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Fantasy The War Between Wolves

Cinder was just about to choke out a response, doing her best to hide the tears that wouldn't quit falling down her face, but before she could, Molloch spoke. "Humans." She said, her voice quavering. "I told you they were no good. I told you they were vile and heartless, they're the one's who've been killing our packs off one by one!" Her words were filled with hate, but at that point, the hate only came out in sobs. She tucked her legs to her chest and buried her face in her knees. Molloch wanted her to be strong, he expected her to come out of her grief as the tough warrior that she was. But maybe she wasn't as tough as she used to be. She looked at Molloch and then at Eric and couldn't help but continue to cry. (Sorry it's short, in a hurry)


Luna watched the scene infront of her. The Twilight Moon. Technically, she wasn't on anyone's territory, therefore she wasn't a target for attack. Wiping away her tears, she remained silent and attempted to stay hidden. Why was it that trouble always awaited around the corner? They were talking about Loki. Of course they were talking about Loki, he had died tragically, and to the rough hands of the human species. And soon enough the same fate could grasp Leon. She shook at the thought, causing the bushes near her to rustle. So what if they caught her? They weren't to do a thing, it had been said that they wouldn't....Thinking about it, Luna realised they hadn't said such things. Of course if they found her they wouldn't be too pleased, but that couldn't be helped at all. After all, She were there first.

With a slight huff, she allowed her dark blonde hair to protect and curtain her face as she hugged her knees to her chest. The air was cold, and she enjoyed it's chilly scratches at her skin, it took a little of her pain away. The pain being the thought of her brother within the grasps of those inhumane monsters.

@RedLikeRoses @Ranulf01

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RedLikeRoses said:
Cinder was just about to choke out a response, doing her best to hide the tears that wouldn't quit falling down her face, but before she could, Molloch spoke. "Humans." She said, her voice quavering. "I told you they were no good. I told you they were vile and heartless, they're the one's who've been killing our packs off one by one!" Her words were filled with hate, but at that point, the hate only came out in sobs. She tucked her legs to her chest and buried her face in her knees. Molloch wanted her to be strong, he expected her to come out of her grief as the tough warrior that she was. But maybe she wasn't as tough as she used to be. She looked at Molloch and then at Eric and couldn't help but continue to cry. (Sorry it's short, in a hurry)

Eric snarled as he responded. "Well. Seems I'm right, Molloch. The time has indeed come to put aside our differences with the other pack. We must join forces, and strike hard. We have to drive the humans off our land." He stood up as he continued. "Molloch. Listen. We have to drive back the humans, and porve to them we are strong enough to resist them. Then we will be safe. Don't you agree?" He said, looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

Working with the Burning Sun. Again, that idiotic concept that made his blood boil and his hackles raise.

"Eric, they're too stupid to realize that threat. They've forgotten what they've done to us, and they wouldn't strike with the needed ferocity. Peace-loving fools... There's nothing to be gained by 'setting aside our differences'. There's only war. War with the humans, and war with those who aren't hard enough in their hearts to rip another heart out." He looked at Cinder with that comment. She was almost there, but still had a small ways to go before she could lower herself to the savagery of their heritage.

"We can't pretend that this is like a fairy tale, where we'll all come together and hold hands."

@RedLikeRoses @DaManofWar
Ranulf01 said:
Working with the Burning Sun. Again, that idiotic concept that made his blood boil and his hackles raise.
"Eric, they're too stupid to realize that threat. They've forgotten what they've done to us, and they wouldn't strike with the needed ferocity. Peace-loving fools... There's nothing to be gained by 'setting aside our differences'. There's only war. War with the humans, and war with those who aren't hard enough in their hearts to rip another heart out." He looked at Cinder with that comment. She was almost there, but still had a small ways to go before she could lower herself to the savagery of their heritage.

"We can't pretend that this is like a fairy tale, where we'll all come together and hold hands."

