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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends (always open)

As Minnie was about finished with her preparations, her ear twitched, hearing splashing...and remembering Luke going there. She giggled silently to herself, already anticipating what might happen.

"Nnuuuu, not mah nothe! Eh wath an athident!" Sera bat Aer's hand away, smiling at her. "Hey, thanks for listening to me. You know, we don't really know much about each other. We should exchange stories sometime~" She got up, starting to actually wash herself for real.

@Pandorian @Clockwork Syringe (Impending awkwardness)
Leco looked at Craggard. "Very well, Craggard." Leco said, getting up from the man. "Stay strong, we all lost something today.." He said, then looked at Craggard. "All right, let's go." Leco said, motioning for the vampire to follow. "Where do you think a child would go for safety?" Leco asked over his shoulder as he walked. "As you can already tell...i'm not very used to places like this.." Leco limped sightly as he walked. Still injured from the flying ghoul. He might have broken something. But would worry about that later. "When Rook; that's the child's name by the way ran away from me, he got on a horse. Do you think he might have just ran out of town?"
Lukard heard no response, although he heard a rather large splash in the distance followed by an episode of giggling and laughter. Obviously there was a stream nearby, but then what were they.. It suddenly hit him like a bull, they were bathing in the stream. "Oh heavens, this is not going to be easy", but perhaps there might be a way to avoid problems that may hit him in the near future in the shapes of rocks and clothes. See when his identity as a god was known, he had no problems when entering as he would have simply asked their permission and they replied yes or to wait a bit. The same was true here, he was not going to take advantage of them in a moment of weakness. So he carefully executed his plan of action, the stream was quite a distance away and below a cliff judging by the sounds, but the cliff was within viewing distance. Lukard cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled in a VERY booming voice, "Sera! Aer! I need to talk to the two of you! I'm not coming over there until I hear an OK!"

@Pandorian @Yum222
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((OOC: I went back and looked at the roleplay's location and stuff, but I'm also making a lot of stuff up so feel free to let me know if it contradicts anything!))

Craggard's uncomfortable expression quickly turned into a smug one. It wasn't every day someone asked him for advice like this. And to someone who knew nothing of the outside world, Craggard figured he must seem like a genuis. Not that he didn't already know that.

" Sure, I guess so. Thing is there's not much outside of Inderigo save a path for caravans and travellers. Get outta here and there's nothing but trees and forest for miles. Even if he did run outta here, there's no point looking. No one goes into that forest and lives to blab 'bout it, y'know?"

" The kid -uh- Rook, could have just ran further into what's left of this place. Let's take a look-see before we go running into the forest."

@Ghost Hunter
"We should!" Aer replied, before being interrupted by Lukard's booming voice. It made her jump almost immediately. That weaponsmith was certainly something. Letting out a small laugh once again, Aer stood up from the stream, a sigh escaping her lips. "...Well, it looks like we have company. Looks like we have to wrap this up, unfortunately..." she stated, walking out of the stream, picking up her clothing from where she had initially left it, folded and all. Like a magician's trick, she managed to slip back on the dress itself with surprising ease, not bothering with the outfit's intricacy for outermost details, at least for the time being. Once she had fitted her stockings, Aer felt like shouting the OK to Lukard prematurely, to see what the man's reaction would be to see Sera still undressed. Yet, she decided against it, mostly because it felt cruel on Sera - that, and she'd probably pay for it later. "I wonder what he needs to talk to us two about..." she thought aloud. "I hope it's something good enough to interrupt us and the nice view, at the very least... feel free to give the OK, once you're ready, Sera."

@Yum222 @Clockwork Syringe
Sera was surprised at Luke's loud voice, and disappointed that their fun was cut short. "I hope he isn't peeping..." She got out of the water and dried herself a bit, then put her clothes back on. 'I might need to change into my other clothes later...wait, did Aer just say nice view..?'

She shook her head and started drying her hair with her towel, but she figured she ought to let Aer dry her hair first, it being longer than hers. "Here Aer, you can use this to dry your hair." She handed it to her, then called out to Luke. "OK, you can come now!"

@Pandorian @Clockwork Syringe
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" Sure, I guess so. Thing is there's not much outside of Inderigo save a path for caravans and travellers. Get outta here and there's nothing but trees and forest for miles. Even if he did run outta here, there's no point looking. No one goes into that forest and lives to blab 'bout it, y'know?" Craggard said. Leco cringed at the words "lives to blab 'bout it." The kid -uh- Rook, could have just ran further into what's left of this place. Let's take a look-see before we go running into the forest." A sad look plastered itself onto Leco's face, his hopes to find Rook seemed to dwindle. But he knew of one place the cub could be. "The guard barracks..we were going there before the attack." Leco looked back at Craggard. "Maybe he's waiting for us there!" Leco scratched his mane in confusion. "But...uh..where is it?"

