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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends (always open)

Aer had begun to look out for any tricks in close quarters after taking the fire blast previously, to her somewhat un-shown pain. Realising the bright flame's reason all but a second too late, her left eye was blinded by it promptly, her right eye only saved by the angle she was at. Knowing the ice elemental was slowly approaching, she had thought of an opportunity only the ice elemental could create. Still wincing at the pain of her left eye, she continued to press on with her combination, her slashes slightly wider and her jabs less centered. It wasn't too elegant, but she was continuing in an attempt to pin Marcus to the boulder, as to open him up for an attack from the elemental. It was as if she could predict the very attack the ice elemental was going to do.

Over roughly a dozen seconds, her main plan was set in motion, however flimsy it may of been. Practically feeling the ice elemental's presence behind her, they had but a few moments to react. In haste, she used the momentum of a swing to dash away from the boulder, trying to run the best she could around the elemental. The elemental planned to crush them under its' sizely claws, using the boulder to seal the deal if necessary. Perhaps Marcus had known this himself, and if he did, Aer had no concrete way of getting back in close range with him, especially with her limited vision. That, and the battle had begun to wear on her. Her dashes, though fast, consumed a lot of her stamina - she was no warrior, so it was understandable. Whether Marcus would be able to respond to this led down to his own physical condition at this stage of the game.

@Computing Magus

(Here you go :P )
Pandorian said:
Aer had begun to look out for any tricks in close quarters after taking the fire blast previously, to her somewhat un-shown pain. Realising the bright flame's reason all but a second too late, her left eye was blinded by it promptly, her right eye only saved by the angle she was at. Knowing the ice elemental was slowly approaching, she had thought of an opportunity only the ice elemental could create. Still wincing at the pain of her left eye, she continued to press on with her combination, her slashes slightly wider and her jabs less centered. It wasn't too elegant, but she was continuing in an attempt to pin Marcus to the boulder, as to open him up for an attack from the elemental. It was as if she could predict the very attack the ice elemental was going to do.
Over roughly a dozen seconds, her main plan was set in motion, however flimsy it may of been. Practically feeling the ice elemental's presence behind her, they had but a few moments to react. In haste, she used the momentum of a swing to dash away from the boulder, trying to run the best she could around the elemental. The elemental planned to crush them under its' sizely claws, using the boulder to seal the deal if necessary. Perhaps Marcus had known this himself, and if he did, Aer had no concrete way of getting back in close range with him, especially with her limited vision. That, and the battle had begun to wear on her. Her dashes, though fast, consumed a lot of her stamina - she was no warrior, so it was understandable. Whether Marcus would be able to respond to this led down to his own physical condition at this stage of the game.

@Computing Magus

(Here you go :P )
This was bad, the ice elemental was now in front of him. It looked burly enough to smash Marcus to bits if he didn't defend. He was pinned to the boulder behind him too. This has gotten worse than he thought. Aer was far from him to reach and the ice elemental was blocking the way. He had to fight his way out first. Before he could cast a magical spell, the ice elemental stood poised to strike with claw held high up. The claw fell down fast aimed at the skeleton man. One lucky second later, the ice elemental missed and hit the boulder instead. It gave the boulder spider cracks that were remarkably larger than what Marcus would have thought. Marcus saw this as his chance and gave the ice elemental an endless wave of flames. It was engulfed in his magic and was sent burning alive. It ran around in panic and somehow rammed itself to the boulder. The spider cracks enlarged and had spread more. The ice elemental suddenly stopped and fell in front him, some flesh parts turning into ashes. Marcus thought he was triumphant but one second later the boulder beside him broke apart. Ripples and rubble bombarded him and the fire he repeatedly casted couldn't do anything to stop it. Moments later the rocks fell silent as the rock stopped. Marcus was half stuck in it now.

"Fine, I give up. You can have a tome for half the price off." Marcus said. The second voice didn't linger for too long this time. Despite the fact that he lost, he thought it was remarkable anyway. He wondered what would life be like if everyday was like this. Attempting to struggle free, the many rock's weight got the better of him.


