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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends (always open)

  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro, Maliset

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter @Federen Mason

    At seeing a child around his age, his eyes widened, as if shocked. Something about seeing other children irked him, and he was unsure if it was a good feeling or a bad feeling. Her clothing didn't appear worn and ragged like his did, and she appeared happy. Something about that made Rook feel incredibly envious, and he averted his gaze. At least to the gaze of Maliset and those in the caravan who have a clear view of him, it would just appear like he "disappeared" Considering his mouse was under his hat, the mouse had vanished from visibility along with Rook.

    However, his rat, would've crawled down his body and leg down to the ground. Unlike Rook, who had gone invisible, Xi the rat was able to be seen. Knowing Rook was still in the area, he sniffed the air, as if to make sure. Affirmative his owner was still here, Xi climbed up the side of the caravan to get a better view of the situation, instead of being down on the ground so close to the wheels.

    Hmph... I wonder if she has her parental figures around? Who am I kidding, whomever this Marcus may be... he's probably that. If they're a merchant, perhaps they have some sort of messenger system? It's been quite some time since I mailed my brothers, back home. Hopefully Ivel has been practicing his ability to read...

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The news of an odd disappearance of the skeleton confused Leco. "Thank you anyway cub." Leco said. "Well, I guess we'll need to find the barracks on our own." Leco said, turning to Rook. Wait...where was Rook? "Rook?" Leco said, confused at the disappearance of his small friend. Why were people disappearing around this cart? Leco panicked a little. "ROOOK?!! He yelled a little louder, looking all around the cart, and ducking low to look under it. Leco's ears folded back in mild anger and sadness. "Cub??" He called out again, in desperate search of his friend. "Did somebody take him?" He wondered as he sniffed the air. Too many different smells to pinpoint him. "Maybe he was just bored with me...." Rook said to himself. Standing by the same spot where he first noticed Rook disappear. A little saddened by this thought, as he would he would have to be alone once again. He hated being alone...
Sera saw the lion man appear again. "Oh, you mean Marcus? Well, uh, he was here just a second ago...then he made some sort of wager with a noble-looking woman, and then they poofed all of a sudden. Told us to keep their spots clear, so I'm assuming they'll reappear soon.."
Maliset watched as the Sera explained too. The lion man looked like he was about to leave but seemed to have noticed something that was missing. He kept calling out to a chess piece person. Somehow, she did notice someone was there too but did not see them. Tall or short, male or female, she didn't know because she didn't pay attention. She watched attentively and decided to cheer him up. She manipulated the earth outside the cart and a marigold sprouted. A vine then plucked it from the ground and it hands it over to the lion man.

"Would you like a flower, sir?" Maliset said and looked at him with a small smile.

@Ghost Hunter @Yum222
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Sera was wide-eyed at the child's sudden power. "Wow, you can sprout flowers from the ground? That's pretty cool! I can barely do any magic myself.." Minnie tilted her head at her friend's words. "It's true, she just did it, Minnie!"
Pandorian said:
Without a second thought, she dashed to the left of the fireball. Aer was not truly a fighter herself, having only experience from her past times in this plane. She hated violence. However, she knew that in this realm, their actions would not truly harm anyone, or at least, unless they wanted it to. Aer had saw the flicker of the fireball. Something had caught him off-guard? Charging in with rapier brandished, she aimed and tried to unleash a few jabs at the skeleton's side, knowing she had the advantage in close combat. However, she had to try and stay in that distance, and magic made it very hard to do so. Out of the woodwork, hobgoblins seemed to appear out of no-where, their snickers resounding and yet annoying as they showed - three in total. Aer paid little mind to them. "Incoming, yourself!"

@Computing Magus

(Gonna get sleep. Like, right now. x-x)
Stunned by the appearance of the hobgoblins and Aer's dash, Marcus stuttered in movement and was successfully jabbed by Aer's rapier by his right side. It hit a rib or two but somehow the damage wasn't what he expected. The pain was there but it felt off. Maybe in this place it was impossible for realistic violence? Anyhow, the jab made Marcus stumble slightly backwards. This was bad if she kept this close. He decided to spray Aer with fire, holding out one arm straight at her. Suddenly, a spread of fire unleashed from his hand. This might hit since Aer was already near. The hobgoblins was slightly distracting.

"Burn!" Marcus said but he didn't mean to say it. Again, the same low voice accompanied his. This time, it didn't quite stop him now.

