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Fantasy The War Between Wolves

Sirius looked up, as though just realizing that he was angry again. He looked away, hesitating to speak for a moment. "I'm fine." he lied hiding his paws and pulling the mask he wore a bit lower.

"Anyway, Flora is such a handful, isn't she?" he smiled, changing the subject, although his smile didn't exactly reach his crimson eyes. "I wonder how Leon manages it. . . It must be hard being a father, an older brother, and the alpha at the same time-Did I make you angry when I stopped you from saving Leon?" he asked talking too fast.

Luna smiled and rolled her eyes noticing that he was still tense. "Don't even get me started on Flora, she is supposed to be watched over and she's always left on her own. It's not fair on her." As she spoke to him, she pulled his mask away a little so she could see him better. "And, it did annoy me a little, in fact, it aggravated me very much. But, Thankyou. I could've put you all in danger, and I'm sorry." With a sly smile, she added, "Besides, if we hadn't of been disturbed, I'm sure I could've won that fight between me and you." A playful glint glowed brightly within her forest green eyes.

Looking at his paws, she frowned again. "You really need to hide those, if you want to live that is." As she spoke she nudged him gently with her elbow and stood up, watching Geoffrey with a cold glare, and he returned it with a warm one. It must've been weird from another's perspective, to see the two glaring at each other with mixed emotions. Soon after, she ripped away from the state and looked back up at Sirius.

Sirius casually hid his paws under his cloak. The fur was shortening and his claws were smoothing into fingers. "A good talk with a friend always helps." he said smiling at Luna.

"You know," he said, resuming his casual air. "I was annoyed when you came here when you were told not to, but now I changed my mind. I'm glad you're here . . . sis." he grinned at her, his crimson eyes twinkling and he playfully bumped her shoulder.

"And . . ." he added haughtily, "I would have won that fight-I'm stronger than you." he said a-matter-of-factly.

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Luna scoffed. "Like hell you would." With a small grin, she returned the shoulder budge and stretched out her legs. In human form, her legs became tired very easily, and she didn't like it. Oh, how she wished she were able to change forms in the current moment, but it wouldn't of been possible. "And, I am of the same rank as you, so you can't really tell me what to do." She added with a smug smile.

They were sat on a bench that overlooked the fire, and she couldn't but stare at it, her eyes reflecting the swaying flames. With a quiet yawn, she leaned her back against Sirius' arm and tilted her head to look at the stars.

Flora was done waiting, she may be nothing more than a healer and the alpha's daughter but she was going to get her father back from the humans. She went back to the territory and grabbed her backpack, and filled it with a few herbs not that she needed any prepackaged but you never know, a book on human communication and some random human items. Her best bet was to seem like a lost girl in the woods, so she changed from her dirty clothes to a sort of camouflage dress and she sneaked into the woods, hopefully without any pack members noticing her. She ran to where she last saw her poor father, and used her wolf instincts from there, she traced it to a base.

