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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends (always open)

"I grew up a gentleman, and I must atone for setting you alarm. If you need help, I'll gladly offer..." He paused. "My name is Diego Leith; but you may call me Dio." Lecoro turned to the man who had revealed himself, and Craggard mirrored his actions. As Lecoro explained their dilemna, Craggard looked at Diego with a suspicious look, eyeing him as if the young man was dirt on his shoe. This guy seemed relatively normal, save for the raptors; just a blonde in perhaps his early twenties. Still, he wasn't buying the "gentleman" talk. Even if he stopped, this man had been prepared to attack Lecoro. Maybe he would have done the same to Craggard.

" Alrighty, Dio. If that's even your real name," He paused for dramatic effect, crossing his arms and giving Diego a little sneer.

" Why were you hiding way up there, eh? What, were you birdwatchin'? Care to share? " He pried. Craggard of course did not think Diego was birdwatching, but he did suspect of him of looking out for his next meal.

@Ghost Hunter @Lekar
Diego felt insulted, but also shamed. He honestly didn't want to bother them, but they made it an issue to address him.

"Well, I heard your conversation, got close, and got caught. I didn't know if you were friend or foe, someone to look out for, I just needed to be sure you weren't a threat. I told you I meant no harm, but you still insisted on attacking me, even when I hid." Diego stood there, teeth gritted, he honestly felt bad, and easily understood their situation, but it just seemed like everyone was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"You have every right to be on edge, but do I really look like one of those... stalker... things?" Diego paused, sorrow in his eyes. He couldn't walk away from this and keep his gentlemanly pride. "Let me help you."
"Well, I heard your conversation, got close, and got caught. I didn't know if you were friend or foe, someone to look out for, I just needed to be sure you weren't a threat. I told you I meant no harm, but you still insisted on attacking me, even when I hid.You have every right to be on edge, but do I really look like one of those... stalker... things?" Diego paused, a sad look in his eyes.

"Let me help you." He offered. Craggard huffed rather loudly, dragging his hands down his face slowly in a sort of facepalm. Diego had sounded awfully sincere for someone dangerous, and he made a good point. Craggard could feel some kind of guilt pricking his insides, and it was quite the unpleasant feeling. He quickly lept to his own defense.

" Hmph. Well, y'know, we didn't know all that. Thought you were a beast or somethin'. We still don't know!" Craggard insisted defensively. He gave Diego an unsure look before speaking hesitantly.

" If you wanna help us, I say-" He suddenly stopped mid-sentence. If his decision ended up being wrong, he didn't wanna take the blame.

" I say... ask kitty-cat over here."

@Ghost Hunter
Leco looked over to Craggard and then to Diego, his eyes narrowed in thought. "I suppose if you want to help then I can't stop you." Her said in a gruff tone. He stretched for a second and then scratched his mane. "Make sure you can keep up, if you straggle then there is no saving you...those things close in fast. " Leco walked to the side of the trail and held back the brush, motioning his head, signaling the two to follow. "If there aren't any further questions, then let's keep moving." Leco said, holding the brush with one paw and drawing his sword with the other. "I hate the swamp..." He said, as he looked at the muddy marsh that lay before them. "But this marsh is far safer than the trail, the stalkers don't tread off the trails too often, as the trees they reside in hug the length of it."

@Emu @Lekar
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Diego collected his composure, bowed in presentation, then continued. "What's your history with these things? How do you know so much about them?" He honestly had many more questions than the two he just asked, but he'd hate to raise unnecessary suspicion, or overwhelm them. He read about many strange creatures in his father's library when he was growing up, but he had never read or heard about these things. "Pardon my asking, but it's just that I'm unfamiliar with these... things. I've got nothing to go off of. Weak spots? Tactics?" He shuddered at the thought, joining next to the two men before an overwhelming sense of dread and eeriness soon flooded over him, feeling like the weight of anvils on his shoulders as he desperately kept an ear out. If he got jumped, he'd have no knowledge of what to do, or how to fight them. He kept his stature, however, trying to keep his little reputation he had built.
Leco 's foot sunk into the mud as he stepped off the trail. "What's your history with these things? How do you know so much about them?" Diego asked Leco. He figured it'd be in Diego's best interest to know a bit more about the stalkers, it was only fair. "I was jumped by a stalker the first time I wandered into these woods on my travels. I don't know that much about them, just what the people who saved me told me. Leco was now completely off the trail, and his huge body sunk into the mud a little. "Pardon my asking, but it's just that I'm unfamiliar with these... things. I've got nothing to go off of. Weak spots? Tactics?" Leco paused for a moment and thought to himself....he couldn't recall any weak spots..."There are no weak spots. They have tough hide, tough enough to stop swords. And they have tentacle covering their whole body, you can't see what the look like underneath. They have razor sharp claws, and each tentacle is lined with spikes that dig into your bones and suck out the marrow. And the best tactic...I don't say this often...but would be to avoid them...." Leco moved out a bit deeper into the marshland, raising his head and sniffing the air for any sign of the stalker's odor. Still nothing.

