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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends (always open)

Leco charged at the ghoul knights, a primal blood-thirst rising. Leco jumped onto the first knight, steel meeting raw muscle. The ghoul was strong, It didn't crumble like all the others under Leco's weight. It attempted to bite Leco, but Leco evaded, countering with a bite if his own, cracking the plate metal, it had no effect however, and the ghoul threw Leco off itself. Stepping back from the horde, Leco drew his sword.

Running at the ghoul knight again, he slashed with all his might at the chest, attempting to pierce the armor. The plate metal caved into the blow, and the ghoul stepped back. Leco met this attack with a fast grapple, lifting the creature and slamming it the ground, the armor bent, and made an opening big enough for Leco to stab. But Leco couldn't dispatch the ghoul, as another knight grabbed Leco attempting to bite him, but it's helmet covered it's whole face blocking the creature's gnashing jaws. Leco thrashed ferociously to get free. Another knight ran at Leco, this one wearing no helmet, it bit into Leco's shoulder.

Responding to the pain, Leco roared. The creature kept biting harder and harder into Leco. Finally, Leco snapped. His eyes seemed to glow a bright yellow as Leco began to lose control of his own actions once again. Screaming unintelligible insults at the top his lungs, Leco broke free from the knight's grasp. He dropped his sword and grabbed onto the ghoul that was still biting him, and crushed it's skull. The heavily armored ghoul dropped with a clang as it met the ground, blood poured from Leco's shoulder, matting his already crimson fur with even more blood. Leco ran at the ghoul who was on the ground from earlier, throwing off it's helmet and slashing it's face with his claws. Once the ghoul was motionless, it's blood splattered all about the ground and Leco, Leco jumped from the body and grabbed another ghoul's head, he snapped it's neck in one powerful movement. The other three began to close in on him, the other ghoul who's head he had crushed already regenerated, and rising from the dead.

@Entarriance @Lord Anubis
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Deumex’ani awoke up from his nap in the woods, the first thing Deume saw was the image of a transcended vampire as he opened his eyes.(Just referencing post #61 when Zenon's image pulsed in the god's minds) He yawned, shaking the trees around himself. Deume sent his own image to the mind of this alleged vampire. A scene depicting Deume transforming into his fear form and unleashing a blast of dark fire was sent to Zenon's mind. Deume rose from the ground witha quick, powerful flap of his wings.

@Lord Anubis
@Lord Anubis[/URL]
Zenon put his hands down when the group dissapeared leaving only the lion man to face the hoard. He had gathered enough soldiers for one day it was time to leave. In the instant he called of his soldiers, each one dissapearing into a small crimson portal; and a image flashed in his mind one of a being he had not seen in several thousand years. The divine god Deumex’ani god of emotion. HE grew a serious look on his face" That wretched creature should not have woken from its slumber....will only serve to complicate things." he said to himself. All the ghouls had teleported to Zenons castle, which left him to look at the blood raged lion man. He locked eyes with him, as his body dissipated into black smoke. The town was left in runs, and children now roamed the deserted streets.
Aer's answer was quick and concise, though her tone was soft and musing. She hoped they could have a momentary rest before returning to the horror that the group had witnessed before. She knew in her mind, however, that she hadn't took everyone with her. And that twisted in her heart tightly. "We're... in a place of mine. In a manner of speaking, I teleported you all here to give you a momentary rest..." She explained, a pause of hesitation before continuing. "...that is, if that is fine with you all.". She tried to make herself inconspicuous, as on second thought, revealing such a strong power to all of them at once felt like a careless idea. She simply hoped Marcus did not say too much.

@Computing Magus @Yum222 @Federen Mason
Marcus was teleported along with the others to Aer's domain. It was as familiar as before. Then came his little friend Maliset. He almost forgot about her in the clash since he couldn't quite pay attention to something that wasn't killing him.

"Oh, Lissy. Are you hurt? Are you fine? Here, let me help." Marcus said almost immediately when he spotted her with a small panic and went to his wares that could tend for Maliset's not-exactly-existing wounds or injury. He didn't really pay attention to her well being at all; he just wanted to make sure after the fight earlier that she would be 100% okay. She was his only father figure after all. He listened to Aer's words to the others about her domain and was quite surprised that it wasn't the same explanation he received. He was about to cut in but waited 'till she finished where he thought he heard hesitation in her voice. She might be keeping information about this place for those who haven't played any game with her yet. Yeah, that seems about right; the only thing she mentioned about here was her games on my first visit. With this thought, he continued fumbling with his vast inventory to tend with Maliset. He seriously didn't notice that she was seemingly fine.

