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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends (always open)

Maliset held Marcus' hand as he motioned it. He looks at the man who was coming with them, scanning them from head to toe. She liked the idea of a new friend coming with them to the north.
"So what sort of transport are we talking about?" Nero looked around but he didn't really see anything, well of course he didn't he was in the middle of a town.
"Well, two transports. The first is a public land transport that will let us drop near to a private water transport leading towards the north. Travel is inexpensive. I might need to explain why you're coming along in the second transport because it's more of a business friend's gift for me and isn't expecting anyone else except Maliset here." Marcus said and he walked now towards the edge of the village which was a bit far.

@Melody Of Slaughter @Federen Mason
Ken was engaged in battle with a large serpent at a waterfall, currently he was just getting a feel for its fighting ability while keeping it at bay with a kusarigma he infused with electricity. Ken eventually ecided he had seen all he needed to see and move in for the kill. He threw the scythe head of the kusarigma and it embedded itself into the head of the serpent, Ken tightened his hand around the chain as the serpent began to thrash around wildly taking Ken for a wild ride. Ken with his free hand drew the katana on his back and began slashing the serpent as he rode by it being swung around by the chain.

He sheathed the katana and then landed on the ground as the serpent dived downwards. He tapped into his dragon soul for a dragon arm, his left arm became covered in red blood like marks but also began stronger. He reigned in the serpent with that arm bringing more of its body into the water and then with his right hand formed a few one handed hand seals to unleash a lightning spell through the kusarigma shocking and burning the serpent inside and out until it fell unconscious unsure. Ken decided he should observe the beast for a little while to make sure it's really dead.
To the north of Inderigo, there were a few horse-pulled carts awaiting passengers for traveling to the north. One in particular already had a few. Two of which, both women, were sitting down and awaiting departure. The redhead, Sera, was falling asleep where she sat, while the feline woman, Minnie, was carving a small wooden amulet, occasionally rubbing her fingers on its surface.
At the southern port city of Laesh, Gazed wandered down the the narrow streets that ran all around the main bazaar, occasionally inspecting the wares sold by local vendors too poor or unimportant to afford space for their stalls in the main promenade. Stopping at a bookseller's stall, Gazed looked through the merchant's wares. He noticed a strange looking item, a small but heavy book with pages made of metal and a worn dark grey leather binding. After purchasing the book, he leafed through the unreadable pages. That was what had attracted him you see, working in the great library of Ben'lal Azad, he had learned how to read almost every known language, and even a few unknown ones, but this book was unreadable to him. Only a single word below the title was in a language he recognized, an ancient Sub-Koran dialect, written in the runic script of a long dead empire. The word was, "Aenoe" the ancient name of a city now known as Eno. After returning to his room in the house of a kindly stranger he had met when he first arrived in Laesh, Gazed consulted some charts before heading towards the docks to book passage on a ship heading north.
The masked wanderer, Lucius, was roaming. He had no idea where he was anymore. He just kept roaming. He entered a city, he kept walking. Nobody was allowed HE was HER. The city was pretty nice, for sure a capital. Lucius sat down on a wall, the masked face resting on his hands. He was looking feminine for a man, but his whole attitude was male.
"Eno? May I ask what that place is? I'm afraid I'm not exactly sure where that is."

The small group walked towards the north of Inderigo to find the first needed transportation for the long adventure towards the north. It didn't take too long, or it didn't seem to take long; the village of Inderigo was still as relaxing the first time I posted since its dawn, which gave an excellent calming atmosphere to the group. They eventually reached the place they were looking for; the few horse-pulled carts. They were lucky the seats haven't been filled yet but every single one of the carts already had some people in it. Marcus scans some of the carts with the least amount of passengers so that they may not disturb. He saw that a cart with just two women were the fewest among them.

"Well, we might need to share a cart with some people. All of them already has some people in it." Marcus explained to the group. Hopefully his little friend can behave the entire trip. It could take an hour or two.

@Melody Of Slaughter (I slept. I'm back '~') @Federen Mason (Please behave ;_; for this guy's sake) @Yum222 (Incoming non-cliche group)
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Minnie's ears and nose twitched as she noticed people approaching the carts. She could tell there were two...or three? 'Strange..one hardly smells of anything...', she thought to herself, referring to the skeleton among the group. She put aside her carving and poked her companion's side, waking Sera up. The green-eyed girl opened her eyes, yawning. "What's up, Minnie? We there yet?", she asked as she fixed her hair. Her white-haired friend shook her head, then quickly wrote symbols in the other's palm. "People are coming..? Oh, you're right, thanks for waking me up."

Minnie nodded at her thanks, and so they waited to greet the newcomers if they decided to board the same cart as theirs.

@Melody Of Slaughter , @Federen Mason , @Computing Magus
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Without both of the adult's consent, Maliset already ran off to the cart they were nearest to; the one with the two women. She tries to sit comfortably on a seat parallel to the two passengers. She watches both of the girls and gave a bright smile.

"Hi! I'm Maliset! Mind if I know your names too? Me and my two other friends are coming along!" Maliset said to the two passengers

@Yum222 @Computing Magus No.
Sera smiled at the little girl, Maliset. "Well, aren't you full of energy? You can call me Sera, and this here is Minnie. Nice to meet you!". Minnie gave a little wave towards her. She moved her tail from the space beside her seat and let it rest on her lap, not wanting to take more space than she had to if more people were to come.