@Emu @Entarriance
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"Very well!" Lukard exclaimed as he walked forward to the edge of the cliff seeing Aer and Sera thankfully clothed. Lukard took a deep breath, he was about to reveal his identity to the two of them so he had to mentally prepare himself. To start things off, he jumped from the edge of the cliff down to the shore bank next to the river on both of his feet effortlessly with a very loud "THUD." "I thank you for allowing me to enter, although I would have waited if you had said no earlier, as I have waited for Aeons for somethings, but that's beside the point." Lukard turned to both Aer and Sera, "Both of you were interested in me earlier both in craftsmanship and identity so I decided to wait until the two of you were alone before we had this discussion. "Sera, you were interested in my weapon earlier today, what I said about it being made of a steel alloy, that was entirely false. Aer, you wanted to know more about me, and how you wouldn't stop bothering me until I said something, although if you listened to your gut, you would have figured it out sooner. Both of you shall have your answers right now and I will not hold back. Although I would ask of you to stay silent about this and not to reveal what I am about to tell you until a day has passed when we have reached Gyinsheer and spoken with my followers, the Forgemasters." Lukard unhooked his war hammer from his belt and then waved his hand over it exposing the true majesty of his weapon. His war hammer was revealed to be entirely silver with red rubies in the sides of the hammer head along with a golden sweeping pattern on the sides as well. "This weapon was still forged by my own two hands, but it is not made of a steel alloy like I told you, it is instead made of a much more durable, strong, and rare metal known as Starmetal and it also has a name, Heaven's Punisher. Starmetal is only found within the plane of Rugartho, the plane of metals and elements. My name is not Luke like I told you earlier today, it is Lukard, the God of Forging and Craftsmen.

@Yum222 @Pandorian
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'...What...', was the first word that came to Sera's mind as Luke, or apparently Lukard, finished his re-introduction. The look of the man, or God's, hammer was breathtaking, and she'd have wanted to do nothing more than question him about how he made it, where this Rugartho was, and countless other things, but there was something odd about what he said. Revealing his identity to someone that was just interested in his creation seemed very weird, but was even more weird was what he said about Aer figuring it out if she 'listened to her gut'...

"Uhh..ha ha...nice story, but, shouldn't a god be like, up there..?", Sera replied, pointing up at the sky. "He's joking, right..?", she said, turning towards Aer. 'This must be some sort of magic trick...'

@Pandorian @Clockwork Syringe
"The guard barracks..we were going there before the attack. Maybe he's waiting for us there!" Lecoro gave Craggard a confused look. "But...uh..where is it?" Craggard made a mental note to talk more positively as he responded. When Craggard mentioned the forest, Lecoro did not look unlike a kicked puppy. Once again, Craggard felt an irritating curiousity as to what made Lecoro so attached to the kid, that is, Rook. Earlier he had acted as if he had a duty to the kid, but Craggard wondered if there was something else.

He gestured vaguely to the right, waving his hands about absentmindedly.

" Eugh... the barracks, eh? Right over... there. Ish. C'mon, I'll show you. " Craggard wasn't really looking forward to seeing any guards. While he wasn't a murderer or anything spectacular, he had his share of petty crimes and there was something about the guards here that was stifling. They had a pretentious air about them, although he knew plenty of them weren't above doing the same things they punished others for.

Craggard snapped out of the daze, and began walking towards the barracks at a deliberately slow pace. He motioned for Lecoro to follow.

@Ghost Hunter
Aer had been put in quite the awkward situation. Her suspicions had been confirmed, but the outcome had blown even her expectations out of the water. Once everything had clicked in her mind, surprise was present even on Aer's face. A god!? Why here... their meeting must've not of been a coincidence. Perhaps they were being watched? Or... was it her? Was it her that was the reason he was here? In that case, he would know who she was, which made the entire affair that much more worrying... yet, interesting. When Sera turned to her, all she could do was bite her lip and respond as vaguely as she could. "...H-honestly, I don't know what to believe anymore, Sera. It's almost as if everything is out to surprise me today! Not to say I didn't enjoy some of them."

@Yum222 @Clockwork Syringe

(Aer's kind of backed into a corner right now. :P )
Maliset woke up with a start inside her and Marcus' tent. She still felt rather groggy but she couldn't sleep because she was hungry. Wearing her shoes and tidying herself up, she went outside to ease her boredom. She spotted Minnie and Marcus making dinner as such and some of the few others seemed to have went somewhere seeing as that they are nowhere to be seen in the camp. She knew of Luke and some of the other things that happened; she kept close behind Marcus all of the time and didn't bother to speak up.