@RedLikeRoses @DaManofWar
Eric caught the way he looked at Cinder. He grabbed him by the neck, and hoisted him up. He changed partially, his fighting spirit showing through. His ability to fight on despite the odds, and grow stronger. He snarled fiercely at him. "Never look upon your Alpha that way again!!!!" He told him. He growled forcefully before throwing him to the ground. "You are blinded by your savagery, you moronic piece bag of flies. Now, get out of my sight!" He bellowed the challenge whole heartily. He wasn't going to let him just do as he pleased and say what he pleased in front of the Alpha like that. Hardship should be shared.
Cinder's mood practically did a one-eighty the second that Molloch mentioned fighting people who 'weren't hard enough in their hearts,' and the fact that he looked at her made her blood boil. As soon as Eric threw Molloch to the ground, she stood up, wiping tears off of her cheeks."Excuse me? You did not just say that I was like the Burning Sun. I can name countless occasions when I've killed others. Killed innocents. Ripped off their heads and basked in the glory. Would you rather live under the tyranny that my parents subjected this pack to? Would you rather me revert back to my old ways. You should have seen me out there today, Molloch. I was so close to becoming the ruthless and heartless Alpha you want me to be, but I realized that if I had killed Leon then I would come back to my pack as the she-devil I used to be. You know how this pack used to be, how it was before I came into rule. Do you really want to be a bunch of slaves as my parents called you all? Just toys that I will gladly send into suicide missions." Her eyes glowed a blood red as she looked down at Molloch. "I dare you to bring me back to the person I was." She threatened. It was clear that she was emotionally unstable.


RedLikeRoses said:
Cinder's mood practically did a one-eighty the second that Molloch mentioned fighting people who 'weren't hard enough in their hearts,' and the fact that he looked at her made her blood boil. As soon as Eric threw Molloch to the ground, she stood up, wiping tears off of her cheeks."Excuse me? You did not just say that I was like the Burning Sun. I can name countless occasions when I've killed others. Killed innocents. Ripped off their heads and basked in the glory. Would you rather live under the tyranny that my parents subjected this pack to? Would you rather me revert back to my old ways. You should have seen me out there today, Molloch. I was so close to becoming the ruthless and heartless Alpha you want me to be, but I realized that if I had killed Leon then I would come back to my pack as the she-devil I used to be. You know how this pack used to be, how it was before I came into rule. Do you really want to be a bunch of slaves as my parents called you all? Just toys that I will gladly send into suicide missions." Her eyes glowed a blood red as she looked down at Molloch. "I dare you to bring me back to the person I was." She threatened. It was clear that she was emotionally unstable.

Eric placed a hand on her shoulder. "Let it go," he whispered into her ear, like a friend. "You need to calm down, Cinder. I'm begging you as a friend. As a pack member. As a member of your family." He didn't like how unstable she was. This was bad for her. He wanted her to be all right.
Sirius watched Luna go and decided not to follow.

"You're very brave, Flora." said Sirius as he cradled the little girl. "But we need the pack to help your daddy. My ravens are tailing the hunters, they said that they won't kill him, but make him a pet. Let's go home for now and tell your mother what happened. Have faith in Leon, he's not our alpha for nothing."

Sirius arrived in the Burning Sun camp with Flora and told Kara and those who were there everything. He also showed them the map that marked the places where the humans skinned wolves and the location of the human colony on the southern islands.

"Kara, these ravens will guide you to Leon." A pair of black birds glided down and rested on a branch above the alpha, looking at her with intelligent eyes. "I'll catch up with you soon, there's something urgent I have to do."

He gave Flora's hair a gently ruffle, "Don't wander off alone, tough girl." he said gently, but firmly and bounded off into the trees.

For the next three hours, Sirius tracked, chased, and shot down six stags for the ravens of Arcore. His bond with them was very helpful, allowing him to know almost everything that was going around in the island, but he had to feed them or else they won't help him. And he needed them now more than ever with everything that was going on.

A large flock of them descended on the last stag he shot that afternoon.

"Thanks for the meal!" they cawed gorging greedily on the carcass.

"Don't mention it. . ." said Sirius resting on a mossy rock. The afternoon sun gleamed on the tops of the birches and pines and cast a brilliant golden light on the evergreen meadow that rolled away to the north. Long tree-clad slopes rose from the lip of the meadow, and away beyond them, above the fir-trees of the farthest ridge there rose, sharp and white, the peaks of the snow-capped mountains.