@Emu @Lekar
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Craggard stared at Lecoro. That description was far too in depth for him to feel comfortable. He glanced at Diego, wondering if he was feeling the same chills as he was.

" Just don't worry 'bout it. They're gone for now, and I ain't scared of them. You shouldn't be either." Craggard boasted. He eyeballed his friend as he sank deeper into the mud. He had already started moving through the mud, leaving a little pathway for Craggard to walk in without being neck deep in the stuff. He hesitated before putting a boot forward into the mud. He tossed off his huge coat and stuffed it into his backpack before trudging through the sticky ooze. The mud squished under his feet and stuck to it, making it difficult to take another step. Eugh. This was disgusting.

" I think I prefer the stalkers..." he grumbled as he struggled to make his way through the mud.
Diego had turned his feet into raptor feet in his shoes, digging his claws through the bottom of his shoes to act as treads as he went through the mud effortlessly. He didn't need to get himself dirty over a little issue like mud. "So they just... attacked? No rhyme nor reason?" Diego was awfully confused, he'd never known of creatures to randomly attack an innocent passer-by. Most victims of wildlife attack suffer due to their ignorance of personal space of animals, habitats, and marked land. These things sound more like they move in groups and kill whatever moves. "I'd actually... like to see one." Diego wanted to try his luck on these beasts, he had never heard of an opponent as enigmatic and unknown until these two told him about them. This could also be some elaborate ruse, something to get him off-guard so he can get jumped and robbed. He didn't believe the thought. The description and expression towards them seemed too precise. They also seem to have genuine fear on their face from being believed to have actually been attack by one.
"So they just... attacked? No rhyme nor reason?" Diego asked. "Well....I was also told they tend to attack large prey...I guess the rhyme and reason would be they have the philosophy that the larger the prey the more marrow..." Leco's huge feet sunk into the mud like rocks, he had to pull his foot out of the mud every time he took a step. "I'd actually... like to see one." Leco looked back at Diego in surprise, sniffing the air all the while to be sure they weren't being followed. "I have no clue why you would ever want to see one of those things...but, you're in luck, because we're unlucky enough to be getting hunted by some right now." Leco stopped and sniffed the air once again, scanning the trees for their blue glowing eyes. He began walking again but immediately stopped. His ears folded back and the fur on his mane stood up. "I smell one. Over there in that tree." Leco pointed to a tree to the group's left. If they had decided to keep walking down the trail, they would have been jumped by it...good thing they went mucking. "I can see it's eyes...it seems to be watching the trail we were on...it was waiting for us..." The bluish haze of the stalker's eyes pierced through the trees. "It doesn't seem to notice us, let's try and sneak by, I just wonder where the other stalkers are..." Leco put his sword in his scabbard, dropped to all fours, and began walking stealthily forward. His eys glued to the blue haze.

@Emu @Lekar
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((OOC: Sorry for the short reply, you guys.))

Craggard's eyes darted towards the tree, and sure enough the steady blue gaze of the stalker greeted him. He glared at it from afar, having a feeling this was the closest he could get to actually fighting it.

