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Fantasy The world of a thousand legends (always open)

Zenon smiled slightly at the sight of the two mortals fleeing from his presence. While it was bringing a thrill he had not felt in some time, they would prove useful soon enough. He knelt over grabbing the trolls body by its shoulder. He brought it up to his face, where he proceeded to bite into the neck. The blood in a matter of moments was drained completely. In the blood he saw all of its memories flash in his mind condensed. He dropped the body cold as death onto the ground. His hunger was not sated by a long shot, but it did stave it off. He turned in the direction the mortals had fled to, and began to make his way in that direction. From what he saw in the trolls memories a town was that way....a good place to feed. The storm followed him appearing as nothing more then a large storm.

@Ghost Hunter ,@Entarriance
Many miles out to see, and still far south of Inderigo, Gazed roused himself from his meditation and went on deck. For the first time in over 30 years, he had been unable to concentrate his chakras and find his Sen. There was something brewing out there, something dark. Gazed did not know what it was, but it brought to mind something that he had once seen described in text.

"And the storm covered Kal'Dagoth, and the Dagoth was swallowed by the hunger of the storm. His blood was taken, and the shadow fell over the whole of Kal'Ranthous for 500 years..."

After reciting the old passage to himself, he remembered where he had seen it. It was in an old molding book, hidden behind one of the shelves in the the library of Azad. The tome referenced the destruction of an ancient kingdom and its god by a storm that hungered for blood. That was what he had felt just now. A dark storm, hungry for blood. Gazed climbed the mast to the first rigging post and let the cool sea air pelt his face. That book...it had been in the same language as the one distinguishable word in the mysterious metal tome.


Gazed did not believe in fate, or at least not that fate was absolute. It was ever subject to change despite being so sure of its own infallibility and finality. Yet he couldn't help but feel that there was a thread here. A small one, seemingly inconsequential, but who knows? That small thread, when tugged, may pull loose a whole knot, and THAT would be a thing to see. Three days. Three days till the ship reached the port city of Lus Bael, from there, after a day to restock and drop of cargo, it would be another week of travel to Eno. Gazed was glad he had found a ship available on such short notice.

"We shall see where this goes."
With a few more adjustments, Minnie finishes the wooden amulet she was working on. The smooth circle of wood was decorated to look like an elegant rose, the reddish natural tint of the wood adding to the beauty. She tied a string to it, then handed it towards the little girl, Maliset.

@Federen Mason

  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro, Zenon (Mentioned)

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter @Lord Anubis

    Being told to hold on tightly, he immediately let go of his charcoal in surprise, gripping tightly onto the mane of the Lion. Fortunately, a surprised little mouse head popped out of his hat through his hair, using it's long tail to grab onto the charcoal that flew from his hand. Sure, it isn't possible for any basic mouse, but the curse was supposed to effect everyone who was part of his family. Maybe not completely a curse, but hey, you learn a few things when you're friends with a human. Nuzzling it's small body against his head once more, the wind against his face was strong. Though he curiously looked all around at the zooming scenery. He had run pretty fast to get away from those chasing him when he was caught, though never this fast!

    The pace started to slow down, before he heard a light grunt underneath him, before sharply falling to the ground. Worriedly rolling off of the back of the Lion, landing on his bottom as he rolled and slid off. Crawling on his hands and knees over to his friends face, he heard loud, exhausted panting.

    "Are...you alright...Cub?"

    Nodding his head quickly up and down, he sat back down on the main road. A black rat crawled out of his pocket, a metal flask (struggling to be) held in the rat's mouth. There was a swishing noise inside, and it was safe to assume that because this is a child, there was water inside of the flask. And, well, it was. It didn't appear to be the cleanest, coldest water, as Rook had to survive with whatever he had. Though, it was drinkable, and that's all that really mattered. The rat held it out to the Lion, not the least bit intimidated. Rook nodded his head up and down, as if agreeing with his friend. While sitting, the child tugged up his sleeve, as if trying to show his exhausted friend something. Letters were scrawn all over his arm, though this time, there were bubbles and arrows pointing to one another, circling some and pointing to another.

    R > o > o > k.