@Melody Of Slaughter @Computing Magus @Federen Mason
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"Yes, I haven't. I'm not exactly an adventurer like many people these days. This is actually the first time me and Maliset went somewhere far; we are always here in the east travelling about. Speaking of Maliset. Where is she?" Marcus said and then just noticed that the little girl had already left them both. Marcus spotted her in one of the carts, conversing with other people. For her safety, he returns back to her by going inside the cart she was in. Knowing that she might have already told the two passengers that they decided to seat themselves in this cart. He sits beside Maliset and decided to talk with the former passengers too.

"Sorry about my young child. I guess you have already talked." he said in a kind of apologetic way to the two passengers. He tried to not mind what Maliset ever did now. He beckons Nero to come inside the cart too.

@Melody Of Slaughter @Yum222 @Federen Mason (I told you to behave ;_ ;)
Rumours had it that there were quite a few daring people in Eno. Well, they'd just have to be daring if they were willing to live on a giant's cliff for as long as they have! Aer had planned to take the carriages there ever since she arrived in the village, but in reality, she was waiting for a more... interesting bunch of people to take a carriage. After all, a journey is no fun if the people you're spending it with won't even play a little game with you. And so, for the past few days, she had been idly watching carriages that were leaving for Eno in hopes she would spot a group she could join. On that day of all days, she had found her targets, per say.

Having arrived on the scene just moments before, Aer waited on the other side of the carriage to Nero, until she felt it was appropriate to get on. Not to say she didn't stand out like a noble among peasants, but nonetheless she tried to hide herself a little as to make a surprise out of her arrival. Muttering to herself in a content smile, she whispered. "Let's hope my hunch about this interesting bunch is correct..."

@Melody Of Slaughter @Yum222 @Federen Mason @Computing Magus

(Aer makes her entrance~)
"Haha, no worries, we just introduced ourselves...huh? You're...a skeleton..?" Sera said, Minnie looking at her, thinking it was a joke. Realizing that she was being rude, she quickly apologized. "S-sorry, I was just surprised, I've never seen a living, breathing skeleton before. You can call me Sera, and this is Minnie."

Minnie, in her case, still didn't believe the fact that the person they were talking to was a skeleton. Though 'seeing is believing' would be a useful saying here, it didn't apply to her. She needed to make physical contact to be sure.

@Melody Of Slaughter @Federen Mason @Computing Magus
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"Oh, I'm quite used to being asked like that, really. Not that I'm offended or anything. I'm Marcus, and this child of mine is Maliset." Marcus introduced to Sera and Minnie. They were quite the unique people; one was elven (fully elven, as it appears to Marcus as he saw only one ear and the other one was covered and assumed that it was as pointy as the other one) and one has a tail and some noticeable features that reminded him of some kind of cat, though he was not sure what exactly.

"There is still one more person that is gonna enter here, if you two don't mind." Marcus said, referring to the one last person still not inside their ride. He took a quick glance outside to see if Nero was still there, and he was.

@Melody Of Slaughter @Federen Mason @Yum222 (Are we really gonna have to repeatedly tag each other xD )
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Sera smiled. "It's quite alright, we were hoping more people would join us. Oh, and if you'll excuse her...my friend Minnie here can't see or speak. Please be nice with her and patient when you speak with her. She can write in my palm." Minnie nodded with a slight blush. She seemed to be getting a bit agitated, her ears and tail twitching occasionally.

(I don't know, other people were doing it so I thought I should too xD )
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"Can neither speak or see, huh? Sounds a bit extreme. I hope you've been doing swell, Minnie." Marcus said and decided to fumble with his many wares. He realized that only Nero was his customer today. It won't hurt if he asked if they would like to buy something, right?

"Oh, just to let you know, I'm a simple merchant. If you would like anything, I can sell you some stuff during the ride." Marcus said to Sera.
(I might interact with Lucius, although it may take a bit as a ship would take a few days to get anywhere. Where exactly is he/she?)
Sera nodded in understanding. "A merchant? Hrmm..would you possibly have a whetstone? I need to sharpen my weapon before it gets too dull. Oh, and Minnie collects all sorts of herbs if you're interested." Minnie nodded at that, showing off her bag filled with herbs.
Lecoro walked up to a job board in the quaint town of Inderigo. Being that "town guard" in this town refused to help with matters outside the borders, he often took to helping out the local shopkeepers and tavern owners through the job board. The bounty for the capture of a troll thief caught his eye. This troll in particular was notorious for shaking down civilians literally right outside the town lines. So he wouldn't have to go very far for this job. Leco tore the page off the board and put it in his pocket. He began to walk toward the thieve's last seen location. On his way he noticed a small group of people around some carts. He figured they were locals, and decided to ask them about the troll. "Can any of you tell me about a troll thief somewhere around here?" Leco said in his deep voice.
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"Herbs, huh? Well, let me see what's in there." Marcus said and looked inside the bag filled with herbs. The plants were both easily recognizable and the I'm-not-exactly-sure-about-that-one, mostly the former.

"Hmm, let's see. You can check my wares, if you want. I'm more than just the simple merchant after all. Something might catch your eye. Oh, they aren't exactly expensive (hopefully)." and he showed them his WARES! (WARES! Tab in my application now updated). While he showcases his many objects, a tall lion man approached the group. They asked about a troll thief.

"Oh, I haven't seen one." He simply answered.

@Ghost Hunter
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