" Knowing these things, I wouldn't be surprised if there was one right behind us." Craggard whispered, his eyes locked on the stalker by the trail. He was walking slower now, in an attempt to make the squishing of the mud against his boots a bit quieter. It didn't do much for him, especially combined with the constant rattle of the merchandise in his backpack.
Dio's eyes shifted, he tried his best to get a good look, following his new companions' general lines of sight. All he saw was a faint glitter, like a piece of glass in the the grass. He couldn't make out their form, but he was definitely aware of their presence. They seemed to be plotting an ambush, but they just couldn't see them. "Let's see..." Diego formed two little raptors, sending them into the beast's vision in a rush. They run at blazing speeds down the road, but are instantly tackled by shadow-like beings of darkness. He couldn't make out their form, even with them in plain sight. As fast as they appeared, they were gone, and the little raptors were now nothing but dust in the wind, fading away from existence. "Well I'll be damned."
Still on all fours, Leco kept moving silently towards the end of the marsh, which was coming into view. The trail they were on earlier eventually bent around, and it would force the group to go onto it again. He heard trees move and looked over, catching the final glimpse of two little raptors existences.."That would have been us if we walked up the trail...." Since they were far past the stalker by now, and Leco couldn't smell it anymore, he decided to stand up again. He pulled his paws out of the mud, which were now caked in the stuff...and rose slowly, keeping an eye out for anything. "What do you two think we should do when we get back to the trail?" Leco whispered as he walked. " We're still in the middle of the swamp...we have a lot more to go until we reach the end...stay vigilant, watch the tr-" Leco stopped and sniffed the air, another stalker. This one was waiting for them at the end of the marsh. It's blue eyes flickered, and it's tentacles writhed, thirsty for blood and marrow. It screeched, telling the others he had found their meal. "They must have started searching for us after we hadn't walked into their trap..." Leco drew his sword and looked around, and soon enough, the three other stalkers arrived, effectively surrounding the group once again. All four marrow stalkers screeched in unison, creating a deafening ring in Leco's ears. Angry, Leco unleashed a roar right back, which went

completely unfazed by the stalkers.
Craggard emitted a yell of surprise as the marrow stalkers surrounded him. His face somehow grew paler as he stared up at the creatures. The marrow stalkers all shrieked in unison, tentacles whipping at the air, already eager to tear the group of three apart. Lecoro unleashed a deep bellow right back, but the stalkers were unfazed by the cat's warning. Craggard looked up the stalkers, a deep dread forming in his stomach. Was this the end? Sure, if they all worked real hard, they could take out one stalker; he was sure of that. But four? That just wasn't possible. Craggard's fear turned to a violent irritation. Regardless of whether they could beat these things, he at least wanted to give them a show. And he would be personally offended that they thought he couldn't. Craggard drew several of his daggers, each nestled between a finger.

" Lecoro- it's been real fun knowing ya. Really. And uh, Dino Boy- shame not to know ya." And with that, he charged at the nearest stalker, yelling some kind of battle cry. And for the tiniest moment, he thought he might actually stand a chance. He raised his fist high and struck the stalker in the chest, preparing for the sound of metal meeting flesh. Instead, he watched as his daggers uselessly fell to the ground. The stalker turned to face him and Craggard lept away from the stalker. As he did, the troll head he obtained earlier rolled out of his stuffed backpack. The stalker took another step forward, easily crushing the artifact. Craggard's eyes widened, and he shook his fist wildly at the stalker, spitting with anger.

