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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends (always open)

"I-I wouldn't look good in--" Sera stopped herself at the last moment, suddenly remembering what happened earlier for calling herself ugly. For a split-second she reconsidered finishing the line, but ultimately decided not to. She continued grinding her weapon. Meanwhile, she daydreamed a bit about the next night, already hoping to spend more time with Aer. As well as imagining her figure. She couldn't help attempting to undress her with her eyes as the goddess poked her head into Marcus' tent. Sera's face was redder by the second.

" What the hell... are they running away?" Craggard asked. Leco shook his head. "I doubt it, they had us out muscled, out numbered and outwitted. Perhaps they are trying some sort of guerrilla tactic... " Leco replied, thinking for a moment. "If we chase after them, we'll only be isolated and killed, no doubt about it..this is their territory and we must think about it that way, we're the invaders.." Leco thought back to his days as a warrior tribesmen. "Guerrilla fighters rely on the enemy's compliance to their plans. If we deny them of this, we could probably catch them by surprise.." Leco looked at Craggard, scratching his mane. "So...let's go over what just happened. One stalker showed up, screeched and then made itself scarce again. Making you mad and running up to the tree it was in. Three more showed up, their eyes glowed blue, and they all basically made a sort of intimidation show. They all looked like they were about to attack, we were divided and we looked pretty screwed, But then out of nowhere they all ran." Leco put a paw to his cheek and pondered for a moment. "It seems like they are trying to make us run, make us seem like were just lucky. But really...they could be doubling back and preparing to ambush us. So turning back isn't an option. Another thing they could be doing, is splitting up and waiting on opposite sides of the trail...really this trail is a bit of a deathtrap, being that they most likely know that no sane person would go off of it....." Leco folded his ears back and looked to the side right of the trail. "Perhaps a bit of mucking might solve our problems...." Leco said, hesitantly.
Craggard gave a long sigh as he looked to the right side of the trail. Lecoro didn't seem to want to fight the stalkers, rather, he wanted to avoid them. Maybe Lecoro was in the right after all. Once again, Craggard felt his head spinning. He wished they were at their destination already- he fared much better in cities. These creatures were much smarter than Craggard had expected. He hadn't been expecting battle strategies and cunning from things that looked like walking trees, but he supposed there were stranger things.

" Alright... lead the way, kitty cat." Craggard said, a bit wearily.

" Hold on. What other things live around these parts? Kelpies or somethin'?" He suddenly asked.

@Ghost Hunter
Diego walked peacefully through the swamp, the sound of wet soil and dirt squishing under his feet with each step. He had nowhere to go, but the food he had grabbed from his last visit to a town, now much too far to turn around and return to, is now gone. He was hungry, thirsty, and most importantly: lost. He had lost his sense of direction a while back, but kept his composure. He knew swampland very well from his past readings and research, however. He quickly shifted his fingers into claws and grabbed a tree, swiping down on it as he jumped, reaching up and grabbing a vine. He cut it open with his claw and tilted it back over his head, tasting the sweet, natural water and chugging it down. He let the vine loose, it swinging back and lightly smacking the tree. He wandered between the tress, periodically passing through the slivers of light that pour through the leaves in the branches. He hummed himself a tune to keep him entertained, a song he remembers from long ago, but not from where.

Diego stopped his humming, paying close attention. He stopped walking and listened closely. "...Kelpies or somethin'?" He heard part of a conversation, his ears perked. He followed the sound, hiding behind tree and tree as he got closer to the noise. He couldn't see, but he certainly heard the voice. He didn't know how many there were, but it certainly had to have been more than one, since there was audible conversation going on. Nobody would be insane and talking to themselves here. He tried leaning out, barely moving his foot, before setting off a rather noisy snap as the tip of his foot barely snapped a twig in two.

Damn! He thought to himself, his mind going crazy with alarms and extreme pounding of blood from a tense situation like this. He didn't know these people, and he wanted to keep it that way if he could, he didn't know if these people were dangerous, that's all he wanted to know; but he just made himself known.
Marcus peeked from the covers he was completely hidden in, finally waking up. He spotted Aer's head inside the tent and now gave a small stretch then a yawn. There is sunlight showering her neck so it must be more than morning. Marcus thought of shaking Maliset awake but maybe it would be better sooner or later.

"Um, morning? Sorry, still a bit groggy though." Marcus said to the woman who came to check them. He tidied up his space and any litter that might be anywhere inside the tent. He put on his scarf and the shoes flip-sided on the corner. He felt like going outside for a bit before doing anything at all. Sleepiness needs ridding of.

