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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends (always open)

[Mountains of Galla]

High in the mountains of Galla nestled in between the two tallest mountains laid Zenons castle. A large Black stone castle stood tall.


Long deserted only bats flew in its sky's, and rats littered its grounds. Its land was dead with the occasional dead shrubbery. dark grey clouds blanketed the skies. Deep with the Castle layed Zenons throne.


Sitting in the throne was a skeleton flesh long since rotted from the bone, and ancient rested quietly in the darkness. A single stream of light flowed in through a crack in the roof, where a adventures group had broke in. In the silence a sudden breeze of cold air rushed in. It carried with it a single feminine voice which uttered his name. Suddenly The air began to stir, and Zenon slowly began to awake from his slumber.

Darkness began to flow out from the shadows heading straight towards Zenons body. It flowed into the center forming a sphere where the heart would be. In that a immense pulse of dark vamperic energy shot outwards in all directions. To beings that were gifted in magic or possessed power, could feel this sudden pulse in the world. To mortals it would feel like nothing more then a cold wave washing over the spine. In that instance Zenon had bin resurrected back into the world. The Darkness exploded outwards in several tendrils wrapping around his body. It quickly wrapped around him forming his body. IN that instance it hardened forming a solid stone image of him sitting in the throne. For the time being his body would need to fully regenerate into its transcendent form.

@Ami the breadling ,@Ghost Hunter
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Sera stared at the tomes and the fire sword, knowing she clearly had nowhere near enough money to get any of them. "Those magic tomes look neat...I wonder if something like that would make my magic less terrible.." She gave them back to Marcus, then grabbed a whetstone. "I'll take one of these, please." She handed the skeleton the 3$.

When the lion man spoke, Sera shook her head. "Sorry, I don't know about any trolls." She then grabbed her Naginata beside her, planning to start whetting it, but then put it back down. She didn't want to disturb everyone with metal grinding noises.

All of a sudden, Sera fault a wave of nausea and chills, while her feline companion's tail frizzed up. It passed as soon as it appeared. "That was weird.."

While Minnie let Marcus peruse her collection, she took her small circle of wood and began carving it anew. She was making a detailed picture of a rose.

@Computing Magus and others
Marcus gave the whetstone to Sera and received the $3. He proceeded to check Minnie's many herbs. As he scanned them, he noticed that there were not just herbs in there but balms to. The one that piqued his interest was the one for frostbite. He wasn't a fan of the cold and since he was skeletal it was a natural weakness.

"I'd like to buy that balm over there. The one for frostbites" Marcus said and handed to...

"Um, I'll just give the money to your friend, I guess." Marcus said and handed Sera the money. He guessed that they were friends and he can't exactly just place the money in front of Minnie; that would look kind of rude.

Aer had felt the fast-going chill race down her spine as it passed, but it was not to her ignorance that she brushed it off as a mere shiver. She knew there was a little more behind it, mainly due to its' odd timing, but she was not the type of person to go meddling in such things. Some may say she had an adventurous soul, but Aer was no adventurer. She wouldn't survive in an adventurer's stead.

Feeling her opportunity for interception, she climbed up onto the side of the carriage with haste. Almost immediately meeting Sera accidentally face-to-face quite literally, she leaned into the carriage slightly as she introduced herself to the present group. "Say, is there any spare room on your carriage..? ...Ah, but I forgot to introduce myself!". Looking around at the passengers' reactions, she put her left hand onto her chest, taking a small bow as she still held to the carriage by her right. "Aer Van Volupa. Pleased to meet you all."