Diego watched as his companions took up a fighting stance, one roaring at their new attackers, the other crying about the price of a destroyed merchandise. " 'Shame not to know me' isn't good enough, sir..." Dio chided, "You can make it up to me when we get out of this." Diego thought to himself, 'One or two would be enough to kill us, I do believe that... but why four? Why bother with the manpower?' He had an outrageous idea, one that actually felt pretty stupid. Dio focused as hard as he could, and turned his small part of three into a party of six, three raptors appearing next to himself, all of them around this size of him. The stalkers stopped, sinking a little, but still snarling and making inhumane noises, only now sounding confused and desperate. "That's it..." Dio was covered in a nervous sweat, his idea was right: "They work in groups because they only feel powerful in groups... Even if we couldn't take down one of them on our own, they don't know the difference between us and them." Diego sent his raptors on one of them, taking it to the ground while one jumps back, screeching. "They can't attack, take them down before more show up!"
" Lecoro- it's been real fun knowing ya. Really. And uh, Dino Boy- shame not to know ya." Craggard said drawing a bunch of daggers. Leco was a little surprised...where did all those daggers come from? His thoughts were broken as his friend charged at a stalker. Suddenly three raptors appeared around the group as well, and it seemed as though the stalkers backed off a little. "They work in groups because they only feel powerful in groups...Even if we couldn't take down one of them on our own, they don't know the difference between us and them. They can't attack, take them down before more show up!" " Leco didn't know if this was entirely accurate...this is the first time they've really shown this sort of behavior...these stalkers were an oddity in general, why did their eyes change blue? Why are they screeching and making odd noises? They never did any of this before...but no matter. The time for thought was over now. Leco gripped his sword in two hands. "FOR THE BLOODMANES" Leco yelled in a battle cry as he charged at a stalker. Leco heaved back and slashed his blade at the stalker's body. However, the stalker was much faster, and it's tentacles writhed around the blade, stopping the attack completely. "What? I thought they wouldn't fight back!" Leco struggled for his weapon, even punching the stalker a few times, but the creature threw his sword, and it landed blade down in the mud so it was sticking up. Leco's rage was building up.

The stalker lunged at Leco, it's tentacles wrapping around him, too many to evade. Leco's arms were trapped in the stalker's grasp. Quickly, the stalker plunged it's suckers deep into Leco's arms, and they pierced his bones. Leco roared in pain and fury and fell to his knees, the stalker screeched again in what seemed to be victory. Leco looked up at the stalker, then to his arms. He shook his head, grit his teeth and pulled away from the stalker, tearing the tentacles off his arms and the suckers out of his bones. Breathing heavily, Leco backed away from the stalker, his eyes darting around to find his blade. He spotted it, despite it being in the mud it still seemed to glow in the non-existent sunlight..and it was behind the stalker. Leco drew his claws and ran at the beast, catching the tentacles it attempted to grab him with and pulling them down in an attempt to make the creature fall into the mud. Despite all his might he could only bring it to a kneel. Quickly Leco jumped over the creature and retrieved his sword, shaking the mud off of the blade.

The stalker turned around, it's eyes no longer flickered blue. They were back to their piercing yellow glow. The creature jumped at Leco slashing at him with all it's might, Leco dodged these first few attempts, but then the creature pulled back and charged in, using both it's tentacles and it's claws to attack. Leco was forced to evade the claws but then the tentacles dug into his shoulder, the creature raked Leco's face with one huge slash. Leco gritted his teeth in pain, grabbing the tentacles and pulling them from his body. He backed up from the stalker, his blade in one hand. "They..still...fight..back..." Leco stammered out to Diego before charging back in. Leco juked out the creature, making it seem as though he was attacking it's torso, the creature blocked with it's tentacles there, but Leco dipped low and to his surprise...chopped the beast's legs in two. The stalker fell. "THE LEGS ARE A WEAK SPOT!" He yelled triumphantly, jumping onto the helpless stalker's back. "I'm going to enjoy this." Leco said to the stalker. The beast did not fight back, it only lay in the mud shocked. Leco began plunging his sword into the stalker's head over and over, getting all his anger out.
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Both of Craggard's companions busied themselves with attacking the stalkers, Diego releasing his raptors and Lecoro drawing his sword. Craggard, meanwhile, was debating whether or not he could still use some of the bones from the skull... or perhaps the teeth? Yeah, the teeth were probably in good condi-

Craggard let out a yelp of surprise as a tentacle reached out towards his foot. He jumped away from the stalker, but a tentacle quickly wrapped around his other foot. His eyes widened as he realized the creature was pulling him into the air. He clawed at the ground to try to avoid being lifted up, but he found the fistfuls of ooze unwilling to keep him anchored to the ground. He found himself dangling in the air. Craggard tried to look up, despite being held upside down. He instantly regretted this decision, and found himself way too close to the stalker's face. The stalker stared straight at its prey, and let out another screech in Craggard's face, splattering his face with saliva. He watched in horror as another tentacle made its way to his leg, twitching in anticipation of its next meal. It dug into the llugat's leg, and he released a howl of pain. Craggard reached into his pocket with his free hand in desperation, and his heart sunk as he realized it was void of any daggers. He had none left, and the weapons he did have were in his coat, which were in his backpack... which he couldn't exactly reach. Shit.