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Zyra Eli'o

Zyra watched the sulking male occasionally as she mixed up a sleeping potion. She had to take the bottles to one of the elders since she wasn't getting enough rest. The shifter was handsome, but Zyra knew better. It was known that wolves, even shifters, mated for life and were fiercely loyal, probably more so than the males of this village. Not to mention shifters were some monstrosities. She poured all of the potion into separate small containers and attached them to her belt before rummaging through a basket in a separate room to find the and some clothes. Her shirts were way too small, but she did have some trousers and undergarments that seemed to be made for a man. Hey, just because she was the most isolated woman in the village didn't mean she hadn't gotten her fair share of action. She through the pants at him, and he quickly caught them and she turned as he put them on. "I'll be out for a bit, don't cause too much damage please." Zyra said, and he did nothing to acknowledge her and continued to stare holes into the dirt floor. Zyra walked out, feeling the spell allow her exit as she stepped out. She immediately sensed something off. She turned to face her hut, observing the intelligent birds on the roof. She had never trusted ravens; they were evil omens. Zyra's spell was still effective, and she started towards the bustle of the village. She knocked on the old woman's door, and her grandson answered. She gave him her best smile before stepping into the smoky hut. Incense burned, which was probably to calm the woman, but it made the whole hut feel suffocating. Zyra plopped down the vials, and held out her hand. The old woman was stingy and rude, but she still plopped down the bag, making Zyra's hands buckle as it landed in them. She opened the back and counted the silver bits, and gave the woman her medicine, satisfied. She greedily grabbed at the vials, uncorking one as soon as she got her hand on it. Zyra left without a word, typing the bag onto her belt and started towards her hut until she sensed something. She may have weak magic but she still could sense it. Zyra shrugged her shoulders and trudged back up the hill, entering the hut. The shifter hadn't moved. She knew he was hungry, and she pulled out some deer meat she had been drying and offered it to him. He sniffed them and soon started tearing into them. "Your friends are here in the camp, I'm sure of it." His ears perked at that, but his face remained impassive although she knew his mind was shifting gears as he processed this information. "You're still not leaving here until I get my information, so I suggest you sit tight." She heard him snort, his first reaction in hours. "They have abilities, we all do. They can rip this village apart if they wanted to." The shifter said coldly, but Zyra smirked. "I had most of the weapons laced with silver and wolfsbane over the past few days. If you're not familiar with such things I'll give you an example." She slipped the bag from earlier from her belt and took out a piece of the metallic, shiny object. He eyed it with curiosity until she placed it on his cheek. As expected, he let out an animalistic roar and leapt back, clutching his face. "Nasty effect huh? Imagine if it was in your system. I just needed confirmation if its were results were beneficial, and they are." She saw the mark on his face, and smiled. "I've discovered this interesting trick when I came across writing in an old book of my grandmothers and I had to try it out. Now, this world will be purged from you creatures. Now all I have to do is test what happens when it gets into the bloodstream, how much you can take, etc. Think of this as a test trial, an experiment if you will." She could still hear his muffled hisses of pain, and she rolled her eyes. That was nothing yet. She took the piece of silver and got some thick twine, similar to what the net they had captured the wolf in was made of. She got out her spellbook and rummaged through the pages, finally finding the proper spell. She didn't have to recite her spells, just say them in her mind with proper focus. The silver soon intertwined with the rope, causing stands throughout the length of rope to be covered in the metal. While it was still malleable she forcibly tied the shifters hands to one of the support beams, and she saw in his face he was feeling the effect of it. It wouldn't kill him, just make him extremely uncomfortable and in pain.What she was planning on later might be more fatal though.

(( My character turned out evil pretty quickly
xD ))

Flora was unsure of her plan to just run in there and ask for her father, probably not going to go good but she was going to have to take her chances and she couldn't just wait around for the pack to do anything not with them worrying about the Twilight pack 24/7. "Ugh! I wonder where the would have put him" she mumbled to herself before taking a deep breath and sneaking into the human's base. She smelled a slight scent of him, and she started tearing up 'Maybe this was a bad idea, putting myself in danger won't help him' she thought, "But I have to do it" she whispered to herself, before following the scent to a hut, she slightly peeked her head in and saw him, her dad, Leon! She gasped that he was in human form, 'How do I get him out of here now?! She thought. @Coal
With Raven's interference and Eric's change into an ever-growing threat in spite of his assault, the tide was beginning to turn against Molloch. The force of impact from Raven's charge was enough to send him skittering to the side, but not entire throw him off his feet. Leaping back a few feet to give himself some breathing room, he took an assessment of the situation.

Three threats, one with an invalidated arm, the other with numerous wounds but becoming stronger for it. A newcomer, fresh and energetic, but smaller. All three are working together.

He panted from the exertion, each breath fueling another heartbeat, each heartbeat pushing another drop of blood out of his system. He couldn't see through the fog of bloodlust, and that would continue until he was either dead, dying, or allowed to slowly pull himself out of his own frenzy. There hadn't been any previous cases where he was able to otherwise be calmed.

With a lurch, he leapt back into the fray, redoubling his ferocity to compensate for the addition of Raven.

@Raven @DaManofWar @RedLikeRoses
"The weapons in the camp are laced with silver and wolfsbane." Sirius told Luna and he spread the message to all the lycans whose minds were linked to him.

