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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends (always open)

"Whaaaaaaahhh....!" Sera stood in awe at the weapon. She knew her gut was right. But how could the metal inside still be strong enough when extended..? Mysterious, she thought. Maybe it was also a gun?

Aer's voice finally broke her trance, bringing her back to earth, as well as making her realize that everyone saw her act...like that. 'Oh no, what if Aer thinks I'm weird!? What if she thinks I'm not grateful enough for the magic she gave me!? Please let have a chance to talk to her private soon..!'

Sera steps away from Luke, now standing next to Aer. Her hand accidently brushed against hers. 'Dangit Sera, that's not acting normal, that's clumsy! It's not the time to daydream about holding hands and whatnot!' , she scolded herself in her head, possibly making her miss what was being said.

@Pandorian @Clockwork Syringe @Computing Magus

(Totally not having stereotypical mental breakdown of a clumsy schoolgirl in love)
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Soon after showing off his weapon to Sera, Aer and Marcus, the skeletal man, introduced themselves to Lukard. When Aer remarked about how we was a flower in a battlefield, he responded. "I'm flattered, although not all flowers are frail and soft." Lukard tapped the pommel again and the hammer went back to being 1 handed and he hooked it on his belt. "Anyway, I was heading to Gyinsheer to have the Forgemasters there look at my creation, see what they thought of it."

@Yum222 @Computing Magus @Pandorian
Marcus watched the weapon in astonishment, thinking how one would cost but it would be rather expensive and Lukard doesn't look like he would be selling it, especially since he said it was of his creation and is yet to be shown to what he calls Forgemasters. In a different subject, he said he would be going somewhere. It already occurred to him that they were once about to travel north but he couldn't mention it without looking awkward most of the time. Now could perhaps be a chance.

"Well, this group, um let's see; Lissy, Sera, Aer, Minnie" as Marcus quickly muttered a head count. "We were just heading north. If perhaps the place you are going is also somewhere in the north, then I suggest we could travel together then" Marcus said, hoping a quick suggestion would finally lead them in the road.

@Yum222 @Pandorian @Clock Syringe @Federen Mason (Where are you?)
Gyinsheer is a dwarven city in the north so we'd be headed in the same direction if we were to travel together. Apart from that, I'm not opposed to traveling together. The Forgemasters are known for their superior craft, and that's my main business in the city. However it's almost time for their religious ceremony so I hope that I can reach them before they start it. So why don't we travel together for the time being?

@Pandorian @Yum222 @Computing Magus
Gyinsheer? Aer had heard a few things about the area, but otherwise, she was completely oblivious to the place itself. Good time to check it out, she thought. Perhaps she would find some interesting things, with these Forgemasters in the city. But a religious ceremony..? Perhaps a tradition? This, Aer would have to see if she could. Without a moment's thought afterward, she accepted, not even noticing Sera' hand gloss over her own. "I wouldn't mind a bit of travelling, especially with a new face around. But you've got to tell me a bit about yourself on the way - I won't get off your back until you do." she stated, her curious glance still present in her eyes. "I'm not a fighter though, so don't expect me to be fighting any battles on the way. Apologies again, in advance."

@Computing Magus @Clockwork Syringe @Yum222
"Very well then Aer, I'll divulge some information about myself along the trip," Lukard began. "Gyinsheer's about a day and a half's travel from here so if we want to get there , we'll have to move soon. And as to your incapability of fighting, don't worry, I can fight for both of us, this hammer's not just for show." Lukard wanted to get to Gyinsheer to give a nudge to the forgemasters' crafts, but now that four new allies would be joining him, he figured he'd make a show during the ceremony. Had he originally decided to go straight to Gyinsheer and not meet these new individuals, he would insert himself in the Forgemasters' ranks. However, now he figured he be a bit more flashy. Lukard hadn't been this intoxicated with excitement since the last time he discovered and forged new metals.