@Pandorian @Federen Mason @Yum222
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"Rest, huh..? W-what kind of...power is this..?" , she asked Aer, the mystery only increasing the half-elf's interest in her. Sera's body was returning back to normal, exhaustion soon replacing the energy she felt earlier, causing her to drop to her knees, panting heavily. "Hah...hah..I'll just..sit..here...hah.."

Minnie quickly bandaged her hand from the shallow cut she received earlier, then walked up next to Sera. She started patting her head, her way of congratulating and thanking her. But as she ruffled her hair, she realized it had gotten shorter. The ruffling of her hair now clearly revealed her human ear. Sera was too tired to care at this point, though.

@Pandorian @Computing Magus @Federen Mason
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Aer responded the best she could to Sera's question, trying to give away as little as possible. It was almost like a little game to keep it under wraps, really. "Don't think too much of it - I swear it isn't as good as it looks. Nice to see such interest, though!" she laughed lightly, before turning towards Marcus and walking towards him. She hadn't actually talked to Maliset yet, but perhaps she would have the chance to very soon, once the man had stopped to the little girl's every wound. That was, if she even had any. "My, I almost forgot. We had a deal, didn't we? Perhaps it would be best if we get this over and done with now, whilst we're here.". Pulling the $150 seemingly out of thin air, she, in a rather unexpected action, turned once more back to Sera, a feeling of everything going to plan burdened upon her - it seemed Aer's plan wasn't to use one of the tomes for herself all along, but to give it to someone else? "Sera, Which one of these tomes did you want back on the carriage..? I kind of did say I needed to repay you, after all~"

@Computing Magus @Yum222 @Federen Mason

(Aha! This was my plan all along! >:3)
Sera finally shook off Minnie's hand, and with her help, managed to stand back up just as Aer made the generous offer. "W-wha..you don't need to repay me, I just didn't want you to get hurt..", she said bashfully. Sure, she wanted to maybe learn magic, but after many attempts, she knew it was difficult for her, at least consciously. The fact that she created protective auras around her companions earlier was unknown to her.

"I-I'm not even good with magic, could I even use it..?" Sera was quite unfamiliar with magical items such as these. Would it unlock her abilities, or just be wasted on her? She pondered that thought, then Minnie pushed her forward, as if telling her to accept it.

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Crimson portals appeared under the ghoul knights just as one had grabbed Leco's mane and was about to bite into his neck. They all disappeared, leaving Leco bruised, battered and bloody. He fell to his knees, clenching his teeth in pain. He looked up at the inn, the man on the roof locked eyes with as him as he dissipated to smoke. Leco narrowed his eyes, giving Zenon one last show of Leco's hatred to the vampire before he vanished. As the tension of battle lifted, the survivors of the massacre began to run into the streets. They were all mostly orphaned children overlooked by the ghouls. Still on his knees, Leco looked about the destruction. The sky had cleared, and the day was beautiful once again. Leco was too weak to get back up. He had lost too much blood, and his body throbbed from pain. "Rook..where are you?" Is all Leco could sputter out. He tried to get up, but he succumbed to pain,blood loss and exhaustion. Leco's vision faded, and he slept in the middle of the street.
The sound of chains chinking together combined with the rattling of metal was heard as Craggard slinked through the streets of Inderigo. Today had been a quite day for the most part, but it hadn't exactly been bad. Just not as exciting as he would have liked. Business was slow, and all the dump had to cough up was old nails and garbage. It had been months since he had found anything worth keeping. He took a deep whiff, and gagged a bit. There was no fresh air in this part of the city. There was a strong scent of vomit and urine, and Craggard was quite content with not knowing why.

Suddenly, Craggard was shoved aside as a small child scrambled away from him, running away from the street corner. Craggard grunted in surprise, then turned to scowl at the child as she ran.

" Slow down, girlie. What's so important you gotta shove a guy out of your way?" He scoffed. The girl shrank a bit at his presence. To adults, Craggard was a buffoon and an idiot. To the average small child, his sharp teeth and shifty appearance were terrifying. She stopped suddenly, and pointed behind Craggard before scurrying off. Craggard shook his head, and turned the corner to see....


It was clear some kind of battle had occured, but there was nobody in sight. He figured they all ran away, like the little girl he saw. Shrugging, he started to walk away before he heard a weak sputter.