"Luna, please don't do something rash nor yell angrily if I tell you this," he said quietly as a pair of hunters passed them laughing, "but Flora is outside the hut where the tattooed witch is keeping Leon, she hasn't been discovered yet. The witch is also planning to test the limits of a weapon on him."

He turned and placed Luna in a gentle two-arm choke. "This is how you quietly grab someone from behind." Sirius instructed. "They won't be able to use their arms nor cry out; pull them quickly down and away from sight." he pulled her slightly. "The dagger you found in the clothes, you push it through here." he held an imaginary blade above Luna's heart.

"Me and some others are going to stealthily reduce the number of hunters in this camp before I tell the ravens to burn it." said Sirius, releasing her. "Allow me to cast 'Mind Link' on you."

Sirius stood up. "Good hunting to you, Luna." he said quietly, then walked off.

He instructed the lycans in the camp who followed him and were linked to him to move in pairs. They began by silently taking out the watchers in the edges of camp by choking them. He took his bow and sneaked his way slowly up the tallest hut in the center of the human camp, unnoticed, aided by the ravens.

There was a flock of them waiting below the hill ready to fly into the human camp. He didn't have to worry about paying them. The bodies that will litter the ground tonight will be enough to feed them for a week.

He rested on his belly and focused. Coordinating this many creatures needed a lot of concentration. Sirius was very happy with his ability. He may not be a melee fighter like the rest of his clan, nor was he remarkably strong, nor fast, but he can see almost everything and coordinate massive battle operations. He felt like he wielded death as the werewolves silently took out hunter after hunter at his command.

It took them half and hour of careful movement and hiding of bodies to clear the edge, the other werewolves who were waiting beneath the hill crept up to the safe areas and exchanged their clothes for those of the humans who were choked. Then as they came close to the more populated areas, Sirius had them move in fours since instead of taking out one, they had to take out four or five at once. He directed them to move to the places that were less populated. Many a times someone discovered them and was about to shout, but Sirius shot an arrow in their throats and they were taken down silently by the rest of his brothers. An hour passed of this painstakingly careful operation.

There was nothing they could do about the men who gathered in large groups around campfires. Open battle was inevitable. He had his brothers casually move around these men ready to attack. He told them to avoid the hut where they kept Leon as Flora was there and if they made a mistake she would be caught in a battle and might transform in front of the humans in her panic.

"Go." he told his ravens. A storm of black birds rushed into camp cawing and knocking down torches, lamps, and candles into the huts. Fire sprang up in many places. The bewildered hunters around the campfires shouted and fired their guns as the ravens clawed and pecked their eyes.

"Go." he told his brothers. The werewolves who had been mulling around leaped on the hunters transforming in mid-air and tore at them. Cries and shouts filled the night air. Sirius had some members of his pack wait beneath the hill. Their job was to put down the runners.

A loud boom as though something huge slammed on the door of the hut where Leon was kept.

'Sirius, we can't get to Leon!' said one of his brothers. 'The doors, windows, and walls won't fall!"



(OOC: @xxbetaspiritxx , it's up to you if you allowed Sirius to cast 'Mind Link' on you.)
Raven immediately landed to her pallets after the some-what non fulfillment of her advancement. Raven utilized the friction of the ground as an assistance to pivot upon her tetrad fore-paws and churn her mass towards Molloch, her amber eyes that had the correspondence of inferno contemplated the next assault of Molloch. Her silver-talons hooked into the grime of the territory already composing a different scheme at this point of time, she compressed her duo back-legs into the floor already elevating them to prepare them for launch. Raven observed at the moment he advanced and accelerated upon the trio, she soon propelled her mass forward. Her jaws pried ajar already revealing her white enamels from the loosening of her mouth, she soon enough grew smaller in distance of Molloch. At that very moment she sent the force in her back-legs to launch forward, she attempted to swing her head into the chest of the larger-male and possibly hook her teeth into the very nape, she used her front paws to thrust into the midsection of his chest and maybe even plummet his larger mass if by prosperity. "Enough of this. Look at us attacking each other, if what reason do you have to do this? Do you really wish to hurt our Alpha, Molloch or are you far too gone for that. If you would at least try to open up your eyes look at the charade you caused, you injured our Leader and I will not stand for it, I'll end you myself if you continue this stupidity."