"Are we leaving soon? Might leave Lissy to sleep. She's usually cranky when forced to wake up." Marcus said and he excuses himself outside to catch the wind. He noticed there had already been a few things done here and there.

@Pandorian @Federen Mason
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Leco began to move off the trail, but heard a snap behind himself. "What in the.." Leco sniffed the air. He didn't smell a stalker....but it wasn't any he had recognized before. It didn't smell like man...or beast...no, this one was unique just like the stalkers, and it startled him. Leco spun around and raised his sword in the air. "Show yourself. NOW!" Leco demanded. "I know you're there, I can smell you..." His muscles tensed and Leco prepared for an attack. Leco motioned his head to Craggard, signaling to go to the right flank of the tree that he was looking at.

@Emu @Lekar
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Dio panicked, he certainly didn't want to get caught by some people in some woods far from town. It could very well be his last time. He quickly shifted his fingers to claws and silently scaled the tree he hid behind. "Well then, seems like I got your attention!" He hangs from a tree branch, peering through the tiny slivers to find two men, built and ready for a fight; however one seemed as if it were draped in a fur or hide of something. He didn't have a plan, but he was trying his best to fit the situation. He got as close to the edge of the branch he could without being seen, preparing to jump to the next if they got too close. "I'm not looking for a fight, but I know you won't believe that!" He shouted out, his claws dug deep into the branch he hung from. While it was true that he didn't want to fight, it doesn't mean he won't if he has to. His mind was still flared up, what sounded like gongs in his head as his heart raced in a mixture of fear and anxiety.
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Almost as soon as Craggard spoke, he heard an unsettling crunch, followed by silence. His muscles tensed up as he prepared to attack whatever the source of the noise was. Lecoro seemed equally unnerved, yelling for the stranger to show itself. Craggard raised a dagger, ready to throw it. His eyes scanned the trees quickly, but whatever made the noise was determind to stay hidden.

"Well then, seems like I got your attention! I'm not looking for a fight, but I know you won't believe that!" A voice said.

" Like hell we won't! Get over here or I'll find you myself!" Craggard shouted, aimlessly flailing about in an attempt to intimidate the voice. He was absolutely sick of the games the swamp creatures were playing. Furthermore, he had always been awful at hide and seek.
Leco looked up and cocked his to side in confusion. He folded his ears back. " Like hell we won't! Get over here or I'll find you myself!" Craggard shouted. Leco agreed, he was far from believing this stranger. But did they really have time for this? "We have no time for your petty games and hiding. Show yourself if you truly have no quarrel, I don't want to fight as much as you do." Leco sheathed his sword, but extended his claws just in case. He looked at Craggard with concern in his eyes. He whispered. "This stranger has an odd smell about them....they don't smell of man or beast...be ready for anything, my friend." Leco took a step forward to the tree, and attempted to see past the branches.
Dio was still ready to jump, but he'd only draw attention if he did from the rustling of the trees, right now with him being completely still, the tree remained motionless. "You know, I learned not to approach people with knives. Just common sense. If you want to talk, put it away, I'll be all ears. Otherwise, I could do this all day." He truly had half a mind to jump down, but the silver of the knife the stranger held was a dead sign for him to avoid with his life. Dio heard the trees to his left blowing in the winds, the wind moving down, when the wind hit his tree, he shifted lightly to reposition himself, getting himself ready to either hop down or jump to the next tree. The bobbing and sway of his tree looked no different from the winds, hopefully he had made it perfect so that no smarter person in the world could tell the difference.
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"Well, Luke said he would meet us at Gyinsheer, but I wanted to see us there as soon as possible - don't want to keep the man waiting, if we can avoid it. I took with me very little, and Sera's just sharpening right now. Once we've gotten ready and sorted, we can probably depart." Aer noted, feeling Sera's undressing gaze upon her, though not knowing of its intentions at the time. It went without saying that she tried to mimic the gaze back for but a moment, even if she didn't understand what it represented. Pacing up next to Marcus, she expanded on her explanation a bit further, her information limited. "If this helps, he left shortly after what sounded like a dragon's roar sounded... most likely relevant, but I can't say for sure.". Turning her attention towards Sera suddenly, she leaned her head back slightly, looking in Sera's general direction. "You know you're gonna hurt yourself if you keep focusing on me and not on your sharpening, Sera..."