@Pandorian @Yum222 @Computing Magus
Minnie nudged Sera's side, borrowing her hand to write. Sera began relaying her message. "Minnie says we're happy for the company and protection...h-hey! I can protect us too!", she added at the end, though she knew it'd be quite difficult to protect an entire party on her own.

Another passed through her mind when Luke said he'd divulge some information about himself. Sera really didn't know much of anything about Aer herself, besides her interesting way with words and generosity towards her. What kind of person can teleport, or whatever it was she did?

"Maybe I'll learn something too along the way.." She mumbled to herself.

@Pandorian @Clockwork Syringe @Computing Magus @Federen Mason
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Sounded like an agreement has been made. Marcus thought it would best be going as Lukard had said. He checks the group for one last head count with the new person. Lukard could help them through the adventure, he thought. The mighty weapon looked really menacing and powerful. Then again, Sera had a new ability. Whatever, it seemed that the more the merrier and safer.

"Alright, shall we get going then? Also, I'm a merchant. Just to let you know. I have items that come with a price if you need them." Marcus said to Lukard.
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Craggard hadn't uttered a single word since his introduction to Lukard. He wasn't fazed by the strange people before him as he had seen quite a few freaks, but the fact that they had appeared before him out of nowhere did somewhat unnerve him. As the odd group conversed with Lukard, Craggard sighed, wiping his brow. First a mob of children, then a lion-man soaked in blood claiming to have fought evil- well, he wasn't sure what Lecoro fought, but the area did reek of some kind of dark energy... the disgusting scent he smelled covered it, but if he focused, he could smell something else, something unearthly and sinister.

Craggard felt a shiver run down his spine. He looked toward Lecoro lumbering off in the distance, probably to find that kid. He wondered how far he would get. If his encounter with Craggard had proved anything, he wasn't very good with money. But the lion was also covered in blood when they met, and was clearly a force to be reckoned with. This peaked Craggard's interest, enough to get the gears in his head creaking as he formulated a plan.

Someone needed to show Lecoro how Inderigo worked, right? He wouldn't get anywhere finding the kid if he didn't know the ropes of the city. Who would tell him about the catacombs and shortcuts? And perhaps the lion would be willing to pay him back... or at least protection. Craggard figured he deserved something for his efforts to help a lost little-

" Kitty-cat! Wait up, would ya?"

@Ghost Hunter
" Kitty-cat! Wait up, would ya?" Leco turns around and looks at Craggard. He rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "It's LECORO" He says, before turning around and walking a bit more. By now, survivors of the raid had began to poke their heads out. Inderigo's streets began to grow lively again...but in a depressing way..as people mourned over losses and children scrambled to find their families. A grown man sitting in front of a crumbled house catches Leco's eye. He turns to Craggard, and motions for him to come over. Leco kneels next to the man. "Human, was that your house?" Leco says, looking at the man. The man begins to sob, and falls to the ground.

Man: "My...my family was in there..all gone..crushed...." Is all the man says, without looking up to Leco.

Leco looks down at the crying man. "I'm sorry for your loss." Is all he says, gruffly. Before he could get up to leave; as he had his own things to worry about, Rook's advice to him echoed in his mind..take other people into consideration. Leco looked back down at the sobbing man. He knew he should help him..he didn't know how..he's never really comforted anyone before...the only other time he had comforted another person was when he was a cub. His brother had just recently sprained his ankle and couldn't move. So..Leco cuddled him..that's what his tribe would do. Maybe Leco could do that...

Leco gets on all fours and slowly walks up the crying man and plops down onto his lap like a huge house cat.

Totally related but unrelated picture of this cute FREAKING LION cuddling this dude...LOOK AT THATFACEOHMYGODIJUSTWANNALOVEITTODEATHOHMYGOOOOD!!!(:3)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/download.jpg.24fd5b709744779d6e93e3745c841c88.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121831" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/download.jpg.24fd5b709744779d6e93e3745c841c88.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Agreed, we should move soon, although what about your lion friend? Should we wait for him or no?" Lukard was ready to move on, but he didn't want to seem pushy and rushy. So he decided that he would let these humans decide instead, Although he'd prefer to get going quickly.