So, Craggard decided to use a trick from the good ol' days. An ancient art, one his enemy could never see coming, merely because of the sheer pain and agony it brought caused his foes to fall to their knees, begging for mercy.

Craggard swung himself up, grabbed the tentacle holding his foot, and sunk his teeth deep into the tentacle, twisting them in the flesh for good measure.

It didn't cause the stalker any agony, but it was surprised enough that it dropped Craggard. He jumped to his feet, trying to formulate a plan before the stalker got another chance. Over all the commotion, Craggard heard Lecoro shout something.

"THE LEGS ARE A WEAK SPOT!" Craggard's face slowly turned into a devious grin as he turned to the stalker.

" Here that? We've got you figured ouuut!" He said gleefully. But before he could claim the stalker, he would need his daggers. Craggard's eyes settled on his daggers, still scattered across the ground. He made a beeline for them, trying his best to ignore the pain shooting up his leg with each stride. He wasted no time grabbing and throwing a dagger, aiming for the stalker's knee. The stalker shrieked in pain, and grabbed at Craggard's foot once again. He reacted quickly, holding it down with his foot as he picked another dagger off the ground, straining to reach it without releasing the tentacle.
Diego felt guilt that he was wrong, and he felt rather reckless as well, but that quickly washed away when he learned about its real weakness. He dissipated his raptors and shifted his own fingers into claws, as well as giving himself a tail. Something dark awoke in him, something he kept in a deep place, he realised that he had seen these things before, and it wasn't a pleasant experience. It was a memory long since gone, a memory he refused to acknowledge until now. He stared the beast dead in the eye, "You pathetic being... You fight for nothing! Not even survival!" He swept its legs with his tail at breakneck speeds, watching them cave in as it sunk to its knees, a feeling of dread and despair in its cold, black eyes as it look up at Diego. Dio felt no remorse and proceeded to tear his claws into its face, ripping it open and driving his hands in to tear its insides out. He punched and scratched, all with the same cold look in his eyes. He couldn't stop, and his anger kept growing. Eventually he had turned his own mouth into a set of razor-sharp teeth, now ripping it to shreds with his own mouth. The creature that once held a form was now nothing but a pile of liquid and torn shreds.

Dio grabbed the one next to him, not bothering with the legs as he tackled it and dug his claws into it, scratching out its eyes as he tore it apart, piece by piece. He did it with no sense of remorse, these beings were simply heartless husks, lacking soul or remorse, and Dio felt it in him to destroy it. He eventually hurt one his hands and resorted to grabbing a sizable rock, proceeding to bash its head in with that. He stepped off, covered in the liquid the victims of his had bled. He tried his best to brush off the mess on him as he looked at his companions, who seemed to have finished their business with their own hunters who had become prey. "Not so scary now, are they?"
Craggard lodged the knife deep into the creatures other knee, and it howled in pain and dropped to its knees at last. The stalker continued to scream, but now its screams were more like squeals as it tried to drag itself away. Its attempts were in vain, and now Craggard could easily finish it off. Several swipes later, the stalker was limp. He looked around to see both his companions finishing off their attackers. He watched wordlessly as Diego quite literally tore the stalker apart. At this point it wasn't even a stalker anymore. Just a lump of meat and blood. Even when Diego had been hiding from them, he never even came close to this level of viciousness. There was something incredibly unnerving in his expression, something Craggard had a feeling he would never forget. He made a mental note to remember what this man was capable of. Perhaps it had been a mistake to invite him into their company. What he just witnessed was less like a warrior and more like a crazed serial killer. Diego stepped up, brushing off the mess.

"Not so scary now, are they?" Craggard eyed Diego for an uncomfortable period of time before catching himself. He snorted, giving the stalker body next to him a little kick.

" Pffft. I was never scared. I knew there was a way to beat these things!" He looked over at Lecoro.