"Hi Marcus..." Maliset mumbled to the skeleton man. She was quick to do something when bored like interrupt Marcus with whatever he was doing. She didn't mean to take away Minnie's temporary assistant though.

@Computing Magus
Marcus helped with ever so slightly with Minnie's dinner, peeling the potatoes as she pointed out. By the time he started helping her, she seemed to be almost done. As he finished, he heard Minnie giggle. Was it something he did? Not having the enhanced hearing Minnie possessed, Marcus could only ask for an answer. Then came a rather loud voice. He couldn't make it out who was talking though. He decided to return to the question he was about to ask Minnie.

"What's so funny?" Marcus asked but before he could wait for an answer, Lissy came up to him. Must be bored, as usual.

"Oh, hi Lissy. I was just helping Minnie with dinner. If you want some, please stay put, alright?" Marcus said to her so that she wouldn't interrupt any further. Aside from what is happening with Aer and the others, which was a place they weren't in, it was rather uneventful.

@Yum222 @Federen Mason
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"To answer your question Sera yes, most of the time, I am up there in my own plane," Lukard pointed upwards. "However, there are times in which I will descend and converse with the people of this planet, the more notable example is my Forgemasters, my followers. Now the last time I descended was over 1,000 years ago, not much has changed in the time according to me. That being said, Not many things can catch my attention, but whilst you were in Inderigo, an event occurred which caught my attention, that is rare indeed." Lukard waved his hand over Heaven's Sunderer and reverted it back to it's glamoured appearance before hooking it back on his belt. "Now while this is a multitude of information to take in, I would implore you to keep this a secret, at least until I reveal myself to my followers. It's no fun if the cat is taken out of the bag prematurely now isn't it?" Lukard looked back at the sky noticing that it was getting VERY dark. "We should head back, Marcus, Minnie, and Lissy may start to question why 3 members of the camp are gone for an extended period of time." Lukard started back towards the camp, but not before sneaking a quick wink at Aer as if to say, ~your secret's safe with me~

@Yum222 @Pandorian
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Sera still didn't really understand, but she followed Luke back towards camp. Before that, she asked Aer a question. "Um, I don't want to pry but...what did he mean when he said you'd have realized who he was if you listened to your gut? How would you know a god?"

Minnie took the peeled potatoes and added them to the stew she was making. She let in cook as she turned to Marcus, trying to motion that it was nothing.

@Computing Magus @Federen Mason @Pandorian
Lukard's wink only made her think even more. What was he here for..? Aer began following back to the camp herself, thinking idly for a adequate answer to give Sera for the time being. "Well... I can't really say what he meant. I mean, there was something off about him, but thinking about the possibility of him being a god..? If only I had such an imagination.". For now, she was focused on trying to decipher why Lukard was with them - it was kind of like a puzzle, or so she thought. It might even prove useful. Turning her sights towards Lukard, she began to poke back at him in her own way, a faint smile returning to her after her brief shock of silence. "...I guess we'll have to see this god at work, one time. I'm sure you wouldn't mind, Sera!"

@Yum222 @Clockwork Syringe
Leco followed Craggard to the guard barracks. As they walked he looked about the destruction. On top of the mourning people, looters had also began to ravage the streets. Leco drew his sword and watched the rouges carefully as the pair walked to the barracks. "Craggard, if the guards were fighting off the ghouls, then would it be safe to assume that the jail was left unattended? Their might be some murderers and bandits loose right now..." Leco said suspiciously. "Tell me vampire, how well is your fighting? The road might get a little bumpy.."
"Hah, if he's the God of forging, I hope he makes something for little ol' me!", Sera joked. She felt like she wanted to say something else to Aer, though it was more of a little thing bothering her about how she answered just now. "Aer...I like you, and I trust you, alright? I'd be the last one to think less of you for being different. Gods know I've been on the receiving end all my life...", she told her. She smelled the air, then sighed happily. "I'm so hungry..let's go!", she called back to Aer, running ahead.

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Lukard was not surprised when they didn't believe him originally as to whom they were as what kind of god would openly reveal that to them. Unfazed by the lack of belief, he still led them back to the camp as he'd probably earn their belief soon once the Forgemasters realized who he was. Then again, he was still in his handsome man disguise so that was an error on his part as the majority of his divine energies were in check while he was in this form. Nonetheless, he led them back to the camp and made his way over to the campfire once more scanning the horizon for any threats. Although one thought did occur to him, perhaps he should clue in the high priest of the Forgemasters to his arrival. Best to do that when everyone else was sleeping or preoccupied.