@Yum222 @Pandorian @Computing Magus

((just placing this here))
Minnie appeared to yawn and rub her eyes, though of course there was no sound to it besides her breath. "Getting tired..? It is starting to get dark..", Sera spoke for her feline friend. "I'm up for going now, I'd rather be anywhere than here. The lion man left in the other direction, so I doubt he's coming with us..." She took Minnie's hand, ready to go.

(Ready to transition to a quiet place to set up camp anytime)

@Computing Magus @Pandorian
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"Very well then, let's be off to Gyinsheer, if we play our cards right, we should reach Gyinsheer tomorrow afternoon. I know the way so I'll lead the path, unless someone else wants to take charge?"

@Computing Magus @Yum222 @Pandorian

((I'll let someone else do the transition, unless you want me to do it?))
((Doing a double post for the transition here, Also gonna move some characters around to make the transition easier. Please don't shoot me))

Lukard noticed how late the day was getting so he started over to go, but noticed a caravan nearby with nobody occupying it. "I guess this will have to do, it will shorten our time considerably. Only problem is, there's no horses," as Lukard remarked that, he spotted a horse over in the distance so he whistled over at it. As if like magic, the horse trotted over, Lukard had used one of his gifts, but to the humans, the skeleton, it seemed like he had a way with animals, Aer might think otherwise, but they needed to be on the road quickly. He hitched the horse to the carriage and climbed up on the top and said, hop in, I'll get us as far as we can before we'll need to stop for the night. Once everyone climbed in, he started the carriage and off they went towards Gyinsheer.

About an hour later, Lukard stopped the carriage as it was almost night fall and they needed to set up camp fast. Climbing down from the top, he unhitched the horse and led it over to a nearby tree. While leading the horse over, Lukard stopped by the carriage door. "We should set up camp here, get some rest both for ourselves and the horses," Lukard then tied the horse to the tree and then set about making a fire pit. Once done, he sat in front of the fire and began to scan while everyone else set up camp for the night.

@Yum222 @Pandorian @Computing Magus
Minnie was in charge of making dinner. To the others, that may have seemed impossible, considering she was blind, but Sera explained that she was an exceptional cook. Her senses compensated for her lack of sight, and that included taste. The caravan had a few basic food provisions, though only enough for that night.

Sera removed her leather armor and boots, finally able to breathe again. 'I shouldn't make it so tight next time..' She stretched a bit, grabbed a small towel from her pack, then went up to Aer. "I spotted a stream cutting through the woods close by...I-I was thinking it'd be a good time to wash up, but I'd rather not go alone, and since Minnie's busy..." She said to her, Sera's body language making it sound more like she wanted to talk rather than invite her to bathe.


(I swear I need to make tagging a habit...)
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Aer, having the time to fully relax, stared peacefully in towards the forest, as its' serenity took her thoughts away. The scent of food and burning lumber only added to the forest's calm atmosphere. Her trance was only broken by Sera's arrival next to her. Aer greeted her with a calm smile and a blossom to her cheeks. "My, a bold offer. Needing a maiden to protect whilst you bathe?" Aer teased, before accepting the offer. "I kid, but I'd be glad to. You seem like you've been wanting to say something, anyway, so I can't exactly refuse.". From the sounds of it, Aer had noticed Sera's body language, but her knowledge might've even tailed back longer than that. In acknowledgement of this, she stuck a playful tongue out at Sera, beginning to take her gloves off, taking the ring that she kept on her left hand middle finger off before promptly putting it back on. To anyone who noticed the ring, they would probably question why Aer wears the ring in the first place, though they could guess Aer was unlikely to tell them outright. Turning towards her, she retracted her playful gesture. "...Feel free to lead the way."