@Yum222 @Computing Magus @Federen Mason

(A bit earlier than I would've hoped to intercept, but I see an opportunity. :P )
Since the group had no information on his target, Lecoro left without saying anything else. He figured they weren't going to be much use to him right now. Travelling down the northern road he came to a sign with arrows pointing in several directions towards nearby towns and capital cities. As he looked at the sign he felt a slight chill caress his body. This was odd, as the source wasn't any sort of breeze. He brushed it off for now, and figured his target would most likely try to bounce traders heading to any capital city, usually more goods. He chose the northern most capital city and headed up the road, periodically sniffing the air for any sign of a nearby troll.
Sera giggled at Marcus' attempt at consideration. She put the money in Minnie's pouch. "Don't worry about it, you'd be surprised at what she's capable of. She can make spaghetti to die for!"

Suddenly, a pretty lady's face greeted Sera's, almost physically. "H-hi there? N-nice to meet you?" She was surprised, accidentally turning her words into questions and was blushing at the same time. Minnie seemed to giggle, though silently. The older girl traced something quickly on the redhead's shoulder, and Sera turned back to her with a deeper shade of red on her face. "W-wha!? N-no, I mean, yes, but..ah! You're just teasing me again!" She answered, flustered. No need could see, but she had written 'Is she cute?'
After some walking Lecoro started to smell rotten onions. The troll! Leco got down on all fours and extended his claws. He began to sniff and prowl the area. The origin of the stench seemed to be coming from a bush a little down the road. Leco slowly moved towards the bush and lowered his body even more, preparing himself to pounce. When he got to the bush he took a deep breath, readied himself, and then pounced into it....
Not sure how to reply to Sera, Marcus simply muttered an almost inaudible "Oh". Spaghetti? sounds something like a foreign dish since he hasn't heard about it. To what others felt like a sudden chill in the spine, it almost affected his other bones as it ran through. It was a very odd feeling to have right now. He decides to think he was just nervous of the north unconsciously. Suddenly, a person came rather unexpectedly and gave him a short jump of surprise. Odd stuff always happen everywhere and he must get used to it. The woman gave a small introduction to the group. He assumes that it is because she decided to board their carriage too.

"Well, I think there is still room fot just a few more people in here. There's space over there." And he points to the two girl's side of the carriage. "Since you introduced yourself, I'm Marcus."

@Pandorian @Yum222 @Federen Mason
Seeing Sera's flustered expression, she couldn't refuse the offer of the seat next to her. Aer knew not of why she had such a reaction, but she did know it was something to do with her. That enough, piqued her interest. Pulling herself into the carriage, Aer promptly sat herself next to the two girls. Once sat, she did the same bow she had done but a moment before, responding to Marcus as he had to her. "It is a pleasure, Marcus. Not often you see a skeleton, at least around here - don't fret, I managed to overhear your explanation. You've no need to re-tell your story to me. Just a moment...". Turning towards the two girls, she gave off a playful smile not present just a moment before. "Sera, and Minnie, was it? A pleasure to meet you two as well." she spoke, before turning her attention almost exclusively to Sera. "...Is it something on my face..? Your expression betrays you, you know."

@Computing Magus @Yum222
Sera's thoughts were all jumbled because of Minnie's teasing and Aer's attention. She felt like she was thrust into the spotlight and that everyone was watching. "I-i don't know what you're talking about! It's not betraying how prett---uh, n-nice you look..!" Aer's gaze prevented Sera from turning away or lying to her face. Thus, her face hadn't drained of its current tomato-like characteristics. Minnie giggled to herself soundlessly, happy that her teasing succeeded so well. She continued to focus on her carving.

@Pandorian @Computing Magus
Within a half a hours time the stone around his body shattered, as bright purple light flooded out from within. It was at this moment the gods and goddesses in the world saw his image pulsed into their minds.