A cool breeze played on Sirius cheeks as he watched patches of sun on the tall grass and the shadows of sailing clouds passing over the meadow. He breathed a sigh of peace. The sound of the ravens feeding and cawing went on until at last, Mugin the raven came hopping towards him.

"The price has been paid." he said through his thoughts. "We're ready."

"Good." said Sirius.

@CelestialBunny ,@Rainy83 , @Coal

(OOC: @RedLikeRoses , mentioned in this post that Sirius showed Kara and the rest of the Burning Sun who was with her the map where the human colony was located in the southern islands)
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He just about went for Eric's jugular, until Cinder went off on him. He didn't see her today, but he wished he had.

Molloch didn't want to argue, but he didn't want to be dismissed like this so easily either.

Don't be left behind.

"I don't want tyranny or peace! I want us to stand strong, Cinder. Ruthless and heartless, that's nothing but garbage. Look at us. We're hunting on a wild overgrown island after being deported here and nearly exterminated. Don't you remember the stories? We had an entire civilization, but then we had nothing but our own talents and an open sky. That's what happens when we decide to take our eyes off of outsiders, whether they're other packs or other species." He was barking right back at her, and it chewed him alive to do it to an alpha.

Back to Eric, as he picked himself off of the ground. "Blinded by my own savagery? Maybe. Maybe I am and maybe I'll give in to it someday and just rip myself apart, but I'll have done it without speaking of putting aside differences and compromising."

He took a moment to catch up with his own thoughts running wild.

"My grudges don't die so easily. Not everyone can overcome what they were like you did, Cinder." His heartrate was too high.

@RedLikeRoses @DaManofWar
Molloch's words just added fuel to Cinder's fire. Did he think that she was going to be all buddy-buddy with the humans? Did he think that she had forgiven them for what they had done? Had he mistaken her for one of the Burning Sun? 'I haven't strayed from the reason we made this pack. I wasn't aware of humans being on this island until an hour ago. By no means do I want to help them. I will gladly kill each and every one of them if given the opportunity.' Were just a few of the things that ran through her head, but in the end, Cinder was so overcome by anger, annoyed at how much Molloch had misunderstood her, that instead she threw herself at him. She hadn't even shifted into her wolf form, she just up and tackled Molloch, slamming fist after fist in his direction and enjoying the occasional connection of knuckle against bone. Cinder had completely ignored Eric's words by this point. Not because she didn't care, but because she was blinded by fury.


RedLikeRoses said:
Molloch's words just added fuel to Cinder's fire. Did he think that she was going to be all buddy-buddy with the humans? Did he think that she had forgiven them for what they had done? Had he mistaken her for one of the Burning Sun? 'I haven't strayed from the reason we made this pack. I wasn't aware of humans being on this island until an hour ago. By no means do I want to help them. I will gladly kill each and every one of them if given the opportunity.' Were just a few of the things that ran through her head, but in the end, Cinder was so overcome by anger, annoyed at how much Molloch had misunderstood her, that instead she threw herself at him. She hadn't even shifted into her wolf form, she just up and tackled Molloch, slamming fist after fist in his direction and enjoying the occasional connection of knuckle against bone. Cinder had completely ignored Eric's words by this point. Not because she didn't care, but because she was blinded by fury.

Eric didn't tolerate violence. He jumped on top of Cinder, trying to push her off Molloch. His fighting spirit awakened even further as he began to change. "Cinder! Please, stop this!" He told her. He didn't want friends to fight. He wrestled her as best he could, trying to get her off Molloch.

(Spell my username right!)
He hadn't seen her coming, not in the slightest. As soon as she began her onslaught, there wasn't any hope of this not erupting into a fully-fledged fight, no matter how much Eric tried to intervene. His heart rate was already up from his own impassioned speech, and now the explosion of violence put him into the instinctive, pure-reaction daze of his powers.

There weren't any memories or thoughts anymore, just him, and opponents, and right now one of his enemies was on top of him.

He shifted forms underneath her assault, the implications of the pain she was inflicting for his greater physical health no longer stopping him. With a snarl he lashed out, jaws attaching to an arm as best he could and ripping away.

Who was this again...?

Didn't matter, just keep going.

