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Fantasy The War Between Wolves

"I don't know. They all ran off somewhere, and I didn't realise until a while ago. By then I couldn't find them, so I decided to wait here." She replied fearfully, emerging from the trees.
FictionalReality said:
"I don't know. They all ran off somewhere, and I didn't realise until a while ago. By then I couldn't find them, so I decided to wait here." She replied fearfully, emerging from the trees.
Eric tore off a leg from the deer, and threw it to Accelia. "Here. Your probably hungry." He told her.
FictionalReality said:
"B-but, we're supposed to wait for the alphas, before we can eat." Accalia stared at the leg. She was hungry, but she didn't want to be disrespectful.
"You're hungry. So, just eat." Eric sat down, looking intently at Accalia. He could tell she was hungry. She always ate last. Well, she deserved some food.

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Luna hissed as she was picked up, "I'll show you violent...." Though, as she were brought away from Leon, a few hushed whimpers escaped her parted lips. "And,for the record, Flora put her damn self in danger by leaving the territory! At this rate I should just join the Twilight Moon. I'm sure it would benefit you all greatly." With a slight growl like whimper, she leaned against the tree, her fingers vigorously combing her hair. What could she do? Any attempts she would make to help Leon would result in someone else being hurt. With a small snivel, she rubbed at her eyes and slumped onto the floor, bowing her head between her knees.

Yes, she knew Sirius was trying to help her, but she could help but feel useless when he told her she couldn't proceed trying to help Leon. Crossing her arms, she rose her head along with her gaze to settle on Sirius.


Eric smiled as he watched Accalia eat. He was happy to help someone in need. He would deal with the Alpha himself. Best to take the fall. He never did get along well with the Alphas. He disagreed with killing completely.
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Accalia looked up from her food, looking more content than she had before eating. "Aren't you going to eat anything?" She asked quietly, and if she had been in her human form she would have smiled.

Eric shrugged. "I am hungry myself." He ripped off a leg as well, gorging himself on it. He swallowed great chunks of food. He shook himself when he paused. "Accalia," he began, "do you have any idea where the Alpha is?" He was curious to know.

"No. As I said, they all ran off. I can only assume it has something to do with the Burning Sun pack." She had eaten all of the meat, and was now chewing on the bone to get the marrow.

FictionalReality said:
"No. As I said, they all ran off. I can only assume it has something to do with the Burning Sun pack." She had eaten all of the meat, and was now chewing on the bone to get the marrow.
Eric sighed. "How vexing. I'm glad I went hunting. War is ugly. Can we not just find a diplomatic solution to the problem?" He asked. He layed down on his stomach as he continued eating.
Flora was confused at what happened, she was just looking at the hunters, the net and her father and then all of a sudden she was with Luna and Sirius. She was scared of the situation that had just occurred, "Um guys." She said nervous, she hated getting yelled and being treated like she wasn't even there. "My daddy could be getting killed! I have to go back for him" she said, starting to walk back to where the hunters were. @xxbetaspiritxx @Zer0
"I suppose we really are animals at heart. Perhaps one day, under a different Alpha, at a different time, we might be able to make peace, but unless something else entered the fold and forced us to cooperate, I doubt we'll all be friends." She transformed to her human form, looking slightly frustrated with her own answer.

Luna rolled her eyes, and her expression softened. "You will do no such thing. Your father will have my guts for garters if so much as a hair is pulled from your head. I don't care if you're my niece, I will treat you like any other pup that decides to behave badly, okay? You need to get a grip, Flora, and stop acting like you're the only one who cares! I'm sick to death of all of this drama! All of it." With that, she gently shoved Flora into Sirius' arms and walked away. It wasn't her intentions to be mean or rough to either of the two, she was just stressed and panicked. A few stray tears rolled down her cheeks as she ran through the trees; no one should or would see her cry, she wasn't to be thought of weakly.

Multiple whimpers trembled through her shaky lips as she ran, pausing at the sight of a soft looking bunny. Without a second thought, she ran over to it, cradling it in her arms as she spoke to it soothingly. All she wanted was a little affection, someone to show they cared, not just by protecting her. The bunny showed her masses of love and care. For the time being, she just wanted to be on her own.


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Eric chuckled. "True," he said, before finishing up and changing back to human form. "I honestly feel that maybe we should go looking for them. While I hate war, I still care for my pack. I do not want them to die, or to kill. That would make it all the more worse." He said.

"Let's go then. I'm sure everything's fine, but you're probably right, we should check." Accalia stood, preparing to run. "I'm going to stay in my human form. I haven't been in it for a while, so I need to get used to it again. What about you?"