The stone shattered falling all over the ancient stone floor. Zenon opened his eyes glowing a dark red. Slowly it faded returning them to a normal slightly glowing red iris. He examined his body just awoken from his slumber. He looked at the broken metal sentries scattered among the throne room hall. Ancient bones rested in the armor long since dead the bodies were in his home. He eyed them curiously for Zenon did not remember having guards placed her for his slumber. Slowly he rows proceeding to walk dawn from his throne room. He knelt next to one of the dead sentries, and placed his hand upon the cold metal. Instantly he saw images of a siege taken place at his home. A holy army sent by one of the divines to eradicate his stronghold in the world. Zenon sneered his fangs extended becoming very much visible in his anger. Slowly he rows and looked across at the bodies. His eyes flashed a bright crimson red, before bright red energy flowed out from his hands into several strands. Each strand flowed into 15 bodies scattered around the room. The red energy resurrected the bodies with fake souls, who's only purpose now was to serve Zenons will. Slowly they too rows from the ground collecting themselves till they were whole again. Each one began to move among the grounds allowing the same energy to flow from them to resurrect other bodies within the castle grounds.

In a instant Zenon appeared hovering above the castle. He looked upon its destroyed state angered by what he saw. He extended his hand snapping his fingers; As a instant pulse of Bright red energy flowed out in a sphere from his finger tips. The instant the energy touched the castle surroundings, it began to reconstruct. In the time span of 10 minutes the castle was restored to its formal glory. Zenon could feel the drain of energy given he had not only fed, but consumed the life of another being to sustain him. He looked back to the central castle for he needed to do one more thing. Large black wings with veins of red energy flowing through them sprouted from his back. He flew towards the castles main tower heading inside via a open window. He landed in front of a giant dead crimson red crystal hovering in the center of the room. Zenon walked towards it hand gently touching its surface upon reaching it. He closed his eyes as he cut his other hand with his claws. The blood from his hand touched the crystal instantly causing it to pulse brightly. The energy in his blood began to breath life into the power crystal, that powered the magical structures of the castle. Instantly it shot a bright crimson beam into the sky. It created a small storm around the castle, and expanded into the surrounding mountain area. Darkness blanketed the area, while black lightning boomed across the sky. Zenons wound healed instantly slowly he backed up admiring the crystals heart beat. Suddenly the hunger of several hundred hears fell upon him, and he collapsed to the ground. He groaned in pain falling to the floor on his knees. After a few moments the pain subsided, but he knew what this meant he had to do next. Slowly rising from the ground he once again took off into the skies making way to the closest location with living beings.

@Ami the breadling ,@Ghost Hunter
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Leco pounced into the bush, only to find a small animal trap with a rotten onion as bait. "Crap" He said to himself as he picked himself back up. "I really need to stop assuming things of other races....it's not like ALL trolls are going to smell awful." He said to himself whilst spinning around on his heel to continue his search. But as Leco turned around his nose met another , longer greener nose. A troll stood eye to eye with Leco, holding a massive club in one hand.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Troll.jpg.8900afd158e96041f7ce3515a57fbd7b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Troll.jpg.8900afd158e96041f7ce3515a57fbd7b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Wha ya doin' with meh rabbit trap mistah?" Croaked the troll. Placing the club on his shoulder, not flinching a bit, despite the fact that a huge lion-man has just spun around right into his face....



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  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro (Mentioned)

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter

    "Ya fobbin' skite! Burn in hell, ya filthy, spoiled street rat! And don't ever come back, you might bring the plague with ya!"

    The man behind the stall shook the plank of wood in his hand, slightly stained red from hitting the child. While he was shouting at the child, a black rat poke it's head up from behind the stall counter. Nimbly making it's way across the counter, it grabbed a piece of cheese from the stand, stacked high with pieces of bread and pastries. Before the man had enough time to turn around, the black rat had jumped off the table and ran after the child.

    Trying his best to avoid the condescending eyes of the people around him, who either feared him, laughed at him, and overall looked down at him, he kept his head down as he ran, staring hard at the pavement. His bare feet was sore, slamming hard against the uneven rocks of the market ground. The band-aid on his cheek was ripped off, and the gash underneath reopened. Blood dripped down his cheek, though it's not like it was anything he wasn't used to. Once a rat, always a rat. Clutching a piece of bread with his small hands, close to his chest, he ran up North.
    There's bound to be something up North... he thought. Of course, it's not like he could say anything. He gave that up quite a long time ago.