Marcus was mostly helping with setting up the camp to ensure maximum comfortability and safety for the group. He helped the group set up some few places and where to sleep. He could have helped with making the fire since at first thought one would think that was quicker but Marcus was doing other things and Lukard started a suitable fire for the group first anyway. Marcus was gonna stay inside a tent with room for Lissy too (assuming she's already asleep there and I'm gonna have to control the character slightly). They always carried one since they were travelling people of the east. Since he had nothing better to do now, he goes out of his way to help Minnie with dinner.

"Well, mind if I help you with the dinner this evening Minnie?" Marcus asked the her. He was only amazed that this girl could accomplish such things with only her remaining senses. It was almost like magic too, if it wasn't.

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"Thank you, Aer!", Sera said, smiling at her playfulness, a bit of weight seeming to have been lifted from her shoulders. She was worried that she'd refuse--no, very worried. But that was the easy part.

Sera led Aer into the woods, unable to speak until they reached the stream she spoke of. It was almost as wide as a river, with crystal clear water gently flowing down. Small birds and herbivores were drinking from it, then darted out into bushes as they arrived.

Sera stood there, looking at the glistening rocks with her hands ready to start undressing herself. She took a deep breath, then finally broke the silence. "I-I'm sorry...for the way I acted during..the attack. When I pushed you down, I had various..no.." She shook her head. "I had many inappropriate thoughts about you, and I wanted to be honest about that now, and the truth is...I'm scared..." Sera was shaking slightly, the weight of her emotions straining her voice.


Minnie nodded at Marcus' offer pointing at potatoes and a peeler. It seemed like that was all she needed done.

@Computing Magus
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"It's LECORO" The lion-man grumbled, and Craggard grinned in response, but his grin slowly faded as the townspeople slowly began to emerge from hiding. Quiet voices and the scuffle of feet to find loved ones was heard, but many people were also sobbing and wailing. Craggard had to resist the urge to plug his ears. He suddenly felt a desperate need to leave the village. All of the suffering and loss here- it was too much. While he didn't feel empathy for the townspeople, his stomach dropped and he felt quite uncomfortable. He intended to keep walking and ignore the others the best he could, but Lecoro had other ideas. He had been watching a man kneeling in front of a pile or rubble and debris, and began to make his way over to him.

he motioned for Craggard to follow him, but Craggard didn't move.

" What are you doing?" Craggard hissed under his breath. Sighing, he grudgingly shambled after Lecoro. He knelt in front of the man.

"Human, was that your house?" Lecoro asked quietly. The man began to wail and sob, his shoulders shaking and his face streaked with tears.

"My...my family was in there..all gone..crushed...." the man murmered in between sobs. Lecoro looked down at him and seemed to feel sympathy for him, muttering his condelences. Suddenly, Lecoro got on all fours and lay beside the grief stricken man. The man buried his face in Lecoro's fur, crying the whole time. Craggard shifted in place awkwardly. If the situation wasn't so serious, he would have snickered at Lecoro. He cleared his throat and then gave a weak smile.

"They'll be fine, yeah? C'mon, get up and we'll find the kid. " He waited for Lecoro, tapping his foot impatiently. He nudged Lecoro with the heel of his boot.

" Come on, Lecoro." Craggard said again when he didn't respond.

@Ghost Hunter
Aer, who had already begun disrobing from her noble assortment of clothing starting with the outskirts of her dress, lay a hand on the shaking Sera's shoulder, idly looking around from back where they came whilst she cast a warm smile. "...So this is what it's about. Don't worry about that, Sera - I forgive you. So what's to be scared about? If anything, I must thank you for not acting upon them..." she soothingly sung, her eyes of amber shimmering lightly in harmony with the waves of the stream. In moments, she had reached the stream itself, taking off her shoes and intricately patterned stockings to allow her legs to breathe amongst the flowing water. "...Anything else you wanted to tell me? The water's warm, you know, and you'll regret it if you don't get in!"