(We can stop now, right? My brain has suffocated of its creativity @_@)
Leco turned to see the skeleton appear from thin air, it startled him, as his rage hadn't fully died down yet. "GRRRAAAUUUGHHH" Screamed Leco, to him it was just another ghoul. Leco roared and shoved Marcus to the ground. But as he did this, five more ghouls ran to the caravan. One jumped on Leco's back and his attention went from Marcus, to the ghouls. Leco went into a blind thrash, smashing the ghoul on his back into the cart near him. The ghoul fell off..but it wasn't dead. Leco ran at the incoming ghoul horde, roaring with fury, and raking huge chunks of flesh and bone with his claws.
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Sera turned to see Aer and Marcus reappear suddenly, then saw the lion man jump in, but he clearly didn't look like he was in control of himself. "We gotta help them! Minnie, Maliset, stay close, I won't let them hurt you." She said with conviction, putting the little girl down. As soon as she turned towards the cart, the two with her seemed to glow with a pale blue aura. The half-elf, little did she know, was the source of the protective magic now enveloping them. The aura would ward off several physical or magical blows before dissipating.

Sera dashed ahead, with Minnie close at her heels. After the lion man moved off of Marcus, two ghouls were about to attack Aer and the skeleton. She stepped between them and the creatures and swung her spear wide, beheading one and injuring the other. "Thank god you two are back, things got ugly a little too fast since you left!" Minnie lent Marcus a hand to get up.

@Ghost Hunter @Federen Mason @Pandorian
Leco roared and picked up a ghoul, crashing it down on his knee and breaking it's spine. Two ghouls jumped onto his back, biting down voraciously on the nape of his neck, his mane took the most of the bite's force. He roared again in complete fury, clawing at his back to get the ghouls off. As he did this another ghoul in guard's uniform charged Leco, biting into his clavicle. Leco let out an ear-piercing scream in anguish as he dropped to his knees. Leco put his front paws on the ground and ran, knocking over the guard ghoul and shaking off the ghouls on his back as he gained more and more speed. Leco's fur was now dyed red in blood, both from his blood and the ghoul's.

Leco whirled around, running at the guard ghoul and pounced on it. He picked it up, taking two slashes to his face as the ghoul writhed for freedom. Digging his claws through the chain-mail of the ghoul's garb, Leco charged into a wall, cracking through the ghoul's helmet. With the creature's armor broken, Leco raked his claws throughout the ghoul, throwing back blood, flesh and bone as he dug.

Holding his clavicle at an attempt to stop the bleeding, Leco slowly backed up to the caravan. His rage finally dying back down. On one knee, he rested. Breathing heavily and regaining control of himself.
"Well, thanks Aer. I did quite enjoy it--!" Marcus tried to reply but he saw the sudden change of the once was peaceful place they were in. He saw the dark sky. It filled him with sudden horror; what happened while they were away? Before he could think or act, a person pushed him to the ground. At least it didn't hurt too much. He was about to retaliate but he recognized the one who did it as the one who asked him about something earlier. Was he an ally? Again, the lion man left before he could do anything. Good thing Minnie helped him up; the battle from earlier still made him not suited for proper battle. Marcus saw the incoming ghoul horde on their way. Whatever happened here was no longer the problem. What is happening here was the problem. Checking the scarf to make sure it was properly equipped, he handled another fireball at the location of the horde. It missed the beef of the group but was lucky enough to hit two. They ran away shouting while being burned alive.
Midst the horror of the situation, Aer admittedly could do naught to help the group, and even if she could, she would most likely hesitate to do so. Her semi-pacifism was in her nature, after all that has been said. In the chaos, the most she could do is stand defensively and hope to dodge anything that gets past the others. Onlooking Sera's own intercept of the ghouls a bit sheepishly, her left eye covered by hand, Aer felt the need to slide in a bit of motivation midst the struggle. "It's like you're trying to be my hero, Sera... keep this up, and I might fall in love." Aer teased, the smallest of tints emblazened across her face. Observing the scene at hand whilst she could, she tried to piece together what had happened and how since they had left. It was of her own choosing that they were gone for as long as they were, after all.
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Leco rose back to his feet. Still breathing heavy. "Don't...let them...sneak up on you..." He said, still holding his bleeding shoulder. "Destroy..the heads...easiest way...holy crap i'm losing a lot blood..." Leco stammered out, falling down to one knee. The slash marks on his face were bleeding profusely. With one free arm he grabbed the cart and lifted himself up. "What...are these things?" Leco asked.
Sera's face clearly went red at Aer's words. "L-love..!? W-what are you saying at a time like this..!" A moment later, a light blueish aura formed around Aer and Marcus, protecting them for few attacks. At Leco's advice, she thrust her weapon at another ghoul's head, piercing through and killing it. She let it drop, then took a defensive stance.