" Rook... where are you?" Craggard turned his head in surprise to find some sort of lion humanoid sprawled across the ground, bloody and battered. He raised an eyebrow, and shambled over to him. He poked the body cautiously before letting out a chuckle.

" Is this what everyone was running from? A kitty-cat?" Craggard chuckled and poked him again. Despite his mocking tone, Craggard knew he couldn't just leave the man alone by himself in the street. Who knew what people would do to him?

" Hey Kitty. Don't you have a friend or something to getcha' home?"

@Ghost Hunter

A poke woke Leco up. " Is this what everyone was running from? A kitty-cat?" Is all he heard. Even though Leco's ears were still ringing, he could tell that whoever was speaking was obviously mocking him. A second poke. Leco opened one eye, a low growl rose from the back of his throat. " Hey Kitty. Don't you have a friend or something to getcha' home?" Slowly and painfully, Leco rose from the ground, blood dripping from his shoulder, and revealing his heavily blood matted fur. Leco stood at full height now, all seven feet. He looked down at the stranger, still growling. "It's not kitty, it's Lecoro." Leco said in an annoyed tone. He noticed that the stranger was a vampire almost immediately, as he wore a toothy grin, and his eyes glowed red. Leco took a step back from the vampire. In his experience, he learned you could never be to careful of them. "And nobody was terrified of me, it was the..things..that just besieged this town." He said, looking around. "You didn't happen to notice a small boy on a horse at all did you?" Leco asked desperately. "I lost him during the attack..."

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Craggard backed away a little as the lion-man rose from the ground, clearly straining his body. He now towered over the llugat, and the blood staining his fur had become much more evident. Craggard gulped a bit, visibly nervous. Regaining his posture quickly, Craggard cocked his head a bit in curiousity. The only thing Craggard could imagine a lion would want with a kid was as a meal.

" 'Fraid not, kitty," He said in a light tone, completely ignoring Lecoro's request to be called by name. He eyed the man's wounded shoulder with narrow eyes. His eyes darted up to Lecoro's worried face and back to his wounds.

" You're not gonna get far looking for a kid like that, ya know." Craggard paused, waiting about half a second for the wounded man to respond before continuing.

" Buuut, I've got quite a few things in my bag here to fix your uh- problem! Charms, amulets, potions, tomes- s'all yours!" Craggard's grin widened.

" If you're willing to pay, that is."

@Ghost Hunter
" 'Fraid not, kitty," Said the vampire. Leco narrowed his eyes in annoyance. The vampire's eyes kept darting back from Leco's eyes to his bloodied shoulder. " You're not gonna get far looking for a kid like that, ya know." The shifty looking vampire said, Leco put a paw over his wound. "I'm fine." Is all Leco said before the man spoke again. " Buuut, I've got quite a few things in my bag here to fix your uh- problem! Charms, amulets, potions, tomes- s'all yours! If you're willing to pay, that is." Leco looked this vampire up and down, curious at what this shifty character would have to offer...but...money...that would be a problem. Leco wasn't used to buying things, his tribe would just share everything with one another. So..naturally Leco had no money on him, and money he made through jobs was spent on the spot. The whole concept was so new to him. "I don't have any money..." Leco said, looking down at the beheaded troll head from his bounty. "I have this troll head, would it interest you at all? I really just need food..." Leco extended his claws and cut the troll head from his belt. He lifted it up and showed it to the merchant.
Marcus continued on then came Aer with some money in her hands. He didn't quickly realize what she was up to.

"Aer, I don't think this is a great time to buy anything really--" and as he looked there was 150$ in her hands and Aer's words slightly echoed to him. Something in his mind caught something familiar with the value then remembered why. Now forgetting about Maliset, he goes around his wares to find the tomes. There they were, and he arranged them neatly inside his bag and opened it wide for everyone to see.

"Well then, what would you buy-- wait, for Sera?" Marcus asked. He was quite taken surprised that these tomes weren't gonna be used but given to an ally. These were quite expensive and this was the only time his tomes had a discount. Nevertheless, he waited.

@Yum222 @Pandorian

(Hello Money Tally, my old friend)
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Craggard pursed his lips as he surveyed the troll head, occasionally turning it and prodding it as Lecoro held it, even going as far to prod the troll's eyelids open. It was a bit of a gruesome sight- mouth gaping and eyes closed, and that was not taking into account the hideous appearance of most trolls. Craggard frowned a bit. He wasn't keen on carrying body parts around with him, with the exception of pelts belonging to exotic animals. Still, there was indeed a market for troll tongues, and he could probably pass the teeth off as dragon teeth if he sharpened them... actually, that hunk of flesh might actually give him quite a bit of dough if he played his cards right. Still, Lecoro didn't need to know that. He gave a long, theatric sigh and clicked his tongue, turning to the lion-man once again.