    Panting heavily, the town was far behind him now. He desperately clutched the bread to his chest, leaning tiredly against a tree. Rook had sweat and blood dripping down his face. Falling to the ground with his back against the tree, he was concealed under the cover of a bush. Fortunately, it seems there were a few patches of trees and vegetation here and there, enough for him to hide in if someone were to chase after him. However, there appeared to be a strong, unpleasant smell coming rather nearby. Choosing to ignore it, he mutedly sighed. Rook sat with his legs out in front of him, placing the bread on his lap. Pulling a beige roll of medical wrap from his back, he ripped off a patch and clumsily wiped the gash on his cheek with his sleeve, staining it with red. Putting the patch over that, he stuffed the bandages into his bag. A white mouse playfully squeaked from above him, popping a small head out of Rook's hair from his hat. Crawling onto his shoulder, it fondly rubbed it's nose against the bandage on the child's cheek. Ripping out a section of his bread, he placed it on the ground for his rodent friend, who eagerly climbed down his arm to take the treat.

    A large black rat scurried it's way to where Rook was, cheese in it's mouth. Raising his eyes, Rook's fatigue temporarily left him, as he fell forward with his hands to catch him, meeting eye-level with the rat. Tilting his head, as if to say "how", the rat simply urged itself forward. The child took the cheese, breaking it into thirds among his friends. It was the closest he ever got to people who tried to understand him, after all.

    A few minutes while he was eating the stolen cheese and the bread, he heard more rustling. Unfamiliar with it, he parted the vegetation among the bush, to find a timid looking rabbit hop backwards, just as surprised as he was. Holding out the rest of his bread for the small creature, a tender smile cast over his face. Gingerly hopping forward, the rabbit happily nibbled the bread, before taking it into it's mouth and hopping away. Soon after, he heard the sound of a large creature landing, the bush nearby him violently parting and rustling under the creature's weight. Surprised, his mouse quickly crawled up his arm, hiding under the cover oh his hat and hair. His rat, on the other hand, nudged it's nose against Rook's hand, before scurrying out of the bush. Following after his black, fuzzy friend, he poked his head cautiously out of the bush.

    "Wha ya doin' with meh rabbit trap mistah?"

    A roguish croak came from what appeared to be a disorderly green troll. A club was up on it's shoulder, and it appeared unphased with the event that happened. Looking up at what the troll was looking at, Rook's line of sight was met with the King of the Cats.

"I wouldn't waste my time with you're rabbit trap, troll." Leco said to the creature, taking a step back from him. "Whas wrong kitty? Ya intimidated by meh?" The toll said, as he moved over to the rabbit trap, disarmed it, and picked up the rotten onion. "Suh why yeah here mistah? Lookin' foh da troll that's been shakin' down dos' traders?" Said the troll, as he took a huge bite out of the onion. "That's none of your concern, unless you have any leads on him."Leco said, glaring at the troll. "I could giva' lil' infa, how's this fo' a tip? He says, whilst suddenly hefting the club off his shoulder and swinging it full force at Leco.

Being caught off guard, Leco barely had enough time to dodge the massive club. The troll's club slightly glanced off Leco's skull; the blow made him teeter back slightly as Leco unleashed a powerful bloodcurdling roar in pain. Trees around them shook in response. The troll lurched forward and grabbed Leco's mane, hit him in the gut with a quick jab from the front of the club and headbutted Leco. Sending him back into a tree. The troll heaved his club back and swung for Leco's head.