Leco lies flat on the cold hard cobblestone, panting. He slowly lifts his head as a small black rat offers a flask to him. "Thank you...small one..." Leco stammers out painfully. Lifting his head and accepting the water, he washes it down voraciously and shifts his aching body to look at the human cub. Who is showing him his arm, littered with arrows and letters pointing in many directions. Rook, is what the arrows spelled out, and he assumed that might be a name of some sort. "Rook, huh, well it's good to know your name child. My name is Lecoro Preadamii IIV. But you can just call me Leco." He said with a slight smile. Slowly Leco rose to his feet and stumbled back a bit, getting used to walking bipedal again.

A familiar odor attacks Leco's nostrils. He looks behind himself. It seemed as though the storm was following them, and quickly. His eyes widen in surprise. Was this more than just a storm?
"Let us keep moving Rook." Leco says turning to his small companion, still panting a little. "We can find shelter in Inderigo." Leco says pointing a sign in black wording. "Or we could find shelter in a different city, what about Gyinsheer? It's a small village of dwarves to the west of here." He says pointing to a large brown sign with gold lettering. "Or we could also find good shelter in the human village of Jillio." Leco says pointing to a green sign with black wording. "I don't really care about the troll bounty anymore, I just want to get you to safety before this storm hits. I can always bring in the head later." Leco says, and waits for Rook's decision.

  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter

    Thoughtfully resting his index finger against his chin once more, the rat brokenly squeaked a few times. Have you ever heard a rat squeak? Those things seem cute until they start squeaking, where you're unsure if it's either affection or growling at you. Either way, it squeaked a little, before pattering off to Rook's feet., sniffing the bandages against it. From what little sense of direction that he had, he definitely couldn't return to the town that he was in before. That would just be harder of a burden on him. At the same time, he wasn't very aware on the name of each town that he went to, much to his disadvantage. As a thief, he should know what town he goes to in case he ever needed to head back, but he never really had a need to go back.

    Hmm... it would be super unfortunate if Inderigo was the town we were in before. But personally, if that was where he needed to go earlier, wouldn't that be more convenient? Alas, it can;t be, because that's in the direction of the storm. He wouldn't suggest something if it means going back through that horrible mess again. Plus, after the storm, it would be convenient for him.

    Taking Leco's best interest in mind, Rook raised his index finger, signalling the number 1.

    Hm, he says there was a troll bounty. That would further push the fact if he is a bounty hunter. However, maybe he's just a simple paladin, who saw this troll's wanted head on a piece of parchment? If he's a paladin, than stealing isn't wise around him...

"Inderigo? All right cub, if that is where you wish to take shelter, then let us go." Leco playfully ruffles Rook's head, leaving his hair in a mess and his hat crooked. He didn't know why, but somehow this boy brought a feeling to Leco he hadn't felt in a whole decade. He felt like he had a purpose now. In such a short time Leco had somehow grown attached to Rook unlike how Leco has ever felt attached to another being. He felt like a father, a protector, he hadn't felt this way since he had lead his soldiers to battle against the Whiteclaw tribe. He kneels to eye level with Rook. "Rook, you have my word I will protect you from any harm, be it mortal or not" Leco says with his eyes locked onto the child's. "I know I've said this already. But I really do mean it boy, please have trust in me." Leco looked at the small boy for a few more moments, and then rose to his feet again. "Now then, let us go to Inderigo." He said as he began to move down the cobble road to Inderigo.

  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter

    As he started off down the cobble road, Xi (rat) climbed up Rook's leg, before using his long jacket as leverage up on his shoulder. Rook's mouth opened as he joyfully ran along side Leco, though once more, sound never left his mouth. He never really had a father figure in his life, and all his brothers inflicted in the curse were often distraught or gloomy, which wasn't surprising to Rook. Though to have someone who appeared proud, someone who didn't try to mock Rook as a child or the fact that he gave away his voice to try and help his brothers, it was a very refreshing feeling to him. Happy to hear Leco's words, Rook put his small hand dramatically over where his heart was, earnestly nodding.

    He seems like a good man. Maybe it's worth writing in a few pages for?