@Pandorian (within hours)


  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro, Maliset

    Status: Invisible

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter @Federen Mason

    Rook never had much of a presence anyway, but seeing his friend panic, he tried to raise his hands up and down, "removing" the invisibility. Unfortunately, though, he was new when it came to controlling his power, so the only thing that appeared to happen was just sand near his bear feet shifting around. His rat, on the other hand, was well aware of Rook's presence. Xi squeaked loudly towards Leco, as if assuring him of... something? While on the caravan, it looked up towards the smaller child who had offered the vine. Curiously inching forward, it sniffed her hand with curiosity at the new presence. Perhaps she could see Rook? No, no one could. But, she did have a friend. He may be a travelling merchant, if they're in a caravan together. Maybe a parent, a guardian? The girl with long red hair cascading down her face also brought some attention.

    Rook on the other hand, didn't seem to be aware he was still invisible. His mouth was open, as if trying to call out, and he jumped up and down, making little clouds of dust beneath his feet.

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Leco cracked a small smile when the little girl offers him a flower. Kneeling down, he pats the girl on the head and takes the flower. "Thank you little one." Leco says, still with a little sadness in his voice. He puts the flower in his mane. "Wait, did you just sprout this from the ground? How did you do that? It's amazing!" Leco noticed small dust clouds at the corner of his eye. "Do any of you see that?" He said alarmed. He slowly moved toward the tiny dust clouds and sniffed at them. He smelled a familiar mouse, and....Rook? Kneeling down, Leco curiously pokes at the ground around the dust clouds. He touches a foot. "Uhhhhhhh....." Is all Leco stammers out, confused.
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Maliset was happy as the lion man received the flower but she suddenly noticed the small rodent that was sniffing her hand. She got both surprised and scared since she hated rats. With a squeal, Maliset went farther from the rat while sitting down and suddenly the vine that was holding the marigold came inside the caravan, slightly pushing away Sera and Minnie aside unintentionally. It grabs the rat and it retracts back outside the caravan still holding the rat. She breaths heavily now. All she can give so that Marcus would return to protect her right now.

@Ghost Hunter @Yum222
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  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro, Maliset

    Status: Invisible

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter @Federen Mason

    Feeling something tap against his foot, Rook smiled in joy! For some reason, his friend didn't seem to notice him, and he wondered why! Before he could try and run forward, he heard a familiar squeak of terror, looking over to see his friend struggling to break free of it's grasp. As if this was a human, Rook (invisibly) dashed straight for the vine. Reaching into his pocket, he'd pull out a pair of shears, which wouldn't be visible due to him holding it. Cutting at the vine holding his friend, (which you can determine @Federen Mason because it could be magical), he tried to free his friend of it's grasp. Meanwhile, a smaller squeak would come from Rook's hat, crawling onto the ground. It would become visible the moment it stopped touching Rook's body. Rubbing it's small white head, beady eyes shut as it appeared to be grooming itself, it crawled forward towards Leco's feet, sniffing at it.

Maliset was now slightly fine that the rat was farther away but its squeaks was still something not to her liking. She noticed that the vine had pushed Minnie and Sera.

"Oh, I'm so sorry you two. I was just scared of the rat." Maliset said then noticed that the vine was being cut loose. The rat wasn't biting at it or anything. What in the world was happening? Scared that the rat might have magical powers she attempts to summon a small venus fly trap. This plant takes a bit of a while to grow in size with her magic but it was worth it if it could stop the rat from getting away, she thought. What she didn't know was that it erupted right behind the lion man. It was slowly getting larger within every few seconds.

@Ghost Hunter Incoming what the heck storm.
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After a few minutes of travel Zenon had finally came upon the city he saw in the trolls blood. It was not a big city, but it would do nicely. The storm began to fall upon the city slowly flowing over till the storm enveloped it. Rain pored down onto the city below, while lightning struck down creating loud booms of thunder. Any source of light within the city suddenly went out, as a cold wind suddenly blew over the town with decent force. Zenon landed on top of a rooftop cloaked in the darkness of the storm. He could see all the mortals scurrying about in the sudden darkness. How delighted he was in the thrill of the hunt. He smiled his Vamperic teeth extended fully....for it was time to feed. In the instant he was there suddenly he was gone if a shimmer of black mist. He appeared inside the small building on which he stood earlier. The room he was in held a single middle aged man, who's heart was racing in the darkness. Suddenly a bolt of lightning struck just outside the city, which had let in a small flash of light. Zenons crimson red eyes flashed when the light shined through the open window out looking the central market area. When the human male saw Zenons face he screamed out for just a second, before Zenon had him pinned against the wall Fangs burred deep into his neck. in a matter of moments his cold lifeless body fell to the floor while Zenon stood their, his head looking upwards. Blood slowly dripped down the side of his cheek, as his eyes stayed closed a smile spread across his face. He could hear the racing heart beats from the males scream startling the other humans in the area. He opened his eyes and spoke softly" Oh how i missed this feeling...." he said to himself before disappearing again. Similar screams could be heard in other buildings, as he went about feeding on human males and females. He left children alone however.....the bodies he left behind after a few moments suddenly rows back up. They had become ghouls lesser vamperic beings who simply served their creator, and fed their never ending hunger. These ghouls too began to roam around with great speed attacking others creating more.