Leco looked up just in time to see the massive club coming right for his face. He ducked, and with a massive clunk, the impact shook the tree behind him. Leaves began to rain down on them. Leco growled and leaped onto his attacker, the club hit the ground heavily, the troll was disarmed, and Leco picked him up by his neck with one arm. "Wast wrong kitteh...cat..." Stammered the troll through shortened breaths. "What? Did I foget ta leave ya a bowl of cre-" Is all the troll could say next, before Leco slammed him into the ground right beside the bush Leco had jumped through earlier. Leco extended his claws and dug them deep into the back of the troll's head, and lifted him up once again with one arm to see him eye to eye. Leco unleashed another powerful angry roar into the troll's face before taking his free hand and digging his claws into the poor sap's throat, and slit it. Blood hit Leco's mane, and he dropped the now dead robber onto the ground with a heavy thump.

Leco sniffed the air, he smelled blood, but it wasn't his, or the troll's. "Who's there? He bellowed. "Reveal yourself slowly, and we'll have no quarrel." Leco said, as he retracted his claws, and licked the blood from his paws.
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  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter

    Watching the scene unfold in front of his eyes, he flinched whenever the troll was in pain. All of it seemed to happen in a blur, as if it was a re-enactment of a violent duel in one of his books. How come that troll seemed so prideful in facing death head on? Perhaps he was blinded by that pride... how hubristic. Contemplating the idea to himself, he watched blood spray out from the troll's skull, the creature's claws dug deep into it's skull. Uncomfortably adjusting his hat, as if he felt it himself, the troll fell onto the ground with a thud. Of course, Rook never knew what this troll did, or what this troll had done. This could have been a completely innocent troll, of course, who pridefully scraped and broke the surface of death himself.

    "Who's there? ... Reveal yourself slowly, and we'll have no quarrel."

    Frightened and surprised by the sudden, booming voice, Rook ducked his head back into the bushes, rustling the leaves around him. Scared of the predator, he hugged his knees close to his check, lightly trembling. Through his blinding nervousness, Rook never considered the fact he could have used inaudibility to his help here, to possibly calm some of anxiety. Ducking his head as if to make himself smaller, the only possible thing that he could think was that he was someone from the town, hunting down thieves and criminals like him. If he were to show his face, he could share the same fate as the troll.

    The rat, however, appeared to see otherwise. Crawling out of the bush, the rodent looked up at the predator, appearing unintimidated by his menacing glare. Squeaking a few times, the rat nudged it's nose against the foot of the Lion, before scurrying towards the bush. Standing on it's back feet, it pointed a small paw towards the bush.

Curious at what the rat was signaling to, Leco cautiously lowered himself to all fours and slowly approached the bush. A low menacing growl rose from the back of his throat. After moving to the bush he rose to his feet again, as nothing had attacked him and he didn't hear anything from inside of it. Leco almost turned around and left but something drew him to the bush, he second guessed himself and crouched down, parting the leaves aside with his massive paws. Expecting a wild animal he showed his fangs for intimidation factor while parting the bush. Seeing a human cub and a rat and mouse was far from what he expected to find, and he quickly changed his expression to a much calmer one.

"Hello small one." Leco said in a much kinder tone after recovering from his surprise. 'Please, don't be alarmed cub, I have no intent to hurt you." He said holding out his paw, offering to help the child out of the bush. "Are you lost son?" Leco said. "If you are, you're welcome to come along with me" He said with as charitable of a voice he could muster.

  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter

    Before Rook could reach out to try and grab the tail of his friend, who appeared to have scurried out of the bush, a he heard a very low growl coming from the other side. Immediately bringing his hand back, he clutched his knees closer to his chest, and he heard the timid squeak of the mouse in his hat. Expecting the worst, he shut his eyes as soon as he heard the leaves part...

    ... only to hear a low, calm, but booming tone from nearby. As the large predator insisted he meant no harm, Rook felt the vegetation around him part a little more. Raising his gaze, a large paw was held out in front of him. Briefly thinking over his choices, the child just witnessed this man murder someone right in front of his eyes. Or, at least what he could assume was murder. He could have been a bounty hunter? But the fact he didn't seem to be hurting him, he must not have been from the town earlier.