Sera's mind worked fast as she looked at the dire situation. "Minnie, give Marcus a mana leaf, and go help the big guy!"

Minnie nodded, quickly pushing a blue leaf in the skeleton's hand. She then went up to Leco, searching through her stuff for what she needed. She picked out two sets of healing herbs and handed one to him, motioning to eat it. With the other, we started chewing on the leaves, then managed to find bandages in her bag. 'I can't see, where is the wound?', she wrote in the lion man's hand.
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Leco took the leaves and began eating them. "My shoulder....and my face...." Leco said between chews. He took his paw off of his shoulder, revealing a deep bite wound. He looked at the cat woman next to him, two huge gashes went across his face, spanning from left cheek, to his top right ear.. The herbs began to kick in, a tingling sensation rose in his mouth, the pains were nullified for now. Leco winced, prepping himself for the pain. Leco hadn't retrieved medical attention for fifteen years, he hadn't really needed it, his wounds weren't usually this bad. And from what Leco remembered from the last doctor, this was going to hurt.
Minnie nodded in understanding. She started with the shoulder, wiping blood off with a cloth and feeling the size of the wound. She always felt bad about this part, but she had to examine wounds with her hands since she couldn't see.

Then began the treatment. Minnie took the leaves out of her mouth, then started licking the bite wound, spreading the herbs juices directly onto it. Once she was confident it was enough, the wrapped a bandage over the bite, the bleeding having been stopped. Minnie chewed on the leaves again, then proceeded with the same treatment for the gashes on Leco's face, her rough tongue probably not helping the pain too much. The method was effective though, quickly stopping blood loss.
Well, it was better than what his tribe's methods of "medical treatment" was. As Minnie began the treatment, Leco grunted in minor pain, flinching as Minnie licked his shoulder wound. The herb juices stung, and the bandage brought immediate relief. Leco sighed contently as the pain in his shoulder went away, until Minnie moved to his face. Stinging even more than the shoulder wound, the pain in his face didn't nullify after the bandage was put on, but it helped. "Thank you." Leco said, without looking at Minnie, his eyes glued to the ground. With the rage and pain gone, Leco's mind drifts to other matters. Rook. The horse. The mouse followed the horse...so..was Rook on the horse? Did he just not see the child? It was possible. "I'm going after your horse. My name is Lecoro Preadamii IIV. You can just call me Lecoro. If you need me while i'm gone, call me, i'll run back here. I'll be back with the horse soon." Leco slowly gets to all fours, and runs into the town after the horse.

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Zenon dropped the 16 body to the floor of a tavern he just wiped out. The bodies began to twitch, and morph into ghouls. IN a matter of seconds the rows again heading of to feed. He could feel some of the ghouls dying loosing his connection to them. HE grew a serious look when he heard a roar in the distance suggesting the lion creature from earlier. In a instant Zenon appeared above the tavern overlooking the battle ground. A good amount of ghouls had bin slain, and others were now gathering around a group of individuals who combated them. His crimson eyes locked onto the group slaying his minions. HE then glared towards another individual a female, who now he noticed as a goddess.@Pandorian. This was troubling, however she did not appear to be intervening too directly. He looked over to a ghoul next to him. Placing a hand on its head tendrils of dark red energy flowed from his hand, and into the ghoul. In that instant the ghoul let out screeches of pain, while its body grew larger. It stood over 12 ft tall now its wings extended outwards, as it let out a loud screech that vibrated the air and ground around it.


Zenon dd the same to four others, as they took off into the air. Along with this the city's guards who were turned still had their armor on them. From the top Zenon watched the battle unfold further.