    Reaching into his jacket as he happily trodded along, he pulled out what appeared to be a decently, modern-sized book, and his charcoal from earlier. You know how a lot of books have the few end pages with nothing on it? Rook turned to the back of the book as he walked, his tongue sticking out as he wrote, which was a bit of a habit of his. Holding out the book to his friend once he finished, his eyes seeming to twinkle in his excitement.

    Are you like a paladin like in storybooks? Do you defeat bad guys?? What type of bad guys?

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Leco smiled as he watched Rook happily move along by his side from the corner of his eye. Every once in a while he would look back at the storm. And he was happy to be moving away from it. Leco noticed Rook pull out a book and charcoal, and begin writing something in one of the back pages. After a bit of writing, the boy presented Leco with a question. "Are you like a paladin like in storybooks? Do you defeat bad guys?? What type of bad guys?" Leco was dumbfounded with the boy's odd way of asking something. Perhaps he was mute. "Sort of..i'm not exactly a paladin. I have never belonged to any sort of holy order, but I do fight for justice and honor..so yes, you could call me a paladin if you really wanted too. Maybe a sort of vigilante." Leco said, attempting to answer the boy's question. "But to be more blunt, I really don't know what I am. I know what I was. I was the War-Chieftain to the Bloodmane tribe of Lion-men. But...that was taken from me..." Leco said, in a sadder tone. "My first major order was to attack the Whiteclaw tribe. Our rivals. Little did I know they were sided with humans. My warriors were wiped out. My village burned. My people slaughtered..." Leco grew silent after that last remark. Continuing to trod down the cobblestone road with Rook.

Leco looked at Rook.
"Ever since then I've been looking for a way to repay my sins, it was my fault my people were destroyed. I issued the order. I immediately began helping anyone I could. I just wanted a purpose. And that's what I found it in. Helping others, slaying evil. So yes, I defeat bad guys. Any bad guy really. Murderers, war criminals, bandits, vampires, trolls, the occasional dragon." Leco said, looking down to Rook as they walked.

  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter

    His expression seemed to mirror Leco's as he spoke, feeling sad when he spoke with such sadness. It's important to look at people as individuals, and not as people. Leco had lost a lot, just like Rook had lost things important to him. Nodding his head as he finished, he was happy that he got to learn a little bit more about Leco. He was a war Chief to a tribe of more people just like him. And like any good chief, it's important to watch over the soldiers and people... lions... that you are taking care of, training. He had to choose his own words carefully if he wanted to respond. Letting the silence linger for a little as they walked a little more. He scribbled a little bit underneath the words he had previously written.

    I'm sorry. That sounds awful! But you're a good person, and that's what matters! While it is important to atone for what you've done, sometimes it's important to think about others as individuals. A lot of those soldiers have dedicated themselves to you, and those Lions probably knew what they were getting themselves into. If they died for a cause that they were proud to make... don't you think that's still kind of good? Just a little bit.

    Thinking for a little bit, those words could definitely backfire him. It could make it seem that they put his trust in him, and they were all let down. Nonetheless, those words were meaningful. If a soldier was killed doing something that he knew was in their cause, than it was a proud death to make, even if it wasn't accomplished.

    ... and it's good you're hunting down bad people like murderers and robbers. But maybe those bad people have reasons for what they do to..

    Because that was something that poor Rook himself could empathize with. There was so much more he wanted to write, but his arm was getting a little sore if he held up the book for too long while writing. He didn't have a table, and he had to write somewhat smaller than how he normally wrote if he wanted it to fit on the page.

Leco read Rook's first response. He was right, his soldiers DID fight for a cause they truly did believe in...Leco felt a little better, but this child's response was a little....well very smart. "Thank you Rook, that really helps. You seem to be a very smart cub." Leco read Rook's second response, and was again, stupefied at the way this boy was reasoning things at an older level of understanding. "Yes...maybe they do evil things for a reason, you give a very good point Rook..." Leco cuts himself off there. Deep in thought about what this boy just told him. Think about others as individuals? Leco has never really thought to do that. Of course, he has never attacked anyone out of nowhere, he was honorable, and would often give someone a choice on whether to fight or not. But he never really thought of other's lives very much. He just saw evil as evil, no excuse. Perhaps the robber he captured and brought to jail had a family to feed and no other way of getting food? Did they starve? It hurt Leco to think of this.