(normal ghoul)

@Ghost Hunter,@Yum222 (Sorry didn't know yum was there.)
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@Pandorian[/URL] (within hours)
Aer had already set out for another jab, so the retaliation was hard to counter. Trying to dodge it the best she could, she took the majority of the fire spread with her body in an attempt to stop it from blinding her. It certainly hurt in it's own way, but she only had a few seconds before the creatures would close in. Leaning under Marcus' arm, she quickly used the momentum of her body to push him backward all she could, hopefully into the direction of one of the hobgoblins. Almost in unison, as she did this, a hobgoblin approached behind her and began to swing its' battle axe with all its' might. Too slow, she thought. The slam of the axe was promptly followed by the resounding sound of rapier jabs piercing the hobgoblin. Disappearing as quickly as it fell, Aer regained her stance after some delay, awaiting her opponent's next move.

@Computing Magus
Marcus was pushed backwards and stumbled, unable to regain focus on what was happening. A hobgoblin came his way, lazily coming up to him. It swung its dull sword with Marcus unable to counter the attack. It hit him squarely on his back but he needed to continue their battle with Aer. Aiming for the hobgoblin, he shot a short salvo of flames at it. It caught on fire and ran with screams rippling in the air, probably towards the island's waters. He felt slightly weakened because of the damage he has now but puts up one more fireball straight at Aer. Again, it flickered for a second and it dissipated in mid-air. What's happening now? He repeats another fireball throw, putting most of his energy into making it properly. It flew straight to Aer.

"Wait, calm down Maliset! It's just a rat!" Sera barely understood why things were going crazy all of a sudden. She didn't really care much about the vine pushing her. Minnie seemed to notice something where the rat was with her hearing. She motioned at Sera to calm the Maliset down.

'I can feel...agitation..someone's here, trying to free the little rat..' The feline girl carefully hopped off the cart towards the rat. She could hear the accelerated heartbeat of someone scared, but no one seemed to be able to see them. She knelt down beside where she thought the person might, trying to calm them down.

Sera was trying to calm Maliset down. "Please, stop what you're doing, you're going to hurt someone..!" She noticed a weird plant growing near the lion man all of a sudden. "Watch out! Maliset, please!"

@Ghost Hunter
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"But look! The rat is cutting the vine somehow. I think it has magic and scary!" Maliset said and she still sat scared on her seat. She might be overreacting but if you saw a rat that was near you a moment ago, then see it was able to cut down a vine without doing anything, then you would have thought something bad was going on. The venus fly trap did not stop growing larger and is by now half the size of the lion man in front of it. The vine was successfully cut down now. She didn't know what was happening. The sudden darkening of the sky wasn't helping things either and some figures moved towards their location slowly. She couldn't make out what or who they were though.

@Ghost Hunter @Lord Anubis <--- Thanks, this really is now a what the heck storm.
Aer, not initally prepared to counteract the fireball, was ready to block it the best she could afford. However, the dissipation allowed her time to get back into focus. Hobgoblin on her right, and Marcus was straight ahead. Dashing forward, she promptly dodged the fireball, ready to take another go at knocking him down, only to be interrupted by a sudden shake in the scenery. The scenery began to merge and distort, freeze and shape. A few rough tumbles later, and their stage had been completely transformed into an icy cavern roughly of same magnitude as the island was. With it, were obstacles, such as fallen boulders and stalactites. The mob to her right was no-where to be seen, until it merged in form unlike any other. Fangs and body of pure ice, and a soul of condensing mist. What was a hobgoblin had transformed into something more - an ice elemental of large stature. Both fighters would have to be on high alert from now on.