@RedLikeRoses @DaManofWar
"Stop intervening, Eric! I am the Alpha!" She shouted as Eric tried to pry the two away from each other. Cinder was enjoying punching Molloch, until he shifted into his wolf form. By that time, it didn't really matter, she just wanted to see someone suffer for Loki's loss, even if it had to be herself. She continued to throw punches at Molloch in his wolf form, a bad mistake for her. Cinder let out a loud yelp as Molloch sunk his canines into her arm and started to pull. She slammed her free arm down onto his neck, hoping to get him to let go. She hadn't yet decided to shift into her wolf form, as she wanted to get her arm free first.



(It was my first time, okay?)
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RedLikeRoses said:
"Stop intervening, Eric! I am the Alpha!" She shouted as Eric tried to pry the two away from each other. Cinder was enjoying punching Molloch, until he shifted into his wolf form. By that time, it didn't really matter, she just wanted to see someone suffer for Loki's loss, even if it had to be herself. She continued to throw punches at Molloch in his wolf form, a bad mistake for her. Cinder let out a loud yelp as Molloch sunk his canines into her arm and started to pull. She slammed her free arm down onto his neck, hoping to get him to let go. She hadn't yet decided to shift into her wolf form, as she wanted to get her arm free first.


(It was my first time, okay?)
Eric was outraged to see his Alpha bitten. Enough was enough. "I have had it!" He cried, and stamped a foot on Molloch's face. Several times. In the mean time, his fighting spirit only grew stronger. He licked his lips. He wouldn't normally be so excited, but kicking Molloch's ass was awesome. No question. "Cinder! You okay?" He called to her.
In some sense, he recognized that he was being struck very hard on the back of his neck. Right. Two arms. Then suddenly there was a foot on top of his head and he had to release Cinder's arm. More opponents? More he had to fight and kill to survive. It was all just survival right now, nothing so complex as arguments or morals or clan wars or species-wide threats. Only the right now.

Molloch went skittering back, shaking off the stunning blows from Eric and set off running away from them, travelling in a wide circle so that he would have momentum on his next attack. He didn't bother to attempt to mask his approach, instead only seeking to overpower them both. Who to target? Maybe the male. The female had already been wounded and would have to be mindful.

With lightning speed he leaped through the air, jaws wide open and ready to maim. He targeted the shoulder, hoping maybe a vital tendon or something could be torn and on of his arms would become useless. Take them apart, piece by piece. No hesitation.

@RedLikeRoses @DaManofWar
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Ranulf01 said:
In some sense, he recognized that he was being struck very hard on the back of his neck. Right. Two arms. Then suddenly there was a foot on top of his head and he had to release Cinder's arm. More opponents? More he had to fight and kill to survive. It was all just survival right now, nothing so complex as arguments or morals or clan wars or species-wide threats. Only the right now.
Molloch went skittering back, shaking off the stunning blows from Eric and set off running away from them, travelling in a wide circle so that he would have momentum on his next attack. He didn't bother to attempt to mask his approach, instead only seeking to overpower them both. Who to target? Maybe the male. The female had already been wounded and would have to be mindful.

With lightning speed he leaped through the air, jaws wide open and ready to maim. He targeted the shoulder, hoping maybe a vital tendon or something could be torn and on of his arms would become useless. Take them apart, piece by piece. No hesitation.

@RedLikeRoses @DaManofWar
Eric had partially shifted. He held his ground, and suddenly lunged forward, locking jaws with Molloch. He began viciously clawing him as well, hoping to make him back off. He was not in a losing mood. The only mood he was in was one of unbreakable will.
"Well. Considering my arm almost got torn off and my mate just died, I could be better!" She said through grunts of pain, putting a hand on her bloodied arm. Cinder, being the pessimist she was, had already admitted that she would have to say goodbye to Mrs. Lefty, her favorite arm. When Molloch started to turn around, the Alpha looked at Eric. "Eric, get out of here. I started this and I'm going to end it." But she was already to late, Molloch had lept at Eric's arm in hopes to attack him. Cinder couldn't do anything, not with a wounded arm. But it was good that they were at their camp. She used her telekinesis to bring a ragged t-shirt into her hands and began to wrap it around Mrs. Lefty. By using the t-shirt and a stick, she managed to make a make-shift tourniquet. By the time that she turned back towards the two boys, they were fighting viciously. "Come on, Eric, I said get out of here!" Impulsively, Cinder shifted into her wolf form (the tourniquet had been a waste of time) and lunged at Molloch, hoping to knock him away from Eric.