@Computing Magus @Yum222
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Pandorian said:
"Well, Luke said he would meet us at Gyinsheer, but I wanted to see us there as soon as possible - don't want to keep the man waiting, if we can avoid it. I took with me very little, and Sera's just sharpening right now. Once we've gotten ready and sorted, we can probably depart." Aer noted, feeling Sera's undressing gaze upon her, though not knowing of its intentions at the time. It went without saying that she tried to mimic the gaze back for but a moment, even if she didn't understand what it represented. Pacing up next to Marcus, she expanded on her explanation a bit further, her information limited. "If this helps, he left shortly after what sounded like a dragon's roar sounded... most likely relevant, but I can't say for sure.". Turning her attention towards Sera suddenly, she leaned her head back slightly, looking in Sera's general direction. "You know you're gonna hurt yourself if you keep focusing on me and not on your sharpening, Sera..."
@Computing Magus @Yum222
"I-I'm not focus--", Sera started before realizing she was grinding the flat of the blade and not the edge. She went back to properly grinding her weapon, embarrassment written all over her face. She was soon ready to go at any time, after taking down the tents of course.

@Pandorian @Federen Mason @Computing Magus
Lukard had been enjoying his ale in the quietness of the tavern due to the time of day he was there at. Fortunately, nobody was there to bother him so he decided that his time would be best spent contemplating his thoughts. Putting his feet up on one of the nearby chairs at his table, he leaned back in his own chair and began to think on what he needed to accomplish once his business was finished in Gyinsheer. The first thing that popped into his mind was the group he had met yesterday and how peculiar they were. He'd probably see if someone from the forge masters would volunteer to travel with them as without him, and the relative age of Aer, they might run into several issues. Shifting his thoughts, he took a long drink from his tankard before thinking on the issue that Deumex had brought up with him about Zenon. The dark god himself was only causing a slight problem, yet it hadn't escalated to a great deal so Deumex was probably preparing in the event something did happen. Revisiting the ancient city that he had grown up in, Cydonia, was the bigger deal here. He would have to revisit his old human dwellings provided that the city was not inhabited anymore. Realistically speaking, it wasn't as 50,000 years had passed so it was more than likely either a religious pilgrimage for his forge masters or it was a dilapidated ruin. The later was more likely the case as that amount of time had passed. Regardless, Lukard doubted that he would find anything on the god slayer enchantment, but if he did, he'd need to withhold it until it became a paramount issue. It wasn't that he didn't trust Deumex's judgement, it was the fact that he'd let a human wield it, and possibly that human may absorb the slain god's essence, much like how he arose to the divine all those years ago. Suddenly, a thought struck him when he began to think of his own slain foe, Zegrath. He remembered how powerful and deadly Zegrath was, yet Lukard felt as though he only received a little more than half of the slain god's essence. If that was the case, where did the other half go? All of these thoughts swirled within his mind as he began to gaze upon the town and watch as people began to mill about the main entry to Gyinsheer.
"We have no time for your petty games and hiding. Show yourself if you truly have no quarrel, I don't want to fight as much as you do." Lecoro demanded, unsheathing his sword. He looked at Craggard.

"This stranger has an odd smell about them....they don't smell of man or beast...be ready for anything, my friend." Craggard nodded grimly. His eyes continued to dart about the swamp with uncertainty. Suddenly he was aware of all sorts of noises- the rustle of the trees, the howling wind, the chatter of the forest- it was hard to pick out what was what. His crimson eyes narrowed and he settled on a random tree. He scurried away from the tree where Lecoro was. He turned towards it, extending his dagger.

"You know, I learned not to approach people with knives. Just common sense. If you want to talk, put it away, I'll be all ears. Otherwise, I could do this all day." The voice sang. Craggard paused, a bit baffled. He had the feeling he was facing the wrong tree. He glared daggers at the tree, shaking his head.

Surely this person didn't think either of them would put away their weapons, did they? To Craggard, that was the equivalent of throwing yourself at the nearest dragon. Then again... the voice didn't sound like a threat. It desperatly wanted to stay hidden for whatever reason. Perhaps it was scared of the lion humanoid and his companion? Still, Craggard wans't willing to take any chances. He sneered at the tree.

" Ha! We're not gonna be fooled that easy! If you don't want to come out, we'll just find you ourselves! Isn't that right, Lecoro?" He looked over at Lecoro and grinned, a bit uneasily.

