked his war hammer on his belt and then crossed his arms. Lukard had forgotten that this city was crawling with monsters earlier and overlooked that fact when he came to this world. "Names' Luke," he tapped his war hammer, "Honestly this baby's been getting a bit more action lately what with the monsters around and what not. I came here as a pit stop on my way to another city. Sadly I did not anticipate the arrival of our dark friends and it stalled me for a bit."

@Ghost Hunter
"What am I, your damsel in distress? At least think about saving yourself as well, prince." Aer jested, impressed at the girl's new ability. She would've felt hurt at the comment, as it implied she couldn't save herself, but Aer knew that's not what Sera was implying. Or, she hoped it wasn't.

To her notice, the sun that had once hid from them started to bear its' light upon the horizon steadily, which entailed their time limit. Hurriedly, she tried to wrap things up before they left - they might leave only to go back to a bloodbath, so they'd best be prepared. "Everyone, if you will, get yourselves sorted as soon as you can. I'll try and land us somewhere safer, if that's any consolation..." Aer sighed. The domain always seemed to calm her nerves, with its' serenity and the knowledge that she is safe in such a place. It was a shame that she couldn't spend longer there, but she was the one who set her own restrictions, and so she was willing to follow them. "You'll probably get to test out your new ability at least, Sera... I'm betting both me and Marcus want to see it in action."

Once the group were ready, she would clap her hands once more, bringing their vision to black, then another to bring it back to light. They would see themselves back in the world, this time midst the barren town that showed only signs of young life and past massacre. Even the aftermath was quite the horrifying sight to behold. The place was beyond saving.

@Ghost Hunter and @Clockwork Syringe :P )
Suddenly, Lukard felt a new presence appear while he was attempting to explain himself to the Lion when he turned his head to see some familiar individuals from his scrying stone, Aer, the skeleton man, and the girls all suddenly appeared. No doubt that she had returned from her plane of domain just now. He only acknowledged their appearance with the movement of his head to see them appear, nothing more. Aer might feel the energies resonating as she was a divine being much like he is. Lukard then focused back on attempting to explain himself to the Lion man in his persona

@Ghost Hunter @Yum222 @Federen Mason @Computing Magus
((OOC: Sorry if I'm barging in!))

It seemed all Craggard's question did was discourage the lion even more. He decided to leave the issue be for now. While it was true the city was difficult to lose one's way in, it was also full to the brim with danger. And a little kid in a huge city like this? Unless the kid was already used to such things, Lecoro may never find his "cub". Craggard decided it was best to keep his trap shut about that little detail.

" Alright," he said with a shrug.

Suddenly, a handsome young man walked up to Craggard and Lecoro, seemingly from nowhere. The lion tensed up as he spoke, but if there was something off about the stranger, it went over Craggard's head completely. While Lecoro growled, he merely stared at the stranger blankly. The stranger seemed to realize the disturbance he caused, and quickly took it upon himself to introduce himself.

" Oh, right. Names' Luke." He tapped his war hammer as he spoke.

Honestly this baby's been getting a bit more action lately what with the monsters around and what not. I came here as a pit stop on my way to another city. Sadly I did not anticipate the arrival of our dark friends and it stalled me for a bit." Craggard eyed the man carefully. It didn't seem like there was anything for Lecoro to worry about, so why was he? He stepped in front of Lecoro and attempted to break the tension.

" Eh, excuse the kitty-cat." Craggard's red eyes darted towards Lecoro cautiously before he continued.

" Nice to meetcha! The name's Craggard!" He extended his hand with a toothy grin before his mouth dropped open. he stared behind the stranger in shock. A strange group of individuals had suddenly materialized before his own eyes. He blinked in surprise before turning back to the stranger before Lecoro.

" They with you?"

@Ghost Hunter @Clockwork Syringe
"I-i didn't mean it that way..!" Sera replied to Aer. "I mean, you can, like, come to this place whenever you want, no?"

When Aer brought them back, Sera was ready to fight ghouls again. To her surprise, though, the town was almost completely deserted, save for a few odd looking characters and the lion man. Minnie clung to Sera's arm, blocking her nose from the smell of death. "Seems like the ghouls are gone...but..this is too terrible to look at.." Sera looked around at the destroyed buildings and bodies, feeling a bit sick herself.

@Pandorian @Computing Magus @Federen Mason
Lukard noticed as the man extended his hand out with a toothy grin, but Lukard did not shake his hand. Not many people have shaken Lukard's hand before as it is a great accomplishment to do so. However, he simply nodded his head, "Of course." Lukard then saw as Craggard's face opened in shock as he apparently noticed as Aer popped back into the plane. "No, I do not know them, this is the first time I am seeing them." Obviously this was a big lie as Lukard was a god, but Craggard did not know that.

@Ghost Hunter @Computing Magus
The stranger put his hammer on his belt, which calmed Leco. He retracted his claws. " Oh, right. Names' Luke." The stranger said." Honestly this baby's been getting a bit more action lately what with the monsters around and what not. I came here as a pit stop on my way to another city. Sadly I did not anticipate the arrival of our dark friends and it stalled me for a bit." Said the young man. Leco was glad to hear a little more about who the man was. Craggard stepped in front of Leco, probably to reduce some of the tension..." Eh, excuse the kitty-cat." The vampire said, Leco rolled his eyes. As Craggard was introducing himself, Leco felt another sudden presence...and then out of nowhere his comrades from earlier showed up. " They with you?" Craggard asked, turning to Leco. "No, they're not with me, but I fought with them during the siege briefly...sorry about your horse by the way..." Leco said, scratching his mane. "I never found it..I think it's gone.." Leco looked about the group of people. He figured it was time to leave. "I best get going, I need to find my Cub, thank you for the money Craggard, and thanks for patching me up earlier, doctor." Leco said, waving goodbye to the group as he walked deeper into the town searching for Rook.

