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Fantasy The War Between Wolves

Accalia nodded her head, assuming from the voice in her mind that he had the gift of telepathy. She thought, "And I am Accalia. What is it that you want? You are part of neither Burning Sun, nor Twilight Moon; that is obvious." She didn't particularly enjoy this form of communication, it made her feel uneasy to say the least, but she had to admit that it was likely more efficient than any other way of communication in wolf form. The white wolf wasn't fully sure what to make of this new arrival quite yet, but their alpha was currently incapacitated, so she hoped that she would be fine talking to him. It was sometimes seen as disrespectful by other members of the pack.

Upon seeing Loki's body, Cinder's legs became the consistency of Jello. She fell to the ground, clutching her stomach once more to try and ease the pain. The feeling she had before the fight was right, he really was dead. Her eyes were glued on the skinned wolf, and it was evident that she was holding back tears. "Who would have done such a thing..?" Was all she could manage, still trying to avoid breaking down again. Her emotional condition now was probably worse than it had been before the fight. Cinder was lost and in need of comfort, but she didn't know how to ask for any.
Raven could already feel her weakened bones and observed as Cinder fell to both knees. Automatically she situated herself into a kneel, her fingers claimed and caressed her, but did not force to pull her into her arms only if she reacted to her embrace. "There should be remaining evidence. If not, it most likely was a professional. From the way it looks it seem to be humans I may be wrong" Raven, told her idea on the subject at hand.

Laikas tilted his head, closing his eyes for only a moment. He already felt a little bit weaker but he refused to show it. He opened his eyes again and shook off his fur. The wolf he was talking to wasn't an alpha, that he had learned. In fact she was quite the opposite, an omega of the pack she was with. Laikas would have frowned, he didn't want to deal with the lower ranked wolves, not at first, but he assumed he had no choice in the matter. Perhaps she'd be able to take him to the more senior members of her pack. He started almost circling her, looking out for any signs of reinforcements. "Just some shelter, food, maybe somewhere to stay just for a short while. Then I'll be on my way. 'Course, I'm always willing to share some information whenever and wherever I can... for the right price. It's a survival thing."


Leon heard a sound somewhere, and he was sure he recognized it. Luna. Realization flooded his mind. Se was probably out there, alone, while Leon was just standing in the middle of the bay frozen like an idiot. 'Wake up Leon.' The pack couldn't have an Alpha that became useless every time there was a scuffle. Leon struggled to gain control of his body and suddenly snapped right out of his trance. He blinked his eyes a couple times and found his legs moving on their own accord. He felt a tugging on the scruff of his neck and looked down to see Luna. He was pretty sure he was the one that usually dragged her like this, so he was surprised. "Guess you're the one babysitting now huh?" He said, his posture finally relaxing and his eyes returning to their regular hazel-gold color, but suddenly he was tense again. "I have to find Flora. She might wander on Twilight Moon territory or something. She's too young." He yanked himself free and was about to take off for the woods before he swiveled around and stared intensely into Luna's eyes. "You will not get yourself into anything. You will return to the pack, and stay on this territory. Tensions are high right now and you have to understand that." Leon stared her down for a few moments before bumping her muzzle with his own in a more friendly gesture and taking off. Flora was small, which meant she couldn't get too far from the pack. He saw a bundle of white fur moving at a steady pace soon after and caught right up to it in a flash and scooped it up by the scruff of its fur. "What have I told you about going away from the pack Flora? If you want to explore you can get a pack member or two to go with you." Leon mumbled through his teeth as Flora dangled from his mouth. It wouldn't hurt her but he knew most pups hated being immobile.


"I understand. If you want shelter or food you will have to talk to the Alpha. Our Alpha male is currently not here, but you could talk to the Alpha female, if you so wish." Accalia cowered slightly as he circled her, but stood her ground. She didn't need to be submissive to him, as he wasn't a member of the pack, and seemed younger than her as well, though he was certainly bigger. Had she been in her human form she would have had a hard time hiding her fear, but as a wolf she was able to keep her eyes impassive, and her body from shaking. She really didn't want to let him near Kara, but she knew that the female could take care of herself, and this pup was unlikely to pose that much of a threat anyway. Lone wolves, especially ones like this, were almost never seen as a threat to a pack, due to their larger size and the strength that came from more frequent food.