    He could be a threat. It could just be this false sense of kindness, and he could be trying to lure me back to the town so all the townspeople can mock me. But, his tone is much different than when he was speaking with the troll, and if he meant otherwise, that tone wouldn't have changed so drastically. And along with that...

    ... it's not like anyone he came across found him worthy of kindness. Even himself. More surprised than touched by the Lion's charitable tone, Rook hesitated, eyes widened in surprised. The black rat nudged his bare foot with it's nose, as if urging him. Reluctantly bringing small fingers around the massive paw. Pulling himself out of the bush, he lazily brushed off the pieces of stick and leaves among his clothing. But with his voice taken from him, all he could do was look up at the predator, tilting his head in question.

"There now, isn't that better young one." Leco said looking down at the stranger child. "I hope you weren't alarmed by that skirmish from earlier. I insist, the troll swung first." Leco said in a low deep voice. He checked the spot on his head where he was hit by the club, he felt a small gash and blood was in his paw. Leco looked at the child and sat down in the grass. "Do you have a family, cub?" Leco said while holding his paw to the gash and applying pressure, he slightly winced at the pain.
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  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter

    Ah, so there was a reason for the attack! Rook did witness himself that the troll struck first, and while talking, which is pretty disrespectful in terms of a fight. At least in books he read that involved some sort of moral code, even when fighting. Thoughtfully placing his index finger on his chin, a lot of his emotions seemed to be dramatized through actions. He evidently would've pouted if he was sad, and tapped his foot while looking upwards if he was thoughtful. He was snapped out of this daze after the brief silence as the Lion asked him something that, meant a lot to him.

    "Do you have a family, cub?"

    His bubble of thought seemed to have make a metaphorical 'pop' as he looked back towards the Lion, now sitting on the grass. Even while sitting on the grass, the predator was
    massive , still about Rook's height, or barely any less or more. But the gash that his paw was pushing against striked interest in Rook. Remembering the gash on his cheek the merchant had given him while he fled from the town, his expression dramatically went from surprise to sympathy, a slightly pained expression over his indifference. A lightbulb would seem to flicker over his head, as he reached inside of his massive, worn jacket for something. Pulling out a roll of bandages, Rook's small feet pattered against the grass as he walked towards the Lion. Being just a little too short, Rook [attempted to] climb up the Lion's back, being small enough to support his own weight. Once his knees reached close enough to the Lion's neck, he clumsily put a medical patch on where the wound was, which wouldn't stay on for a signifigant amount of time considering how he has fur... but he made an attempt and that's what mattered!

    Rook smiled, and his mouth was open, as if he were laughing. Though instead of laughter, all that came out of him was silence, not even the sound of an exhale. Though his shoulder's shook and his expression well told that he was laughing. At the previous question. Rook climbed a little higher on the Lion's body, so that he could stick his upside down in front of the animal's face.

    Do I have a family? I do. I do have a few brothers at home. Though, it's not like we can be considered a family to go back to anymore. Not after that...

    Shaking the thoughts out of his head, Rook raised his hand horizontal(ish) to the ground and shook it, as if saying "Somewhat".

Leco was surprised by the human cub's bravery to climb onto his back, and touched that he had helped him.The child was very light too, so there was no burden in holding him on his shoulders. However, the cub's response was confusing to him. Did he mean to say he sort of had a family? Also, why wouldn't he speak? COULD he speak? His thoughts were broken when he noticed a gash on the child's face. He didn't know why he hadn't noticed it earlier, dried blood stained the poor cub's cheek. "Here, let me help you son." He says, while gently placing a paw on the boy's cheek. Leco tears a long scrap of cloth from the gold and white lining of his garb and wraps it around the boys head diagonally so it covered the gash completely. "There now, I hope it's not too tight." Leco says, while looking up and smiling at the human cub.