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Luna pouted when Sirius left her because she was beginning to enjoy his company. Her face lit up in excitement when she was taught a fighting move, and she nodded at his question, allowing him to cast mind link on her. If Flora was here, that couldn't be helped, neither could the anger that was burning inside of her. Flora was like herself when Luna was younger, but more gentle and not as stubborn. Sighing, Luna stood and walked away, just exploring the camp.

Gasping, she frowned as she was suddenly pushed back into a tree, her eyes wide and bewildered. Geoffrey. His smirk was wild and playful, and he moved one hand to caress her check as he leaned down, his lips inches away from hers. With an angry slap, she shoved him away.

"Hey, hey, hey." He exclaimed, stroking his red cheek and pulling her closer. "No one has turned me down yet, and I'm not intending for that to start now."

Luna was just about to attack, but she remembered Sirius' words. The choke lock....But he was too tall, and she couldn't reach his throat properly. How did this damn mind link thing work?! She grabbed for the dagger slowly, and he didn't notice until she had it pushed just about his heart. With a whole hearted chuckle, he simply pushed her shaking hands away and twisted so the dagger was pushing against her throat. The dagger, If pushed correctly, would puncture her jugular and she would bleed out.

"Help," she screamed in her mind as she stifled for breath. "Please! Somebody help!!!"

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'Be strong, he's not after your life.' said Sirius smoothly. 'You can do it, you are a beta wolf and the fastest in the Burning Sun.'

"Put him off guard, then surprise him with an upwards palm thrust to his jaw. He won't be able to see you for a second, in that moment rip his throat with your other claw." a raven flapped above them and rested on the branch, looking at Luna. Two others descended and settled on another tree behind Geoffrey.

The two ravens cawed loudly at him until he got annoyed and turned his head to look at them.

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Luna winced as Sirius spoke, and she reluctantly agreed. "I'm sorry, Geoffrey....Let's try this again." She forced a small, playful smile as he released her. With a deep breath, she planted both of her hands on either sides of Geoffrey's face and pressed her lips against his, kissing him fiercely. He seemed taken aback, but placed his hands on her hips. Her hands roamed up his chest and wondered on his neck until she could feel a strong pulse; before he knew what was happening, she had sliced open his throat, pulling away from the kiss as she watched him bleed with a sour expression.

Distastefully, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and shook it around. That was the first time she had kissed and killed someone- the feeling was exhilarating. Her eyes glew red with blood thirst as she watched, before turning away and rubbing her temples.

Geoffrey was gripping onto his throat tightly, his blood seeping onto his hands as he silently screamed. Luna just watched, bewildered. She had just killed someone....She killed another living being. Momentarily, it seemed as though her mind had been wiped completely. It was only because she was caught up in it all....He would've hurt her otherwise. Then, she realised she still had mind link, and she could tell Sirius was watching her from the eyes and ears of the Ravens.

"I did it my way, Sirius. Seeing as I can't fight." She mumbled nonchalantly, stumbling over the boy who was on the floor motionless. As well as a milestone, it was also traumatic, and she couldn't stop replaying the moment in her mind. Kissing, then blood. Affection, then murder. Kindness then death. It made her grin. Why did her grin look so sadistic? She wasn't sure. Now she was blindly following the forest floor around the camp, unsure of what to do with the evil man's body. She continued to wipe her mouth vigorously.

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'Are you alright?' asked Sirius. The three ravens were following Luna. 'Would you like to talk or let the ravens to lead you to a safe quiet place?'

Eric nodded. "Agreed. This violence must end now," he told Molloch and Raven. He nodded in acknowledgement to the Alpha. "I shall get going," he said, and then left, having decided to obey her rather than risk banishment. Everything seemed under control. Truth be told, he admired Raven, and though highly of her. She was a strong fighter, and loyal. With humans on the island, he was going to have to take some serious action to defend his pack. And Burning Sun of course. He believed in peace, not war.