When Leon ran after Flora, she snorted, her snout crinkling slightly as she shook her thick pelt. As if. There was no way she should stay within the company of the pack, she wasn't much of a talker, and everyone else always seemed too tense to even make conversation with. Slowly, she turned in the opposite direction that Leon was heading in and padded off, not at her highest speed. However, once deep into the forest, she found that she couldn't recognize the place; it seemed much darker and sinister than their usual, boring woods. As she slowed her pace, her eyes darted around the shadowy surrounds. In an attempt to look menacing, which she really did not, she pinned her ears and puffed out her chest fur. Reluctantly, she sniffed the ground, inhaling unknown scents. At the sound of a nearby roar, she grinned slightly, knowing she could outrun it. She acted submissive as a large, black panther crawled down from the trees. For affect, she even pouted a little, but on the inside she was grinning.

In an attempt to confuse the wild cat, she whipped around behind it and snarled rather loudly, playing cat and mouse. Elegantly, she trod on the edge of her paws, holding her snout high in the air as it leaped for her, claws retracted. She changed forms and ducked, unable to withhold her buckets of laughter at the confusion of the animal. Sadistically, she blew a kiss to it, her gaze locked on its own eyes as it circled her. It wasn't her intentions to hurt it, its puzzlement just amused her. This was the kind of fun that she didn't receive from her pack.



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Laikas would have smiled; he didn't want to seem threatening but he always wanted to show that he had some kind of power to new people that he met. He tilted his head and stopped circling her, "Are you happy being an Omega, Accalia?" This was a simple way to show he had some kind of knowledge or power, as was his trade. He looked her up and down, waiting for a response, trying to see if, in the event things went sour, he could get away easily or whether he would have to fight to get away. He couldn't read her stance or her attitude, which was an annoyance for him. He sat down, his right ear flicking forwards slightly.

Accalia mentally sighed when he stopped circling her, though she was even more worried, now that she knew he could read thoughts not directed at him. She thought over his question for a few moments, honestly not sure what to say. On the one hand, she couldn't complain. She got food, and many of the other members just ignored her instead of asserting themselves, which she appreciated, but then, there was always a feeling that she couldn't shake. She had known her place since she was a pup, yet she never really enjoyed it, seeing as she knew she was simply there for the others to take their frustrations out on, and had no real use in the pack. Her stance took on a melancholy feeling, yet she only replied with: "It is not bad. And you? What is it like being a lone wolf?"


Flora was enjoying her peacetime from everyone, just exploring alone and as soon as she forgot she was looking for someone; she was picked up by her father. After his same old explanation to why she can't explore on her own, she was being taken back. "Hey! I can walk too you know" she said I her cheerful voice, "No one was at the pack main base area, so I was looking for someone" she said explaining why she was alone. The only time she was okay with being carried ways in her human form, she disliked not being able to move around freely.

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"Well, now you found someone. Your mother and I were worried." Leon said as he continued to carry her until they reached the rest of the pack. He lowered her gently onto the ground before surveying the pack. He let out a howl to alert his mate that he had Flora.
"Better than being an omega." He straightened his head and stood, looking her in the eye, "I believe you mentioned I could talk to your alpha... Kara? I guess that's her name." Laikas looked to turn away from her, and then glanced back at Accalia over his left shoulder, "May you please lead the way, I don't know these parts as well as you and if I'm going to be honest, I'd rather not stray into territory where I might get ambushed." The yellow eyed wolf padded alongside the female and indicated with his head, "Lead on."


However, she soon after had become bored and walked away from the scene nonchalantly. Due to her not taking care, the panther pounced, clawing her left calf and pushing her to the floor. With a grimace, Luna soon slipped from underneath its grasp and raced back nearer to the territory of the Burning Sun. The gash was deep, and bleeding, but because of the adrenaline, she didn't take too much notice. Leaning against a tree, she doubled over, catching her breath as the metallic scent of her blood lingered around her. At the sound of Leon's howl, she padded towards it, in human form. The majority of the pack were there, presumably doing nothing. Walking into their territory, a wicked yet pained grin played on her lips, adrenaline intoxicating her like a drug. Hiding her leg, she rubbed dirt on the wound, attempting to disguise the smell as well as the visual appearance, mostly for Flora's sake. "Good....Evening?" she mumbled jokingly to both her brother and niece with a soft smile. With every breath she took, her complexion became paler.


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"There is an abandoned human camp in the northern shore of this island." Sirius told Cinder. "Allow me to lead you again."

"It looks like a hunter's camp." said Sirius, one scarlet eye on his surroundings, another in the sky through a raven's eyes surveying the remains of the human camp as he led the way through the forest. "There is a campfire, it seems that this was occupied last night. A rotten apple core too, eaten last night, and the sand is furrowed where boats have been dragged ashore and then back into the sea . . . And there is a skinning rack with a pool of dry blood underneath."

Sirius arrived at the northern shore.