@Computing Magus @Pandorian @Yum222 @Federen Mason
[Zenons castle Ruthel'Hym]

For a few hours the new ghouls had scoured the forest surrounding the mountains of Galla. Zenon resided in his quarters overlooking the magical map called " The Reveler" it; Was unique in that it can find any living thing with a drop of there blood. Looking at the three dimensional map he could see a few towns around the Galla mountains. Already he could feel the presence of another god in the world, although he could not tell where they were. He eyed the map carefully " It would seem a mass of townsmen are moving with the god of emotion. While his forces were not many he would need more backing to withstand the older god if he ever decided to attack. Quickly he thought about what to do next. In that instant Zenon smiled. He new of only one real way to gather a source of power significant enough to provide a advantage. It had bin along time since he had undertaken this task, but it was something he would rather enjoy. He held out his hand, as a raven appeared in his hand. He whispered to it before releasing it into the air. The raven flew out of the window heading off to reach its destination. After he left he looked back to the map. Know all he needed was a large enough town to use as the sacrifice.

With nighttime approaching, Deume took the chance to move about his city. The crowd from earlier had dispersed, and his army now worked through the night training. Tomorrow, blacksmiths would begin crafting the army's weapons. Which would then be sent to a priest to be blessed. The townspeople have prepared a seat for him in the city gardens, and Deume moves towards it now. The city was even beautiful at night, the moonlight shined off the city's marble buildings, creating a sheen. Deume cracked a small smile. The humans sure have made a huge improvement in the last thousand years. Entering the gardens, Deume followed the brick pathway to the center of the garden, where a huge wooden throne lay waiting for him. The throne was impressive, Eighteen feet tall and painted white with blue plush seating. It had no legs, and was designed so that Deume could sit no problem in it, with special grooves and inlays to accommodate for his wings and tail. Impressive for a last minute construction project. How did they build it so fast? Deume walked slowly to the throne, gently putting one foot on the seat. It was softer than a goddesses' smile! Deume eagerly and quickly sat down in the chair. It relaxed him, and his mind went to things other than the crusade. He closed his eyes, and sighed.
How sweet of her, Aer thought, a crimson lining her face ever gently as she followed behind the two the best she could. Being different... it wasn't just being different, it was being something else entirely. And trust... did she really trust Sera? She was keeping such a secret from her after all, but it was only natural. If she were to reveal it, what time would be the best time? Lack of experience finally coming to light, Aer bit her lip one more, feeling somewhat beaten by her own game.

Once they had returned to camp, she swiftly sat down next to the campfire, using the towel given to her to dry out the lengths of her shimmering hair. The ambiance of it all calmed her nerves where they had become stressed. The serenity was only interrupted once more by her own hunger, spiking at the smell of what Minnie and Marcus had in store for them. In her patience, she stared at the flickering fire for a few moments, hoping to get the hunger that had hit her out of her mind for the time being. The flame's dance cleared her mind.
Lukard was admiring the landscape and was whittling a piece of wood with a knife when he noticed that Aer came to the campfire for the first time tonight. Figuring that she would be by herself for a bit before Sera would join her, he decided that he would talk to her briefly. Moving over to the log next to her he spoke in a hushed voice, "I'm sorry for putting you in such a difficult situation, I didn't anticipate Sera questioning you about that."

A couple breaths past before she made any response, a small smile accompanying her quiet words. "Well, I have to tell her eventually, anyway. But why are you here, exactly? Am I really that interesting to you?" she hushed, her eyes still dancing with the flames and fire. "I'm not exactly legendary yet, Lukard. I have a few hundred years until I can even begin to get such a title... that'll be quite a day. So tell me... what is your plan, exactly?". All she wanted at that moment was for his reasoning to make sense - the sense of the unknown was getting her anxious. It was highly irregular for a god of such age to be meddling in the affairs of a comparatively newborn god, so the answer was only the more valuable.

@Clockwork Syringe
"It's very rare for a Goddess to come into existence all on her own as there's only been one other god to do so, Deumex'ani. He's the eldest god and i'm not even sure he's awake yet, he's been sleeping for over 200,000 years right now. As for Gods like myself, I became one when I slew an evil god over 50,000 years ago. This isn't even my true form, just a disguise. However, theres another you need to be wary of, Zenon, he's a vampire god but he's stirring up trouble again. Keep an eye out for him as I feel something big is about to happen. As to my intentions, I was going to Gyinsheer anyway to speak to my followers, but when I noticed you keeping an eye on these adventurers I couldn't help but be interested in them as well so I decided to tag along. I am going to reveal myself at Gyinsheer to these humans and my followers anyway so they'll know. Sera on the other hand has quite a talent for not being a blacksmith yet having an almost borderline obsession with weapons wouldn't you say?"


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