He felt weak. As much as he'd hated to admit it, that other wolf from the Burning Sun had gotten some good strikes on him, and combined with the damage he inherently inflicted on himself in his unrestrained phases... Living hurt. Then again, that was what it meant to be alive, wasn't it? It meant feeling the color drain away from your surroundings and then bouncing back, stronger than before, and ready to snatch another day from the universe using only your teeth and unwillingness to be cowed.

Then again, sometimes you didn't bounce back. Sometimes you became Loki, presumably dead somewhere. He didn't know it for sure - he had separated from the pack as they went off to go search for their alpha's corpse. Molloch was in no shape for that, instead resigned to limping back towards the Twilight Moon camp in his upright, human form, one staggered step at a time.

Dammit! If only he'd been quicker, or stronger, or something, he wouldn't be in this state. He needed to do better. For the pack, for himself. He refused to fall into the background and be ignored - not again. It was a bitter sensation that clawed at his heart with viciousness, but also pleaded with him to not repeat the mistakes of the past. Bully, fight, and kill if you must, just don't let it happen again.

He didn't want to, but a bum leg and an unsteady breath didn't do him any favors as he made his way slowly back home.

((Anyone's free to intercept him if you want, otherwise he'll eventually be back home nursing himself back into shape.))
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Ranulf01 said:
He felt weak. As much as he'd hated to admit it, that other wolf from the Burning Sun had gotten some good strikes on him, and combined with the damage he inherently inflicted on himself in his unrestrained phases... Living hurt. Then again, that was what it meant to be alive, wasn't it? It meant feeling the color drain away from your surroundings and then bouncing back, stronger than before, and ready to snatch another day from the universe using only your teeth and unwillingness to be cowed.
Then again, sometimes you didn't bounce back. Sometimes you became Loki, presumably dead somewhere. He didn't know it for sure - he had separated from the pack as they went off to go search for their alpha's corpse. Molloch was in no shape for that, instead resigned to limping back towards the Twilight Moon camp in his upright, human form, one staggered step at a time.

Dammit! If only he'd been quicker, or stronger, or something, he wouldn't be in this state. He needed to do better. For the pack, for himself. He refused to fall into the background and be ignored - not again. It was a bitter sensation that clawed at his heart with viciousness, but also pleaded with him to not repeat the mistakes of the past. Bully, fight, and kill if you must, just don't let it happen again.

He didn't want to, but a bum leg and an unsteady breath didn't do him any favors as he made his way slowly back home.

((Anyone's free to intercept him if you want, otherwise he'll eventually be back home nursing himself back into shape.))
Eric was by the side of the werewolf. He had been searching for his pack mates, and come across one from Burning Sun. "You're hurt," he said. He walked closer, still in wolf form. "So you need any assistance?"
It took Molloch a moment before he recognized Eric, now asking if he needed assistance.

Assistance? The day he needed assistance from that haughty, justice-focused, naive child was the day he'd surely outstayed his welcome in this land of the living. He'd never been too fond of him, always trying to do the morally right thing, as if the world they lived in wasn't one no-holds-barred grudge match. Right? There was no right way of doing things, only doing what you had to.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he said, now doing what he could to mask his stuttering steps. "Glancing blows, nothing that will stop me."

Ranulf01 said:
It took Molloch a moment before he recognized Eric, now asking if he needed assistance.
Assistance? The day he needed assistance from that haughty, justice-focused, naive child was the day he'd surely outstayed his welcome in this land of the living. He'd never been too fond of him, always trying to do the morally right thing, as if the world they lived in wasn't one no-holds-barred grudge match. Right? There was no right way of doing things, only doing what you had to.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he said, now doing what he could to mask his stuttering steps. "Glancing blows, nothing that will stop me."

Eric laughed. "Please. Any idiot can see you took a beating. I swear, people who are stubborn are like walls." He was aware of the irony of the statement, given how stubborn he was on matters of morality, but he didn't care. "Let's just get going," he told him, walking alongside him. "So, what happened? Tell me nobody died."
"No one died, though I severely wish they did. Burning Sun meeting went to hell, I took one of them out of the fight and into the woods." The adrenal overload always made the memory a bit hazy, like everything was just a vague impression, thoughts of thoughts. What did happen?

"We... got separated from the fight, had our own out there. Cinder... Cinder came running up, told me to stop." He still wished she hadn't, and said as much. "I wanted to tear her throat out, but she wouldn't let me. She was Burning Sun, Eric - that other wolf. And now Cinder's having us play all buddy buddy with them for now."