@Ghost Hunter,@Yum222 ,@Pandorian ,@Computing Magus
Marcus received the mana leaf that Minnie has given him and almost immediately consumed it. Almost at once his power regained and he felt refreshed. His fire seemed much easier to control for now. Before he could utter some thanks to Minnie, she already left to tend with the lion man's wounds. He saw that the monstrous group has thinned down now but when he noticed something big flapping above he was downright scared. They looked like their ground-bound counterparts but with wings. This was bad. Whoever was behind this must be really powerful. So much enemies and all. With the refreshed powers he aims a fireball at one of the flying ghouls but missed. He tries again and one caught it but they didn't catch on fire because it had armor on. This was bad. This time, he holds a fireball and is yet to be launched. It grows slowly in size.
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A sharp shiver had landed amongst the intensity of Aer's back. Feeling the intensive glare of one with presence unrivaled by humans, she couldn't help but focus her vision at the infested town before them. Above the ghouls, midst the dust clouds and fire, she noticed a figure more distinct than the others, a shadow among the light and flames. If he was the origin of what she had summed up to be undead, or at least similar to them, then the group was doomed to failure if they were to confront him. This, she was certain of. But before she made them resort to retreat, she had one trick up her sleeve that she had learned - mana conduction.

With no hesitation, Aer found her opening to bring herself alongside Marcus, whom was charging up a fireball at the time. Before Marcus had chance to react, she latched onto the skeleton's arm with precision, as to make sure he could still move it around freely. She was to act as a mana conduct for Marcus and herself, allowing Marcus access not only to his own, but a small portion of hers as well. She knew that, if she was unwilling to fight, she would still be useful as a source of power for those who could put themselves through such things. It wasn't obvious to many, but the amount of mana energy she had access to was seemingly unending, though those who had been in her domain were the only ones who had really seen that mana be used for anything huge. Now, it was not a problem of how much she could amplify, it was problem of how much of it Marcus would be able to utilize. She simply hoped it would be enough to turn the tides a little before their most likely retreat.

@Computing Magus

(Who knew a goddess would have a lot of mana, even in a human body :x )
"For the love of...why are there flying ones!?" Sera was now actually worried about whether she'd survive when she saw the winged creatures. The best she could do was hold them off from attacking her allies, swinging her spear widely to push them back. Regular living people were much easier to deal with, she thought.

Minnie was behind her, holding Maliset close. The herbalist took out a root from her pouch and gave it to her scarlet-haired friend. "This..are you sure?" She asked, knowing what it was. She's never used it before, the adrenaline root, but she knew it might help her keep them safe. "Here goes nothing!"

Sera ate the root, and a moment later, she felt her body buzzing with energy. The ghouls started falling much faster to her attacks. Her eyes were hazy as her body moved and danced between the group and the undead.
Leco ran as fast as he could after the smell of the horse, dodging ghouls as he ran. He heard an ear-piercing screech of pain to his left, and turned to see a long haired man..changing a ghoul into...whatever that thing was, on top of an inn. This obviously was no man. The bat ghoul made eye contact with Leco, and flew after him. Leco ran even faster now, feeling the gust of the bat ghoul's wings as it flew after him. He felt it right behind himself, perfect sword length. In one swift motion, Leco drew his sword and whirled around, slashed the creature's face, sheathed his sword and landed back on all fours. The 12 foot beast screamed in shock and pain, falling to the ground and rolling as it landed. It was obviously still alive, but Leco wasn't concerned with that right now. Not until he felt another one pick him up.

Leco felt the bat creature pick him up, despite Leco's 450 pound weight, the ghoul easily lifted him off the ground, Leco could do nothing but watch the ground get smaller and smaller as the ghoul picked him up higher and higher. It let him go. "Not this way!" Is all Leco could think to say, as he spun himself around in the air, just narrowly catching the tip of the bat's wing. His weight pulling on the wing broke the bone. The ghoul, now plummeted with Leco to the ground. Wrestling to not be the other's landing pad, Leco and the ghoul spun around in the air creating an odd spectacle for all to see, The ghoul attempted to bite Leco's shoulder, but Leco grabbed it's open jaw and snapped it with both hands, stunning the creature and giving Leco a window of opportunity. Leco grabbed the ghoul and situated himself on the ghoul's back, his knee digging into it's spine and bracing for impact, just in time to meet a roof. Leco plummeted through the house on top of the ghoul, the ghoul taking in most of the collateral damage. As the collision was made, Leco could hear all the creature's bones snapping. It was dead. His ears ringing, Leco slowly rose up from the carcass. He drew his sword and beheaded it, just to check. Leco held his head, folding his ears back, the altitude change had caused his ears to pop, and he had a massive headache now. Leco stumbled to the door of the house, which was already opened, because the residents had fled. "Rook" Is all he said to himself, he worried about the cub, he had to find him.