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Luna shook her head with a large pout. "I can still feel his lips on mine." She sulked out loud, wiping her lips again. When he suggested going to a quiet place, she nodded. What she had done was evil, she had killed someone....Her heart pumped in her mouth as she breathed. With a small shrug, she looked over at the Ravens, pausing just to watch them. "Can you see me?" She had asked softly, her eyes shifting to each of the three Ravens.

The rough speed of the wind made her stumble slightly, but she stabilised herself on a nearby tree with a small sigh. A murderer. That's what she was. It wasn't her intentions to have to kill anybody, and now she was scarred and bewildered. It was so easily done too, the tricking, and the killing. Why couldn't it have been harder? Why did he have to die due to her actions? She didn't want to be labelled as a killer, despite the fact that most people in her pack killed for enjoyment.

'Yes, I can.' said Sirius, concerned. He couldn't read her thoughts, his spell only allowed him to hear what she was willing to let him hear.

But sometimes, the emotions of those he's linked with would unconsciously slip into his thoughts when they were stressed or unused to his spell, like what was happening right now.

He didn't know what to say to Luna to comfort her. He wanted to tell her that it wasn't her fault, that she killed that human because he told her to, but a wise friend of his had advised him that pointing out logical things or offering solutions to a female who is upset is a bad move. Something he didn't understand, but heeded. They didn't like it if you tell them it's going to be alright either.

The ravens led Luna down a long southward slope where a small pond dotted with lilies glimmered under the light of the silver moon. Crickets sang their songs and a few frogs retreated into the water when the ravens fluttered past. The night air was crisp, cool, and sweet about them. Glowing fireflies blinked in and out of the cattails and settled themselves on the deep springy grass.

The ravens showed Luna a bush of wild strawberries growing at the foot of a mossy boulder.

'Does this place make you feel better, Luna?' asked Sirius slowly.

Luna smiled gratefully at the new and beautiful surroundings, they did seem to calm her down a little. As quick as a blink, she had whipped over to the pond, cupping a small lily in her hands. This part of the forest was so stunning, and brought masses of joy to her spirit. "A little," she mumbled, falling into the water. However, she didn't really fall, she purposely dunked herself in. The water seemed to soothe her too, especially when she knew that all the little creatures were around her.

(Short reply, I'm sorry I'm busy.)

'Alright.' said Sirius, relieved.

His guilt alleviated a little. He was going to have to tell Leon later that he made his sister kill a human, he wondered what his alpha was going to do, he was starting to doubt whether his decision was wise. Sirius shook his head, he was commanding a battle, now wasn't the time to worry about questions that could not be answered.

'I'm going to return to the battle.' He told Luna. 'I won't be able to talk to you for a while. The ravens will take care of your needs.'

Mugin the raven perched himself on Sirius' shoulder. 'You know, if you're not careful, you're going to take an arrow to the knee.'

'What?' asked Sirius, uncomprehending. He switched his vision back to his own surroundings and carefully looked around. 'I'm on my belly, what they'd probably hit is my head.'

Mugin snickered at him.

(OOC: Dear readers, please assume the conversation between Sirius and Luna happened before the ravens rushed into the camp and began knocking down torches and lamps. @xxbetaspiritxx , no problem.)
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Luna sighed and nodded. She was hoping that she'd still be able to talk to Sirius, but of course, he had to battle. With a frown, she clambered out of the pond, her clothes beginning to stick to her skin. "Can I at least help in the battle?" She asked, hoping to contribute in the fight to rescue her brother. Then, she began to wonder what he would have to say about her killing someone. At this point, she had come to the conclusion that she wouldn't be able to stop scrubbing her lips because she continued to feel Geoffrey's.

Grimacing, she looked around to see if she could see anyone: no. Using her super speed, she ran around the pond multiple times in an attempt to dry off and it worked, quite well actually. With a smug grin, she stretched up to her full height, and sat back down, awaiting Sirius' answer, if he even would reply.

((Yo guys, I'm gonna be a little bit busy until the weekend. I trust those that I'm roleplaying with to mildly control my character so that the roleplay may advance for those people.))
RedLikeRoses said:
((Yo guys, I'm gonna be a little bit busy until the weekend. I trust those that I'm roleplaying with to mildly control my character so that the roleplay may advance for those people.))
((okay...NOT IT))
'I thought you didn't need to ask permission from me,' said Sirius, humored, 'seeing as we have the same rank. Could it be that you actually think that I'm superior?' he remarked slyly.