"Eric, get out of here. That is an order. If you stay you will be disobeying the Alpha of the Twilight Moon pack, and I will sentence you to exile." She said through a series of parks and yelps. Cinder was trying her hardest to get the two apart, clawing and biting at the fur of Molloch.


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It was all snapping jaws, rending claws, and snarling, with Molloch lost within the foggy expanse of his own mind. The male had met hid head on, so now he was circling, lunging, ripping, anything to get that extra damage in to turn the tide in his favor. The female was yelling something, but that was irrelevant. Now she had taken him from the side though and she couldn't be any more relevant. She wanted in? So be it.

He rounded on her with just long enough to try and get another savage blow in, alternating targets rapidly as needed, but there were cracks in what he did. Every now and then a leg would shake with stress, or a pounce would have a slight unsteadiness to it. That half-lidded eye was watching them both just as warily as his wide-open one.

Push through it, kill the pain and kill them.

Sure enough though, as he had said, Molloch was slowly ripping himself apart with the strain, but gods be damned if it didn't mean he was fighting them both off like a devil enraged.

@RedLikeRoses @DaManofWar

Leon was dragged through the forest, getting bumped by tree roots, rocks, and everything else on the forest floor. He cursed these stupid creatures with all his might as they led him further and further from his pack. Loneliness clawed at his chest but he ignored the feeling. Soon he smelled campfire smoke, and the familiar scent that these stupid creatures possessed. A few rushed up to the men who captured Leon, and bickered, throwing scared and angry glances at him. Leon just wagged his tail which sent jolts of pain due to the cramped conditions. There were more shouts, and Leon rolled his eyes until he felt a sharp pain on his nose. He opened his eyes to see what seemed to be a human child with a stick. It looked like Flora almost, and Leon looked away. Soon, they were dragging him again, and it seemed to be up a hill. More arguing. He would probably waste away in this net if they kept yelling. Is that how humans communicated? Leon felt the net being lifted, and his muscles immediately bunched up, ready to be used so he could sprint away. But, he felt a sharp pain in his neck. "Not today buddy." A feminine voice said, and Leon realized he couldn't move. His head dropped to the dirt, and all he could do was blink and breath. "Move him in the hut, would you? I don't have muscles!" Leon felt himself being rolled into a slightly darker place. The woman leaned in, right where Leon could see her. Her hair was pale as well as her skin, and tribal tattoos covered her. She gazed at him for a moment before talking in somewhat hushed tones. "I know what you are, shifter. My grandmother told me about your kind. You need to change skins." Leon processed this, but did as she told, shivering at the cold air that hit him. She tossed a deer skin blanket over him. "I paralyzed you, but it'll only be effective for a few more minutes." She rolled him on his back and poured something into his mouth, which he swallowed. "That will keep you in for human skin for a while, or until I give you the antidote. The people who captured you just think I'm domesticating you, and they fear me so no one will come up here to visit and realize what you are." He did notice the feelings returning, and as soon as he felt his legs he bolted towards the door, only to get knocked back. The woman sighed and turned away. "Put the blanket on please. And I'm not as stupid as you think. I put a spell on all the exits. Only I can exit and enter." Leon hissed through his teeth and pulled the blanket back over him, sitting on the ground in defeat. "What do you want, and makes you think I won't kill you?" He said in low tones. "I just wanted to study your kind. That's what I get out of this. And when you were able to move you went for the door, not me. You're an animal but you still have empathy." She smiled at the sulking male and started working on a mixture.
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An eerie feeling slowly consumed her, a shiver slowly resuming up her spinal-cord, which caused a slight shiver to produce followed by white goose-bumps. 'Something.. isn't right' Raven's eyes narrowed forward on the path she continued to follow, except this feeling continued to tug at her flesh as if it's notifying her of a warning. Then it hit her. A waft of metallic scent accumulated within her nostrils causing them to flare the blood already having that same familiar scent to it 'Cinder.' At that moment Raven automatically impaled her feet into the under-brush terrain, her bones cracking and rearranging into her Canis lupis form. Her shoulder-blades rippled revealing the strength behind the layers of flesh and fur, once her pallets hit the floor her speed already advanced to different momentum. She sprung her formality forward easily meandering throughout the trees without falter, she halted once reaching her residence. Her mass easily slithering behind the seldom of a tree gazing out at the scene ahead. Raven's eyes locked upon the three wolves from which her view she could register 'Erich, Molloch, and Cinder.' From what she could tell he was cornering both individuals and from his facial expression he had gone bonkers. Raven's silver-talons perforated into the soil giving her a solid ground, she immediately launched forward, her jaws being pried open to reveal her white enamels. She advanced at the sinistral side of Molloch and attempted to head-but him in the ribcage, however from her smaller form it took awhile before she could at least falter and knock him from his stability and possibly plummet him to the floor.