"I'll start thinking of others before I make a decision, Rook. You're absolutely right, it is important to think of fellow beings as individuals." Leco said, breaking his silence. "Thank you for that bit of knowledge, cub. By the way, I think I'll start calling you Cub sometimes, a sort of nickname. You like that idea?" Leco said, cheerfully.
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  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter

    Nodding his head with slightly pink cheeks at the praise, all he could have invested his time in while he was on-the-run half the time was just, reading. He needed to educate his brothers, who suffered significantly due to a curse, so it was important for him to try and feel what his brothers felt while he tried to teach them. He was never really given a nickname before, so the term "cub" was new to him. None the less, he treated it like it was some sort of badge, as he clasped his hands together, a thumb on the page he was writing to keep it, and raised it in agreement.

    On his shoulder, the rat squeaked, nudging the side of Rook's wounded face. Looking forward to what his friend was squeaking at, there appeared to be a town not far from where they were walking, (obviously) connected to the main road that they were heading down. Pointing forward at the approaching town with the hand in his book, he tugged on Leco's fur with excitement.

    I wonder if it's a massive town, packed with people? It would be hard to steal anything from there. But at the same time, I probably shouldn't steal anything with Leco around. Who knows where his disappointment could stand? Adding onto that, he probably can help supply me with some decent amount of food. Gah, what am I thinking? I really am a rat.

    Pouting to himself as he moved forward, his heart pounding with excitement of childhood wonder and beaming curiosity.

    (I might have to head off for the night, depends on if my parents stab me w/ curfew!)

Leco looked at Rook, the boy seemed to be exploding with excitement. He worried about Rook's safety."Be careful not to get too far from me, Cub." Leco said in a serious tone. Knowing that the storm would bring confusion. As Leco and Rook moved closer to the village, his stomach growled rather loudly. He put a paw on his stomach. I guess that run from earlier really made me hungry.. Leco thought himself. Looked back to the storm, saw it was fair amounta\ away, and decided he could grab a bite after he got some money for the troll head. He didn't understand why he couldn't just trade a goat pelt or something for some food..these human villages were weird.

"Rook, after I claim the bounty on this troll , would you like to get a bite to eat?" He asks.
It was almost too easy. It was like she was close to checkmate from the very beginning. "Well, thanks for the compliment. I'll be sure to repay you in kind." Aer mused, winking at Sera ever subtly before returning her focus to the merchant. Her face had quickly changed suit, from playful to what looked inquisitive. She was up to something. "Marcus, are you a gambling man..? I have a little proposition - a game we can play to pass the time. The only condition is, if I win, I can pick out one of those tomes you sell for half the original price. If I lose, I'll hand over money equal to half the tome's price, without receiving the tome. If you want, I'll even let you choose the game. Don't mind the restrictions of the carriage, just think of what you'd want to choose. Deal?" she explained, an etch of a smirk hidden in her features. She was definitely up to something.

@Yum222 @Computing Magus
"Deal, I'm not a gambler of sorts but I'm interested on what you're up to." Marcus said and arranged his wares and closed the huge bag. Whatever might happen, he didn't know. He couldn't use the tomes anyway but what kind of game would they play in a small space like this? Whatever, she might have brought something for them to use like a board or card game, since she mentioned gambling.

@Yum222 @Federen Mason There is still hope for this RP lol
@Yum222[/URL] @Federen Mason There is still hope for this RP lol
Nodding at the response, she turned to the others and asked them something rather odd. "Alright then. Make sure no-one takes our seats whilst we're gone, if you can.". Before any could react, a prompt click of her fingers turned everything in Marcus' view into darkness. He heard another click, and the first thing that came into view, was a starry sky in royal colours. Looking below him, he would see a grassy landscape that seemed to span out forever, and in front of him, the mysterious woman, Aer, who had first challenged him to a game. Shooting a smile his way, Aer began to speak in a soft but clear tone. "Welcome to my domain, so to speak. Now, what game will it be? Ask, and it shall... appear."