" You're lucky I'm nice! I'll take the head, just 'cause I'm in a good mood... uh... you wanted somethin' to eat, right?"

Craggard wormed his way out of the backpack and set it on the ground, fishing through it. He didn't really have much food... he had a sack of beans and a moldy hunk of bread, and he wasn't sure Lecoro would accept either. He continued to dig through the backpack until he found what he wanted. Flashing yet another smile, he pulled out a small vial of sparkly powder. He didn't bother to read the label, already knowing the concotion.

" How's this? Not food, but it'll make you feel spry and full of energy! Nasty relaspe after it wears off, but if you really need to find your kid fast, this is what you want!"

A strange silvery powder that gives a temporary boost of energy to the user, including a boost in agility and alertness. This powder's effects will last seven hours before they wear off. A relapse will then occur, causing the user to feel lightheaded and faint for a few hours. The extent of the relapse is dependent on how much you take and the stamina of the individual.

@Ghost Hunter
Deumex'ani:God of Emotion

It had been years since Deume had any influence over the mortal races. He decided to do so now. Deume flew over a human capital city, his appearance striking joy into all that knew who he was. Children ran in his shadow as he flew. Deume stopped, flapping his wings and hovering in one spot over the the city of Kiiryvan, this was his city now. He landed in the main square, a crowd soon appeared around him, showering him with gifts and praises.
"Let it be known that for as long as the city of Kiiryvan stays faithful to me, my blessings of prosperity and happiness will rest here, forever!" The dragon announced. The townspeople all rejoiced to the news of the god's blessing. Deume sat down, eyeing his new city.Noble knights patrolled in handsome sets of shiny armor, beautiful brick houses and marble streets decorated with floral carvings sprawled throughout the capital. The occasional bronze tower would come into view, and a mighty wall served as a bastion. The very city glowed in the sunlight and gave an air of serenity, and filled the soul with determination. @Computing Magus *winkwink

@Lord Anubis

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Sara watched the group of people plan to head North, whilst she packs her bag to return home in the North. "What iditotic people. Thinking they'll be safe in the freezing mountains of Galla." She says under her breath, and swings her sack of nessacities over her back. She looked at the floor whilst she was walking, and didn't see that she had bumped into a pretty girl that the others called Lissy. "I'm sorry. Please excuse my ignorance." Sara says, and follows the map her father gave her to return home in Galla.

Leco watched the merchant examine the troll head. A frown grew on his face as he heard Craggard sigh. " You're lucky I'm nice! I'll take the head, just 'cause I'm in a good mood... uh... you wanted somethin' to eat, right?" The frown disappeared when Craggard agreed to take the head, and Leco nodded in response. His stomach began to growl. He watched the vampire dig in a comically large bag for a bit. And then turn up with a small vial of...silvery...whatever. Leco didn't really listen to what the vampire said about it, he was so hungry..he really just needed food. "Look...I really just need food, I haven't eaten anything in a while and I just fought a horde of monsters..the last thing I need right now is...that...silver stuff.." Leco's stomach growled again, loud enough for the vampire to hear. "What if you just..I don't know how this works...give me like...$50 dollars for it? The town guard was willing to give me $350, the troll was a hardened criminal...I don't know if that really means anything or not."

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[QUOTE="Stacey Martinez]Sara watched the group of people plan to head North, whilst she packs her bag to return home in the North. "What iditotic people. Thinking they'll be safe in the freezing mountains of Galla." She says under her breath, and swings her sack of nessacities over her back. She looked at the floor whilst she was walking, and didn't see that she had bumped into a pretty girl that the others called Lissy. "I'm sorry. Please excuse my ignorance." Sara says, and follows the map her father gave her to return home in Galla.

(...stopping you riiight there. I feel a bit harsh pointing this out, but you haven't even registered a character, yet alone done your opening scene correctly. Bumping into Maliset (the little girl that was nicknamed 'Lissy' by Marcus alone, at least for the time being) would by pretty much any means be impossible. Technically, the character isn't even in the same plane of existence as your 'character', so... bumping into them just by coincidence? Impossible. At least register a character and read through the characters and past posts a bit, please? ...please?)
Alexander finally made it to the city. He had been walking for a few weeks so he was very happy to finally make it to his destination. He went to the first place that anyone who hadn't been in civilization for a prolonged amount of time should go.