@Ghost Hunter @Lekar
" Ha! We're not gonna be fooled that easy! If you don't want to come out, we'll just find you ourselves! Isn't that right, Lecoro?" Leco grinned at his companion. "Already found him. His scent is originating from this tree." Leco took his sword, and brought it back, he flexed his muscles and with all his power, chopped halfway through the thick trunk. The tree began to tumble. Leco strained a muscle doing this which made him call out a small roar of pain, but he didn't mind, he moved back and his eyes darted the entire area. Scanning for the stranger. "I've obstructed your hiding place, now come out already!" Leco sheathed his sword again and readied himself in a combat position. Keeping an eye on Craggard and ready to help him any second.
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Dio's heart jumped to his throat the second the strange-looking man's sword hit the trunk. His positioning was completely screwed and he couldn't get himself ready to jump over to the next tree. Dio's legs shifted and he launched himself off the branch, landing in an opening. He was dead serious now, and crazy suspicious about how he had been found. By the time he landed, his legs were back to normal. His heart had returned to normal, because he was confident that his distance was greater than they could jump him at. He squinted at the man who had chopped his tree and noticed that he wasn't even a man, he seemed more akin to a lion. Dio concentrated hard, two of his companions appearing, seemingly from thin air, next to him, about his side. "I guess neither of us are normal. It seems like you're more violent, though." The two of his raptors rushed, breaking humane speed and teeth snared and ready to strike. "I'm down to talk, but it seems like you're more down to chop. So let's give you something to chop."
The stranger jumped from the crashing tree to another tree, then again to the ground. Two lizard creatures appeared from thin air next to man. Leco's mouth gaped in surprise, he has never seen anything like them before. "I guess neither of us are normal. It seems like you're more violent, though." Leco folded his ears back angrily. "I just wanted to get you out your hiding spot!" Leco yelled in anger, as the lizards ran at him with blazing speed. In one quick motion Leco extended his claws and grabbed the two by their mouths before they could strike. His claws dug into their muzzles and Leco roared, raising them into the air. They writhed and slashed aggressively, attempting to free themselves of his iron grip. "I don't want to fight you! Call them off or I break their spines!" Leco demanded, glaring at the man.
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Dio was pretty surprised, he'd never seen anyone with the strength or speed to grab his companions. Dio let his raptors go, and they melted into dust and specks that disappear faster than they fell apart. "Fine, I'm out of hiding, they're gone. Get what you want to say out or this isn't going to end well for either of us." Dio subtly shifts his fingers to claws, getting himself ready to defend himself if things go south. "I'd say the first thing to get out of the way is who you are." His hearing was acute and he was highly aware of his surroundings. He was out in the open and prone to an ambush, he still hoped that it was only the two of them.
Leco raised an eye brow as the raptors dissipated. "Fine, I'm out of hiding, they're gone. Get what you want to say out or this isn't going to end well for either of us. I'd say the first thing to get out of the way is who you are." Leco crossed his arms and retracted his claws. "I have nothing to say, we just wanted to know if you were a threat to us. And as for who I am, that's none of your concern, neither do I care about who you are. It's none of my business." Leco turned back to the marsh he and Craggard were about to walk into. "Now that we know you're fine, me and my friend will be on our way...unless he doesn't have anything to say." Leco turned to Craggard and awaited a response.

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Dio was pretty surprised, and had picked up nothing in the thick of trees willing and ready to jump him, so he shifted his fingers back and relaxed. "If it's none of yours, I don't think he'll make it any of his..." Diego paused, he knew something was off about these two. "You're obviously more jumpy than any other person in the woods would be. Are you expecting something? Running from something, perhaps?" He took a step forward, they clearly acted as if it were self-defense, and now the lion-man had offered to take his leave. It seemed too unreal. Dio took a slow, noticeable step forward, trying to show his sorry nature. "I grew up a gantleman, and I must atone for setting you alarm. If you need help, I'll gladly offer..." He paused once again, making sure his point gets through. "My name is Diego Leith; but you may call me Dio."
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It had bin a few days since he had sent the raven. In that time had had converted a small village, that had bin recently raided. Most where woman and children, But there were a few men. Each had proven to be quick learners from battle masters he had offered immortality too. He had already chosen the city in which he would perform the ritual. He floated there above the mountain. In a instant a sudden series of images appeared in his mind. Series of images relating to a battle he had never seen. A god who's dominion also roamed in the darkness. A great battle in a city he had never seen. One he knew was a god based on the stir of emotions he felt from him. The other he could not tell who it was, but he felt deep inside that he did. In that instant he felt a presence he had thought was silenced. The image of black dragon appeared in his mind, while in that instant it pulsed to one other being. For one second the black dragons image appeared in Deume's. For a instant a god long since gone had reappeared into the world once again for one instant. Zenon quickly sealed away the ancient being, and he open his eyes glowing red. A single name range in his mind..."Lukard" was all he heard. If there was anything he hated more, was that the god he consumed still resided within him. In essence gods never really die divinity never fades.