Steadying her footing, Aer was ready to charge within a few realising moments, and before long she was back on the assault. A few simple mix-ups of jabs and slashes later, and she was back on Marcus' tail. He would have to think quickly to counter this flurry of attacks.

@Computing Magus
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  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro, Maliset, Minnie

    Status: Invisible

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter @Federen Mason @Yum222

    As the rat was freed from the vine's grasp, the first thing Rook did was roll up in a ball around it in a tight hug, as if it were a teddy bear. For those few seconds, the rat would appear to turn invisible, as if being cloaked by something. Letting go of his friend, Xi's paws would rub it's own head and body, as if brushing off anything the vine may have left on it. Affectionately petting the rat's head, he felt something coming his way, turning around. A feline... ish... creature was making it's way over. Unlike most rats and mice, which have had a whole predator-prey thing with felines, both creatures were rather tame to the feline's arrival. In fact, it appeared that Rook was the more defensive one, imitating a knight as he held up his shears. Still oblivious to the fact no one could see him, he slashed his shears forward at the figure (@Yum222), his hands holding a firm grip...

    ... though he was rather hesitant on hurting someone else. While he may be a thief, he never was the offensive fighter. At most, that thought threw him off course, and anything that it would've done just might have been a little scrape on the cheek or a graze of the arm.

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Minnie retracted her hand as she felt something swing fast, but she was still cut by something. She received a small slice on her palm other hand. She was scared for a second, but she could still feel that whatever was there was just scared, trying to protect the rat. The fact that it went invisible didn't occur to her of course.

Sera glanced at her friend and saw her flinch in pain. "Minnie! I'll be right--huh?" She almost jumped towards her when the feline girl shook her head. "Y-you sure..? Alright. Maliset, Minnie's gonna deal with it, so please stop growing that thing.." @Federen Mason

Minnie went to her knees, holding her injured hand close to her. She held out her hand open, trying to symbolise that she was unarmed and meant no harm. @Entarriance
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"Rook?" Leco asks confused. The dust clouds start to move towards a vine holding a rat. Wait...that was Rook's rat! He started towards the vine, but the earth behind himself burst, and a venus flytrap rose from the ground, slowly increasing in size. He backed away from it, and a small white mouse scurried up to his foot and sniffed at it. The mouse too! So Rook had to be somewhere around here...he picked up the mouse and placed it on his shoulder. He drew his sword, and roared at the plant. Which...of course didn't do anything, he just likes roaring. Leco swung at the plant, but upon touching one of the hairs in it's mouth, the venus flytrap snapped shut in the blink of an eye. "My sword!" Leco yelled in anger, extending his claws, he pried open the flytrap's jaw to it's breaking point, the jaws snapped and Leco's sword fell to the ground. Leco picked up his sword, and started towards Rook's rat, but the vine was cut now, and the rat was missing. Leco sheathed his blade.

The storm suddenly hit Inderigo. Leco's eyes widened as it had come faster than he expected. He had to find Rook, NOW. People ran, a woman screamed. It seemed that all at once, hell itself was unleashed unto Inderigo. "ROOK!" He roared, attempting to yell over the booms of thunder. A cat woman fell to the ground injured nearby and he ran over to her. Seeing it was a just a small cut, he said. "You'll be fine, but we need to get to shelter. NOW!" He turned to the sheared vine and sniffed at it. Rook and his rat were nearby...he knew it. "Rook, if you can hear me, grab my paw! He said extending his paw out to Rook's height level, looking around, Another man yelled, and he saw, in the crowds of people not to far way, somebody shamble up to his feet, and run after another man. "What is this...." Leco said under his breath.

@Yum222 @Entarriance
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Sera saw the sudden confusion among the people. "What the hell?" She looked at Maliset, then at Minnie. "Damn it! Sorry Maliset, but you're coming with me! Something bad's happening!" She quickly slung her spear at her back and picked up the girl in her arms. She hopped off the cart and grabbed Minnie's hand, pulling her up and running towards the town. Minnie protested only for a second, suddenly hearing screams of pain, and smelling something like death. The feline girl pointed at where Rook was so that the lion man could get him before she followed Sera. They worried about where Aer and Marcus was now, considering the latter was the little girl's guardian.