@Emu @Clockwork Syringe @Yum222 @Pandorian @Computing Magus @Entarriance
Seeing the Lion walk away as if in search of something, Lukard decided to introduce his persona to the group that had just appeared. Walking over, he decided to not alert Aer immediately to his presence, but he couldn't speak for his own energy. Approaching the newly appeared group, Lukard spoke, "Greetings, my name is Luke, you guys look a bit frazzled, need some assistance?

@Yum222 @Pandorian @Computing Magus

The three other humans have been reduced to smoldering ash, and Deume now stands over the ashes, in his anger form. "Now, assemble all of the town's finest warriors, I must choose a champion to lead my crusade against the transcended vampire: ZENON!" Deume loomed over the city, fire and smoke leaking from his mouth. Soon, a line of knights, adventurers, and mercenaries were assembled before the god. He eyed them carefully. His eyes settled on a paladin. Deume transformed into his neutral form. "Paladin, step forward." The god commanded. What is your name?

Paladin: "Richard Valemine" The paladin said. Kneeling before the god.

Richard Valemine

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Paladin2.jpg.a2314e5e209b30a47da22bcaf8378933.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121571" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Paladin2.jpg.a2314e5e209b30a47da22bcaf8378933.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Deume smiled, he could see that this paladin had fought many battles, his armor was littered and worn with the scars of war.
"Richard, you are now my champion. Stand, if you accept. And from hence forth you shall be known as: Richard Valemine: Champion of Emotion." The paladin stood, accepting his new role. And behind him, the crowd began cheering. The crusade had begun. It was time to prepare. "City guard, step forward, from hence forth you will serve not only your city, but me! Yell to the heavens my children! Let the the people of Xeria know, that today, a new army has been born!" The dragon stood on his hind legs, unleashing a roar to the heavens. The entire city of Kirryvan screamed to the heavens as well, raising sword and fist to the sky. Let the crusade begin.

The Army:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Rally.jpg.124d5e58f798ebc94a997f6bbae8ae47.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121573" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Rally.jpg.124d5e58f798ebc94a997f6bbae8ae47.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@Lord Anubis



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When Lecoro thanked Minnie for her help, she nodded with a smile towards him before he disappeared. It wasn't often she met another feline-kind, and hoped he wouldn't forget her too soon.

As the handsome gentleman approached and greeted them, Sera put back her weapon, seeing as the monsters were long gone. "Uh, hello there! My name's Sera. I don't think soooooooooo!? What. Is. That!?", Sera exclamed loudly, gesturing towards the hammer at Luke's hip. "What are these parts? What is it made of? Where'd you get it? Who made it? Does it have a name?" She started firing questions repeatedly, completely lost in amazement at the weapon. Her eyes glittered, barely able to contain her excitement. She could feel it in her gut that it was special in some way and that lots of work was done to make it.

Minnie shook her head at this, realizing Sera's weapon-nut mode was activated.

@Clockwork Syringe
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Seeing a human ooh and aah over his weapon was of no surprise to Lukard as the weapon was of his own forging. It actually was one of the first things he did back when he first entered Rugartho 50,000 years ago. However, what Sera saw was an above average war hammer with its real appearance hidden by an enchantment. If she had seen the true form of his weapon, she would go nuts. However, it wouldn't hurt to show her the collapsable handle on the other hand. Lukard didn't think that it would be a problem, so he decided to elaborate on what materials it looked like it was made of, above average human materials. He wasn't going to mention that he stuck his hands in Lava in order to forge this beast. "Well this hammer does not have a name yet, but it's currently made of a steel alloy that hits hard and doesn't break easily. However, the true beauty of this baby is this," Lukard unhooked the hammer and slapped the bottom of the pommel to activate the handle. With the sound of clanking steel, the handle almost tripled in size with Lukard grasping the newly formed section with his other hand. "This hammer can switch between 1 handed and 2 handed attacks, it's something of my own creation.

@Yum222 @Computing Magus @Pandorian
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Upon the man's introduction, Aer felt a presence of energy not previously known to her, its' origins unknown to her. She knew not if it was Lukard who possessed such a thing, but the tingling feeling that grew down her spine only grew to her caution towards the mind. For the most part, Aer silently observed as Sera talked to the man in almost immediate interest, more so in the stranger's weapon than anything else. Sera, a real weapon-nut. Who knew.

After her short period of silence, Aer had gathered a few things about the man in question - a possible weaponsmith of high quality (or interest, in Sera's case), well-kept, reason behind being in town unknown. Either he had fought off the horde, or he had only just arrived. She couldn't tell, even by his clothes. The stranger was truly a mystery to her. Maybe he was supposed to be well-known around here? It would explain a few things.

She had to throw caution to the wind if she was to sate her now thrusting curiousity. Closing in, Aer bowed to the man in a similar fashion as she had done once before, to the group she was now with. "...I'm Aer," she mused, before returning to her usual stance as she cast a curious glance toward Lukard. "Pleased to meet you. Apologies for spacing out, but you're not exactly what you'd normally see in a place like this. Like seeing a flower growing in a battlefield, you could say."

@Yum222 @Computing Magus @Clockwork Syringe
Marcus has been rather keen at keeping quiet for some time now. Nothing of real importance but it was because the horde was gone. He was just a bit rather itching to have another go but thought that would be reckless of him to want danger. Then came the lion man and another person. For some reason, the other person struck him as odd. Not that he knew of anything about but just something...

Aer came to greet herself to the person. Marcus thought this would be a good opportunity too.

"And I'm Marcus." he added when Aer stopped her sentence with a very slight head bow. "Greeting to you."

@Yum222 @Pandorian @Clockwork Syringe

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