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At the start of a fight, Luna's eyes widened and she stood. There was no way she was going to stand and watch a fight between the Twilight Moon break out. No chance. When she had stood and found a clear passage among the forest, she changed forms and ran as fast as she could away from the danger zone. That Mollich wolf would and could easily tear anyone apart without a second thought, and she didn't want to risk that. She had to tell everyone about the fight that just broke out. As she ran, she saw a huge flock of jet black birds, and they seemed to caw blissfully. Luna pouted, avoiding the area completely- the birds freaked her out. She was oblivious to the fact that Sirius was there too.

With a small, exhausted groan, she moved a few more metres before changing forms. The grass was luscious and soft, easy to sleep on. Without a second thought, she crawled across and lay down, falling asleep as she did so. Running so far and fast within the day had wiped her of all energy completely; the others would have to wait.

@Zer0 (mentioned)
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That night, Sirius together with other members of his pack were stalking the hill where the humans took Leon. There were a handful of huts and the humans seemed to be building more. Braziers and torches lit the camp and lamps and candles shone in the huts. The men were gathered around fires eating and drinking. Vigilant guards were posted around the hill each armed with blades and a musket rifle.

The ravens that had been tailing the hunters told Sirius that Leon was in the hut with the closed windows. The ravens haven't been able to find a peek-hole, so two of them perched themselves on the roof listening to the conversation between the woman in the hut and his alpha.

It took Sirius three hours in his human form camouflaged in leaves and other vegetation to break his outline to stealthily reach the human camp without the guards noticing. One of the hunters who had been drinking, stepped out of the campfire and strode some ways away from their camp to pee. He was whistling some tune and during a break in the melody, while he was buttoning his pants up again, Sirius choke grabbed him the moment he turned his back to the trees and pulled him behind a bush.

The man gave a muffled cry of surprise, dropping his rifle, then fell silent when Sirius hunting knife pressed over his heart.

"Who are you, and why are you hunting wolves?" he growled. "Talk."

"W-were men from the kingdom of Atharvin." gasped the man. Sirius was still choking him in case he yelled. "We're hunting wolves to s-sell their skins to the monarch . . ."

"Who's the lady in the hut with the wolf?"

"I-I'm not telling you anything." the man struggled, but werewolves were much, much stronger than men.

Sirius choked the man to sleep. He stripped him of his clothes then bound and gagged him. He hid the unconscious man in a hollow surrounded by wild tall undergrowth and wore the man's clothes, mask, and blade. He hid his own clothes under a rock some ways away. Sirius stepped out casually from the forest carrying his bow, and picked up the rifle, unnoticed, assisted by the ravens who watched the camp. He hid his bow and arrows behind a pile of wood, untied his hair and strode among the men.

Every hut had a torch or lamp near it. In case this went south, he had ravens ready themselves to knock the torches and lamps into the huts. He looked for a well and was pleased that the men had not dug one up yet. He found rain barrels and punctured them when the ravens told him that no one was looking. The water dripped steadily from the holes.

'What would I do without you guys?' Sirius smiled inwardly at the ravens as he stood up and continued moving around, even greeting some of the men who just greeted him back.

'You'd be dead!' they laughed.

He caught a wiff of a strong chemical in one of the huts mixed with a somewhat familiar scent.