@Yum222 @Pandorian @Computing Magus @Lord Anubis

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Marcus was ready to lauch the fireball which was now the size of a cabinet but Aer grabbed hold onto his arm.

"Eh?" Was all that Marcus stuttered in surprise he thought it was an enemy, with a low echoing voice accompanying it. He noticed that it was just Aer. Before he could utter a word he felt a very sharp surge of mana from where Aer held on. It pulsed through his entire personage and it felt very calming. Energy also seemed to flood him as the fireball now had to be held with both arms outstretched above him. Its growth swelled twice as much and when it was now as big as a boulder he threw it onto the group of flying ghouls. It was amazingly faster than what he would have expected and the ghouls couldn't react on time. It hit them, exploding afterwards with about two or four flying ghouls hit. He couldn't tell from the many body parts that were falling while burning. The fireball seemed to have suddenly left two smaller ones as if it split, homing on the horde on the ground in the size of basketballs. One missed but the other one hit the center of the horrendous group, sending them to break apart for a few seconds. Even with that he only felt a slight decrease in his strength. Amplified by a mana leaf and a woman who could control the field of her domain, he felt powerful.

@Pandorian @Yum222

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Zenon looked towards the slaughter before him. The town was almost wiped out he could since the little life left. When he noticed the goddess intervene he new the tides of battle had changed. HE smiled slightly" looks like the battle has had a unexpected turn of events." he said to him self. He held up his hands two red orbs appeared in his hands. Tendrils of dark red energy shot out reaching all the ghouls in the city. They glowed the same color, as they were given enchantments to their claws now having blood corruption effects. They were also bestowed a slight regenerative attribute which gave them one Resurrection if killed. He turned to the goddess aiding the mortals" now lets take the queen out of the field." he said with a smile. He raised his hands together pointing to here, before a large dark red orb made of his transcended vamperic energy. In a instant it shot out straight towards her in a continues beam.


(looks like this.)

@Ghost Hunter,@Yum222 ,@Pandorian ,@Computing Magus
Sera didn't understand what the hell kind of power was at work here, but that didn't matter to her. Her body dashed, almost of its own will, tackling Marcus and Aer down. She could've sworn she felt seering heat close to her head before she crashed to the ground and rolled. Once they stopped, Sera noticed she ended up on top of the woman, Aer.

Her senses flared suddenly. The adrenaline root's side effects include intensified feelings of passion, thus nicknamed 'love booster' by non-combat oriented consumers, and that was what she felt at that moment, in the middle of battle.

Images and flashes of desire to do things with the one she looked at flooded her mind, and her eyes reflected that. But no one was safe yet from the current nightmare. She said only one thing: "Fallen for me yet?", before rising to her feet. More enemies seemed to be coming, but they looked different, and more dangerous. The half-elf hadn't noticed yet, but half her hair was singed off by the blast, revealing her round ear to those who'd pay attention.

Minnie was were unharmed and was coming to help the skeleton up.

@Pandorian @Computing Magus @Federen Mason
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Leco stumbled out of the house. The ghouls began to shamble towards him. Before Leco could raise his sword, dark red energy was shot into the ghouls. They began to glow red, their mouths gaping in hunger. Right after that, a huge dark red beam originating from atop the inn from earlier erupted where the caravan was. Leco took one look at these new seemingly impossible developments. He smirked, raising his sword. Leco's smirk turned to a full smile. The thought of a good death excited him, he had no fear..the final Whitemane going down in the glory of battle would make his ancestors proud. "FOR THE WHITEMANESSSS" Leco roared at the top of his lungs, dashing forward, cleaving a ghoul in two vertically.

Ghoul after ghoul is chopped in half, only to piece themselves back together and be cleaved again. The flying ghoul he slashed in the face earlier dives at Leco. Leco grabs the ghoul's head as it flies down and attempts to slash him, plunging his sword into it's gut, the creature stops abruptly, stunned, Leco turns it around, and kicks it into an impending horde of ghouls. The giant crushes the lesser ghouls. Leco picks it up by the wing and decapitates it, throwing the head at a ghoul in guard's garb. Without a head, the winged ghoul struggles to it's feet after it regenerates itself. Before it can get up, Leco stabs his sword through it's heart. The horde of ghouls that was crushed now regenerates itself slowly, the ghouls crack their own bones back into place.