@Computing Magus
Marcus was stunned by the sudden change in everything. This wasn't exactly what Marcus had in mind. This is the game? In her domain? What is she up to!? Where am I!?. Marcus thought rapidly and decided to calm down. Hopefully this woman was trustworthy on anything she might do. It didn't look like any harm would befall him in this place anyway.

"Er, what exactly kind of games are we talking about here? And if it was obvious right under my... nasal bone, what examples might you give?" Marcus replied. To be honest, he was kind of nervous of what would happen next.

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"I see you're quite alarmed. As for the game, I said it before. Think not of the reality of the situation - If it is a game or competition, I can make it a reality. Hide or Seek, Chess, a duel of combat. It is as you wish. Within the land of games, anything is possible." Aer confirmed, raising her hand towards the horizon, seeking the sun in her grasp. Looking back to the skeleton, a simple click brought up buildings and wildlife from nothingness to life. Another, and a chess table appeared in front of the man. One more, and the scenery around them was replaced by a coliseum in but a couple earth-shaking moments, devoid of all she had previously created, and in front of them, lay a variety of weapons. A final click returned the plane to its' original state. Aer felt she had proved herself enough. Moving closer to Marcus, she pulled out her arms in an open gesture, awaiting an answer from the man. "Anything. Just state your game, and it shall appear how you see fit. Fate is but a moment away."

@Computing Magus
Sera was surprised and confused at Aer's wink, not sure what it meant. Her request soon after confused her even more. "Are you going somew--", she started, then suddenly stopped. Aer and Markus were suddenly gone. "U-uhh..what..just happened?"
Marcus stood in awe at Aer's sudden creations that seemingly appeared from nowhere. Nervousness turned into a bit of excitement, wanting to come up with a great game that is both challenging and fun, especially when the fields can change under his request. Marcus begins to think what would be the game they can play. Since they have a rather large playing field, it would probably best if they were the characters in their game. After that, what would it be like? A fight? Some kind of tactician against Aer? Something really crazy that is very original? He thought for a moment or two and decided to make it quick so that Aer wouldn't have to wait. It struck him; they could battle.

"Okay, I'm thinking of a battle against each other. A simple one really." Marcus finally said. "I'm thinking of some details, if you don't mind." and continued without waiting for an answer.

"Well, any weapon that you can use is fine, really. We can fight in a Colosseum-like place; just a big-area. But, can you make it so that the field changes occasionally? Random things like some sudden creatures that enters and field landscape changes and--" Marcus then realized he was being a bit too imaginative and didn't leave room for reply. "Er, if it's fine."

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"Quite the request. As you wish." she softly spoke, clicking her fingers almost rhythmically. Within moments, the grassy landscape around them felt a bit less expansive than before, a change only confirmed by the sea that now surrounded it like it was an large island-like body. The dark, starry sky turned into a blazing dawn, its' blue and orange hues painted along the horizon and boundless ceiling. The two now stood roughly 15ft away from each other, Aer's hand stretched out towards Marcus. Within a second, a rapier donning a large blade appeared in Aer's gloved hand. "Imagine the weapon... the landscape, as you wished, and the creatures that'll spawn, will change in time. When, I can't say - it is truly... random. But, the game doesn't start until you make the first move..." Aer tuned, taking a rather relaxed fighting pose, her weapon's tip pointed straight at Marcus. "First one to fall to their knees wins. Fighting against a skeleton is going to be interesting, certainly~". The murmurs of a creature began to be heard, but the monsters were yet to be seen by either of them. "Seems they've already arrived... now, after you, Marcus."

@Computing Magus

  • 3YPx27p.png

    Name: Nessim Rooks

    Interaction: Lecoro

    Tag: @Ghost Hunter

    Thinking, it's been a while since he's eaten anything other than just bread. He pouted his lips in thought for a second, before he nodded his head in agreement. A small squeal would come from his hat, and a mouse would peer out, agreeing with the ordeal. Just like any other rodent, food was pretty much the basic necessity that he needed right now, and he was being supplied with it, who would refuse to that.