@Ghost Hunter @Federen Mason

  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro, Maliset, Minnie (all mentioned)

    Status: Invisible

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter @Federen Mason @Yum222

    Stuffing his rat into his pocket, Xi became invisible like the rest of Rook. The numerous nearby screams were deafening, and his first course of action was to get out of the place. Whistling loudly, his mouse on Leco's shoulder popped it's lead up, it's ear's twitching as if hearing the noise. Finally coming to the

    conclusion that he wasn't able to be seen, it wasn't like it wasn't a sensation that he wasn't used to. He was just unable to control it, and that was the problem. And perhaps him being around would merely drag down his lion friend, who was a great and powerful paladin. Though his mouse would've surely assured his pretense. For now, he did have to seek some sort of shelter, and hopefully some way to contact his brother of this sudden upcoming force. Pulling his hat hard to his head, he ran over to the cart. Freeing the horse that would've been pulling the caravan, it whinnied, neighing loudly as it stood up on it's hind legs. Whistling to try and calm the creature down, Rook got up onto the back of the horse, which whinied. The storm was getting stronger, though he had to do something. The rat would seem to squeak out, communicating to the horse.

    The horse would run forward fast in agreement, heading off straight towards the town, appearing as if nothing was riding on it's back.

Pandorian said:
Aer, not initally prepared to counteract the fireball, was ready to block it the best she could afford. However, the dissipation allowed her time to get back into focus. Hobgoblin on her right, and Marcus was straight ahead. Dashing forward, she promptly dodged the fireball, ready to take another go at knocking him down, only to be interrupted by a sudden shake in the scenery. The scenery began to merge and distort, freeze and shape. A few rough tumbles later, and their stage had been completely transformed into an icy cavern roughly of same magnitude as the island was. With it, were obstacles, such as fallen boulders and stalactites. The mob to her right was no-where to be seen, until it merged in form unlike any other. Fangs and body of pure ice, and a soul of condensing mist. What was a hobgoblin had transformed into something more - an ice elemental of large stature. Both fighters would have to be on high alert from now on.
Steadying her footing, Aer was ready to charge within a few realising moments, and before long she was back on the assault. A few simple mix-ups of jabs and slashes later, and she was back on Marcus' tail. He would have to think quickly to counter this flurry of attacks.

@Computing Magus
One terrain change and the sudden transformation of a hobgoblin into ice elemental later, Marcus was caught completely by surprise. With Aer's quick movements and the terrain, he felt that his chances of winning were slim. His natural weakness was cold. Not because it was the basic counter against his fire but also weakens him, since his affinity was fire. Nevertheless he stood and tries to burst another flaming ball from his hand but as it grows the coldness was setting in it and wasn't growing faster than he wanted it to. Too late, Aer was already near him again, a position that was of great disadvantage. The fireball hit the ice elemental on the front instead but the fireball was still too small to cause serious damage and especially if the enemy was coldness itself. He tries to run back but behind him was a giant boulder. Aer had a great position advantage. He still has a trick up his sleeve that would hopefully work. He summons an extremely bright flame that almost blinded him if he were to continue looking. If Aer looked, he might be able to regain his footing. He stays where he is, hopefull that the plan would work. He is still very weakened by now.

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The horse on the cart somehow broke free. It whinnied, and ran into town. The noise attracted..some creatures....whatever they were...They weren't men anymore. That's all Leco knew. Three of these creatures looked over to the caravan as the horse broke free, they screamed in response and ran in the direction..."I hope Rook got to safety..." Is all Leco could think. "Get BACK" Leco roared running at the three creatures, hoping they could still understand commands. They couldn't...the creatures jumped at Leco..."I need to defend this little girl.." Leco thought. The fastest creature jumped onto his arm, attempting to bite through Leco's shoulder pad. This thing wasn't a man anymore...they all had to be put out of their misery.

Leco dead-weighted himself and fell onto the creature, crushing it's skull. He quickly picked himself up, and got ready for the next two. Both came at Leco, arms wide open, blood covered faces in full view. Leco extended his claws, and jumped onto one. He raked at the creature's face, tearing flesh and breaking bone. The other creature jumped onto his back and bit down hard. Leco roared. He was no longer in control. His fury had taken over now. Leco reached around behind himself and grabbed the creature, and threw it to the ground. He ran to this one, stomping it's face in until it moved no longer. Leco roared triumphantly, and spun around. By now the second monster had gotten back up, as he hadn't fully killed it. It ran at him, and attempted to slash at Leco, he dodged; Leco grabbed it's shoulders and pushed down, using his weight and strength to break the creatures knees. It fell without a sound, Leco stomped it's face until it stopped moving. Leco folded his ears back and looked into the town, there were many more of these creatures, his fury started to wear down. Leco backed up to the caravan cart.
"Is everyone okay?" He asked.


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