"WATCH YOUR ARMY CRUMBLE" Leco roared to the man on the roof of the inn, as he hacked and slashed his way through ghoul after ghoul. A slightly larger ghoul, still wielding a shield tied around it's arm, runs at Leco, slapping him in the face with it and knocking Leco back a little. A ghoul jumps onto his back and bites down into the nape of neck. Leco roars loudly, grabbing the ghoul and throwing it off of him. The ghoul with the shield slashed at Leco, but as he did, Leco caught the hand, broke it in his paw, and stomped on the ghoul's knee, crippling the creature. Leco's sword is now drenched in blood, his fur almost dyed completely crimson.

A horde of 6 charges at him, they appeared to be of the mayor's knights, they wore plate armor with bite marks somehow piercing through their steel neck guards. As the horde shambles towards Leco, he sheathes his sword, and extends his claws. Growling at the presence of the heavily armored foe.


The next second or few were a blur to Aer, but when she had refocused her attention, Sera had at some point gotten on top of her, a rather revealing gaze laced upon Sera's face, and a transcendent beam of energy continuing behind her. Whatever she had took, it had done something odd to the girl, but Aer didn't particularly mind at that stage, as it had appeared that her intentions were to save Aer and Marcus from the energy blast. Out of left field for Aer however was the prompt comment she was left with before the elf rised to her feet. For certain, the girl was holding herself back from something more, and that something more's purpose brought a rather unexpected vision to her head, which brought her attention away enough for her not to notice what lay behind Sera's singed hair. Aer quickly whisked the thought out of her head, rising to her feet as swiftly as she fell.

If that beam was continuous, then the user would simply have to move it a bit... if that user was the one she had noticed before, they had to retreat before anything else happened. She may of been a goddess in a human guise, but her human body was still very much mortal, and she would rather not lose it. The decision was now, whether she attempted to retreat herself, or if she used her power to take the group to her domain once more, which entailed a usage of the space other than she originally intended. It would only be a temporary solution, however - she had a limit to how much she could use her domain at one time without initializing a game. After all, games were the base of her domain. It would have to do, she thought.

And so, midst the battle, she sounded a loud, vibrating clap, and for everyone who she had sided with at that time (Herself, Marcus, Maliset, Sera and Minnie), their vision turned to darkness like Marcus' did once before. An encore sounded, and their vision was brought back to an expansive plain that peacefully danced with the starry night, the place which she referred to as such a domain. Like before, when their visions came to be, Aer stood amongst the field grasses, a noticeable pant to her breath as she tried her best to greet the group with a smile, despite the sinking feeling that she had crushed their fighting spirit. "...I hope you don't mind me sounding a temporary retreat for us, so to speak."

@Ghost Hunter @Lord Anubis

(Literally the only way I could think Aer would respond. :x )
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Maliset couldn't quite know what to do in the dangerous situation. It was a very scary view for her. She knows that her plants could have helped but still. Before she could react on that act, she and the small group of the caravan has been sent to Aer's domain. The feeling upon entering was very weird to her and made her a bit befuddled. Then the beautiful scenery came. It calmed her down for a bit of a while.. She went up to Marcus, like she would usually do when nothing of importance was happening.

@Computing Magus @Pandorian
Minnie's ears twitched multiple times, the girl's senses trying to make sense of where she was now. It was unfamiliar territory, to say the least, and so she couldn't properly move around yet.

Sera stood there, her body still burning with energy, but had no more outlet for it. She was panting heavily, but the effects of the root were wearing off, clearing her mind. Amidst her thoughts, she remembered what she did only minutes ago. 'I-I did that..!?' , she thought with a blush. Sera felt like she just barely avoided forcing a kiss on the woman in her altered state.

She wanted to apologize, but in front of everyone would have be embarrassing, so she planned to talk to Aer later. "Where..are we..?"

Last minute edit: As Sera was calming down, the protective blue aura she unknowingly put on her companions disappeared.

@Pandorian @Computing Magus
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