'Sirius, I don't think you should go in that one.' said a raven cautiously, but Sirius already knew. He smelled the same smell in the skinning rack they found in the abandoned human camp that morning.

Sirius entered the hut. It was windowless and stuffy. There were no lights. The light from the torches outside illuminated the scene and cast his shadow on the stretched out pelt of Loki, Twilight Moon's alpha. Sirius closed the door behind him, staring.

His eyes allowed him to see somewhat in the dark. The room was full of wolf pets. He smelled his old friends, friends who went missing days and weeks ago. Lifeless heads and mounted on the walls on wooden plaques looked down on him. There were Twilight Moon wolves here too. Then Sirius wondered, why did he leave the man he took these clothes from alive?

'Because he would've bled on the clothes.' said a raven. 'We will follow you, whatever you choose. Even to the Twilight Moon, we will support you.'

Sirius stepped out of the hut numbly.

"Hey, what were you doing in there?" said a man who grabbed his shoulder.

"Left my knife inside." Sirius showed his blade and continued walking. The man shrugged and went on his way too.

Sirius sat among a large group of men who were singing and eating around a campfire and took a swig from one of their mead.

"You okay, buddy?" asked one of the hunters looking at him curiously as Sirius bent down, holding the bottle in both hands.

"Yeah, just sleepy." lied Sirius. He was trying hard to control his rage. He looked up at their boisterous laughter and realized that one of the hunters was wearing a wolf-skin cloak and was acting out his taking down of a big black alpha wolf over in one of the islands.

"Hahaha! Good one, George!" clapped the hunters as the man finished telling his tale.

'George . . .' Thought Sirius memorizing his face . . . 'So you killed Loki . . . and skinned him . . .'

'Sirius!' cawed a raven.

Sirius caught himself in time to see his hands shifting into furry wicked paws. Sirius wrapped his cloak around himself in the pretense of being cold and left the campfire immediately.

He leaned against a tree willing himself to calm down. But he wanted to kill them all. Leon had better decide to exterminate these humans . . . or Sirius might consider joining Twilight Moon.

He leaned against the pile of wood where he hid his bow, wrapped his cloak around himself, pulled down his hood and pretended to go to sleep. Meanwhile he listened to the conversation that went inside the hut where Leon was kept through the ravens' ears. He readied himself to act the moment an opportunity arose to rescue their alpha.

@Coal , @RedLikeRoses
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Eric was about to reply to the Alpha's question, but Molloch's assault was damningly brutal. He snarled in pain, before swiping at him a ferocious upper cut, and then kicking him away. He placed himself between his Alpha and Molloch. "I'm sorry, Alpha," he told her, "but you're badly injured.y mother taught me never to leave anyone who needed help. No matter what." He turned to her, bowing in respect. "I consider it my duty. My obligation. If I could see you in prove yourself strong enough to hold back this savage brute." He coughed up blood, and collapsed to his knees. He snarled in anger, more at himself, and got to his feet. "Please, my alpha, let me aid you," he told her. "I am loyal to you as a servant is to his master. I cannot in good conscious leave you to fight alone. Please, my alpha, let me help you." Eric continued to change into a much larger wolf. He was wounded, but he would fight through to win.

@Ranulf01 @RedLikeRoses
Luna found herself within the hunters camp, along with many of her pack members. Sure, it was dangerous and yes, she had been told not to go, but she had gotten this far already, surely it would be okay? The camp was cool, with a burning fire and many huts surrounding it. One hut in particular caught her attention as she peered at it, but soon enough she peered away.

Hanging from some trees were nearby pieces of clothing, and she could just about reach if she stretched hard enough, and stood on her tiptoes. As she grabbed a large coat with a hood, the branch bent down before flinging back up with a loud rattle. Great, catching attention to herself already. With an embarrassed smile, she pulled it on. The sleeves over lapped her hands, and the torso part seemed reluctant to touch her. As she struggled, a hunter came over with a wild smile and slightly concerned expression.

"Heya, you okay?" He asked her softly, and her heart just about melted. Despite what he was, he was very good looking and she couldn't help but stare at him. "I-uh, yes. I'm good, just cold." The man chuckled a little and grabbed her arms with a gentle yet forceful pull and began to fold up the sleeves to her wrists. "There we go....But the next time you attempt to steal my clothing, try to be more subtle." Luna's cheeks lit up in a fiery blush and her eyes widened as she shifted her gaze. "I....I'm sorry....It won't happen again...Do you want it back?" As if she was being stupid, he shook his head and watched her every move.