"Attaboy, kitty cat!"
Leco pulled his sword out of the stalker's corpse and cleaned it with his paw. "Not so scary now, are they?" Is all he heard Diego say after his rage died down. Leco looked up to see the three other stalker's dead. He sheathed his sword and gave the corpse one last kick just to be safe. " Pffft. I was never scared. I knew there was a way to beat these things!" Craggard said, looking over to Leco. "Attaboy, kitty cat!" Craggard congratulated. Leco smiled and purred a little in delight to the compliment, but then stopped immediately after realizing he was both smiling and purring. "Thanks Craggard..." Leco said, and looked over to Diego. "Good fighting, i'm glad..." Leco squinted his eyes and examined Diego for a moment. "....you're on our side..." Leco looked away from Diego and back into the swamp. Stalkers were watching, but soon ran off. "There's more. But I don't think they mean us any harm...they seemed intimidated. I think you were right Diego, these stalkers seemed completely shaken when the raptors appeared. In your words "They work in groups because they only feel powerful in groups." The only reason why they fought back must be because we were singling them out, fighting them one on one. Their strong suit..." Leco looked over to Craggard. "How are you? Are you injured?" Leco asked, looking his ally up and down.
Diego calmed himself, slowly shifting back. "Thanks... you too." These memories of his were some that he wanted to keep locked away, but they found their way back into his memory. He remembered a girl of jet black hair, he remembers a broken promise, how he couldn't-

No, that's not him anymore. "So what's next? I'm assuming you didn't come into these woods to face an inevitable threat that you didn't know how to fight. I've got nowhere to go, and we're strong as a group." Dio looked at the two companions, they were both rather silent over their victory, and for probably a good reason, Dio might have gotten carried away, but he meant every bit of violence he committed. If they knew his situation, what he'd gone through, they'd understand, maybe. "I'm sorry I wasn't a hundred percent right on my thinking, but what can you expect from these non-human beasts?" He awkwardly chuckled, smiling as he used a small portion of his drinking water to clean his hands, the clear fluid running over his hands and falling to the ground as a black goop, completely tainted without a doubt.
Craggard shrugged his shoulders in response to Lecoro's question.

" Well, I could be faring better, but you two don't look so hot either." He said, trying to sound casual about it, despite the pain shooting up his leg. His attention momentarily shifted to Diego, who seemed to be calming down.

"Thanks... you too. So what's next? I'm assuming you didn't come into these woods to face an inevitable threat that you didn't know how to fight. I've got nowhere to go, and we're strong as a group. I'm sorry I wasn't a hundred percent right on my thinking, but what can you expect from these non-human beasts?" he chuckled a bit, cleaning his hands with some drinking water. Craggard pursed his lips.

" Nah, don't worry 'bout it. I uh..." His voice trailed off for a moment.

" Well, I probably would have kept hitting that stalker till it got rid of me." He said, a bit awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. Lecoro hadn't been wrong about the marrow stalkers at all, if that wasn't already obvious. Craggard felt a small pang of guilt for snapping at him earlier, but how was he supposed to know they were serious business? He cleared his throat.

" Anyway! You're right about one thing, we sure as hell didn't come here to be a snack for these things. We're heading to a city up South. Should be a bit more to my tastes." Jeez, how long had it been since he had even gotten a customer? Hopefully he could get better business in Lorib. Ah! That reminds me! Craggard suddenly shuffled back to the mud where he had first faced the stalker, and let out a dismayed cry as he looked at what was left of his troll head. A few shards of bone, a few chunks of flesh, and that was it. He tenderly picked up the shards and shoved them into his boot. He wiped a few tears away that were rolling down his cheek. There goes my three hundred bucks.

Leco looked at Craggard, who was shoving troll shards into his boot. Quite an odd sight, especially considering that he had told Leco that the head was worthless. He brushed it off and addressed the matter at hand. "Thanks... you too. So what's next? I'm assuming you didn't come into these woods to face an inevitable threat that you didn't know how to fight. I've got nowhere to go, and we're strong as a group. I'm sorry I wasn't a hundred percent right on my thinking, but what can you expect from these non-human beasts?" Diego said, cleaning his hands. "It's fine, you weren't far off." Leco looked towards the trail. "I suppose we should keep moving, we're halfway through the swamp, almost there."

(Sorry for the real quick post, I had to write this in a hurry.)

@Emu @Lekar

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