    Up ahead, the town came into view. Luckily, it wasn't the same one that Rook was at earlier, so no one recognized his face. Awkwardly pulling his hat over both his mouse and his forehead a little more, it casted a shadow over his face, just in case any wandering merchants or travellers did notice him. He didn't gain a lot of attention in towns, but when he did, all that was being spat out by the media were descriptions and eye-witness accounts. If enough built up of that, he'd be caught in no time. And you'd have to be rather cautious of that.

    Pointing to the troll head on his built, with an expression of dried terror, he didn't seem overall phased. He tilted his head to the side, as if asking what the troll had done, or what it's worth, something along the lines of that.

Smiling with the child's agreement to get food, Leco patted the boy on the head. "It'll be nice to eat with somebody, I usually dine alone." Leco said chuckling. As Leco and Rook entered the town, Leco noticed Rook point at the troll's head, and tilt his head. "The troll head?" Leco asked. "Are you wondering about him? What he did? Uh..." Leco thought for a moment. He reached into his pocket and drew the bounty notice for the troll. He read it aloud. "WANTED: Higl'viiyic the Hideous FOR: Armed robbery, murder, destruction of property, poaching, assault REWARD: $200 alive $350 dead."

Leco closed the notice and turned to Rook.
"He was a very bad man ,Cub. He even attacked me unprovoked. I would have still gladly brought him in alive." Leco said sadly. "I wish it went differently." As they walked, Leco passed by the same caravan from earlier. The skeleton was missing. Odd. He saw the same elven female though. "Excuse me, where exactly did your skeleton go? He asked. Putting a paw on Rook's head without looking, to make sure he was still next to him. "I wanted to ask him where the guard's barracks was. Would you know?"

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Pandorian said:
"Quite the request. As you wish." she softly spoke, clicking her fingers almost rhythmically. Within moments, the grassy landscape around them felt a bit less expansive than before, a change only confirmed by the sea that now surrounded it like it was an large island-like body. The dark, starry sky turned into a blazing dawn, its' blue and orange hues painted along the horizon and boundless ceiling. The two now stood roughly 15ft away from each other, Aer's hand stretched out towards Marcus. Within a second, a rapier donning a large blade appeared in Aer's gloved hand. "Imagine the weapon... the landscape, as you wished, and the creatures that'll spawn, will change in time. When, I can't say - it is truly... random. But, the game doesn't start until you make the first move..." Aer tuned, taking a rather relaxed fighting pose, her weapon's tip pointed straight at Marcus. "First one to fall to their knees wins. Fighting against a skeleton is going to be interesting, certainly~". The murmurs of a creature began to be heard, but the monsters were yet to be seen by either of them. "Seems they've already arrived... now, after you, Marcus."

@Computing Magus
Marcus saw the transformation of the area and was quite pleased. He was now very eager to start. The seemingly endless sky and the island they were in was very realistic. The noises of some monsters and the rapier that appeared in Aer's hand didn't hinder his excitement at all. Though he was in not a person who was built for fighting, his magic might come in use anyway. He stands ready and within a few moments he cupped his hands together and a small fireball appeared. It grew until the size of a bowling ball. He didn't feel the seemingly dangerous heat of its flames. After a few more moments, it grew just a few more and then he suddenly threw the fireball straight at Aer with one hand.

"Incoming!" Marcus called after but his voice was accompanied by a another one with an echo-like effect, very low yet is just as loud. It caught Marcus slightly off guard and the fireball shrunk slightly yet noticeable smaller.
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(Yay, me and the rp is still alive!)

Maliset sat quietly on the carriage all the while, trying to listen on the adult's conversation. Suddenly, Minnie handed her a wooden amulet. Maliset thought it was beautiful because of its rose decoration and reddish color. She received it and wore it with a big smile.

"Wow, it's so beautiful... thank you Minnie!" Maliset said. She really liked it and turned her attention to it instead. Suddenly, she felt Marcus suddenly disappear since she was just right beside him and after looking around, she saw that the woman called Aer was gone too. Before she could talk to either Sera or Minnie, the lion man she remembered from earlier came looking for Marcus.

"Um, I don't know where he went, sir. They just disappeared." Maliset explains.

@Ghost Hunter

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