The Tavern!

He walked in and sat down leaning his Halberd against the bar.

"Give me the strongest drink you have!"
Craggard shrugged as he put the powder into his bag carefully. The refusal chipped a bit at his ego, but it would mend soon enough. He never liked when people wouldn't accept his products, even if he didn't know what most of them were. His smile faded a bit as he listened to the lion carefully, but what he really noticed was the lion's ignorance of currency. If there was anything he should have stayed quiet about, it was that.

" Those townspeople were generous, huh? I'll give you fourty bucks for the head, since it's pretty fresh. That's enough food for... er- a long time at the right place! I know a real nice tavern. They have beer, women, food, the whole package! I'm going there myself, but I'm sure you'll somewhere to eat."

Craggard shoved his hands into his pockets, and pulled out a disarray of coins and dollar bills. He counted them hastily, and plopped some coins and bills into Lecoro's paw.

" Good enough, kitty?" He crossed his arms. Now that their little trade was done, Craggard was ready to be on his way. Whatever destroyed this town was gone, so he felt no need to investigate. And the lion man had his money, Craggard had a new addition to his collection, and all was well.

@Ghost Hunter
Leco looked down at his paw. The vampire had given him forty dollars, which excited him. " Good enough, kitty?" The merchant asked. Leco growled. "It's Lecoro, bloodsucker." Leco said in an annoyed tone, putting the 40 dollars into his pocket. @Computing Magus Leco remembered the merchant say something about a tavern. "I can't go with you, I have to find my Cub.." Leco said sadly, as he noticed his sword lying on the ground. The amber blade was bathed in blood, and gleamed in the sunlight of the mid-afternoon sun. Leco walked over to the weapon and picked it up, attempting to chip off any dried blood. "What town are you going to?" Leco asked the merchant, while still working on his blade.
Sera, as expected, seemed to be quite humble about the entire thing. Did she seriously not believe in her own magical ability enough? Perhaps it was something that needed to change in the future, but for the time being, Aer was yet to even persuade her to get a tome, yet alone use it. Almost dashing to Sera, she placed the $150 compactly into the half-elf's hands, guiding her towards Marcus and his wares. "Come on now," Aer insisted, eager to see the fruits of her effort first grow, "I insist. That is, unless you feel like you'd still owe me, which I wouldn't particularly mind! I kid, but feel free to think it over. Can't exactly let your choice go to waste now, can we?". Another small laugh quickly ensued from her, her fatigue soon disappearing without trace. All that was left at that moment was a smile of genuine anticipation, a sign that she was keenly interested in at least the girl's magical ability. It might've been something beyond that, but Aer would never tell even if it was.

@Computing Magus @Yum222
Craggard's pasty face flushed at the term Lecoro used, and he had a strong mind to make him pay, but he decided against it. The lion was huge, muscular, and annoyed. Even a mutt like Craggard knew when to back down. He scowled at Lecoro as he cleaned his blade, angered by his comment. Bloodsucker? I'm not a damn mosquito! Craggard's bitter inner dialogue was suddenly interupted by Lecoro, who was still busying himself by scraping the dried blood off his sword.

"What town are you going to?" The lion asked Craggard. The llugat huffed in anger before answering.

" Dunno. I go wherever I get the best business. Probably gonna head up North, " Craggard said gruffly. Having said that, he probably would depart Inderigo soon. There weren't enough people interested in his knick-knacks, and he had spent enough time that people were beginning to know him and his business a bit too well. It would be a good idea to leave before someone reported him to the Royal Guard.

" How about you, kitty c-" Craggard halted mid sentence, now wary of Lecoro.

" Er- how about you?"

@Ghost Hunter
The cleaned blade gleamed in the sun and Leco smiled, satisfied with his work. He sheathed the blade and looked at the merchant. " Dunno. I go wherever I get the best business. Probably gonna head up North, " Craggard replied to Leco's question. " How about you, kitty c-" Leco narrowed his eyes and the merchant stopped talking to rephrase himself. " Er- how about you?" Craggard asked. Leco smiled, glad the vampire stopped calling him "kitty cat". "I'm probably going to stick around here for a while...Inderigo is going to need someone here until word reaches a capital city of the attack. The humans will send more soldiers to guard this village soon, i'm sure of it." Leco said, looking out in the distance. "If I find my Cub before the soldiers come..I might leave early...but anyway, you take care of yourself on your journeys, merchant...er...what's your name? Leco asked, scratching his mane.

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