(That moment when you feel you need to choose how you word something very carefully... :P )
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"But...but that's exactly what I'm scared of..what if I do act on it...without your permission..", Sera said, her voice regaining a bit of balance with Aer's forgiveness. She was momentarily still, watching the noble woman look so..perfect. She shook her head, trying to hide her blush. She removed her own garments, which were barely more than a simple shirt and pants. She was feeling very vulnerable then, and just hoped Aer wouldn't judge or dislike her like this. She stepped into the water, delighted that it was just as Aer had described. Sera was about to ask that she not stare too much, but she realized that'd be rather hypocritical of her seeing as she had trouble looking away from the elegant woman.

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The half-elf's stare was certainly felt by Aer. "Well, I'm sure I can stop you, when it comes to it... not that it's stopping your rather predator stare right now, Sera..." she mentioned, laughing a little as she began to wash the calves of her legs. After a partial moment of silence, she had come across an idea. Without warning, Aer splashed Sera with a large wave of water. "Come on, snap out of it. You look like you've fallen in love rather than the other way 'round, you know. Maybe you're getting a fever? Got something else on your mind?". Accompanying a smile came another few waves, trying to spur Sera to retaliate in some way.

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After watching the landscape and scanning for threats, nothing seemed to stand out as a threat to the group. Minnie and Marcus were making dinner, peeling potatoes by the looks of it to make some kind of stew meanwhile Sera and Aer went off into the woods to talk privately. Suddenly a thought struck Lukard, Aer should know that he is the God of Forging and Crafts as it would be God to Goddess talking. However that meant Sera also learning of this. Aer had demonstrated her abilities to Sera, Minnie and Marcus by the looks of it so they knew something was up with Aer and the fact that Aer was with Sera at the moment meant she trusted her pretty well. So if a goddess could trust Sera, Lukard figured that he could as well, at least to keep her mouth shut until they reached Gyinsheer. So Lukard stood up from beside the fire and passed by Minnie and Marcus letting them know that he was going to go look for the two of them. Stopping next to where they were working, Lukard spoke, "I'm going to go talk to Sera and Aer, yell if you need me." After enlightening them as to his plan, Lukard walked into the forest for a bit by then which he started to call for Sera and Aer. "Sera! Aer! Are you there! I need to talk to you two!"

@Yum222 @Pandorian @Computing Magus
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"Hyaa!? H-hey!" The splash brought Sera back to her senses. She shook her hair, spraying water droplets everywhere before splashing Aer. Sera already felt better after speaking her heart out. "Take this! Aaand this!", she yelled, sending wave after wave back at her.

An evil idea came to her mind then. She focused magic to her legs, preparing a gust. "Face my final attack! Wind Stream--Ahh!?" She was about to send a bunch of water at Aer using her magic, but she slipped at the end, sending the gust backwards. She sent herself crashing into Aer by accident, both of them splashing into the water. Sera sat up, just laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. "Hahahaha...sorry Aer, I slipped~" She stretched her hand to help Aer back up. Sera hadn't noticed Luke calling them as she was in the water when he called.


(Yay 100th post)
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Aer, being caught off-guard, laughed along with Sera, overpowering Lukard's call at the time - neither of the two had heard him call. "..D-did not expect that you'd use your magic on me like that! Was your plan to take me down with you all along?" Aer jested, pulling herself up with the help of the half-elf. She began to pull on her hair slightly, in a lazy attempt to force water out of her now soaked hair. As could be expected, her efforts were in vain. Sitting on her knees, she grasped Sera's nose with thumb and finger, pulling on it very lightly, Aer's tongue stuck out before her, continuing her teasing to greater heights. "I bet you just act like it's an incident on purpose, don't you~?"

@Yum222 @Clockwork Syringe

(Welp, here we go. Awkward situation central. :P )

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