Leco decides to scrap his questions on the boy's family, too personal. But, who would care for the boy? He hated thinking about this poor orphan living alone. And the gash...was someone after him? Leco grew angry at the thought of someone daring to hurt a cub. He couldn't think of a reason for someone to hurt the boy unless he had stolen something...even though, he felt like it was still a little extreme to bloody a child over property. After a few moments of silent thought, he came to a decision. "If it be your wish...would you like to come with me cub?" Leco said to the boy. "I'd be glad to protect you, I owe you after all." He said, chuckling and feeling his bandaged head.
Cold followed Zenon where ever he went. Dark clouds mapped his trail. in a matter of seconds He had picked up the scent of several animals roaming about, but what caught his attention was the smell of blood. Not just any blood, but the smell of troll blood. He had not had it in so many years, the thought brought the hunger back to him. Instantly he began to make his way towards the location of the spilled blood, and in a minutes time he had arrived. Landing gracefully and silently just aways from the trolls body. He could sense the presence of two other mortals in the same direction. Normal lightning began to roar, and flash in the distance while strong winds began to blow. His wings retracted into his body, while his presence was masked. Only the eerie feeling of his dark presence could be felt. Slowly he arrived at the bodies location.He noticed the body of the troll lying limp on the ground, all warmth almost gone. The dark clouds had now blanketed the area, and thunder roared around them. Shadows moved in the darkness while Zenon approached the two mortals before him. His crimson red eyes locked onto theirs until he stopped a few feet away from them not speaking a word. Simply eyeing them for in his vision; Zenon could see their veins, their heart beats pulsing blood through their veins.

@Ghost Hunter ,@Entarriance

  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro, Zenon

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter @Lord Anubis

    I didn't have notifications forgive meee!!!

    Briefly wincing as he felt a large paw against his cheek, Rook wasn't used to the sensation of someone else touching him without the intention of harming him. Seeming to shrink down for a little bit, it came to his realization that what the Lion was going was instead, wrapping a cloth around his cheek, which served much better than a dingy bandage. Bits of his hair stuck up as it was tied diagnostically to his head, and Rook playfully patted a little bit of his fringe, before lowering his hat to flatten it. With the following statements of the Lion-man of accompaniment, Rook's eyes lit up with opportunity. Clapping his hands together and bouncing up and down on his heels, it seemed like an agreement.

    Now, it may be a rather hasty action of me to head straight off with this predator that I don't know. After all, while he does insist he can protect me, he can just as much harm me. It may be against soldier's code to hurt a child, but for someone who can be considered a paladin, this rule won't apply if someone's, mm, a rat like me. I've been travelling on my own for quite some time, now, so it would be a nice change of pace...

    His rat raised up it's nose a little, sniffing the air around it. Seeming to flinch at, something, the rat scurried up Rook's leg, hiding in one of the many pockets of his jacket. Curious to what his usually untimidated, prideful friend had fled from, Rook turned his head in the direction of something that appeared awfully, dark. And not just metaphorically dark, much more physically dark. Clouds and thunder rolled above them, in contrast to the mellow, dulled weather of before. Knitting his eyebrows back together, Rook took a few steps back, not completely behind his Lion friend, but he was intimidated by this condescending force.

    Condescending, like a lot of things in Rook's life so far.

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Lecoro smiles at the child and gets to his feet again, patting the boys head as he jumps up and down in excitement. "I'm glad you wish to join me, now I have to bring the head of this troll to the town of Inderigo, I hope you don't mind, I need to have it checked to see if I killed the correct tro- " Leco's sentence was cut off as clouds enveloped the area and thunder boomed. Lecoro's whole body is chilled, the very warmth being stolen from his bones. Sniffing the air, he smells a fowl odor, he couldn't quite place what it smelled like, but he didn't like it. Leco showed his teeth and growled, putting himself in front of the child towards a the origin of the smell. "I don't think staying here is a viable option cub, I don't like this." Instinctively, Leco's hairs stand up straight, making him appear much larger. "I need this head son, shield your eyes, this may be gruesome." Leco draws his gigantic amber stained sword, even in the dark it seems to glimmer.He turns around to the body,and with one quick chop, Leco cleaves the head off the troll and he ties it around his belt. With the head secure, Lecoro drops to all fours, offering the child a ride out of the storm. "Hop on cub, and hold onto my mane tight!" Leco says looking at the child, with concern in his eyes. "I promise cub, I will keep you safe."
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  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro, Zenon