"Cinder, allow me to take my leave." said Sirius. "I must tell my alpha about the humans. Do you wish me to send a message from you to Leon?"

Accalia inclined her head slightly. "So you may think." She said no more, as she secretly agreed, but instead began to lead the other wolf over. She didn't notice that Flora was with the Alphas until they were nearer to the group, so she made sure to angle towards Kara more. She had a soft spot for the child, as did everyone, and she didn't want to be the cause of her injuries. The closer she got to Kara, the more submissive her stance became, and, when she reached the woman, she transformed and bowed. "M'am, there is a lone wolf that would like to request food and shelter." She mumbled, before backing away from the Alpha female.

@Baconhands @Rainy83
By the time Cinder reached the Northern shore, her remorse had already shifted into anger. Humans. Of course they were the reason that wolves were disappearing. She turned to Sirius with a vengeful look in her eyes. "After you tell your Alpha's what has happened here, after you tell them that the Humans are the reason for deaths in both your pack and ours, ask them if they want to change their mind about their opinion on humans.." She spat. "It looks like we were right to hate them for so long." She added.

"Now be gone, Sirius. We need time to think this through." Cinder stated gruffly, her voice finally gaining some authority. She looked at the abandoned campsite, and the fury building up inside her snapped once more. Cinder bolted towards the skinning rack and began to rip it apart piece by piece, growlivg furiously. She let out another howl, this one filled with the fury of a thousand warriors. It wasn't directed towards the Burning Sun this time, but towards the humans.


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"Calm yourself. A leader shouldn't loose herself so easy." Raven automatically replied to her outrage. She extended a hand and seized her forearm except with mild strength to not inflict pain. Her green eyes surveyed the scene ahead of the corpse of the Leaders mate. Raven released her arm momentarily stepping forward to the body, she easily crouched towards the skinned form examining for fur or possibly a weapon. Her eyes then seized the sudden light glistening from a silver blade, she immediately grasped the handle and examined it. "Found something."

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It was difficult to get by. Being in her wolf form for a while, and helping out her pack, the Burning, and being healer. Herbs were around every corner, sprouting, her backpack almost stuffed with them as well as various flowers she guessed the pack would enjoy. She searched for some nearby wolves, unsure of any of their position.

Sirius left the small abandoned island and leapt across the sea to the mainland of Arcore.

"Thank you, brothers." Sirius said to the ravens. "You've all done well, rest now. You will all feast on deer by dusk."

Sirius saw their healer collecting herbs. "Latte!" he called as he passed her. "I have important news, come back home!"

By the time Sirius arrived in the Burning Sun camp, it was already past midday. "Leon, Kara, humans camped in Arcore last night and killed Loki!" he said as he bounded into view. "They skinned him." he added quietly, his blood-red eyes glowering. No matter how bad one of his own kind was, Sirius hated those who hunted his own kind more. "Needless to say what Cinder and her pack are planning . . . What will we do?"

@Coal ,@Rainy83 , @Sakura Blossom
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Zer0 said:
Sirius left the small abandoned island and leapt across the sea to the mainland of Arcore.
"Thank you, brothers." Sirius said to the ravens. "You've all done well, rest now. You will all feast on deer by dusk."

Sirius saw their healer collecting herbs. "Latte!" he called as he passed her. "I have important news, come back home!"

By the time Sirius arrived in the Burning Sun camp, it was already past midday. "Leon, Kara, humans camped in Arcore last night and killed Loki!" he said as he bounded into view. "They skinned him." he added quietly, his blood-red eyes glowering. No matter how bad one of his own kind was, Sirius hated those who hunted his own kind more. "Needless to say what Cinder and her pack are planning to do now . . ."

@Coal ,@Rainy83 , @Sakura Blossom
Her ears pricked at the sound of Sirius, the herbs bouncing against her back as she settled at the base of the Burning Sun camp, arriving just past the time that Sirius had arrived. She set her gaze upon Leon and Kara, and settled down beside them. She shrugged off her backpack. @Rainy83 @Coal
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Leon's eyes filled with remorse as Sirius's words. "Please express my deepest apology for the Alpha female." Leon said and tucked Flora closer to him out of habit. If humans were here and killing them, their safety was nonexistent. "I think we need to send scouting parties to where these humans reside. We will not attack, just simply see what weapons they possess, etc. But, if you can, you should abduct one for questioning. We will not kill them for revenge but it will help us with having more information on their kind." Leon said thoughtfully. He had seen the anger glinting in Sirius's eyes, and knew he was angered by these humans. Leon was more unsettled by their presence than anything else. If he lost his daughter, mate, or sister he would be ruined. He smelled his sister and the familiar metallic scent of blood. Of course. The healer had just come over and Leon turned to her, annoyance weighing on his features even in his wolf form. "May you please attend to my sister? She has seemed to get injured in the span of an hour. It's obvious she isn't the brains out of the family." Leon said jokingly, concern still in his tone. So many things were happening and he had the most responsibility. He turned to Sirius again. "I will lead the scouting party. We also need to have sentries to guard the pack day and night. All adults will be included and each have a shift." He nudged his daughter with his muzzle. "You will stay in this pack and not leave them at any time, you understand? I'll be gone for a while and I can't have you getting into trouble." He said sternly.