'But kidding aside, if it's alright with you to kill humans, then come and join the battle. If not, then, you'll have to help in your own way.' said Sirius, siriusly (pun intended).

The fires spread quickly around the village. Half an hour later, the bodies of the hunters who had been cheerfully laughing and drinking around the campfires lay scattered around the area. The werewolves were moving around, poking corpses and finishing off those who were still alive, or searching for those who were hiding. Three werewolves died in the battle and twenty were injured, but the humans who died numbered more than seventy and it was still rising as the ravens circled around counting the dead.

Sirius had some pack members enter into the hut where the fur pelts of their brethren hung and they took them out before they burned; a pair of werewolves also captured and bound two hunters including "George", the one who killed and skinned Loki. The prisoners had small sacks over their heads so they couldn't see.

Those who waited beneath the hill finished off the runners easily-humans can't see in the dark, including those with torches who attracted the pursuing werewolves like moths drawn to a fire.

But still they couldn't enter the hut where Leon was kept. Sirius had it surrounded by the wolves, waiting. They stopped trying to break the door down in case the witch would panic and kill Leon.

He leaped from the roof and landed light as a feather in front of the hut, hood over his crimson eyes that were reflecting the orange glow from the fires through the mask he wore.

"Take as many of our brothers as you need and begin destroying the huts and cutting down the surrounding trees so that the fires won't spread to the forest." he ordered a lycan who bowed, but Sirius stopped him mid-way. "Don't bow" he said sharply, "that's how they can identify wolves with rank. Don't call me Beta either."

"Yes, Sirius." said the lycan and went off with a dozen werewolves.

"What now?" asked one of Sirius' friends who followed him.

"Now we negotiate." said Sirius.

@Coal , @xxbetaspiritxx
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Luna frowned, realising that what she had said contradicted what she had mentioned earlier. With a playful growl, she thought to him. "Okay, okay, you got me. I do suppose you're some what superior, you are managing the whole fight by yourself after all, kudos to you." She mumbled sarcastically, "But then again, I suppose I am superior because I would so beat you in a fight. So I suppose we are even." Sharply, she whizzed through the forest without the Ravens, asking various creatures where to go in order to find herself at the human hideout.

Soon enough, the creatures of the forest led her to the human hideout, of which she looked startled to have seen so many lifeless bodies laying like pieces of art on the floor. It even, momentarily, brought a smile to her lips. When, eventually, she found herself with the rest of the werewolves, she bit the inside of her cheek and peered around. There seemed to be some sort of ruckus surrounding one hut in particular, she even heard the word 'Leon' several times from the lycans around her.

Without a seconds thought, she pushed through all the wolves to the door, her hands pulling on the handle until she realised it must have been enchanted. "Dumb witch." She snarled under her breath, looking at a small red patch on her hand. Of course, as well as charmed, the door handle was laced in silver. However, it didn't affect her much. When she had been seen by a few of the others, they tried to pull her away from beside the door, but she just stuck her feet in the ground and refused to budge. It wasn't long before they gave up.

Trying to take another approach, she crawled around the side of the hut. From where she was, she could smell Leon's strong and distinctive scent. This made her furious when she continued to sniff. And then she saw Flora.

With a quick movement, she picked up Flora and held her in her arms. "Look, Flora. You need to stay out of trouble. It isn't wise to put yourself in such dangerous situations. Soon enough, your brother will literally tie you to the camp if you continue to be a little pain." She said softly, tickling Flora's side when she said 'pain' with a smile. "Trust me, he's done it to me before because I was much worse than you have ever been. Embrace your freedom, but don't take advantage of it. Okay, Flora the snorer?" Grinning, she placed her back on the floor and held her close to herself. There was no point in attempting to keep her away at this time being, Flora was already involved.


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[QUOTE="RedLikeRose: 5050516]((Yo guys, I'm gonna be a little bit busy until the weekend. I trust those that I'm roleplaying with to mildly control my character so that the roleplay may advance for those people.))

How do you mildly control your character? Is there anything particular we can't do?

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