Even saying it made a snarl rise up in his throat, and his inattention made him lose his footing briefly.

"I would be happy to fight them all, if I could, but now even that's against our rules."

Ranulf01 said:
"No one died, though I severely wish they did. Burning Sun meeting went to hell, I took one of them out of the fight and into the woods." The adrenal overload always made the memory a bit hazy, like everything was just a vague impression, thoughts of thoughts. What did happen?
"We... got separated from the fight, had our own out there. Cinder... Cinder came running up, told me to stop." He still wished she hadn't, and said as much. "I wanted to tear her throat out, but she wouldn't let me. She was Burning Sun, Eric - that other wolf. And now Cinder's having us play all buddy buddy with them for now."

Even saying it made a snarl rise up in his throat, and his inattention made him lose his footing briefly.

"I would be happy to fight them all, if I could, but now even that's against our rules."

Eric smiled as only a wolf could. "That won't stop the war. I can tell. What will stop it is if we face off against an enemy who threatens all werewolves with extinction. Say, humanity." Eric sighed. He disapproved of Molloch's actions, but knew that he didn't need to utter a word to let him know. "Better than ripping each other's throats out. Because frankly, werewolves all should be one pack."
Cinder ran faster than her legs could carry her, trying to suppress the whimpers that came from her muzzle. She needed to get to camp, she figured it wouldn't be very populated with all of the werewolves on high alert. The Alpha was broken and upset, and she felt as if there was no one there to truly care for her and her feelings. For once, the Alpha was acting like the girl that she was deep down. She was displaying her weakness by running away, by crying, by leaving her pack in the dust, but she didn't care. If one of them tried to take her position, Cinder would gladly fight for it, and she didn't care if she won or lost. The Alpha bolted through the woods in a blur, quickly speeding past Molloch and Eric (whom she hadn't registered to even be there yet), quickly making her way to the Twilight's camp.

With another whimper, she crawled into her tent, shifted into her human form and secluded herself from the world.



RedLikeRoses said:
Cinder ran faster than her legs could carry her, trying to suppress the whimpers that came from her muzzle. She needed to get to camp, she figured it wouldn't be very populated with all of the werewolves on high alert. The Alpha was broken and upset, and she felt as if there was no one there to truly care for her and her feelings. For once, the Alpha was acting like the girl that she was deep down. She was displaying her weakness by running away, by crying, by leaving her pack in the dust, but she didn't care. If one of them tried to take her position, Cinder would gladly fight for it, and she didn't care if she won or lost. The Alpha bolted through the woods in a blur, quickly speeding past Molloch and Eric (whom she hadn't registered to even be there yet), quickly making her way to the Twilight's camp.
With another whimper, she crawled into her tent, shifted into her human form and secluded herself from the world.



Eric raced after Cinder when she raced past him. He saw her in human form. The little girl she was deep down. It pained him to see her like this. He shifted to human form, and walked toward her. "Cinder," he said to her, "what's wrong with you?" He sat down next to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Is everything alright?" He hated seeing his Alpha like this. She was weak.

He didn't crave the position of Alpha though. He found it overbearing. Instead, he sought to be an unbreakable spirit. A force for good. Someone who helped those in need. And Cinder was in need. "Please, tell what is the matter."
He scoffed at Eric's thought of unity, as if it were about as unthinkable as touching the stars. He was about to vocalize his disillusioned view of it as Cinder went bolting past, taking any words he was about to say with her. Eric left him in pursuit of their alpha, leaving Molloch all alone.

...Damn bastard, leaving him behind. Dropping down to all fours, he caught up as quickly as was able, managing to hear the last words of Eric's inquiry.

-'s the matter.'


"She's losing her nerve 'cause of Loki, and for good reason. He was clever as a fox, made up for a lot of things with it, and now he's dead. We're left to deal with whatever was able to kill him. Let her be, she'll come out stronger from this. Hardship tempers a person, makes their teeth sharper."

Alpha. He'd thought of it before, entertained the idea of him in such a position. It appealed, in a way. He could direct the Twilight Moon into being a force of indomitable strength, one that couldn't be ignored. One that wouldn't be afraid to be proud of who they were and would fight against anything that dared discredit or insult them... But it was only thoughts, and there had never been a chance to make anything of them. Loki had been firmly entrenched in his position, and Molloch had too much respect for the hierarchy.

But now there was a gap, and the thoughts never really left Molloch's mind.

@RedLikeRoses @DaManofWar

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