@Sakura Blossom


"Sure, but at least I received the good looking genes, eh?" She had retorted, a slight smirk plastered onto her face. Luna snorted once again. "I am fine," she stated, glancing at the healer before keeping her distance. "If anyone touches me, I will rip their arms off. Okay?" She said softly, a slight snarl to her tone. In her eyes, she was fine, it was a little scratch of a wound. It could've been worse. However, when she saw her brother with Flora, she couldn't help but smile. "So, can I come with you too, Leon?....Its not like there's anything interesting to do here," she smirked jokingly, but was also very serious. "I mean, I can't take guard, can I? I'm technically not an adult, so it wouldn't be allowed. Hmph. Thank God." Just to wind Leon up a little more, she then added "Actually, scrap that. I could meet my mate from the Twilight moon. Yes. I shall do that." Crossing her arms, she fixed her gaze on Sirius and Leon, awaiting both of their reactions. It was in her best interests that they would take it jokingly rather than seriously. But, perhaps that's why she hadn't found her mate yet... Maybe he was in a different pack. Hm. Maybe she would explore different packs whilst Leon was gone. Yes, she would do that.



@Sakura Blossom
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"I will help you find them." said Sirius, ignoring Luna. "The camp I saw had already been abandoned. They had small boats, perhaps they're fishermen too? I'll check the shores with coral reefs where fishes are plentiful, the humans may also be in the fresh water rivers too." he swished his black tail and stepped forward, his head bowed. Careful not to seem like he was telling Leon what to do. "Allow me to cast 'Mind Link' on you, Leon, it will allow us to communicate instantly. Actually," he added looking at everyone. "Allow me to cast 'Mind Link' on everyone."

After he cast his spell on those who were willing, Sirius padded into his cave and transformed into his butt-neked human self again, thankful for the peace and quiet of his den. He had a tall sleek frame with a broad back. White scars from wolf bites stretched across his tanned skin, and a whip like mark wrapped around his leg where a jellyfish had almost stung him dead once. He ran a hand over his long black hair that was tied into a pony tail absentmindedly as he searched for clothes, his red eyes glowing in the dark.

He put on light leather armor beneath a dark green hunter's garb, black boots, and a forest grey cloak. He tucked a long hunting knife in his belt and a dagger in his boot and slung a quiver of arrows over his back. He grabbed his yew bow and walked out of his den.

Sirius bowed to his alphas. "I'll tell you immediately if I find anything. Now I must pay my raven brothers for their services today." he looked at Luna. "Do you want to hunt with me? We'll be taking down seven stags."

@Coal ,@Rainy83 , @xxbetaspiritxx
Luna grinned with a nod, trying to ignore the pain in her leg as she stood straight. "You will have to keep up with me, I don't like it when people are slow." Stepping forwards, she reached for Sirius' hand and clasped it within her own soft one; that way, he wouldn't be too far behind. She didn't allow him to cast mind link, it wasn't in her best interests. As she looked up at Sirius, she asked, "Are you ready to go?" But, before waiting for an answer, she zipped through the forest, dragging Sirius with her.

"You know, you're quite heavy," she panted slightly, doubling over with her hands on her knees in order to catch her breath. "Maybe it would be wise not to pull you along, especially seeing as you're capable of walking yourself, and you are much taller than me." At this point, the pain in her leg was almost unbearable, and it wasn't healing like she thought it would. The blood was beginning to seep through the thick layer of mud on it, and she looked extremely pale. However, she just continued to try to ignore it, which was very hard at this point.

"Where are we even going?" She questioned, a slight pained tone to her voice. Sniffing the air, she caught scent of something, but it wasn't an animal, nor was it something she was familiar with. Her eyes widened. "Sirius, go no further. I can smell something strange."

In a swift motion Sirius knocked an arrow, and drew his bow. "What is it?" he whispered crouching beside Luna. He looked around the forest, listening, his raven brothers were resting, so he was on his own for now.


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