@Ghost Hunter
Lukard was musing on his thoughts about Zegrath when all of a sudden he noticed a dark and brooding presence enter the city, he remembered this presence from a long while ago when he last walked the earth amongst the mortal races. ~Zenon,~ he thought. Suddenly a very dire thought entered his mind, if Zenon was here then he intended harm upon Gyinsheer and his Forgemasters. Lukard was not about to let that happen as Gyinsheer could be considered his city due to the overwhelming majority of his followers that lived and worked here. He hated to deviate from his original plan, but this was more important so he sent a small message to Aer, ~Gyinsheer is in danger, proceed with caution~ and in his urgency, slammed the tankard that he was drinking from onto the table with a loud thud and paid the barkeeper a small amount for his two drinks. Going back around the tavern, he opened a small portal into the Head Priest of the Forgemasters' room to inform him of what was going on. Naturally, the head priest was musing over Lukard's past teachings and was startled when Lukard, in his human form appeared out of nowhere in his room.

"Who are you what do you want? and how did you get in here? I had 4 guards stationed outside! GUARDS!" The door suddenly burst open with four heavily clad swordsmen suddenly flanking Lukard. "Now you will tell me why you are-" Suddenly a look of recognition appeared on the priest's face. "Wait a minute, this can't be right, are you?" The guards looked confused as well from what Lukard had noticed so he decided to cement what they were thinking. He pulled out his war hammer in it's 1 handed state and activated it's two handed form causing the guards to reach for their weapons. "Peace friends, I mean you no harm," Lukard said as he removed the glamour exposing the true form of Heaven's Sunderer to his mortal followers.

"It has been a long time since I've been here, over 1,000 years in fact," Lukard spoke. Suddenly, the guards went down on one knee and the high priest began to grovel at Lukard's feet.

"Oh divine lord! I am so DREADFULLY sorry that i misunderstood your appearance! Please forgive meeeeeeee!," wailed the high priest.

"Calm yourself, I accept your apology and I was not planning to do anything to you in the first place." The high priest stopped wailing and spoke in an inquisitive tone instead.

"I received your vision last night, but I was not aware of such secrecy in your arrival, pray tell, what has brought this on?"

"Gyinsheer is about to come under attack, gather the masses for service, but do not give away any form of fear and urgency within the call. The masses must not be harmed so the church you have here will suffice and hold everyone. Do not reveal that you spoke to me also." The high priest vigorously nodded and then ran off with blinding speed to ring the service bells. Lukard shook his head with a sigh. "You four," the guards stood with speed and rigidity, "Follow him and make sure he doesn't hurt himself in his zealous fervor. Please?" The four guards bowed and then they collectively ran off after the high priest. Lukard chuckled to himself, "Every religion has it's overzealous followers, I wonder how many Deumex has to deal with?"

@Ghost Hunter
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"You're obviously more jumpy than any other person in the woods would be. Are you expecting something? Running from something, perhaps?" Leco turned around and faced the stranger again. Did he not know about the marrow stalkers? The stranger took a step forward and Leco watched him carefully. "I grew up a gentleman, and I must atone for setting you alarm. If you need help, I'll gladly offer..." He paused. "My name is Diego Leith; but you may call me Dio." Leco looked Diego up and down. "We're running from monsters called marrow stalkers." Is all he said, looking in the trees. "To be honest, i'm a little shaken from when we saw them....I haven't had a very good experience with these monsters..." Leco says, feeling the scars under his mane, and wincing at the pain. Even after all this time they still burned at the touch.

@Lekar @Emu
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Sera finished grinding her weapon and taking down their tent. "Are we ready to go yet? And hey, did Luke leave before us? I don't remember seeing him leave.." She wondered about it, Minnie shrugging. The feline woman was ready to go too at any time.

@Pandorian @Computing Magus @Federen Mason
Marcus concluded that he and Maliset seemed to have slept longer than what could have been normally intended. because of the way how the others acted about. If Luke left, he could have told someone about it which obviously seems to be Aer. Whatever might be the reason, the conclusion will still be them heading towards Gyinsheer.

"Neither did I Sera, but Aer seems to know. We should leave soon if he is gonna meet with us at Gyinsheer." Marcus said. He headed towards his tent and started to pack some of his belongings and he wakes the sleeping Lissy to announce that they would soon leave.

@Yum222 @Pandorian @Federen Mason

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