Whilst putting her hands in the coat pocket, she felt the casing of a dagger, and pulled it out. The casing was a light brown leather and had small, delicate designs embroidered onto it. The boy watched her still.

"My name is Geoffrey. Yours?"

"L-Lu....Fiona!" She stifled, suddenly remembering that Sirius had given her that fake name.

"Are you sure you're okay? It seems as though you can't even remember your own name!" He chuckled. Couldn't Sirius have given her a name she could remember? Thinking about it, she frowned.

"Turn that frown....." Geoffrey mumbled, pinching her cheeks so it looked as though she were smiling. With a satisfied smile, he added, "Upside down!"

Luna turned around to look at Sirius with a wild expression. She wasn't sure she liked to be around humans, especially if they all acted innocent, when in real fact they were blood thirsty monsters. If only she felt strong enough to move away, but Geoffrey's stare seemingly held her to the spot.

With a wave, she finally made her way over to Sirius. Sitting next to him, she looked into his lap, noticing his paws. "Is something the matter?" She whispered into his ear, looking at his paws. No one had questioned her being there, and she assumed it was because she was wearing a hunters coat, so she blended in. Sirius looked tense and angry, and she felt the need to Comfort him. Placing a soft hand on his shoulder, she looked into his eyes with concern.


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xxbetaspiritxx said:
Luna found herself within the hunters camp, along with many of her pack members. Sure, it was dangerous and yes, she had been told not to go, but she had gotten this far already, surely it would be okay? The camp was cool, with a burning fire and many huts surrounding it. One hut in particular caught her attention as she peered at it, but soon enough she peered away.
Hanging from some trees were nearby pieces of clothing, and she could just about reach if she stretched hard enough, and stood on her tiptoes. As she grabbed a large coat with a hood, the branch bent down before flinging back up with a loud rattle. Great, catching attention to herself already. With an embarrassed smile, she pulled it on. The sleeves over lapped her hands, and the torso part seemed reluctant to touch her. As she struggled, a hunter came over with a wild smile and slightly concerned expression.

"Heya, you okay?" He asked her softly, and her heart just about melted. Despite what he was, he was very good looking and she couldn't help but stare at him. "I-uh, yes. I'm good, just cold." The man chuckled a little and grabbed her arms with a gentle yet forceful pull and began to fold up the sleeves to her wrists. "There we go....But the next time you attempt to steal my clothing, try to be more subtle." Luna's cheeks lit up in a fiery blush and her eyes widened as she shifted her gaze. "I....I'm sorry....It won't happen again...Do you want it back?" As if she was being stupid, he shook his head and watched her every move.

Whilst putting her hands in the coat pocket, she felt the casing of a dagger, and pulled it out. The casing was a light brown leather and had small, delicate designs embroidered onto it. The boy watched her still.

"My name is Geoffrey. Yours?"

"L-Lu....Fiona!" She stifled, suddenly remembering that Sirius had given her that fake name.

"Are you sure you're okay? It seems as though you can't even remember your own name!" He chuckled. Couldn't Sirius have given her a name she could remember? Thinking about it, she frowned.

"Turn that frown....." Geoffrey mumbled, pinching her cheeks so it looked as though she were smiling. With a satisfied smile, he added, "Upside down!"

Luna turned around to look at Sirius with a wild expression. She wasn't sure she liked to be around humans, especially if they all act to nicely, when in real fact they are monsters. If only she felt strong enough to move away, but Geoffrey's stare seemingly held her to the spot.

With a wave, she finally made her way over to Sirius. Sitting next to him, she looked into his lap, noticing his paws. "Is something the matter?" She whispered into his ear, looking at his paws. No one had questioned her being there, and she assumed it was because she was wearing a hunters coat, so she blended in. Sirius looked tense and angry, and she felt the need to Comfort him. Placing a soft hand on his shoulder, she looked into his eyes with concern.


(Edited it so Sirius was involved @Zer0)

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