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter @Lord Anubis

    Rook's shoulder's seemed to jump at the mention of a town. Is it the same town that he was in earlier? Because surely, the people of the marketplace aren't very welcoming of him. And neither is that large bearded man in the mansion, or the pretty girl who laughed at the starving dog on the street. Well aware of the unnatural presence in the area, something about it made Rook stand on edge, overly perceptive of the area around him. He heard a low growl, before looking up to see an amber sword being unsheathed.

    "I need this head child shield your eyes, this may be gruesome."

    Looking down for a second, he heard a timid squeak up from his hat, a small white head peeking out from his head. Curious on the new bandage he had, it sniffed it, before nibbling a little on the end. However, it brought him to realize again of the approaching
    beast , eyes as red as blood, that seemed to have it's own shine to it among the storm. The storm seemed to grow more intense as he came closer, only a few feet away from them.

    "Hop on cub, and hold onto my mane tight! I promise cub, I will keep you safe."

    Deciding this was worthy of a "flight" in a "fight or flight" situation, Rook dramatically gulped, before quickly running over and pulling himself up onto his new comrade's back. While he has dealt with animals, this was his first time ever mounting one, feeling odd with his small body against this massive, breathing heap of fur. Leaning forward, he clutched the Lion's mane, face contorted with concern at the suddenly appearing storm.

    Does this man mean harm? He already carries with him bad omens. It's safe to assume he definitely isn't a very holy or entity of goodness, already the dark storm and thunder isn't saying much positively about him. Though, possibly he could have been misunderstood, as I have done with the King of the Cats himself. However, he while he is not hostile now, if it were enough to cause Xi to be cautious, than surely there must be menacing about this character...

    While gripping the mane with one hand, he quickly reached into his pocket, staining his unbandaged hand in black as he pulled our charcoal. Pulling down his sleeve, there were a numerous amount of letters, lowercase and uppercase, which were (somewhat) neatly written up and down his arm, as if someone were practicing English. While Rook could have used his parchment, he couldn't afford to waste it. He needed that parchment to send letters every once and a while, and he needed his books in good condition. Relatively, good condition. When refreshing his ability to try and write, he always wrote on his clothing or his arm, as it was easy to wash off and try yet again. Atop the back of the Lion, he drew arrows from some letters to another.

"Hold on tightly now cub." Leco said as he began to run due south towards Inderigo. He jumped over the bush onto the dirt road, and began to run.The pace was at first slow, but once Leco got used to running on all fours again, he quickly said "Grab as tightly as possible. Don't let go" to his small friend. As a warning that the ride was about to get bumpy. Leco's slight run quickly escalated into a full sprint. The cold wind whipped against his fur. Dirt was kicked up behind them. Leco's stride quickly changed as well, each new step was almost like a leap as he began to run faster and faster, his heart racing. In truth, Leco was terrified, the storm almost seemed to watch them, stalk them, just waiting to pounce. Leco's joints began to grow tired, his muscles quickly began to weaken. He panted and groaned silently in pain and fatigue.The dark clouds began to disappear behind them. But Leco kept running.

The dirt road he was running on disappeared between his feet, almost as quickly as it had appeared, the cobblestone of the main road now welcomed the pair, as the clouds were long behind them, and the sunlight could be seen once again. Leco slowed to a trot, and them to a slow walk. He panted hard, and he could barely feel his arms and legs as he walked. Once he came to the fork in the road, with the sign of many arrows, he stopped. Collapsing in exhaustion.
"Are...you alright...Cub?" Leko asked between gasps of air.
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